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Jurnal Nyanadassana: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Keagamaan
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NYANADASSANA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Keagamaan. Jurnal ini berfokus pada penelitian lapangan pendidikan, pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan ekonomi sosial-keagamaan. Jurnal ini juga bertujuan untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara pendekatan tekstual dan kontekstual terhadap pendidikan, sosial, dan ekonomi; dan memecahkan masalah sosial-keagamaan. Jadi, NYANADASSA mengundang persinggungan beberapa disiplin ilmu dan sarjana termasuk humaniora dan ilmu sosial.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 28 Documents
Necessity of The Abhidhamma for The Interpretation of Early Buddhist Discourses Santacitto Sentot
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i1.5


This paper presents an overview about the necessity of the Abhidhamma for interpreting several main teachings found in the early Buddhist discourses. The study is based on the Tipiṭaka and some other information taken from exegetical literatures (Aṭṭhakathā). Several important points found in the early Buddhist discourses are critically analyzed in the light of the Abhidhamma. It is found that certain points referring the two kinds of truths which have not been clearly distinguished in the early discourses, are made clear in the Abhidhamma by introducing the two kinds truths, namely sammutisacca and paramatthasacca. Furthermore, some controversial matters such as the doctrine of puggala promulgated by some Buddhist schools, and the wrong views of eternalists and nihilists which are often stated in the early Buddhist discourses but yet not so much discussed, are successfully refuted in the Abhidhamma. Thus, the present study has highlighted the importance of Abhidhamma in giving a better explanation regarding some important and controversial points found in the early discourses.
Being a Minority in a Moslem Neighborhood: Reflective Experience of a Buddhist Priest in Cemani Village Nusya Kuswantin
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i1.7


On Tuesday, 1st of October 2019 around 02.30 a.m., Amoghasiddhi Cetiya at Cemani Village, Grogol Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, was caught on fire for the second times. The carpet was scorched and the air-condition was fell-down. The crime was reported to the police, but the priest and his followers expect nothing but take it as a blessing in disguise that it’s the time for them to repaint and refurnish their prayer house. By applying interview, news research, limited participant observation and reflective-interpretive approach this paper tries to discuss and conclude that in order to be able to survive a religious minority group needs to equipt themselves with personal capacity such as high sense of tolerance, modesty, relenting attitude, and ignoring their rights to justice. Those are the challenges for religious minority groups to live in Indonesia, a country which is ethnically multicultural but ironically only six religions are sanctioned by the state with Islam as the one adhered by around 80% of the population. So then, discussing inter-faith relation will result in a bias conclusion as both majority and minority have their own syndromes. Feeling of fear or being threatened by the existence of something new is the syndrome for the majority, while relenting attitude as well as tendency not to demand their rights to with the fear that struggling for justice may lead to misfortune justice for the minority, as experienced by Meiliana of Tanjungbalai, North Sumatera. The Buddhist woman of Chinese ethnic was accused of committing blasphemy in July 2016 merely because she complaint the high volume of adzan prayer call from a neighbourhood mosque. Not only her house was then destroyed by a mob, but also more than tens of vihara in her town were set on fire. In April 2019 her appeal to Supreme Court was refused, so she has to serve 18 months jail sentence as verdicted.
Kiprah Perempuan Dalam Membangun Perdamaian Dan Harmonisasi Wenny Lo
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i1.8


Kehidupan damai dan harmonis menjadi dambaan masyarakat dewasa ini, terlebih lagi dalam masyarakat majemuk yang kini tengah mendapat ancaman intoleransi. Dalam agama Buddha, kebahagiaan terjadi saat perdamaian dan harmonisasi tercapai, hasil dari pengembangan potensi kerohanian dan pemberdayaan diri termasuk kaum perempuan. Kaum perempuan yang berbudi pekerti luhur, kreatif, profesional, sejahtera dan bahagia dapat menjadi agen perdamaian serta mewujudkan harmonisasi dalam kehidupan masyarakat, saling menghargai termasuk dalam relasi umat beragama seperti umat Buddha dan Muslim.
Inter-Religious Relations and Methodologi Issues Abdul Syukur
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i1.9


