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Susanti Dhini Anggraini
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Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Jalan Manunggal No. 61 Tuban
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Industrial Management and Engineering Journal
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30249287     DOI : 10.55719
IMEJ aims to publish scientific articles aimed to achieve state-of-the-art theory and application related to industrial and operations management. IMEJ is published twice a year (June and December online and printed versions), following an open access policy. Online publication allows to reduce publishing costs and to make more agile the process of reviewing and edition. IMEJ defends that open access publishing fosters scientific knowledge, making it available to everyone. Main topics of interest to: Manufacturing Systems, Industrial Management, and Industrial Systems and Techno Economics.
Articles 20 Documents
Analisis Kepuasan Pengunjung Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Dengan Metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA): (Studi Kasus : Wisata Jatiwangi Park Dan Goa Djoyokusumo) Khoirul Anam; Novi Hendra Wirawan; Anggia Kalista; Susanti Dhini Anggraini
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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During the Covid-19 pandemic all countries in the world experienced difficulties, including Indonesia. A pandemic that hit the world has given a big change, especially tourism. Tuban Regency has many natural tourist attractions that present the charm of beauty. One of them is the tourist attraction Jatiwangi Park and Goa Djoyokusumo. In July 2021, the number of tourist visitors to Jatiwangi Park and Goa Djoyokusumo experienced a very drastic decline due to the PPKM for 3 months. To maximize income in the new normal era, it is necessary to carry out a human resource development program. One way is to know the satisfaction of visitors to the quality of service. Analysis that can be used to determine visitor satisfaction is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Based on the results of research that has been conducted on Jatiwangi Park and Goa Djoyokusumo tours, the conclusions obtained are as follows: a) Based on the results of the level of satisfaction and the level of importance of the Tangible, Reliability, Responsive, Assurance and Empathy dimensions, the interpretation of very satisfied ranges from 83.57% - 88.53% and the calculation of the Customer Satisfaction Index has an interpretation satisfaction level with an average of 86.90% showing very satisfied results. b) There are 2 attributes that need to improve the quality of service, namely opening and closing hours on time, there are adequate handwashing facilities and soap.
Rancang Bangun Meja Laboratorium Komputer Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi Dwi Saputra; Krishna Tri Sanjaya; Abdul Wahid Nuruddin; Moh. Muhyidin Agus Wibowo
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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The computer laboratory is one of the facilities for industrial engineering study program students at the Pgri Ronggolawe University, Tuban. The table is one of the most closely related factors in improving the quality of learning. In many cases, poor posture when sitting is the main cause of back, waist, shoulder or neck pain. If every day a person moves in front of a computer screen, it should be noted that the computer screen should be adjusted to the eye. The purpose of this research is to improve the ergonomic desk design. Ergonomics also deals with optimization, efficiency, health, safety and human comfort at work, at home and in recreation areas. In ergonomics, it is necessary to study the system in which humans, work facilities and the environment interact with each other with the main goal of adjusting the work atmosphere to the humans. Thus, it is necessary to have an innovation to produce a computer desk that pays attention to ergonomic values. The hypothesis of this study is that having a computer laboratory table made on the basis of ergonomics will increase the effectiveness, comfort, safety, health and efficiency of the table.
Pengembangan Kursi Laboratorium Komputer Teknik Industri Dengan Metode Pendekatan Ergonomi Suwanto; Moh. Muhyidin Agus Wibowo; Anggia Kalista; Krishna Tri Sanjaya
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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Static activity and dynamic activity are used as the basis for measuring body size. Ergonomics related to the dimensions of the human body is anthropometry. Anthropometry is needed as a guide in the implementation of adjusting the sizes of work equipment and tools, furniture, clothing, and all equipment that is directly related to humans. Anthropometry is related to measuring the state and physical characteristics of humans from the size of the head, hands, body, hips, to feet. The measurement data is used as a reference for product development according to user needs. Industrial Engineering UNIVERSITY OF PGRI RONGGOLAWE TUBAN (UNIROW) has a computer laboratory with a class area of 99 m², with a capacity of 60 students. One of the computer lab facilities is a laboratory chair that is currently used in the Industrial Engineering computer laboratory at the University of PGRI Ronggolawe Unirow Tuban. It is a chair with an iron frame, a seat mat, and a backrest. The dimensions of the lab chair used today have a chair leg height of 50 cm, a seat width of 50 cm, a backrest height of 60 cm.
