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Versanudin Hekmatyar
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Proceeding International Seminar on Social Work Update
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30253233     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
The ISSW invites social work / social welfare researchers, social work practitioners, lecturers, and student to contribute scripts within the scope of social work sciences, with priority topics / issues on: Social work practice in social protection Social work practice in social rehabilitation Social work practice in social empowerment
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 15 Documents
A Qualitative Study of Prevention and Intervention Policies on Sexual Violence Against Children in Cirebon City Teguh Widodo; Mario Ekoriano; Afifah Afifah; Frida Kurniawati
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 1 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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This study is motivated by an increasing trend of child sexual abuse recently in Indonesia.  The initial assumption is that the rampant incidence of sexual abuse is due to the non-optimality of the eight family functions. This study aims to analyze how child sexual abuse prevention and intervention policies are carried out by local governments. This research is qualitative, taking samples regionally in Cirebon City. Data were collected through social worker reports when a case response occurs.  Confirmation was carried out to check the truth of the incident and observe the condition of the victim and his family.  The analysis was carried out by looking at the case records carried out by social workers. Focus group discussion to obtain information on various programs and activities carried out by the local government related to the efforts of preventing sexual child abuse.  The results showed that intervention efforts have been carried out by both local government and community elements. There were overlaps in their duties and functions.  The causes of sexual child abuse were carried out by people who were the closest to the victim’s relative.  The first sexual experience and so on will have an impact on the possibility of a further sensation of the next sexual stimulation. Most of the victims have only a single parent either a mother or father. They were alive or died in divorce so they lose the figure of his/her parents' profile as a protective person. This study recommends that sexual violence prevention policies should be integrated into the relief process. Prevention of sexual violence against children prioritizes the improvement of eight family functions by emphasizing family resilience. Keywords: child sexual abuse, family resilience, child sexual violence, parenting
Countering Social and Cultural Constructs Towards Women: Realizing Gender Justice in The Household Yulianti Yulianti; Nadya Kharima
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 1 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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The social and cultural constructions that develop in society have been formed so that there is an assumption that a mother is the most responsible person in the upbringing of children. But basically childcare is a shared responsibility between husband and wife.  Even though the mother is the first school for her children, the father also has a great responsibility in the upbringing of the child.  Then, mothers are not only given great responsibility in childcare, social and cultural constructions in Indonesia form that a wife or mother must be able to do housework and the husband is responsible for providing a living. The purpose of this study, researchers want to see how a mother eliminates the constructions that develop in society in realizing gender justice and equality in the household. The research method in this study is a descriptive qualitative method because it is to discuss the research results comprehensively. Data collection in this study used interviews with two young mothers.  The results in this study show that in realizing gender justice in the household, each couple must prepare for marriage in terms of science and mentality so that each other understands each other regarding their respective roles and responsibilities. responsible for childcare and domestic work. and the establishment of a culture of communication in carrying out the division of roles in order to the emergence of justice in the household
Collaborative Supervision in the Implementation of Social Assistance in Sumedang Regency Atirista Nainggolan
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 2 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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This research refers to the implementation of the distribution of social assistance for the poor in Sumedang Regency. The implementation of social assistance for the poor empirically experienced many problems, one of which was an error in the target household data. The implication is that many citizens should be entitled to receive social assistance but do not receive social assistance, on the other hand, citizens who can receive social assistance should not be entitled to receive social assistance. Based on these problems, collaborative monitoring is needed to ensure the policy runs as it should. This supervision is carried out to ascertain whether the target of social assistance is following the criteria that have been previously set or if there is an error or discrepancy in the targeting of the social assistance program. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. The data collection used is an in-depth interview, observation, and documentation study. Meanwhile, the technique of checking the validity of the data uses the credibility test, transferability test, dependability test, and confirmability test. The results showed that there has been no collaborative supervision effort on the implementation of social assistance policies intended for poor families in Sumedang Regency. The supervision process is carried out using a closed internal control model, where other parties including the community do not have access to carry out supervision. Based on this, it is necessary to reconstruct the supervision model for the implementation of social assistance that allows collaboration between stakeholders in the field of supervision to produce an integrated and synergistic monitoring system.
