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Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara
ISSN : 25278789     EISSN : 19796560     DOI : 10.30556/jtmb
Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara (Puslitbang tekMIRA). Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara terbit pada bulan Januari, Mei, September, memuat karya-karya ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan litbang mineral dan batubara mulai dari eksplorasi, eksploitasi, pengolahan, ekstraksi, pemanfaatan, lingkungan, kebijakan dan keekonomian termasuk ulasan ilmiah terkait.
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Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Vol 19 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Edisi Mei 2023
Publisher : Balai Besar Pengujian Mineral dan Batubara tekMIRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30556/jtmb.Vol19.No2.2023.1302


Indonesia is a country that has quite large resources and reserves (3.25%) of the world's coal reserves. Indonesia's coal production in 2022 will reach 687 million tonnes to meet domestic and foreign (export) demand. Indonesia's coal production from year to year has an increasing trend. The existence of this upward trend can result in a decrease in the number of existing coal reserves. This study aims to predict the peak of coal production by estimating the age of the existing reserves. The data used is annual data from 1996 to 2021. The coal reserves used as a basis for consideration are 36,278.85 million tons. The methods used to forecast coal peak production and reserve age are the Hubbert, logistics, and Gomperzt models. The results obtained explain that the peak of coal production occurred in 2018 amounting to 0.539 billion tons with a coal reserve until 2081. For the logistic and Gomperzt models, the peak of coal production occurred in 2033 amounting to 1.345 billion tons and 0.7604 billion tons. Meanwhile, the reserve ages of the two models until 2080 and 2120.
Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Vol 19 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Edisi Mei 2023
Publisher : Balai Besar Pengujian Mineral dan Batubara tekMIRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30556/jtmb.Vol19.No2.2023.1363


PT. Bukit Asam Tbk is an open-pit coal mining company in Muara Enim, Soutgh Sumatra. In open-pit mining activities, slope stability analysis is carried out to evaluate the mine in order to create a safe mining process. Several types of slope failure are associated with geological structures. This research was conducted to identify the type of landslides in the low wall area of Pit X PT. Bukit Asam Tbk and determine the slope stability factor based on discontinuity data using the scanline method at 8 observation points that represent the lithology of the low wall area. Methods used in this research is kinematic analysis, slope stability analysis on plane slide types and wedge. Based on the kinematic analysis, it was identified that the Pit X low wall area has the potential for plane and wedge type landslides with a relatively stable slopes.
Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Vol 19 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Edisi Mei 2023
Publisher : Balai Besar Pengujian Mineral dan Batubara tekMIRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30556/jtmb.Vol19.No2.2023.1386


The rock fragmentation distribution resulting from blasting is one of the important factors of the blasting method design model for dismantling excavated materials. Calculation of rock fragmentation resulting from blasting using the RL theory. Ash, CJ. Konya, and ICI-Explosive. The method for determining the size of rock fragmentation resulting from blasting and analysis of the fragmentation size distribution in blasting activities uses the Kuz-Ram method and Split Desktop 4.0 software. A good blasting geometry design from a technical and economical point of view enables achieving target production according to the design made by the company in producing an average fragmentation size of limestone <50 cm. Blasting geometry applied by PT. Semen Padang produces a hole volume of 275 m3 with a fragmentation of 53.46 cm. The results of the fragmentation design are based on the RL Ash theory and the Kuz-Ram method with a volume of300.67 m3each hole anda fragmentation size of 50.07 cm, CJ. Konya analysis resulted in a hole volume of 422.4 m3 with an average fragmentation of 44.17 cm, and ICI-Explosive method resulted in a hole volume of 285 m3 with an average fragmentation of 47.86 cm. Based on blasting geometry calculation, fragmentation analysis and economic calculations, it is shown that the blasting geometry suggestion using CJ Konya theory is more optimal and feasible to apply because it results in a larger hole blasting volume, higher percentage of fragmentation of <50 cm which is compatible with the bucket capacity, as well as higher revenue and profit compared to the other two methods.
Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Vol 19 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Edisi Mei 2023
Publisher : Balai Besar Pengujian Mineral dan Batubara tekMIRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30556/jtmb.Vol19.No2.2023.1452


Grinding is generally carried out in wet conditions, but issues regarding water conservation and high-water treatment costs encourage the application of grinding in dry conditions. Both produce products with certain characteristics that affect the success of the next process. Grinding of P100 6 mesh (3.36 mm) ore was performed using steel ball media with dry and wet grinding with 33.33% solids for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes. Particle size distribution of the grinding product was obtained from the wet sieving process and the -200 mesh (-75µm) ore particles were analyzed using a laser diffraction particle size analyzer. The Alyavdin grinding kinetics equation model was used to study the kinetics of ore grinding behavior and the particle size distribution and its characteristics consisting of uniformity index, size modulus and fractal dimension were studied using the logistic, Rosin-Rammler (RR) and Gates-Gaudin-Schuhmann (GGS) equation model. Equivalent particle size (EPS) and specific surface area (SSA) observations were carried out on the -200 mesh (-75µm) grinding product. Grinding in dry condition is more effective in reducing the size of complex galena-sphalerite sulphide ore, indicated by high grinding rate with the highest K value of 0,135/minute, high cummulative % undersize, low size modulus, high uniformity index, high fine particle and high SSA compared to wet grinding. Alyavdin's kinetics model can describe the grinding kinetics of galena sphalerite complex sulfide ore, while the particle size distribution follows the logistic equation model.
POTENSI DEPOSIT WOLFRAM DI INDONESIA: STUDI KASUS TOBOALI - BANGKA SELATAN Imelda Eva Roturena Hutabarat; Sabtanto Suprapto; Priatna Priatna; Maryono Maryono; Rudiyansah Rudiyansah
Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Vol 19 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Edisi Mei 2023
Publisher : Balai Besar Pengujian Mineral dan Batubara tekMIRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30556/jtmb.Vol19.No2.2023.1478


Bangka island is one of the islands in the Southeast Asian Tin Belt that makes Indonesia the largest tin (Sn) producer in the world. The carrier of wolframite is a by product mineral of the mineral tin (cassiterite). This study aims to study the presence and type of wolfram-as by product in the tin deposits on Bangka island. The research area was conducted on the eastern edge of Klabat Granite in Kepoh Village, Toboali District, South Bangka, at coordinates of 106o 31' 58" BT, 2o 56' 56 " LS. The result shows the presence of wolfram with grade of wolfram in veins reaching 8287 ppm. Wolfram was identified as an associated mineral in the tin mineralization system in Toboali along with rare earth metals (LTJ), molybdenum (Mo) and platinum (Pt). The results of analytical studies (UV, XRF, ICP OES, mineragraphy) on Toboali area minerals show the presence of wolfram in ores, concentrates, slag, and floor crusts. The identified wolfram minerals are wolframite (Fe.Mn)WO4 and scheelite (CaWO4) which are characterized through differences in properties such as color, fluorosence, magnetic, specific gravity and hardness values. The results obtained showed the presence of wolfram in Toboali area with wolfram content of 742 ppm in ore and also in the tin process, specifically in slag II of 1.02%. In addition, wolfram is indicated on the furnace floor and on the anode slime. Indonesia as one of the countries that owns wolfram minerals needs to continue the wolfram extraction process so that Indonesia receive the added value from its minerals.

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