Penerapan Metode Six Sigma Untuk Mengurangi Jumlah Defect Pada Proses Cetak Majalah Di Percetakan UD. Ajib Jaya Umar Sahid; Anggia Kalista; Novi Hendra Wirawan; Susanti Dhini Anggraini
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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The existence of competition among products tighter this requires every employer to provide the best for its customers. Quality assurance is one that must be met by the employer and given to the customer. Including the quality of magazine printing. Motorola Six Sigma is a method or technique of dramatic Improved quality control applied by the company Motorola, which is a new breakthrough in the field of quality management to the target 3.4 failures per million opportunities. This research was conducted at UD. Ajib Jaya, a company engaged in printing and screen printing. By using the six sigma method can be seen that the DPMO (defects per million opportunities) of disability and magazine print production process sigma achievement that has not been consistent, ie 3368.12 4.21 DPMO and sigma capability. Implementation of six sigma quality improvement on this study it can be concluded that there are three types of defects with the most potential are: mold mbleber 42,5%, 33,7% and double writing paper folded 18,7%
Analisis Beban Kerja Fisik dan Mental pada Karyawan Produksi Es Balok Menggunakan Metode Job Strain Index (JSI) dan Metode Nasa-TLX Muhammad Masrikan; Krishna Tri Sanjaya; Anggia Kalista; Nanang Wicaksono; Hendra Suwardana
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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Factory production areas have a high workload for employees. Problems that exist in the company such as workers who have the risk of physical injury from being hit by large and heavy blocks of ice that have the potential to fall on the workers' feet and musculoskeletal. Mental burden that can arise because workers have to pursue the company's production targets. The purpose of this study is to analyze the physical and mental burden on workers and how to reduce the physical workload and high mental burden on workers. The object of research taken at PT. X, there are 15 employees who produce ice blocks. The analysis was carried out using two methods, namely the Job Strain Index (JSI) method and the NASA-TLX method. The results obtained were dangerous physical loads on all loading and unloading workers and for mental loads, they found that Dwi Ahmad S had a heavy mental burden, and Adam Sunoto, Bahar Kusni, Lasujji, Rio Kiki Darno S, Bisri Mustofa, Duraji, warjono, aris widodo have a moderate mental load. Suggestions are given to the loading power of ice blocks that have dangerous physical loads and heavy or moderate mental loads, by providing suggestions for improvements to each variable assessed on the JSI and NASA-TLX methods.
Analisis Penilaian Kinerja Program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Untuk Upaya Penurunan Kecelakaan Kerja Pada Karyawan Akibat Kerja Dengan Metode Statistik Kecelakaan Kerja di PT Swabina Gatra Alifia, Nurmalita; Wirawan, Novi Hendra; Kalista, Anggia
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 2 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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PT. Swabina Gatra merupakan perusahaan di bidang penyalur ketenaga kerja ke perusahaan. Bersangkutan dengan masalah perlindungan tenaga kerja terhadap kecelakaan kerja. Kecelakaan terjadi dikarena hubungan resiko suatu pekerjaan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menghitung kecelakaan kerja dengan menggunakan metode statistik kecelakan kerja. Selain itu untuk pengaruh Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT. Swabina Gatra. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan statistik kecelakaan kerja meliputi incident rate, frequency rate, severty rate, average time lost dan safe T-score. Dari hasil penelitian ini dari perhitungan statistik kecelakaan kerja didapatkan nilai incident rate pada tahun 2020 mengalami peningkatan di tahun 2021, dari perhitungan frequency rate pada tahun 2020 mengalami peningkatan tahun 2021, severty rate pada tahun 2020 mengalami peningkatan tahun 2021, average time lost rate pada tahun 2020 mengalami peningkatan tahun 2021, sedangkan safe T- score tahun 2020 ke tahun 2021 mengalami penurunan. Hasil variabel Kesehatan Kerja dan Keselamatan Kerja secara simultan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa variabel Keselamatan Kerja (X1) mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Y) dan variabel Kesehatan Kerja (X2) tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Y). hasil penelitian variabel keselamatan lebih dominan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Swabina Gatra.
