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Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS)
ISSN : 25979698     EISSN : 26155184     DOI : 10.20885/ijiis
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies covers various aspects of Islamic studies including, but not limited to: theology law education economy politics, and other relevant topics. The journal welcomes contributions from scholars and researchers of various disciplinary backgrounds in the form of original (theoretical or empirical) research articles.
Articles 77 Documents
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss1.art1


Religion as a doctrine of God that guides human life is often accused of having ‘failed’ to protect the noble values   of humanity. This can be seen with the onset of war and humanitarian conflicts in the name of religion. Consequently, religion is suspected to be only used as a tool to legitimize the actions of people to achieve all desires. Therefore, religion is regarded as outdated teachings for humanity. The question that arises is where man must seek the truth to protect noble human values? In search of answers of this question, in terms of absolutism and relativism of truth, no doubt that religion is an absolute truth because it comes from the Absolute. However, along the way, the revelation of God who has come down to man through His messengers has undergone distortion and reduction of meaning. Distortion and reduction of meaning was one of the factors that gave birth to a variety of interpretations, including those that are intolerant and exclusive. Therefore, to find the truth of the revelation of God that guarantees the protection of humans and humanity in these religions, one needs to explore the principles and values   contained in substantial religious scriptures. In closing off the overall discussion of this paper, it can be stated that there is urgency in the context of Islam today, including in Indonesia, to formulate a set of Islamic values   that can be an alternative and solution for the creation of a just society that respects human values. Therefore, an Islamic reason formulation needs to be developed in the context of human life in accordance with a global ethics such as democracy, pluralism, and human rights. As such, the development of Islamic thought today needs to accommodate the values   of equality, justice, and humanity.  Thus, the position of all citizen is equal and the rights of religious minorities must be guaranteed and protected equally and fairly. Keywords : Contemporary Society, Progressive Ijtihadists, Minority Rights, Global  Ethics.
UNDERSTANDING RELIGION-STATE RELATIONS IN MUSLIM SOCIETIES: Beyond Essentialist and Secular-Liberal Narratives Supriyanto Abdi
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss1.art2


Scholars have offered different accounts in the debates over religion-state relations in the Muslim world. Central to their differing views are diverging premises on the degree to which religion-state relations in Muslim societies are dictated or determined by certain ‘essential’ cultural, religious or even civilizational characteristics. Another main root of conflicting analyses is different assumptions on the extent to which the discourse of religion-state relations should be confined to their distinctively secular-liberal character. While some discuss religion-state relations within strictly secular-liberal terms, others choose to go beyond these particular narratives. This paper revisits the debate on religion-state relations in the Muslim world in light of these two main roots of contention. The chapter begins with a critical examination of the cultural essentialist approach and its limited analytical value in the discussion on religion-state relations in the Muslim world. It then examines the dominant secular-liberal narratives of state-religion and their problematic projection within the context of Muslim societies. Finally, it offers an overview of the internal debate within the Muslim world over the issue of religion-state relations, focusing more specifically on the extent to which secular liberal discourses are contested or critically embraced. Keywords: Religion-state Relations, Secular-liberal Narratives, Muslim Societies
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss1.art3


This article underlines the epistemological miss-conception of knowledge in Islam which has been offered by many Muslim scholars. Muslim scholars tend to divide knowledge into fardl al-kifayah and fardl ‘ain. This miss-conception could lead into secular paradigm where there are Islamic science and non-Islamic science. On the contrary, Islam actually has given comprehensive guide to all aspects of life. Islam did not classify knowledge to thus classification nor to sacred and mundane knowledge. However, some Islamologists, especially Western ones, like to state that Islam has nothing to do with science, especially natural ones. Hence, this article concentrates particularly on technology in Islam. These issues are discussed especially based on perspectives of Said Nursi, Ismail Raji al Faruqi, and Sir Syed and Maududi. As results, this article proves that Islam has done more than Christianity to science. Furthermore, the development of technologies in the West nowadays was originally founded by Islam. Unfortunately, because of the secular ideology, Moslems have forgotten those historical-scientific facts. This brings people to separate religious values such as ethics from natural sciences. Therefore, this article finally invites Moslems to think of integrative approach since the aim of Islamic education is to produce an integrated and perfect individual, insān kāmil.Keywords: Islamization, Secularism, Orientalism, Islamic education, Islamic science,  History of science.
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss1.art4


