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PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research
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About the Journal EditEdit About the Journal PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research ISSN 3047-4744 is International Journal established by Aguspati Research Instituta, Indonesia in 2024. We publish the original research papers, the review articles and the case studies focusing on Education, Business and Management, Engineering and Social Science. PROFESOR will be published twice a year in June and December . The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experimental research related to: (1) Theoretical articles; (2) Empirical studies; (3) Case studies; (4) Literature Review . Journal of PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research ISSN 3047-4744 is an open-access International Journal, which means that visitors all over the world could read, download, cite, and distribute papers published in this journal. We adopt a peer-review model, which insured fast publishing and convenient submission. We’re now cordially inviting you to contribute or recommend quality papers to us. Theses, dissertations, research papers, and reviews are all acceptable for publication. Journal of PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research publishes articles of international interest from all areas of Education, Business and Management, Industrial Engineering and Social Science. The main focus of the journal is on Practical research and outcomes. PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles from all areas of Research in Education, Business and Management, Industrial Engineering and Social Science and give them authentication. PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research approach on practical research and having aims to establish a platform to the Researcher and Academician to all as aspects of Research in Social Sciences and Management importance. In addition, PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research recognizes the international influences on the Education, Social Sciences and Management platform and its development. All topics should relevant to the issues faced by industries, governments, and communities in the world. The broad-based topics may be covered by the following knowledge areas: - Education - Business and Management - Industrial Engineering - Social Science Focus and Scope Journal of PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research is an open-access journal, which means that visitors all over the world could read, download, cite, and distribute papers published in this journal. We adopt a peer-review model, which insured fast publishing and convenient submission. We’re now cordially inviting you to contribute or recommend quality papers to us. Theses, dissertations, research papers, and reviews are all acceptable for publication. All topics should relevant to the issues faced by industries, governments, and communities in the world. The broad-based topics may be covered by the following knowledge areas: - Education - Business and Management - Industril Engineering - Social Science
Articles 15 Documents
PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7777/9aw3jd07


Building materials in architecture are usually applied in exteriors which include building facades, furniture in room interiors, or construction planning activities such as road infrastructure, for example road paving work, landscape work. In general, building materials are obtained from wood, concrete and steel. . Along with technological developments, building materials are also obtained from recycled materials, such as from household waste recycling management. Some waste that cannot be decompo sed is dangerous and toxic waste which we call B3 Waste (Hazardous and Toxic Materials). The study of the use of household hazardous waste as building materials can be applied in the exterior grouping which includes building facades, construction planning activities such as road infrastructure, for example road paving work, landscape and interior work which includes room furniture, and room decoration accessories as space aesthetics. The research method used is a qualitative method, which uses data collection techniques by conducting interviews, observations and questionnaires. with a sample of 33 respondents to then be analyzed descriptively regarding existing theories based on literature to see the achievements of aspects of the use of household hazardous waste as building materials in Pamengkang Village, Kramatwatu District, Serang Regency. The results of this research show that there are 3 building materials produced from solid B3 waste in the Pamengkang Village area, Kramatwatu, Serang, namely: Plastic, Glass, and Metal (Aluminum & Iron). These materials can be used in exteriors & building interiors according to their respective management methods (reuse and recycle.
Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Dan Moderasi Beragama: Upaya Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Dan Rahmatal Lil ‘Alamin Azis, Achmad Abdul
PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7777/h8gw7f32


