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Journal of Economics and Social Sciences
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Core Subject : Economy, Social,
Emerald Journal of Economics and Social Sciences is open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original research papers on economics and business. This journal is likewise committed to making the articles it publishes available to international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies for free. The journal accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research papers using any methodologies or approaches relevant to the islamic economics and business topics, as long as the research falls into one of three primary disciplines: economics and social sciences.
Articles 15 Documents
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa pengaruh kualitas interaksi, kualitas lingkungan, kualitas hasil terhadap kepuasan Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta (PTKIS). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 55 sampel dan sumber data primer yang diolah dengan SPSS 25. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel kualitas interaksi (X1) secara parsial tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan PTKIS (Y). Variabel kualitas lingkungan (X2) secara parsial tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan PTKIS (Y). Variabel kualitas hasil (X3) secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan kepuasan PTKIS (Y). Variabel kualitas interaksi (X1), kualitas lingkungan (X2), dan kualitas hasil (X3) secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel kepuasan PTKIS (Y). Dilihat dari nilai koefisien korelasi (R) sebesar 0,875 yang berarti menunjukkan adanya korelasi (R) sebesar 0,864 yang berarti terdapat korelasi/hubungan yang sangat kuat antara variabel bebas yang terdiri dari kualitas interaksi, kualitas lingkungan, dan kualitas hasil secara bersama-sama dengan variabel terikatnya yakni kepuasan PTKIS. Besarnya coeficient of determination (adjusted R2) sebesar 0,710 yang berarti variabel bebas yang terdiri dari kualitas interaksi, kualitas lingkungan, dan kualitas hasil dapat memberikan kontribusi pengaruh sebesar 73,2% kepada kepuasan PTKIS sedangkan sisanya 100% - 73,2% = 26,8% diterangkan oleh faktor lain yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam model penelitian ini.
HEGEMONI DOLAR DAN POTENSI KEMUNCULAN MATA UANG BRICS Faisal Nurdin Idris; Achmad Maulana Dzaky; Rijalul Haq Fadhlurrahman; Silva Hafsari
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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This research focuses on the question of how there is the potential for the emergence of the BRICS currency. In this case, the emergence of the BRICS currency will lead to a renewal of the system in global monetary policy. The research methodology uses qualitative because this research is descriptive and uses analysis. The use of qualitative design aims to build understanding through explanations sourced from several literatures such as journals, books and articles. In order to answer the research questions, exchange rates and foreign policy are taken as analytical tools. After conducting research, it was found that the potential for the emergence of the BRICS currency was caused by long-standing dependence on US dollar hegemony, this was considered to only benefit the US, not developing countries. The BRICS currency is considered to have less potential because it requires a large financial infrastructure and has to be able to compete with the World Bank, so that the renminbi is deemed appropriate to become the BRICS currency. Several currency principles also play a role in determining whether or not a global currency is ideal, such as the factors of “safety, liquidity and returns”. In this case, the renminbi has not been able to balance these three factors so that if the meaning of the BRICS Currency is renminbi, then the renminbi cannot be used as a global reserve currency as a competitor to the US dollar, therefore the renminbi is ideal to be designated as Regional Currency in Asia
UPAYA INTERNASIONALISASI RENMINBI MELALUI PROPOSAL PETROYUAN CHINA KE GCC Agus Nilmada Azmi; Aunurrofiq Aunurrofiq; Reina Permata Hadikusuma; Tasya Naura Arivia
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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China's initiative in the Internationalization of Renminbi international trade transactions carried out by the Government of China by the launch of a pilot project, by starting to use yuan in international transaction activities in China's five main regions, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Dongguan. China also sees countries in the Middle East as a strategic position in establishing cooperation, especially in the oil and gas sector. From establishing cooperation through the GCC, China also cooperates with member countries, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Arab. The petroyuan has the opportunity to take a more prominent role in international trade to take over the petrodollar, given the weight of China's oil imports is increasing and imports from the United States are decreasing. In analyzing the internationalization of Renminbi, the author uses an approach through the theory of foreign policy and national interest. The author uses a qualitative research method, by taking and collecting various sources of literature as a reference.
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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The initiation of returning to the gold standard in the United States economy has been carried out by Congressman Alexander Mooney who represents West Virginia. The Bills intend to define the fixed exchange rates of the dollar as the total weight of gold in a country. The concept of theory Neo-Classical Realism was used to lead to the various aspects of background both internal and external to study the establishment of the bills. Congressman Mooney believed that the bills will be a solution to deal with inflationary conditions, the growth of national debt, and the instability of the ongoing monetary system. However, the bills seem to be also an affirmation from the United States in the international economy and maybe hamper the rise of the BRICS organization which currently gathering its strength in the world.