Every religion teaches its followers to live peacefully and harmoniously with others, both the same and different religion followers. However, the fact shows that relations among religious people are often to be problematical. This is not only because of differences between religions in doctrines and practices but also because of different interpretations (sects) and organizations. This religious conflict obviously will harm the religious people themselves. As humanity, religious people want to live together harmoniously with others, both fellow religion, and different religions, because they live on the same earth. This article will discuss how are the inter-religious relationships related to methodological problems in the field of religious studies. Methodologically, Comparative Religion that developed in the early time it studied religions from a theological perspective that is looking at the other religions from their own. So, what happened was the pokrol bambu attitude, raising his religion and demeaning on another. This method is not good for students who study religions, particularly for Indonesians who are multi-religious, because it will only look at his/her religion as superior whereas another as inferior. Wilfred Cantwell Smith, on the other hand, offers a method that is personalizing religion as a way of studying religions. Religion should not be seen only as a set of fixed doctrines and ready-made. The problem of religion is essentially a human problem in which the adherents of each religion always understand, experience and realize their religious beliefs and practices in daily life. Therefore, religion is always new every day. This method or approach requires students to study other religions through the perspective of the people who embraced it, so that, biased interpretation can be avoided. This method requires students to come and have a dialogue with the religious followers concerned.
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Interaktif melalui GoMindful Insight dan Praktek Mindfulness Rutin Terhadap Keterampilan Mindfulness: (Studi kasus pada anggota di grup meditasi rutin) Johan Carly Saputra
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i1.10


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari pengaruh pembelajaran interaktif melalui GoMindful Insight dan praktek mindfulness rutin terhadap keterampilan mindfulness. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif dan pendekatan survei. Terdapat 30 sampel yang dipilih secara purposive dalam penelitian ini yang diuji dengan 31 butir pertanyaan secara keseluruhan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji analisis regresi linear berganda (multiple linear regression) secara simultan dan parsial. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak adanya pengaruh pembelajaran interaktif melalui GoMindful Insight terhadap keterampilan mindfulness; tidak adanya pengaruh praktek mindfulness rutin terhadap keterampilan mindfulness; sekaligus tidak adanya pengaruh secara simultan keduanya terhadap keterampilan mindfulness. Atas hasil temuan tersebut, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa hal tersebut disebabkan karena (1) pembelajaran terlalu padat dengan teori dan belum seluruhnya materi yang mendukung penerapan mindfulness dalam keseharian tersampaikan di sesi tersebut, (2) masih terbatasnya pengetahuan terkait materi sehingga belum memahami jawaban dari hasil interaksi, (3) belum adanya kemandirian dalam memunculkan dan menerapkan mindfulness di luar sesi panduan meditasi secara optimal, dan (4) penerapan mindfulness dalam kegiatan sehari-hari masih belum diterapkan sepenuhnya.
The New Challenging Program of 21st Century Women Education to Promote Peace and Harmony Phanommas Bamrungsin
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i1.11


Currently, the role of women to participate and promote peace and harmony is as an essential matter and become a new challenging for them. Especially in the 21st century, women have much more opportunity to be educated, to gain more knowledge in order to improve their life and society as well as they have more beautiful chance to promote peace and harmony for well-beings. However, to be strengthen on promoting peace and harmony in the messy society and cleavage in different religions. Thus the new effective education is as a key important to cope these challenging. Therefore this paper would present the concept of new challenging program of 21st century women education to promote peace and harmony (NCPCWEPPH). The fundamental of NCPCWEPPH is to integrate knowledge of peace and harmony to higher education students’ learning courses, continue practice and cultivate themselves from the beginning of studying until graduation, furthermore learn how to promote peace and harmony in to different societies, cultures, believe and religions.
Evaluation of Teaching Patterns at Kusala Citta Buddhist Sunday School, North Lombok Regency Ade Supandi Nata Kusuma
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i2.14