This article discusses the role of religious education in shaping and developing the attitude of tolerance in the context of Indonesia’s diversity of race, ethnicity, culture, and religion. It argues that in a multi-religious society such as Indonesia, education should provide an overview and moral ideals of religion contextually. Educational process thus requires a review of rigid and less humanist religious doctrines that have been held so far. The plurality of religions and beliefs are no longer understood as the potential for unrest, but the potential to implement their teachings for the sake of humanity. It further argues that education has an important role to play in fostering early attitude, not only in accepting the existence of other religions, but also in cooperating with those who have different beliefs or religions. This means that education should enable the growth of the brotherhood in unity, so people can jointly build the world a new which is more meaningful for all humanity. Educational design should accommodate pluralist and tolerant attitude. This requires learning materials and teachers’ attitudes which are tolerant and pluralist as well.  Keywords: Religious Education, Diversity, Pluralism, Tolerance
SOCIOLOGICAL DISCOURSE IN THE QUR’AN : Human Relation from Perspective of Sociological Establishment Sohirin Muhammad Solihin; Layth Suud Jasim
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss1.art5


This paper attempts to study different aspects of the sociological discourse in the Qur’an. The guiding principles in the Qur’an are not confined to spiritual matters rather they are beyond the whole activities of mankind.  The area of study is not to discuss it from the view point of philosophical or contemporary Islamic thought in the hands of scholars of sociology. It seems that such kind of studies, have conducted by many other researchers in that particular aspect. Our study focuses on the divine guidelines as appeared in the textual evidences in the Qur’an. On the first part, it deals with exploring the definition of Qur’anic discourse (al-khitab al-Qur’ani) which may differ from the definition given by other scholars in human sciences. It will includes various levels of discourse starting from inter individual, inter group and up to the level of political arena. Furthermore, it also focuses on the concept of community development and its main principles to come up with the outcome which, toward the end, can entertain the needs of well being which could bring them into the balance between physical and spiritual needs. In addition, it highlights the practical examples of discourses conducted by the Prophets and Messengers which could be taken as model in conducting the community development in the light of changing situation. Keywords: Qur’anic discourse, Islamic thought, sociology, and community development.
المسائل الفقهية النسائية المطبَّقة في المجتمع الجاوي ووجهة نظر الشرع فيها Mualimin Mohd Sahid; Mohd Faisal bin Mohamed; Mesbahul Hoque
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss1.art6


 THE SHARI'A'S PERSPECTIVE ON ISSUES RELATED TO WOMEN'S JURISPRUDENCE IN THE JAVANESE COMMUNITYAbstractJavanese Muslims have encountered variety of customs and local traditions practiced in their religious and social life, which are heavily influenced by ancient beliefs and religions. This influence has led to unique religious phenomenon, which mixes Islam with other beliefs. One of the most highlighted issues is traditions related to women's jurisprudence (fiqh al-nisâ`). This research aims to study some of the most important issues of women's jurisprudence applied in Javanese community and indicate wether they are appropiate from Islamic point of view, or not. This research has found that there are various javanese customs and traditions related to fiqh al-nisâ`, namely, traditions and beliefs about placenta, weight of child’s name, woman's engagement, circumcision of women, and unregistered marriage (al-nikâh al-sirri). Some of these traditional practices are influenced by old-traditional Javanese beliefs. Unfortunately, even these tradition try to maintain Islamic values in their local shape of practice, some of them are still in contrary to what Islam has stated. Therefore, this article states clearly that the right thing to deal with those customs is to abandon them that are contrary to Islamic law and to be satisfied with the practices allowed by the Islamic law. Keywords: Local Customs, Tradition, Javanese Muslim, Traditional Islam, Women's Issues, Sharia, Fiqh al-nisâ`.
دلالة إشارة النص وآثارها في فهم النصوص الشرعية والقوانين الوضعية Hijrian A. Prihantoro
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss1.art7