RENMINBI SEBAGAI PESAING KUAT DOLAR AS DI KAWASAN ASIA TENGGARA Febri Dirgantara Hasibuan; Rahmad Cherry Rahmad Cherry; Nurhaliza Rahma Damanik; Ananda Arifah Larasati
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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The strengthening dominance of the US dollar in the Southeast Asian region has made countries in the region start to worry and try to release their dependence on this currency. This phenomenon is a great opportunity for China in carrying out its ambition to expand the influence of the renminbi (RMB) as a medium of exchange for international transactions, and one of the areas that count as a great concern to China in Southeast Asia. In achieving this ambition, China is continuously increasing its cooperation with countries in the Southeast Asian region, making the renminbi stronger to become inter-regional transactions between China and countries in Southeast Asia. This study aims to see how strong the renminbi's opportunity in Southeast Asia is to become a strong competitor for the US dollar. This study is using a qualitative method, through secondary data sources such as journals, scientific articles, and reports. The results of this study is to see has the renminbi succeeded in countering the US dollar’s dominance in the Southeast Asian region by increasing its cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, so that it can be called a strong competitor.
KEBIJAKAN LUAR NEGERI INDONESIA: (Kepemimpinan Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati dan Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono) Agus Nilmada Azmi
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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Foreign policymaking is always strongly related to international politics and domestic situations. These two aspects become determinant factors for the making of foreign policy in a country. Based on this research, it should be asked whether Indonesia’s foreign policy, Bebas Aktif (free and active). Reflecting on the emergence of the politic of Bebas Aktif that has been used as the guideline of Indonesian foreign policy, significantly during the cold war, and the changes in international system as well as national politics, this article will analyze the performance of Indonesian foreign policy after the fall of Soeharto’s regime.
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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This article examines the Islamic concepts of multiculturalism in connection with the fact that humans are created coming from various religious and cultural backgrounds. By taking the Indonesian context as the case study, the author explores how any attempts at implementing the multicultural values in the societies face obstacles and difficulties due to the high number of religious conflicts that occurred in many parts of the country. The author nevertheless presents some evidence that the Islamic propagation concepts developed by the main Indonesian Muslim organisations, that is Nahdhatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, can be used as the basis for the strengthening of multiculturalism in the Indonesian public sphere. In this article, the authors argues that the achievement of the Indonesian founding fathers in uniting hundreds of ethnic groups into one nation cannot be separated from Islamic beliefs they adhere to that promote moderate and inclusive values.
KEBIJAKAN CHINA PASKA PERANG DAGANG, PANDEMIK DAN ANTISIPASI MENGHADAPI RESESI DUNIA TAHUN 2023 Febri Dirgantara Hasibuan; Azzahra Egidia Nuraini; Rama Maulana Putra; Anna Tasya Nur Fitriani; Andhiene Kartika Sudrajat
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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The increasing tension in trade relations between China and America has forced China to take steps to maintain the stability of China's economy, especially since China's economy has just recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, in facing the 2023 economic crisis, China has prepared policies to achieve its national interests, especially in the economic aspect. In analyzing China's foreign policy to deal with the 2023 economic problems, the foreign policy, and national interest concept is used as an approach from the perspective of Neoclassical Realism. The qualitative method is used, where data are collected through library research, by taking various sources and references to support this research. Data collection techniques are through listening and recording important information in conducting data analysis through data reduction. The findings in this paper are to push forward the BRI program and BRICS activation through geoeconomic strategy
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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This research analyzes the efforts of gambang kromong musicians as a traditional music that has begun to be forgotten and eroded by the rapid development of the music industry. By using Anthony Giddens' structuration theory, this research will explain how the social practices that occur between the gambang kromong musicians as agents with the culture of public taste and the gambang kromong music standard as the structure. using qualitative research methods with interviews and observations as data collection techniques. The results show that the preservation of gambang kromong music becomes an awareness of the musicians as agents who produce an agency by using the enabling side of the existing structure. Social practice through 'music re-creation' is carried out by continuing to highlight the characteristics and identity of this music in its combination with global cultural elements as a form of exploration and innovation as well as a form of active resistance the dominating effects of the mainstream music industry.
Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu

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The economic protectionism carried out by Trump has had both positive and negative impacts on countries in the world. This paper focuses on the positive impact of US protectionism on its cooperation with Indonesia based on a Constructivism Perspective. The approach used is a qualitative method using secondary data. The US protectionism policy carried out by Trump resulted in the outbreak of a trade war with China throughout the 2017-2020 period, where this succeeded in shocking the international community. During the crisis and world economic tensions, Indonesia managed to overcome a few of these things that it had a positive impact that benefited Indonesia, namely the transfer of several US-imported goods from China to Indonesia and the increasing interest of foreign investors in Indonesia. The analysis is carried out using the ontology of Constructivism which is divided into three, namely, historical, norms, and ideas built by Indonesia for the United States. Indonesia is advised to maintain good relations by building the right nation branding towards the US and China, even though Indonesia is not in favor of either of them.

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