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kurikulum merdeka belajar dan moderasi beragama dalam upaya penguatan profil pelajar pancasila dan pelajar rahmatal lil ‘alamin. Kurikulum merdeka belajar memberikan keleluasaan kepada lembaga sekolah atau madrasah untuk melaksanakan kurikulum terbaru terhadap kebutuhan belajar dan minat peserta didik sebagai upaya merespon perkembangan zaman yang semakin maju yang dimana sumber belajar menggunakan digital. Disamping memberikan keleluasaan menerapkan kurikulum baru, maka perlu memberikan perhatian pentingnya sikap moderat dalam berbangsa dan bernegara sebagai identitas Indonesia melalui moderasi beragama. Dengan melalui moderasi beragama dapat memberikan pemahaman nilai-nilai keagamaan diantaranya toleransi, egaliter, humanis dan anti radikal. diharapkan menjadi pondasi yang kokoh untuk menopang kebhinekaan berbangsa dan bernegara, serta diperkuat dengan penguatan profil pelajar pancasila dan profil pelajar rahmatal lil ‘alamin pada peserta didik. Kurikulum merdeka, moderasi beragama, penguatan pelajar pancasila dan penguatan pelajar rahmatal lil ‘alamin termasuk program kolaborasi yang digagas pemerintah dalam melaksanakan pengembangan pendidikan saat ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Adapun pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui observasi, pengamatan, dan mempelajari sumber literatur online dan offline. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, implementasi kurikulum merdeka belajar memiliki keterkaitan dengan moderasi beragama yang dimana dimasukannya nilai nilai moderasi sebagai pengokoh, serta diperkuat dengan penguatan profil pelajar pancasila dan profil pelajar rahmatal lil alamin pada pendidikan agama islam diantaranya adalah keberagaman, kebersamaan, kemandirian, relegius, kebermanfaatan, eksploratif, kontekstual, holistik dan yang beriorentasi pada peserta didik. Selain itu, program pendidikan tesebut memberikan efek positif yaitu memberikan kebahagian, kebersamaan, keselamatan, dan kedamaian untuk sesama makhluk ciptaan Tuhan serta memberikan kreatifitas, bernalar kritis maupun menciptakan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan. Dari penelitian ini memberikan pandangan baru penerapan dalam kurikulum merdeka belajar dan moderasi beragama dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam diperkuat dengan kolaborasi penguatan profil pelajar pancasila dan rahmatal lil alamin.
Moderation Analysis of Inflation and Interest Rates on the Effect of PBV and ROA on the Share Price of the Infrastructure Sector Listed on the IDX Sari, Imelda; Manurung, Adler Haymans; Buchdadi, Agung Dharmawan; Yusuf, Muhammad
PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research Vol. 1 No. 02 (2024): December 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7777/srqkcb93


 The aim of this study is to analyze the moderation of inflation and interest rates on the influence of PBV and ROA on the price of shares in infrastructure sectors listed in the EIB. Data analysis techniques are descriptive statistical analysis and hypothesis testing using double regression using the statistical program SPSS version 24. The variables in this study consist of three types of variables, namely: 1) Independent variable, i.e. PBV and ROA; 2) Dependent variabel, that is, the price of stocks; 3) Moderation variable: inflation and interest rates. The population in this study is a company in the infrastructure sector that publishes its financial report 10 years back and is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2022. The results of the study are divided into three parts of the six proposed hypotheses. Hypotheses 1 and 2, i.e. the variables PBV and ROA have a positive and significant influence on the stock price variables. The hypotheses 3 and 6 are that the inflation moderation variables strengthen the influence of PBW on the share price and the interest-rate moderators strengthen ROA on the price of the stock. Samples of research on one infrastructure sector. Further research is suggested to conduct a comparative study between the infrastructure sector with other sectors, such as the technology sector, to see if the same results apply to other industries.
Moderation Firm Size to Intellectual Capital, Commissioner Independent, Sales Growth And Firm Value Margie, Lyandra Aisyah; Manurung, Adler Haymans; Buchdadi, Agung Dharmawan; Yusuf, Muhammad
PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research Vol. 1 No. 02 (2024): December 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7777/gmt8cd12


The aim of this research is to examine the influence of intellectual capital, independent commissioners and sales growth on firm value with firm size as a moderating variable. The population used is property & real estate sub-sector companies listed on the IDX in 2017-2022. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling method. The results of data processing carried out by researchers were tested using moderated regression analysis (MRA) with the IBM SPSS Statistics Version 25 application. The research results showed that independent commissioners had a significant negative effect on firm value, while intellectual capital and sales growth did not have a significant effect on firm value. Firm size as a significant moderating variable weakens the relationship between independent commissioners and firm value. Meanwhile, firm size is unable to moderate the influence of intellectual capital and sales growth on firm value.
PROFESOR : Professional Education Studies and Operations Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7777/mz7pz288


This research aims to investigate the ability of students or students through calligraphy design in the PSKQ 4 Yogyakarta Islamic boarding school. Calligraphy training in guiding students to improve their abilities to the championship stage. The case study was carried out to gain in-depth insight into how calligraphy in various aspects of the educational art at the institution and can produce a global generation of calligraphers. The research method used involves participatory observation and interviews. The results of the study show that the PSKQ 4 Yogyakarta Islamic boarding school has implemented various calligraphy training solutions in time management, including the application of student training with different times, it is hoped that it can be carried out from the easiest to the most difficult level, and is encouraged to continue to work to get used to it. Although facing several obstacles such as the application of calligraphy training to students because a person's personality in grasping the material given is not all quick to respond. This study contributes to the education management literature by presenting concrete findings on the application of calligraphy art training in the context of Islamic education in Indonesia. The practical implications of the results of this study can be a reference for other Islamic educational institutions to improve their time management through calligraphers who are already qualified in this field.

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