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Journal of International and Local Studies
Published by Universitas Bosowa
ISSN : 25281674     EISSN : 25497855     DOI :
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal published by International Relations Department, Universitas Bosowa in 2016. Journal is designed to covers various topics and perspective of politics, economy, law, history, social, culture, and much more and to disseminate excellent articles that present new insights, ideas, and concepts that result from contemporary research projects in local and international studies. JILS published twice a year every January and July, always places local issues in global perspective and vice versa. JILS as a part of efforts to reach the Department vision and mission to integrate the study of international relations with global value and local value and as an effort to develop the capacity of its researchers.
Articles 37 Documents
Peran Institut Mosintuwu dalam Membangun Budaya Perdamaian melalui Kaum Perempuan di Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah Maryanti Babutung
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): January
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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This research aims to know : (1) Institute Mosintuwu strategy in building the culture of peace through women in Poso District, Central Sulawesi. (2) The Impact experienced by the people of Poso city with the existence of the Institute Mosintuwu as one community organization to build a culture of peace. This research is done with qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection is done by using the interview, study the documentation and the questioner. techniques of data analysis includes the stages of the data collection through observation the author of the activities carried out by the Institute of Mosintuwu, interact with them to understand their interpretation of Institutnya, analyze the data and provide the conclusion at the end of the discussion. The findings in this studys that : the strategies by Institute Mosintuwu in building a culture of peace in Poso District very successful. Many of the programs that have made an effort to build a culture of peace, one of them is the School Women.Through the Women School is subsequently made citizens Poso town in general and specifically women think that when they do not want to hang out with people of different beliefs or will not learn to know what is actually happening in the Poso conflict, then there would be only hatred and mutual suspicion. The school women through Institute Mosintuwu present and provide a space for the learning space, story telling and know each other to the women at the time of the conflict said as the most many losses. And then the impact is very visible when out of the learning process in the Institute Mosintuwu, women active in the development of the village, dare to argue for the common good and provoke positive things that the Poso District should be removed from the hatred when the conflict. In addition, the voices of women are always calculated in the decision-making, either in the village or regional. Women are also able to produce something worth selling to help economy needs in the post-conflict.
Human Rights Problem of Stranded Refugees in A Transit Country: Case Study in Makassar City, Indonesia Finahliyah Hasan
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): January
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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Global forced displacement mostly by conflict and persecution continues to escalate dramatically at the end of 2016 and has never been higher since World War II. People fleeing war or another catastrophe who cannot return to their country of origin have been granted asylum in the foreign country. They will be processed to have their claims for refugee status thoroughly assessed by UNHCR in which is named after as a Refugee Status Determination (RSD), a legal process by government or UNHCR to determine whether a person seeking international protection is considered a refugee under international, regional or national law. In fact, the vast majority of refugees who intend to migrate to developed states as their final destination, generally settle first in a stable and middleincome country such as Indonesia. As a result, Indonesia is swamped by refugees, and their condition has been exacerbated by Indonesia status which is not the signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention. This status leads to the limitation for accessing human rights of refugees. Thus fulfilling refugee's rights are prevalent due to the uncertainty for resettlement to the third country. Notwithstanding some institutions such as International Organization for Migration (IOM), Immigration, and Social Service department have conducted programs for a refugee to overcome their lack of activities, the implementation is uneven. The findings of this research demonstrates that (1) when refugees are not permitted to get a job, have limited access to education and affordable health facilities, (2) The program sufferes from various difficulties due to the lack of cooperation with related agencies and the lack of human resources, they continue to suffer with their refugee status being negatively affected. This study used a participatory method, observation and literature review. Data is obtained through the interview of refugees and related authorities in different locations. During collecting the data, the author implemented several empowerment programs in refugee community housing as a strategy of the author who encounters difficulties while getting information.
Hubungan Internasional Global dalam Dunia Yang “Barat” Endriady Edy Abidin; Asma Amin
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): January
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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The field of International Relations (IR) today is parochial in the sense of eurocentrism and inadequate in explaining the recent developments in the field. We need a new reverberated, innovative, and inclusive perspective that reflects the voices, experiences, interests, and identity of all humankind. Global IR established for that reason. Global IR is not meant to be a new universal narration of the „East? but to encourage a new diversity of perspectives in knowledge and authority decentralization to create a more „international? and wider IR academic contributions. In Southeast Asia, the richness of historical, social, and cultural sources might become a starting point for a geoepistemological perspective and also an entrance for a perspective, in the umbrella of Global IR, for seeing deeper the 'reality' and 'what is existing' in this region.