The purpose of this research is to identify and assess teaching patterns at the Kusala Citta Buddhist Sunday School. This style of investigation is qualitative with descriptive analysis. This study's data gathering methods included observation, interviews, and documentation. Five teachers of the Kusala Citta Buddhist Sunday School and three representatives of Kusala Citta Buddhist Sunday School students provided the data for this research. The findings of this research indicate that students are inactive participants in the learning process due to the low implementation of instructional patterns. At Kusala Citta Buddhist Sunday School, the traditional teaching pattern and the technological teaching pattern are often used as instructional strategies. In conducting the examination of teaching patterns at Kusala Citta Buddhist Sunday School, the significance of curricular guidance in the implementation of learning was determined. The curriculum is the teacher's primary instructional base. Before teaching, the teacher must create a Learning Implementation Plan to make it simpler for them to establish patterns, approaches, and strategies. Students become learning centers throughout the learning process so they may explore their potential, perfect their abilities, and communicate their views. In order to inspire Buddhist Sunday School students to think critically and prudently, teachers must be able to create an engaging learning environment. In developing instructional patterns, techniques, and strategies, teachers must be creative and imaginative.
Chinese Temples and Buddhism Unite In Harmony Ardian Cangianto
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i2.15


Relationship history between China and Indonesia Archipelago has been recorded since 1st century and followed by Chinese community to migrate to the archipelago at that time. The migration also brought their beliefs and culture to enrich archipelago culture. Chinese people and their temples role in developing Buddhism were not discussed in detail, even, there were many misunderstandings between temples and Buddhism institutions. Further, to overcome this problem, we must understand how Chinese belief system and temple role in developing Buddhism in 18th to 21st centuries. Chinese temple's track record is dominant in Buddhism development. Benqing monk's record who traveled from one temple to another in providing services for people in temples or Mahayana Buddhist was possible to be traced. In addition, role of Dizang Yuan in Jakarta to educate the "flower monks" as prayers. Even the role of spreading Buddhism through symbols could be seen in various temples. Absolutely, this role requires better establishment and deeper understanding of Chinese people beliefs and temple function as an effort to build harmony. Furthermore, Chinese temples division and belief systems with "Three Teachings" are required to be studied deeper. So, we can all understand that the core is "harmony”
The Need of Education On Religious Tolerance Among The Buddhist Minority In Indonesia Santacitto Sentot; Aryanto Firnadi
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i2.16


Throughout history, Indonesia has faced several violence out of which religious issues has most likely become the trigger for such violence. In attempt on building tolerance among religious communities, there are four questioning points that need to be dealt with: 1) what is the religious tolerance? 2) what are the causes for the arising of religious intolerance? 3) what is our response in facing intolerance acts from other religious communities? 4) what are our contributions in creating tolerance, unity, peace and harmony in the midst of religious diversity. This research attempts to discuss this subject matter comprehensively with reference to Buddhist’s canonical literature, with its main aim for educating Buddhist minority in Indonesia on the importance of religious tolerance. The education is greatly needed for two main reasons. The first reason is to make Buddhists minority in Indonesia understand clearly the Buddhist attitude on religious tolerance, thereby they would behave themselves wisely towards followers of other religions. Secondly, it is an attempt to protect them from violence or harassment that might be assaulted from other parties. For, by knowing how to deal and act wisely towards other religious communities, besides that they have taken part in creating tolerance and peace, they are actually protecting themselves. The idea is that protecting others, they protect themselves. From the study it is found that the violence in the society on the name of religion often happens due to the lack of tolerance among religious communities. Education on religious tolerance should be given to Buddhists in Indonesia to prevent other religious communities from treating Buddhists with intolerance, violence or harassment.
The Responsible rule of Media and Media Literacy in Strengthening Communal Harmony between Buddhists and Muslims in Thai Society Mokesh Barua
Jounal Nyanadassana Vol 1 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : STAB Kertarajasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59291/jnd.v1i2.17


Media as a potent tool and play an outstanding role to promote social, religious and communal harmony for the betterment of the society, the nation as well as the all humanity. Beside the communal disharmony and conflict are fueled by the fear, suspicion and hatred which frequently spread by transmission of different channels. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the media environment and to gain media literacy how the mass media operate and how they affect peaceful coexistence and religious tolerance in the society. Thailand is the religious diverse country of southeast Asia. Buddhism is the majority of Thailand yet other major world religion like Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are active and generally they can all be found living together in peace and harmony. Media plays a vital role to strengthening communal harmony between Buddhist and Muslim in Thai society. But frequently mass of media transmission conflicting news specially, southern part of Thailand where the relation between Buddhist and Muslim coming under going pressure. This paper will study the positive and negative impact of media on communal harmony between Buddhist and Muslim in Thai society. Moreover, it will study the importance of Media literacy to promoting peaceful coexistence in Thai society as well as Modern society.

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