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Journal Integration of Management Studies
Published by Integrasi Sains Media
ISSN : 2988389X     EISSN : 2988389X     DOI : 10.58229/jims
Core Subject : Science,
Journal Integration of Management Studies (JIMS) is an academic journal in the field of business published by Integrasi Sains Media, Indonesia. This journal intends to foster and stimulate the exchange of scholarly thought on applied business research issues among professionals and academics worldwide. JIMS welcomes articles in all areas of science management, both applied and theoretical. Theoretical articles must link theory and essential and exciting management applications. This journal is an open-access journal that can be of essential reading for academic researchers and business professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to: 1. marketing management 2. finance management 3. human resources management 4. strategic management 5. tourism management 6. entrepreneurship 7. operational management.
Articles 33 Documents
Price Identification And Financial Feasibility Study of Hydroponic Agriculture Iot Solution Launch Project at PT XYZ Anjeli Siti Maliska Irawan; Mandra Lazuardi Kitri
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v1i2.109


Since 2015, the Internet of Things technology has grown significantly, reaching over 400 million users by 2022 in Indonesia. Recognizing the potential, PT XYZ, an innovative Indonesian telecommunications company, intends to launch an IoT solution for hydroponic agriculture. The launch project requires an initial investment of around Rp 500 million. Given that amount, PT XYZ aims to determine the selling price using a value-based pricing strategy and assess the project's financial feasibility and risks before proceeding. Primary and secondary data will be utilized in this research to determine the customer's willingness to pay (WTP), Capital budgeting cash flow, which includes the hypothetical price of IoT, calculating the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), free cash flow to the firm (FCFF), and terminal value. The study used various capital budgeting techniques, such as net present value (NPV), profitability index, payback period, internal rate of return (IRR), and Excel's goal seek feature, to determine the IoT solution's pricing. A risk analysis using sensitivity and Monte Carlo simulations have conducted. The research finds that the present value of benefits, or WTP, for the IoT solution, is Rp 90,708,238. Considering PT XYZ's targeted internal rate of return of 20%, the determined selling price is Rp 20,120,408, which lies within the customer's WTP, making the project feasible. Capital budgeting techniques show a payback period of 4.08 years, an NPV of Rp 3,424,935,505, and a profitability index of 8.21 over five years, indicating positive outcomes. However, the sensitivity analysis reveals that a change in product price, cost of goods sold, and salary expenses will significantly impact the NPV, resulting in a 12.69% risk, with profitability remaining high at 87.31%. In conclusion, PT XYZ's hydroponic agriculture IoT solution launch project is considered feasible, considering potential risks and mitigation strategies.
Factors That Affecting Customer Intention To Use Telemedicine Applications Continuously After Covid-19 Pandemic In Indonesia Gilang Fandika; Nurrani Kusumawati
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v1i2.111


During the COVID-19 Pandemic, telemedicine has had a high use rate since the government issued a policy limiting people's movement to reduce transmission. It is because telemedicine can be a way to solve this issue since it can provide and support health care when distance separates the users only using electronic communication technologies. However, through this remote assessment, patients and physicians lose the opportunity to interact in person, which might impact doctor-patient communication. Furthermore, covid-19 cases in Indonesia have shown a downward trend, making the government have no regulation limiting people's movement. Now, people can see their physicians directly for some conditions. Therefore, this research will analyze factors influencing customer intention to consult through telemedicine applications and determine which factors more significantly influence customer intention. This research is conducted through a qualitative approach by semi-structured interviews and a quantitative approach by an online survey of customers who ever experience using telemedicine applications. The researcher uses open coding to analyze the interview result and descriptive statistics and PLS-SEM to analyze the survey result. The author gets seven respondents from interviews and 317 from online surveys. The results indicate that perceived benefit, satisfaction, saving time, saving cost, and performance expectancy influence customer intention to use telemedicine applications continuously. Furthermore, satisfaction and saving costs are the factors that significantly influence customer intention to use telemedicine applications continuously. The finding of this research is expected to give insight into telemedicine applications in Indonesia about making their strategies to enhance their customer intention to use continuously.
Investigating the Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Subsequent Customer Loyalty in Bank Jago Rachael Gracella Veronita Siregar; Nurrani Kusumawati
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v1i2.113


