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Reginaldo Christophori Lake
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Jl. Cak Doko No. 52, Oetete Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur
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Published by CV. Gio Architect
ISSN : 29874033     EISSN : 29871131     DOI : 10.59810/archimane
ARCHIMANE Journal of Architecture and Human Experience publishes articles on architecture from various perspectives, encompassing both literary and fieldwork studies. The journal focuses on several aspects, including: 1. Architectural Design matters 2. Housing and Urban Design 3. Vernacular and Architecture Heritage 4. Architectural Science and Technology 5. Interdisciplinary Architecture 6. Other discussions concerning Local Architecture 7. Architectural conceptual ideas Serving as a platform for the examination of Architecture in developing nations, the journal supports in-depth studies of specific themes and interdisciplinary research related to the subject. It serves as a means of exchanging ideas and research discoveries from diverse educational traditions, promoting scholarly interactions, and facilitating the dissemination of local architectural research to the international community.
Articles 15 Documents
From Heritage to Identity: The Role of City Authenticity in Shaping Local Community Identity and Cultural Preservation Eko Nursanty; Djudjun Rusmiatmoko; Muhammad Fahd Diyar Husni
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 2 (2023): October
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i2.17


This comprehensive study aims to investigate the role of urban heritage authenticity in shaping citizen identity, with a specific focus on historic cities. By examining the relationship between the perceived authenticity of urban heritage and citizen identity, this research sheds light on the significance of authenticity in interpreting cities' historical evolution and identity. The study employs a three-dimensional measure of urban identity, encompassing cognitive, affective, and evaluative aspects, to establish a connection between urban identity and citizen participation in local initiatives through personal and social norms. To comprehensively explore the impact of city authenticity on citizen identity formation, the research utilises a combination of survey questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. Three prominent historic cities also serve as case studies: Kampung Kauman in Surakarta, Kampung Laweyan in Surakarta, and Kampung Trusmi in Cirebon. This study contributes to our comprehensive understanding of the role of urban heritage authenticity in shaping citizen identity. The research emphasises the significance of authenticity in interpreting the historical evolution and identity of cities, showcasing its influence on citizens' perceptions, engagement in local initiatives, and overall sense of place. The case studies are practical examples of how authenticity fosters community identity and cultural heritage preservation. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for urban planners, policymakers, and community stakeholders, guiding their efforts to promote and preserve the authentic character of historic cities.
Implementasi Konsep-konsep Arsitektur Perilaku dalam Perancangan Study and Co-Working Space di Kota Kupang Maria Sovia Monica Banamtuan; Linda Welmintje Fanggidae; Ariency Kale Ada Manu
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 2 (2023): October
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i2.18


Tekanan pekerjaan dan beban studi yang berat membuat banyak orang yang tinggal di kawasan urban, seperti di Kota Kupang, menginginkan ruang kerja dan belajar yang lebih informal dan rekreatif. Ruang kerja konvensional, seperti di kantor, sekolah, atau rumah, dinilai kurang memadai. Kedai kopi dan restoran kerap menjadi pilihan tempat untuk belajar dan bekerja. Fenomena perilaku ini memicu kebutuhan akan ruang kerja yang lebih bersifat informal, rekreatif, dan fleksibel. Perancangan fasilitas study and co-working space di Kota Kupang dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Karena fasilitas ini dirancang untuk menanggapi fenomena perilaku yang relatif baru, pendekatan yang paling tepat adalah arsitektur perilaku. Perancangan ini menerapkan beberapa konsep arsitektur perilaku dalam prosesnya, seperti ruang personal, teritorialitas, seting perilaku, dan persepsi lingkungan. Konsep tersebut diterapkan di semua skala desain, mulai dari rencana tapak hingga desain interior ruangan. Dengan implementasi yang konsisten dan menyeluruh seperti ini, diharapkan akan menghasilkan desain arsitektur yang dibentuk sesuai dengan perilaku pengguna, namun jika diperlukan juga dapat membentuk perilaku pengguna.
Arsitektur Ergonomi pada Fasilitas Komersil Living World Mall di Denpasar Bali Frysa Wiriantari; Desak Made Sukma Widiyani
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 2 (2023): October
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i2.22