Tinjauan HAM Terhadap Kelompok LGBT di Kawasan Asia Tenggara : (Studi Kasus: Indonesia – Thailand) Andi Norman Nyila Amanda
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): January
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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Penelitian pada skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : Bagaimana tinjauan terhadap hak azasi manusia kelompok LGBT di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan oleh penulis adalah melalui pengumpulan dengan cara mengadakan wawancara berupa wawancara langsung (direct Interview) dan wawancara tidak langsung (indirect interview), serta laporan – laporan, jurnal, dan artikel yang didapatkan dari tempat penelitian, dan buku – buku yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif yang diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan di Komunitas Sehati Makassar (LGBT). Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa dinegara Thailand kelompok LGBT menerima perlakuan yang cukup ramah dan bersahabat. Dalam kesehariannya kelompok Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender (LGBT) cukup diberi ruang oleh masyarakat Thailand untuk mendapatkan hak – haknya termasuk hak untuk menyalurkan orientasi seksual yang dimiliki oleh setiap individunya. Sedangkan di negara Indonesia LGBT cukup sulit mendapat tempat untuk menjadi bagian dari masyarakat dikarenakan adanya penolakan yang cukup keras kepada mereka atas hak – hak untuk memnuhi orientasi seksualnya. perlakuan yang diterima oleh kelompok LGBT baik berupa penolakan maupun penerimaan yang terjadi pada kelompok LGBT di setiap negara disebabkan oleh adanya konstruksi sosial masyarakat atas LGBT mengenai hak azasi manusia (HAM) dan kelompok LGBT sehingga melahirkan ide atau gagasan yang terbentuk dari lingkungan masyarakat atas kelompok tersebut.
Analisa Kegagalan Misi Perdamaian PBB di Democratic Republic of Congo Deni Meutia
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): January
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) atau yang dulu disebut di Zaire adalah negara yang berlokasi di benua Afrika bagian tengah. Negara ini telah mengalami perang sipil yang berkepanjangan sejak lepas dari kolonialisme Belgia dan menyatakan kemerdekaan pada 30 Juni 1960. DRC paling tidak mengalami 2 kali perang sipil hebat yang bisa dikatakan sebagai perang sipil terbesar di benua Afrika yaitu Perang Congo pertama pada November 1996 sampai dengan Mei 1997, sedangkan Perang Congo kedua dimulai pada tahun 1998 merupakan perang sipil karena konflik etnis yang tidak hanya melibatkan DRC sebagai aktor dalam perang tetapi juga negara-negara tetangganya. Perang sipil dinyatakan berakhir pada tahun 2003 ditandai dengan perjanjian antara pihak yang bertikai ketika Pemerintahan Transisional DRC terbentuk. Fokus paper kali ini adalah pada Perang Sipil Kedua di DRC dan upaya operasi perdamaian PBB dengan rentang waktu fokus penelitian antara tahun 1998-2008. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan peacebuilding triangle Michael W. Doyle yang menyatakan ada 3 faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan peace keeping, peace making dan peace building proses yaitu 1. local capacity (kekuatan domestik yang dimiliki oleh negara yang mengalami perang), 2. hostility (bentuk permusuhan yang mengemuka menjadi perang), 3. international capacity(intervensi atau dukungan dunia internasional). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kegagalan misi PBB dan kesulitan penciptaan perdamaian di DRC dikarenakan tingginya hostility dan rendahnya local capacity.
Implementasi Konvensi International Basel Terhadap Impor Sampah di Tiongkok Gina Sonia Te'dang
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): July
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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As a member of the Basel convention, China is committed to strictly limiting the import of plastic waste in order to maintain the quality of the country's environment. This study aims to determine and analyze the implementation of the Basel International Convention on handling waste imports in China. The research method used was a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out through literature review. The results show that the implementation of the Basel International Convention in handling waste imports in China has been successful, in terms of indicators of successful policy implementation, namely; content of policy and context of implementation. The implementation results show that China's policy of closing waste imports through the Green Fence Operation Policy and the National Sword Policy has a positive impact on reducing the amount of waste imports entering China. This decline has also affected changes in China's environment, be it water quality, air and those polluted by garbage. Although the changes still require a lot of improvement efforts, the success of implementation is also influenced by the Xi Jinping government regime which supports environmental reforms towards development progress with attention to ecological protection.