In an increasingly competitive banking industry, it is important for banks to understand consumer satisfaction and build consumer loyalty in order to maintain market share and achieve sustainable growth. This research focuses on Bank Jago users, with the aim of analyzing the relationship between service quality, consumer satisfaction, and consumer loyalty in that context. This study uses a quantitative approach with purposive sampling method to collect and analyze data from 318 respondents who are Bank Jago users in the Bandung and Jabodetabek areas who have experience using Bank Jago services for at least 1 year. The data collection method was conducted through a questionnaire-based survey that was disseminated to a sample of bank users. The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics and PLS-SEM to test the relationship between the observed variables. The results of the analysis show that service quality, especially in the indicators of Efficiency, Responsiveness, Site Organization, and User Friendliness provided by Bank Jago has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. The higher the quality of services provided by the bank, the higher the level of satisfaction felt by users. In addition, this study also revealed that consumer satisfaction has a positive influence on consumer loyalty in Bank Jago users. In other words, the more satisfied users are with the banking services provided by Bank Jago, the more likely they are to remain loyal as Bank Jago users in the future. This research makes an important contribution to Bank Jago in understanding the factors that affect the satisfaction and loyalty of their users. The findings of this research can be the basis for Bank Jago to improve the quality of their services, optimize user experience, and maintain consumer loyalty amid intense banking industry competition. In addition, this research also contributes to a broader understanding of the importance of service quality in creating consumer satisfaction and building consumer loyalty in the context of the banking industry.
The Effects of ESG on Firm Performance and Firm Value: A Study of Indonesian and Malaysian Listed Companies Rafi Kennaufal Rasyad; Kurnia Fajar Afgani; Qaisar Ali
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): (Article In Press)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v1i2.118


The effect of ESG on firm value and financial performance of a company is a well-researched and controversial topic in academic research, as many authors conclude different results in their studies. Previous studies suggest that ESG has a positive effect on firm value or financial performance, while some studies suggest the opposite, while some studies also suggest that only specific factors within ESG such as environmental, social, and governance factors significantly affect firm value and financial performance of a company. To contribute to current literature in the field and to resolve the dispute in controversial results, this study aims to assess the significance of ESG on firm value and financial performance of Indonesian and/or Malaysian public-listed companies, to deduce whether ESG has positive or negative effect of firm value and financial performance, and to determine which individual factors of ESG has the most affect to the overall ESG score of each Indonesian and/or Malaysian public-listed companies. As there has been limited research on the topic in Indonesia and Malaysia, the author uses PLS-SEM to analyze the effects of ESG scores on firm value and financial performance of 10 Indonesian public-listed companies and 15 Malaysian public-listed companies using available financial and ESG scoring data from YahooFinance during the 3rd quarter of the 2022 year. The study done using PLS-SEM suggests that ESG has a significant positive effect on financial performance (proxied using ROA or Return of Assets) while ESG has no significant but positive effect on firm value (proxied using Tobin’s Q value). In addition, factor analysis of the PLS-SEM model shows that from three pillars of ESG, only social and governance scores have a correlation with the overall ESG score.
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Gen Z Males' Purchase Intention of Facial Wash Product Karindra Malikahasri
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v1i2.119