Analisis Willingness To Pay Untuk Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan di Pantai Semilir Hidayati, Alfina; Wirawan, Novi Hendra; Wicaksono, Nanang; Anggraini, Susanti Dhini
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 2 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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Semilir Beach is a tourist attraction located in Tuban Regency which was inaugurated in September 2020 which coincided with the easing of the PSBB or large-scale social restrictions COVID-19. To enter the Semilir Beach tour, visitors only have to pay for a vehicle parking ticket. One of the efforts to improve the implementation of service standards is to determine the amount of the entrance fee at Semilir Beach Tourism by measuring the level of visitor satisfaction using the willingness to pay (WTP) approach. In this study the willingness to pay (WTP) approach aims to find out what the estimation of the WTP value of visitors is for the level of customer satisfaction on the quality of service provided by Semilir Beach Tourism and to find out what factors influence the value of visitors' WTP willingness to pay for the level of customer satisfaction. The research was conducted in January-March 2022 and the results showed that the average willingness to pay (WTP) of 100 respondents was IDR 7,600, with 77% of visitors feeling satisfied having traveled to the Breezy beach. While a significant variable in determining the value of WTP is travel satisfaction (X5). Pantai Semilir merupakan obyek wisata yang bertempat di Kabupaten Tuban yang diresmikan pada Bulan September 2020 yang bertepatan dengan pelonggaran PSBB atau pembatasan sosial berskala besar COVID-19. Untuk masuk ke dalam wisata Pantai Semilir, pengunjung hanya harus membayar karcis parkir kendaraan. Salah satu upaya meningkatkan pelaksanaan standar pelayanan adalah menentukan besarnya tarif tiket masuk di Wisata Pantai Semilir dengan mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengunjung menggunakan pendekatan willingness to pay (WTP). Pada penelitian ini pendekatan willingness to pay (WTP) bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui berapa estimasi dari besarnya nilai WTP pengunjung untuk tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Wisata Pantai Semilir dan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi besarnya nilai kesediaan membayar WTP pengunjung untuk tingkat kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Maret 2022 dengan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata willingness to pay (WTP) dari 100 responden adalah Rp 7.600, dengan 77% pengunjung merasa puas telah berwisata di pantai semilir. Sedangkan variabel yang signifikan dalam penentuan nilai WTP adalah kepuasan berwisata (X5).