Kebijakan Indonesia dalam Aspek Lingkungan dan Perdagangan: Studi Kasus Cantrang Gita Karisma; Tety Rachmawati; Fitri Juliana Sanjaya
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): July
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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This research focuses on Indonesian's policy regarding the postponement of the prohibition of using cantrang and its relationship with trade and environmental aspects. In line with the trend trading which is draws many environmental issues as a rule, Indonesia should be careful to apply trade policy. One of them is the cantrang as a fishing tool which will affect Export of Indonesian Fishery Products. This research uses a qualitative approach with case studies. The results of this research show that cantrang is considered as fishing equipment damaging marine ecosystem, so that its restriction will give benefit for Indonesia. Indonesia has implemented a regulation prohibiting the use of cantrang in 2017 but Indonesia withdrew the regulation in 2018. This research finds out how the Indonesia policy tends to prioritize trade interests over environmental interests.
Pengaruh Idiosinkratik Nurdin Abdullah Terhadap Keberhasilan Kerjasama Indonesia-Jepang di Kabupaten Bantaeng Muhammad Fadhil
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): July
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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Leader’s characteristic’s or idiosyncratic personality becomes one of the factor of what or which policy will they implement in their region. One leader in Indonesia which has a significant affect in Indonesia’s political system is a non-state actor, Nurdin Abdullah. Nurdin Abdullah has a significant idiosyncratic affect towards the success of cooperation happening between Indonesia and Japan in South Sulawesi. Cooperation happening in South Sulawesi between Indonesia and Japan started in the regency of Bantaeng. In this academic writing, writer will explain about the idiosyncratic aspects of Nurdin Abdullah that strongly affects the success of cooperation between Indonesia and Japan happening in the regency of Bantaeng. Through analytical descriptive research method, the results shows that in his time studying for his Master’s and Doctor’s Degree in Japan, he adapted Japanese values that influenced his ardour and policy to cooperate with Japan thus making his policy centered on cooperating with Japan.
Aktivisme Transnasional The Asian Peasant Coalition di Indonesia Muh. Asy'ari
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): July
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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This research is based on the existence of the transnational peasant movement and the interaction of the Indonesian local peasant movement in transnational agrarian politics. This research takes a case study of the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC) as a transnational farmer organization in Indonesia. Using qualitative methods carried out by reviewing documents and interviews, this study seeks to explain the transnational activism of the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC) within the collective identity and encourage the struggle of local peasant organization in Indonesia. To explain the above, this study uses the Transnational Activism concept developed by Sidney Tarrow to analyze and transnational activities. In addition, this study also uses framing theory in the collective to analyze how the solidarity of transnational farmer movements and local farmer movements can be formed and maintained during the advocacy process. This research finds and concludes that the ordering of local land grabbing collective problems campaigned and advocated at the global level by APC is carried out through the stages of development of Transnational Contention. The impact of this phase is what supports the problems of local farmers to become part of the national movement and will eventually create solidarity movements to support farmers at the local level. It is in this context that the solidarity and collective identity of the transnational peasant movement is formed and enables the birth of transnational actors at the local level.
A Comparative Analysis of Indonesia and Turkey’s Foreign Policy Toward The Middle East: A Case of Palestine Issue Noor Fahmi Pramuji
JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): July
Publisher : Universitas Bosowa

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This paper aims to perform a comparative analysis of Turkey and Indonesia's foreign policy on Palestine Issue. It applies neoclassical realism as one of foreign policy theory. It discusses changing dynamics and influential factors shaping Turkey and Indonesia’s Palestine policies at the unit and systemic level of analysis. It summarises that the factors of leaders' perceptions upon international systemic changing trends and pressures, state power have become influential factors. During AK Party's eras in Turkey, its domestic politics has undergone domestic transformations namely public opinion and civil society's roles that influence to the foreign policy, the emergence of civilian leader as a new actor of foreign policy, leader factors, an increase of Islamist factor, the Israel-Palestine conflict perceived as the heart of regional instability resulted in Proactive Foreign policy including in the settlement of Palestine issue. Meanwhile, after reform eras in Indonesia, anti-colonialism spirit of 1945 Constitution has been continued as the historical background of Indonesia's engagement. Besides, an increase of Islamist factor in domestic politics namely Islamist-oriented aspirations in domestic public opinion, muslim groups as a moral force, an increasingly role of Islamist parties, and new Indonesia's international orientation and identity at SBY's tenure have affected a continuity of non-recognition policy towards Israel and supporting Palestine in accordance with two-state solution. As well as Indonesia's democratised foreign policy has been conducted through various diplomatic efforts.

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