The worldwide cosmetics sector is expanding quickly in the modern period due to rising consumer demand. More and more people, regardless of gender, strive to achieve visual appeal and good health. The worldwide cosmetics sector has seen tremendous growth in the popularity of skincare products. Male skincare product consumers are growing due to changing lifestyles and heightened self-awareness. Earlier research indicates that social media has a significant role in luring males to purchase skincare products. Knowing how effective social media marketing is towards Gen-Z males' purchase intention is essential. Thus, there is a need for a comprehensive examination to be carried out. The primary objective of this research is to determine whether social media marketing has a direct or indirect impact on the purchase intention of facial wash brands. This research is conducted using a quantitative approach, utilizing a survey distributed towards 306 respondents Gen-Z males who live in Bandung aged 18 - 26, have previously purchased facial wash products from any brand, and use social media frequently. The data that was collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics and PLS-SEM. The result of the analysis shows that social media marketing has a direct and positive impact on purchase intention. However, their relationship seems to be on the low-to-average level. In order to strengthen their relationship, it is found that the mediator variables, which are brand image, brand trust, and brand loyalty, are needed. Therefore, to effectively use social media marketing to influence purchase intention, brands have to consider building a good brand image, brand trust, and brand loyalty. The findings of this research can be utilized by marketers who intend to create purchase intention through social media marketing.
Determinant Factors Analysis of Bank Profitability: Study On Indonesian Banks Period 2019-2022 Alphin Raja Bayu Saragih
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v1i2.123


The banking sector is one of the most important financial institutions in the Indonesian economy. Banks are the significant driver of economic growth by delivering capital toward productive investments. Thus, banks must be profitable to continue operating and support economic growth. This study investigates the relationship between bank-specific determinants of Bank Size (SIZE), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR), Operating Cost to Operating Income (OCOI), and Non-Performing Loans (NPL) toward Bank Profitability measured by Return on Asset (ROA). The research uses data from 10 Indonesian banks in KBMI 3 and 4 categories from 2019 – 2022. Classical assumption tests are run to ensure the data is considered BLUE. The study used Fixed Effect Model panel data regression. The research results show that CAR has a positive insignificant relationship toward ROA while LDR has a positive significant relationship toward ROA. In contrast, SIZE, OCOI, and NPL have a negative significant relationship toward ROA. Due to the SIZE, LDR, OCOI, and NPL showing a significant relationship with ROA, this study recommends that bank management pay more attention to these variables to maintain the banks' ROA.
The Influence of Financial Literacy on Consumptive Behavior Among High School Students in Jakarta Mosca Shabrina Djajadiningrat
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v1i2.124


This research addresses the prevalent issue of consumerism and its relationship with financial literacy among high school students in Jakarta. Influenced by rapid urbanization, global cultural norms, and digital technologies, consumptive behavior is prominent, especially among urban youth. Recognizing financial literacy, which encompasses financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, as a critical factor influencing consumerism, this study sought to examine this complex interplay. This study was collected through an online questionnaire and involved 120 respondents of high school students in Jakarta. The multiple linear regression analysis was performed using SPSS to analyze the results. The result revealed a moderate level of financial literacy among high school students in Jakarta, with a score of 63.55. However, this score is very close to the lower end of the moderate spectrum, indicating a widespread low level of financial literacy. At the same time, the high cost of living in Jakarta and the ready availability of consumer goods can lead to uninformed financial decisions and impulsive spending. The findings underscore the significant impact of financial literacy, which includes financial knowledge, behavior, and attitudes, on the consumptive behavior of these students. Therefore, fostering improved student financial attitudes and behaviors is essential for prudent financial management and spending. Given the scope of the study, future research could include additional variables that impact consumer behavior to provide a more comprehensive understanding.
Credit Scoring Modelling For Corporate Banking Institutions Radia Purbayati; Muhammad Muflih; Rosma Pakpahan
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): (Article In Press)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v2i1.125