Collaborative Social Service Model in Handling People with Social Problems in West Java Admiral Nelson Aritonang; Suharma Suharma; Versanudin Hekmatyar
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 1 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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The objective of this study is to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of collaborative social service models in dealing with people with social problems in West Java. The research was conducted using a sequential explanatory design that combined quantitative and qualitative data. The sample of the study consisted of social service providers and people with social problems who had used the collaborative social service model. The data were collected through interviews, questionnaires, and documentation studies. The data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics, content analysis, and thematic analysis. The findings showed that the collaborative social service model in West Java had improved the quality of social services in terms of speed, accuracy, and completeness. The collaboration between social service providers had increased the effectiveness and efficiency of services. The establishment of the Integrated Social Service Center (PLST) had also provided a one-stop service for people with social problems. However, community participation in the model still needed improvement to ensure the sustainability of the services. In conclusion, the collaborative social service model in West Java has provided a comprehensive and integrated approach to handling people with social problems. The model has improved the quality of social services provided by increasing collaboration and establishing a one-stop service center. However, community participation is crucial to ensure the sustainability of the services.
Analysis of children and youth social problems within the European Union Adele Della Pieta
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 1 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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The objective of the research is to analyse the social problems encountered by minors within the European Union. The first chapter focuses on the role of the social work within the child protection system; the study is carried out by comparing the child protection system in Italy and Latvia. The second part of the research takes the European Union as a case study, initially analysing the rights and advantages that a young European citizen has. Secondly, the most relevant social problems for young Europeans are analysed, such as lack of employment, drug use and addiction and the possibility of being bullied and cyber-bullied. The research was conducted by analysing secondary data (scientific articles, EU reports, EUROSTAT statistics, journal of youth studies). The results highlighted by the research were reported in the first part of the study, within the comparison between Italy and Latvia, where a difference in the development of a protection system for minors is found. On the contrary, the analysis at the European level, where social issues are shared by young European citizens, is balanced. In conclusion, it is possible to point out that both at the national level and at the international level of the EU there are child protection systems and laws that specifically deal with the social problems of young people; nevertheless, it is relevant to emphasise that each State has a different situation. Keywords: Child protection, social problems, children, youth, the European Union
Integration of Youth into the labor Market for Combating Youth Unemployment: A European Perspective MD Habibur Rahman; Brelyantika Indra Jesa
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 1 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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Young people's integration in European countries into the job market has become a serious societal issue, owing to its long-term influence on life prospects. However, the overall increase in youth unemployment concerns the European Union (EU), which has initiated several youth-specific policy measures in the previous decade. Integrating young people into the labor market is a priority for European policymakers and the European Social Fund. Recent governmental measures, such as the Youth Guarantee, the European Partnership for Apprenticeships, and Smart Specialization, reflect increased concern and efforts to promote youth skills, engagement, employability, and enterprises' financing and training capabilities. Therefore, The study aims to evaluate the policy approaches and their implementations for integrating Youth into the EU labor market. Following the conceptual research approach, this study reviewed 26 research papers from different secondary data sources and the authors used their own research experiences and insights to analyze the contemporary policies for youth integration in European countries. At the same time, this research attempts to review the impacts of the youth guarantee in EU countries and the financial disparities between policy and implementation for youth integration in the EU labor market. Finally, some recommendations are added at the end to improve the situation. Keywords: Youth Integration, Labor Market, European Union, Youth Unemployment
Domestic Violence: Parental Alienation and Emotional Distress in Families Oluwaseun Jegede
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 1 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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The dynamics of emotional violence inside a family are investigated in this study. The term "parental alienation" refers to the process by which one parent intentionally influences a child to dislike the other parent. This can happen in either or both households. A number of academics have arrived at the conclusion that this behavior constitutes child abuse, while others have identified it as a type of domestic violence that occurs in families. According to the findings of this study, there has been very little research done on the subject of parental alienation, and parents can sometimes find themselves in the role of either the alienating parent or the targeted parent. As a result, this research examines previous empirical studies on the topic of parental alienation in an effort to increase awareness of the issue within families. Keywords: parental alienation, emotional distress, family domestic violence
