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Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan
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Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan merupakan jurnal mahasiswa yang diproduksi oleh Institut Agama Islam Negeri Parepare. Ruang lingkup jurnal ini adalah sains Islam (Islamic Science). Pembahasan mengenai sains Islam bisa meliputi berbagai macam aspek, seperti Pendidikan Islam, Ekonomi Islam, Ilmu hukum Islam, Ushuluddin, adab dan dakwah Islamiyah, Perkembangan sains dan teknologi dalam peradaban Islam, serta Konsep, filsafat, dan metodologi sains yang dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam peradaban Islam.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "No 10 (2023): Sipakainge Special Issue: Financial Technology" : 6 Documents clear
In Indikasi Praktik Monopoli Yang Dilakukan Tiktok Shop Pada Industri E-Commerce Di Indonesia Putri Ramadhani Putri
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) No 10 (2023): Sipakainge Special Issue: Financial Technology
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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This research aims to analyze the potential for monopolistic practices carried out by TikTok Shop in the e-commerce industry in Indonesia. With the rapid growth of TikTok and the expansion of TikTok Shop as an e-commerce platform, it is necessary to understand its impact on market competition and economic balance. Tiktok Shop is considered to be able to monopolize the e-commerce industry because it combines social media with e-commerce. This research uses a qualitative approach and utilizes library data, including scientific journals, industry reports, and the latest business news, to identify indications of possible monopolies. Data was analyzed using the thematic method to describe and understand the monopoly phenomenon related to TikTok Shop. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide insight into the potential for monopoly in the e-commerce industry by TikTok Shop in Indonesia and contribute to the understanding of ongoing digital market developments.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Artificial Intelligence dalam Bidang Ekonomi di Indonesia Nurhalima Cimma
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) No 10 (2023): Sipakainge Special Issue: Financial Technology
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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This research aims to explore the influence of the use of Artificial Intelligence in the economic sector in Indonesia, analyze the impact of using Artificial Intelligence in increasing Indonesia's economic efficiency and identify factors that influence the use of this technology. The research method applied in this research is a systematic analysis approach to literature relevant to the use of Artificial Intelligence in the economic field in Indonesia. This research shows artificial intelligence can be used to increase business efficiency and productivity, as well as encourage innovation in various sectors. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a positive impact on operational efficiency in various economic sectors in Indonesia and AI can be a catalyst for innovation, enabling the development of products and services that are more adaptive to the market. However, the use of AI has an impact on changes in the structure of the workforce, requiring regulations and ethics regarding its use.
Peran Perkembangan Teknologi Keuangan (Fintech) dan Bank Digital Terhadap Peningkatan Pengelolaan Keuangan Pada Para Petani di Desa Palakka ALFYAN SAPUTRA
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) No 10 (2023): Sipakainge Special Issue: Financial Technology
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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ABSTRAK Fintech dan bank digital telah mengubah cara petani mengelola uang mereka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari bagaimana fintech dan bank digital dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi pengelolaan keuangan di sektor pertanian. Dalam hal ini, penelitian akan mempelajari bagaimana inovasi fintech telah membuat mendapatkan pembiayaan dan melakukan transaksi keuangan secara elektronik menjadi lebih mudah bagi petani. Bank digital juga membantu petani menjadikan layanan perbankan lebih mudah diakses. Kata kunci : Teknologi Keuangan, Bank Digital, Pengelolaan keuangan
P Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Tiktok Sebagai Strategi Pemasaran Bisnis Kuliner Di Barru Dinif Rasyid
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) No 10 (2023): Sipakainge Special Issue: Financial Technology
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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Empangku Restaurant in Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency. The number of customers, good facilities and quality of employees is not directly proportional to the financial performance of the business. So what can be formulated in this research is the marketing strategy for the Empangku Restaurant business in Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency. The aim of this research is to find out the marketing strategy for Empangku Restaurant in Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency. Culinary Business Marketing Strategy Using Tiktok Social Media (Case Study at Rumah Empangku). This type of research uses primary data and secondary data using a qualitative research design. The number of informants in this research was 15 people (1 owner, 4 employees and 10 visitors). The sample will be obtained using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques can be carried out by means of interviews, and observations, and a combination of the three, directly from respondents selected as samples, which includes the respondent's identity data. Based on the results obtained using qualitative analysis, it can be concluded in this research that the reason why Rumah Empangku's marketing strategy shifted from conventional methods to TikTok marketing is, because of technological advances, consumers are more inclined to use TikTok social media and to use social media marketing, especially TikTok. can further reduce costs in marketing financing and have a positive impact on the progress of Rumah Empangku, finally the role of the place variable in the marketing mix can make visitors come back to Rumah Empangku because Rumah Empangku provides an attractive atmosphere for consumers and the price is also appropriate. consumer pockets. This place, which according to researchers is very strategic because it is on the side of the road, with advances in technology and promotional strategies for Rumah Empangku, can immediately attract consumers.
Article Menganalisis Pengaruh E-commerce dan pembayaran digital terhadap peningkatan pendapatan UMKM bidang fashion di Pasar Senggol Parepare Rizaldi Saparuddin Saparuddin
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) No 10 (2023): Sipakainge Special Issue: Financial Technology
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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This research aims to determine the influence of e-commerce and the use of Digital Payment on increasing the income of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the fashion sector at Senggol Parepare Market. The object of this research is MSMEs in Senggol Parepare Market. This research uses a quantitative approach, which is measured using a simple linear regression-based method with SPSS. The population of this research is MSME actors who collaborate at Senggol Parepare Market in 2023. The sample was determined using a random sampling method, with a total sample of 30 MSME actors. The data used uses primary data. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. Hypothesis testing uses the t test and f test. The results of this research prove that e-commerce and Digital Payment have a significant positive effect on increasing MSME income at Senggol Parepare Market. This is seen in terms of sales turnover, number of customers, and total income as a means of marketing products and buying and selling transaction activities after utilizing e-commerce and digital payments to carry out business activities for MSME players.
Analisis Peran Financial Technology Dalam Perkembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia Rafika Putri
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) No 10 (2023): Sipakainge Special Issue: Financial Technology
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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ABSTRACT This research aims to evaluate the role of Financial Technology (Fintech) in empowering Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. The research method used is a literature review with a descriptive qualitative approach. The research results show that Fintech has made a positive contribution in supporting the growth of MSMEs through capital loan services, digital payments and financial regulation. However, the use of Fintech among MSMEs is still low, influenced by a lack of understanding and trust. MSME financial literacy can be improved through education and mentoring. As an opportunity, Fintech can expand access to financing, increase financial inclusion, and advance financial literacy. Challenges involve infrastructure, regulations and financial literacy that need to be addressed. In conclusion, Fintech has great potential to empower MSMEs, with cooperation between the government, financial institutions and Fintech industry players needed to create a conducive environment and protect MSMEs from illegal practices.

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