This research aims to build a credit scoring modeling simulation of bank corporate loans. The credit scoring model is used in assessing creditworthiness in credit decisions. This model determines whether or not a company is eligible for the corporate credit facility it proposes. Observations were made of 100 companies included in the list of Kompas100 Index formers on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) that have the potential to apply for loans/credits to Bank Financial Institutions (IKB) in optimizing the corporate capital structure through bank debt facilities in the period 2022. Analysis was conducted on five financial aspects consisting of 14 research variables, including (i) liquidity aspects, including current ratio and quick ratio variables; (ii) solvency aspects, including debt asset ratio and equity ratio variables; (iii) profitability aspects including return on net assets, operating profit ratio, price to earnings ratio variables, (iv) activity aspects including total asset turnover, accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover, current assets turnover, and (v) growth aspects including operating income growth rate, total assets growth rate, and operating profit growth rate variables. The analysis tool uses Logistic Regression through an assessment conducted on the company's credit rating as a proxy for the dependent variable, worth one if the credit application is feasible and worth 0 if the credit application is not feasible with a cut-off point of 0.5. The results show that credit scoring modeling for corporate credit is significantly formed from liquidity (CR) and solvency (DER) aspects. Out of 61 companies classified as not eligible for credit facilities, 58 companies were classified correctly, and out of 39 companies classified as eligible, 29 companies were classified correctly. The overall percentage shows 68.0, meaning that the logistic regression model has an accuracy of 68%.
Auditor Independence And Its Influence On Accounting Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review Cut Nadira Putri Kamal
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v1i2.133


This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of auditor independence and its impact on accounting behavior. The research framework focuses on four main threats to auditor independence: client importance, non-audit services, auditor tenure, and client affiliation with CPA firms. The study utilizes Google Scholar as the database source and Harzing's Publish and Perish as the data search application to identify and analyze 50 relevant articles published between 2013 and 2023 in the field of auditor independence and its influence on accounting behavior. The research findings highlight the potential risks and implications of these threats on auditor independence, including financial dependence, familiarity, self-interest, and reduced skepticism. Mitigating strategies such as regulatory oversight, ethical guidelines, transparency, rotation of audit firms or engagement teams, and professional skepticism are discussed to address these threats and uphold auditor independence. The conclusions emphasize the importance of ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of audit quality to ensure the effectiveness of independence safeguards. This research contributes to a better understanding of the complex relationship between auditor independence and accounting behavior, providing valuable insights for regulators, auditing firms, and researchers in promoting the integrity of financial reporting and strengthening confidence in the auditing profession.
Analysing Influence of Product Attributes And Customer Characteristics Towards Customer’s Purchase Intention on Edible Cutlery Samy Octavio Ibrahim; Sri Herliana
Journal Integration of Management Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): (Article In Press)
Publisher : Integrasi Sains Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58229/jims.v2i1.134


Plastic waste has become a significant threat and problem to the world, causing many environmental and ecosystem issues. Plastic pollution causes a disturbance towards habitats and interferes with natural processes, reducing the environment's ability to adapt to climate change. Indonesia consumes more than 93 million plastic straws every day, making the country the fourth largest plastic straw-consuming country in the world. Many actions have been taken to solve this problem, one of them being the introduction of edible cutleries, including edible straws. Although the market value for edible straws shows a great opportunity, predicted to reach USD 446.96 in the year 2029, a growth of 113% from 2020, several edible cutlery provider businesses have not been receiving the expected response from the market. Departing from this problem, this research was conducted to identify factors influencing a customer's purchase intention on edible cutlery products. Seventy-eight respondents who have ever consumed any edible cutlery product residing in DKI Jakarta or Kota Bandung were involved in this study. The data was gathered using an online survey in the form of a questionnaire, using Bahasa Indonesia as the survey language. The data was then analyzed by implementing multiple linear analysis methods. The result of the study indicates that psychological factors significantly and positively affect a customer's purchase intention on edible cutleries. On the other hand, product quality, product features, product style and design, cultural factors, social factors, and personal factors do not significantly affect the purchase intention of edible cutlery products of a customer. Moreover, each independent variable for this research simultaneously affects a customer's dependent variable on edible cutlery products.

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