THE INDICATION OF TEXTS' SIGNAL AND ITS IMPACT ON THE UNDERSTANDING OF SHARI'A AND POSITIVE LAWS AbstractThis paper aims to discuss one of the meanings of the words, namely the Indication of the Text Evidence in terms of its concept and how it is used in the process of deriving judgments from the texts of Islamic jurisprudence and the texts of the positive laws. This paper deals with an analytical study through the indication of the text evidence from the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah, and the Jordanian Laws, in particular, the Jordanian Civil Code, the Jordanian Evidence Law and the Jordanian Personal Status Law. It decides the importance of this research, which is one of the terms of the Islamic legal theory including the benefits of its rules and an important task that is indispensable to the scholar instead of denying it, whether he is a man of the Islamic jurisprudence or a man of positive law. Keywords: The Indication of the Text’s Signal, Sharia, Positive Laws.
The Journey Of Ummah Muhammad Irham Roihan; Nafiatul Munawwaroh
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss1.art8


Title book : Dinamika Sejarah Umat Islam Indonesia(The Dynamics of History of Islamic Society in Indonesia)Writer : KuntowijoyoPublisher : Mata Bangsa, YogyakartaYear Publishing : First edition : June 2017Pages : i-x + 203 All human being is facing a “historical process.” In the process of history, many dynamics have occurred in both the ‹in concreto› and ‹in abstracto› worlds. Indonesian Muslims have also undergone the same thing, and in this important work, Kuntowijoyo attempts to map out the historical journey of Indonesian Muslims, using structural and cultural analysis that can explain the various essential roles of in this country.The development of Islam in Indonesia gives the massive impact on the Indonesian history. The Dynamics of the History of Islamic Society in Indonesia is one of important works of Kuntowijoyo that was first published in 1985 covering his articles he wrote during 1984 - 1985 and then republished in 2017. This book portrays the development of Islamic society in Indonesia with a unique point of view. The author used sociocultural and socio-economic perspective to analyze the history of Islamic civilization from the early stage until the industrialization era, which rarely becomes the concern of intellectuals in Indonesia.
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 2, March 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss2.art2


On June 1, 1945, in the session of the Invistigating Body for the Preparation for Indonesian Independence, Soekarno, representing the Religiously Neutral Nationalists, proposed Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian State. On the other hand, the Muslim Nationalists advocated Islam for the purpose. After long debates, the two factions achieved a political compromise and agreed the use of Pancasila as the basis of the state. Following the 1955 general election, a new constitution was drafted and the issue of the basis of the state was debated again. The Muslim Nationalists and the Religiously Neutral Nationalists did not achieve a political compromise. Due to this political deadlock, President Soekarno on July 5, 1959 issued a decree proclaiming a return to the 1945 Constitution. Since that time, Pancasila has been permanently used as the basis of the state up to the present. Not only do the Muslims accept Pancasila, but also defend it.
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Vol. 1, No. 2, March 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijiis.vol1.iss2.art6


Maqasid al-Syariah is a potent tool to understand Syariah -- the Devine path leading to the welfare of humanity in a comprehensive way -- in a rational, purpose-oriented, and humanistic way. However, due to some historical factors like fossilization of the Islamic jurisprudence into various schools (mazahib) and the closure of the gate of ijtihad, etc. the maqasid remained a somewhat neglected theme in Islamic legal theory.