Living Word Mall is a commercial facility located on Jalan Gatot Subroto Timur, North Denpasar. Its attractive design invites a lot of people's attention to visit. As a commercial facility that accommodates many users, especially visitors, Living World Mall should apply ergonomic architecture as part of its design. This research will focus on the implementation of ergonomics architecture at the Living World Mall commercial facility in Denpasar Bali in terms of safety, comfort and productivity. These three things will be accompanied by accessibility facilities such as ramps and stairs, space spacing and building health (building physics) which are applied to Living World Mall commercial buildings. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Some of the primary data were obtained from field observations and also the results of interviews with visitors who were active in the mall. Interviews with users were conducted to find out the problems that exist at the research locus to find alternative solutions. The purpose of this research is to examine the use of ergonomic architecture in Living World Mall. The use of qualitative descriptive research methods can be used as a reference in our research because we aim to describe the conditions observed specifically in this area. The results of the study show that the design of Living World Mall has implemented a design that refers to ergonomics for its users. Although there are several parts that need more emphasis primarily related to safety, comfort and productivity factors.
Himne sebagai Inspirasi Konsep Redesain Gereja Baptis Efrata di Bandung Agus Dody Purnomo; Agustinus Nur Arief Hapsoro; Angel Brielle Yap; Chelsea Angelica Kahagi
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 2 (2023): October
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i2.23


The Efrata Baptist Church in Bandung was established in 1967 planning renovations to increase the congregation's capacity. Building renovations put more emphasis on optimizing the existing buildings. For this reason, it is necessary to redesign, among others: seating capacity, interior atmosphere, baptismal pool, and building facades. The design objective is to prepare a church design that is functional and has a narrative of Christian values. The method uses a design method with a semiotic approach. The design stage starts from data collection, data analysis stage, synthesis stage to the application of the design concept. The redesign concept was inspired by the lyrics of the Cwm Rhondda hymn. This is because music and church cannot be separated. And one genre of church music that is familiar with the Baptist church is hymns. The lyrics of the Cwm Rhondda hymn are applied through the architectural elements of the church.
Transformasi Arsitektur sebagai Pendekatan Desain Kapela di Desa Boti, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Ria Rangga Alexander Bhadjowawo; Apridus Kefas Lapenangga
ARCHIHUMANUM Vol 1 No 2 (2023): October
Publisher : CV. Gio Architect

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59810/archimane.v1i2.62


Desa Boti merupakan satu-satunya desa di kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan dengan kampung adat yang masih memegang teguh tradisi dan kepercayaan agama suku yang disebut halaika. Kampung adat berada di tengah-tengah wilayah desa dan dikenal dengan Boti Dalam serta dusun-dusun yang mengelilingi Boti Dalam dikenal dengan Boti Luar. Masyarakat Boti Luar sudah memeluk agama yang diakui resmi oleh pemerintah, salah satunya adalah agama Kristen Katolik. Pada saat ini di desa Boti sudah terdapat sebuah bangunan peribadatan agama Kristen Katolik, yaitu Kapela Santo Yohanes Rasul. Kondisi bangunan Kapela saat ini sudah cukup memprihatinkan sehingga perlu dilakukan perancangan ulang dengan mempertimbangkan aspek kebudayaan sehingga dapat menjadi idensitas umat setempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan prinsip Transformasi Arsitektur sebagai strategi pendekatan dalam perancangan bangunan Kapela Santo Yohanes Rasul, Boti, Timur Tengah Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif (mixed methods). Data kualitatif berupa prinsip-prinsip desain transformasi arsitektur diperoleh melalui studi literatur dimanfaatkan sebagai panduan desain. Desain dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan data-data kuantitatif untuk membentuk model 3 dimensi dari bangunan kapela yang direncanankan.

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