Analisa Kepuasan Peserta Pelatihan di BLKI Kabupaten Tuban Menggunakan Metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Yulianto, Imron; Anggraini, Susanti Dhini; Kalista, Anggia
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 2 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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Tuban Regency has one of the Indonesian Vocational Training Centers (Balai Latihan Kerja Indonesia or BLKI) which serves as a platform to enhance soft skills and skills in various technical fields such as automotive engineering, welding, agricultural or fisheries processing, woodworking, information and communication technology, sewing, graphic design or DrafterCad, electrical engineering, creative industries, culinary arts, and CNC manufacturing. The purpose of this research is to determine the partial influence of trainees' satisfaction at the BLKI Tuban Regency. In this study, the researcher uses the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method to determine the magnitude of the participants' satisfaction index and analyze the attributes that require further attention to improve trainee satisfaction. The research instrument employs a questionnaire distributed to 30 respondents of the 2022 first batch CNC manufacturing and Draft Cad programs. Customer satisfaction is measured using 5 dimensions, namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The data obtained from the 30 respondents are then processed using SPSS 16 software, and the validity test is deemed valid with an r-table of 0.361. The results of the reliability test show a Cronbach's alpha of 0.947, which indicates reliability.The findings of this research fall into quadrant III, indicating low priority and the need for further improvement in its implementation. The attributes within quadrant III include; Clean and fragrant toilets, Comfortable Waiting Rooms and Registration Areas, Availability of Handwashing Facilities, and Food Menu Suitability and Variability. Kabupaten Tuban memiliki salah satu Balai Latihan Kerja Indonesia (BLKI) yang merupakan wadah mengasah soft skill, keterampilan meliputi kejuruuan otomotif, teknik pengelasan, pengolahan hasil pertanian atau perikanan, woodworking, informasi dan komunikasi, menjahit, design grafis atau DrafterCad, teknik listrik, industri kreatif, tata boga dan mesin CNC manufaktur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh secara parsial kepuasan peserta pelatihan di BLKI Kabupaten Tuban. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) melalui pendekatan dapat diketahui besaran indeks kepuasan peserta sekaligus analisa mengenai atribut yang membutuhkan penanganan lebih lanjut guna meningkatkan kepuasan peserta pelatihan. Instrument penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner yang dibagikan kepada 30 responden program CNC manufaktur dan draftercad angkatan pertama tahun 2022. Untuk mengukur kualitas kepuasan pelanggan dengan menggunakan 5 dimensi yaitu bukti fisik (Tangible), kendalan (Reabilitiy), ketanggapan (Responsiveness), jaminan (Assurance), dan empati (Emphaty). Data yang diperoleh dari 30 responden selanjutnya diolah menggunakan software SPSS 16 sehingga uji validitas dinyatakan valid dengan r tabel 0,361. Dari hasil uji reliabilitas didapat hasil cronbach alpha 0,947 yang berarti reliable. Hasil penelitian ini pada kuadran III yaitu prioritas rendah dan perlu ditingkatkan lagi pelaksanaanya, atribut dalam kuadran III antara lain ; Toilet yang bersih dan wangi, Ruang Tunggu Dan Ruang Pendaftaran Yang Nyaman, Terdapat Tempat Cuci Tangan dan Kesesuaian Menu Makanan Dan Variatif.
Analisa Postur Kerja dengan Menggunakan Metode Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) Untuk Perbaikan Perancangan Stasiun Kerja Produksi Sepatu Safety Di UD. Zacyndo Rohmawati, Juriyah; Sanjaya, Krishna Tri; Wibowo, Moh. Muhyidin Agus; Nuruddin, Abdul Wahid
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 2 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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UD. Zacyndo is an industrial company that manufactures safety shoes. There are several work stations in the shoe production process, such as sewing and assembling work stations. Unfavorable work station conditions can cause musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this study was to analyze work posture using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method to improve the design of work stations for the production of UD Zacyndo's safety shoes. The RULA method analyzes the posture, style and movement of an activity which can investigate the level of risk generated by the activity. This study describes posture that has a major influence on the emergence of musculoskeletal disorders when sewing safety shoes and as a basis for repairing work stations. The results of filling out the Nordic Body Map questionnaire show that workers often experience pain in the forearm and back. Based on work posture analysis using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) it is known that the sewing work station operator's sitting position has a final score of 7 and action level 4 which indicates that investigation and change are needed as soon as possible. The