Student’ Adjustment to Changes in Online to Offline Learning at SMP Pasundan II Garut District Garut Regency Nurjanah Nurjanah
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 1 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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Online learning since the Covid-19 pandemic has demanded adjustments for students in the online learning process, but when entering education for the 2021/2022 school year, several schools in Indonesia have started Face-to-face Learning (PTM) so students must immediately make adjustments in the learning process in Indonesia class. As a general formal education institution, SMP Pasundan II Garut, students are always required to be able to adapt to current conditions in the school environment. Students' enthusiasm for learning decreases and they become less disciplined towards the PTM process in class due to habits in the previous online learning process. This study is intended to determine the adjustment of students who are following the PTM process at SMP Pasundan II Garut. The aspects that are examined in this student's adjustment are adjustment to real appearance, groups, social attitudes and personal satisfaction. This research uses quantitative methods and this type of research uses census research with quantitative descriptive methods. The sample in this study were all 52 students. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and documentation studies. Based on the results of the study, it showed that self-adjustment to the real appearance was in the moderate category, namely 1,098 points, for the low category group, namely 1,011 points, for social attitudes in the low category, namely 944 points, for personal satisfaction was in the high category, namely 1,197 points. students have a tendency towards personal satisfaction. Pasundan II Junior High School students still have not made good adjustments to changes in online to offline learning. The researcher's suggestions relate to development policies & programs that touch students' self-adjustment in the face-to-face learning process. Further research on self-adjustment needs to be carried out with research subjects of students in schools who have just implemented face-to-face learning, especially in remote areas. Keywords: Adaptation, Students, Changes in Online to Offline Learning, Pasundan II Middle School
Micro Business Assistance Model in Bogor Regency and Banjar City West Java Province Epi Supiadi; Wawan Heryana; Popon Sutarsih
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 2 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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The large number of micro-entrepreneurs amid high poverty rates has encouraged research with the aim of finding and developing models of micro-enterprise assistance in Bogor Regency and Banjar City, with problematic subs: (1) Problems and potential for micro-enterprises; (2) The initial model for micro business assistance; and (3) The final model of micro business assistance. The method used is research and development with a quantitative and qualitative approach to descriptive statistical analysis, using the Accidental Sampling Technique to produce a main sample of 91 respondents and a supporting sample of 12 informants. Micro business problems include: capital with an index of 0.73; marketing with an index of 0.58; raw materials with an index of 0.64; technology with an index of 0.62; Management with an index of 0.68; Bureaucracy with an index of 0.50; infrastructure with an index of 0.55; partners/business networks with an index of 0.71. Potential to reach index 0.88. The initial model of mentoring includes planning; general data identification; excavation and deepening of problems; and follow up. The conclusions of the study: (1) the number of problems and the potential for micro-enterprises and assistance is higher in Bogor Regency than in Banjar City; (2) the development model for micro business assistance includes: preparation of a work plan; build relationships; identification and analysis of problems and assistance needs; draw up a solution plan; implementation of solutions; monitoring and evaluation; termination; further guidance. Keywords: Mentoring Model, Micro Enterprises, Problems and Potential.
The Self-reliance of Micro Business Agents at Nagrak Village Darangdan Sub District Purwakarta District Nurrohmi Nurrohmi
International Seminar on Social Work Update Vol 1 No 2 (2023): ISSW
Publisher : Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung

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Self-reliance is readiness and capacity of individual to stand alone characterized by taking initiatives, solving problems without other people’s help. Self-reliance is usually characterized by taking self-determination, being creative, and initiative, organizing behavior, taking responsibility, and being able to control himself. This research aimed to describe self-reliance of micro business agents consisting of seven aspects. This study used descriptive qualitative method. 45 respondents were obtained using simple random sampling technique. Data collection used questionnaires and document study. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic. The results showed that the self-reliance of the micro business agents was categorized very high. Independence aspect was 1119 of the 1260 ideal score; Initiative aspect was 990 of the 1260 ideal score; Self-confidence aspect was 1116 of the 1260 ideal score; Responsibility aspect was 1135 of the 1260 ideal score; Self-assertiveness was 1089 of the 1260 ideal score; Decision making was 1069 of the 1260 ideal score; and Self-control aspect was 1117 of the 1440 ideal score. From the seven aspects, Initiative was the lowest one with 990 of the 1260 ideal score. It needs to be developed. Nevertheless, the Self-reliance of the micro business agents at Nagrak village, in general, is still very high.

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