improvements made in this research were the improvement of the sewing work station and the improvement of the work station layout throughout the production process. Based on the results of repairs to the layout of the facilities carried out by several work stations, they had to be partitioned to provide space, as well as additional warehouses for finished goods and raw material warehouses. By improving the layout of work station facilities based on analysis of work postures and production process flow, it is expected to reduce the rate of work accidents so as to increase work productivity. UD. Zacyndo merupakan perusahaan industri pembuatan sepatu safety. Terdapat beberapa stasiun kerja dalam proses produksi sepatu, seperti stasiun kerja menjahit dan assembling atau perakitan. Kondisi stasiun kerja yang kurang baik dapat menimbulkan gangguan pada otot (Musculoskeletal Disorder). Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui analisa postur kerja dengan menerapkan metode Rapid Upper Limb Assesment (RULA) untuk perbaikan perancangan stasiun kerja produksi sepatu safety UD Zacyndo. Metode RULA menganalisa gaya, postur, dan gerakan aktifitas yang dapat menyelidiki tingkat resiko yang dihasilkan oleh aktifitas tersebut. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan postur yang dapat memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap timbulnya masalah gangguan Musculoskeletal pada saat menjahit sepatu safety serta sebagai dasar dalam perbaikan stasiun kerja. Hasil dari pengisian kuesioner Nordic Body Map menunjukkan bahwa pekerja sering mengalami nyeri di bagian lengan bawah dan punggung. Berdasarkan analisa postur kerja dengan menggunakan metode Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) diketahui bahwa posisi duduk operator stasiun kerja menjahit memiliki nilai final sebesar 7 dan nilai action level sebesar 4 yang menunjukkan bahwa penyelidikan dan perbaikan dibutuhkan sesegera mungkin. Perbaikan yang dilakukan dalam penilitian ini adalah perbaikan stasiun kerja menjahit dan perbaikan tata letak stasiun kerja seluruh proses produksi. Berdasarkan hasil perbaikan tata letak fasilitas yang dilakukan beberapa stasiun kerja harus diberi sekat untuk memberi ruang, serta penambahan gudang barang jadi maupun gudang bahan mentah. Dengan adanya perbaikan tata letak fasilitas stasiun kerja berdasarkan analisa postur kerja dan alur proses produksi diharapkan dapat mengurangi angka kecelakaan kerja sehingga dapat memberikan peningkatan produktivitas kerja.
Meningkatkan Efisiensi Line Produksi dengan Pendekatan Metode Ranked Positional Weight: Studi Kasus PT IBCK Garment Annisa Rizky, Sabrina; Mustakim
IMEJ (Jurnal Teknik dan Managemen Industri) Vol 2 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

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This research aims to enhance production efficiency in the garment industry through the implementation of the Ranked Positional Weight method (line balancing). The study involves analysis and comparison of performance before and after applying the method. The analysis showed a significant increase in the number of workstations, from 5 to 16, resulting in an improvement in production line efficiency, increasing from 40.59% to 89.23%. Additionally, idle time also experienced a drastic reduction, decreasing from 167.21 minutes to 13.79 minutes. These findings indicate that the line balancing method is effective in improving production efficiency in the garment industry and positively impacts the overall increase in company output. The implications of this research provide practical guidelines for garment companies to enhance their operational efficiency and competitiveness in the highly competitive market. Overall, this research highlights the importance of implementing line balancing techniques in optimizing production processes and achieving substantial productivity gains in the garment industry Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dalam industri garmen melalui penerapan metode Ranked Positional Weight (line balancing). Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis dan perbandingan performa sebelum dan setelah menerapkan metode tersebut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam jumlah stasiun kerja, yaitu dari 5 stasiun menjadi 16 stasiun, yang berakibat pada peningkatan dalam efisiensi jalur produksi, yakni meningkat dari 40,59% menjadi 89,23%. Selain itu idle time juga mengalami penurunan yang drastis, menurun dari 167,21 menit menjadi 13,79 menit. Temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa metode line balancing efektif dalam meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dalam industri garmen dan berdampak positif pada peningkatan output perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini memberikan panduan praktis bagi perusahaan garmen untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional mereka dan meningkatkan daya saing di pasar yang sangat kompetitif. Secara keseluruhan, penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya penerapan teknik line balancing dalam mengoptimalkan proses produksi dan mencapai peningkatan produktivitas yang substansial dalam industri garmen. 

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