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Amicus Curiae
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Amicus Curiae menyediakan wadah bagi para akademisi, praktisi hukum, dan peneliti untuk berbagi pengetahuan, temuan, dan pemikiran terbaru di bidang hukum. Dengan mempublikasikan artikel-artikel yang berkualitas dan terkini, Amicus Curiae membantu menyebarkan pengetahuan hukum yang relevan dan penting bagi pembangunan hukum dan kebijakan di Indonesia. Hal ini memungkinkan para pemangku kepentingan, seperti pemerintah, pengadilan, praktisi hukum, dan masyarakat umum, untuk mengakses dan memanfaatkan pengetahuan tersebut dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dan implementasi kebijakan. Dengan mendorong pemikiran hukum yang berkualitas dan progresif, Amicus Curiae membantu mengembangkan pandangan baru, solusi hukum yang lebih baik, dan pendekatan yang lebih efektif dalam menangani masalah-masalah hukum yang kompleks di Indonesia. Dengan demikian, Amicus Curiae dapat membantu menciptakan lingkungan hukum yang lebih stabil, adil, dan berkelanjutan yang mendorong pertumbuhan dan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Amicus Curiae terbit online secara berkala 4 kali dalam satu tahun.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 64 Documents
PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA HUBUNGAN INDUSTRIAL DALAM PEMUTUSAN HUBUNGAN KERJA (PHK) MENURUT SISTEM PERADILAN DI INDONESIA DENGAN MALAYSIA: Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes in Termination of Employment According to the Judicial System in Indonesia and Malaysia Normalita Rizky; Andari Yurikosari
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19593


Industrial relations conflicts are intricate issues that often arise in the lives of individuals, particularly for those in worker and employer roles. These conflicts can lead to employment termination or layoffs. Each country has its own methods for resolving labor disputes depending on the adopted legal system. Indonesia uses a Civil Law system, while Malaysia follows a Common Law system, resulting in different approaches to resolving these conflicts. This study aims to examine and describe the impact and resolution efforts related to labor disputes in both countries. The research methodology employed is normative legal research, with a descriptive analytical approach. Primary data, obtained from interviews, and secondary data, obtained from literature studies, were used for analysis. The study reveals notable disparities in labor dispute resolution between the two countries, particularly in the process and the role of judges during dispute resolution hearings.
KEWENANGAN GUBERNUR DKI JAKARTA TENTANG PERUBAHAN NAMA JALAN WILAYAH DKI JAKARTA DITINJAU BERDASARKAN UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 30 TAHUN 2014 TETANG ADMINISTRASI PEMERINTAH : The authority of the Governor of DKI Jakarta regarding the change of street names in the DKI Jakarta area, as reviewed based on Law Number 30 of 2014 regarding Administration Clarissa Alya Alifia Vendra; Ninuk Wijiningsih
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19595


The authority of the Governor of DKI Jakarta regarding Determination of Street Names in 2022, is the basis for changing 22 street names in the DKI Jakarta area. This then gave rise to pros and cons in the community, including members of the DPRD DKI Jakarta legislature. The purpose of this study is to describe the preparation and legal consequences of DKI Jakarta Governor's Decree Number 565/2022 concerning changes to street names in the DKI Jakarta area. This study uses a juridical method, is descriptive in nature, and uses secondary data by using qualitative data analysis and drawing conclusions deductively. Based on the results of the analysis, the results obtained are that if it is connected with the Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation Regarding the Procedure for Preparing Regional Legal Products, then the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 565/2022 is in accordance with the procedure for preparing regional legal products. With the emergence of DKI Jakarta Governor Decree Number 565/2022, it has legal consequences for several parties affected by this decision. When compiling programs or discourses related to changing the names of several roads in the DKI Jakarta area, they are still based on several legal bases that are related not only to looking at one or two legal regulations but also looking at other legal bases in a more objective and widespread manner.
PUTUSAN BEBAS YANG TIDAK MEMPERTIMBANGKAN ALAT BUKTI DALAM PERSIDANGAN PERKARA TINDAK PIDANA: Acquittal Decision Not Considering Evidence in Trial of Fraud Crime Cases Aura Azahra; Setiyono
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19597


Acquittal Deicision is a deicision that proveis that the guilt charged to defeindant has not been provein legally and convincingly guilty. Thei probleim in this study is thei consideration of evideince in the acquittal dictum and eivideintiary poweir eiach evideince in a crimei fileid by the public prosecutor. Based on the probleim it was found that there was a discrepancy in the consideiration of evideincei in the acquittal dictum where in fact the evideince submitteid and examineid in thei trial had met the two minimum principleis of eivideincei and fulfilleid thei two eleimeints of the articlei one hundreid eiighty fivei seiction six of thei Criminal Procedure Code and thei streingth of the evideince submitted and examined is containeid in Article one hundreid eighty four section one of the Criminal Procedure Code. The reseiarch method used is normative juridical by conducting qualitative data analysis.
SANKSI PIDANA PELAKU PENCABULAN TERHADAP ANAK YANG DILAKUKAN ANGGOTA KELUARGA (PUTUSAN NOMOR 1162/PID.B/2021/PN.BDG): Criminal Sanction for Child Abuse Performed by Family Members (Decision Number 1162/Pid.B/2021/PN.Bdg) Syilvia Widyastuti; Vientje Ratna Multiwijaya
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19599


The crime of child molestation is the act of someone who has a family relationship or the uncle of the victim's mother, by rubbing his genitals against the victim's vagina and rectum until sperm is released. As for Decision Number 1162/Pid.B/2021/PN.Bdg. The essence of the issues raised are, 1) Is the act of perpetrators of sexual abuse of children committed by family members appropriate or not based on Article 82 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 76E of Law Number 35 of 2014? 2) Is the criminal sanction of molestation of a child committed by a family member being terminated for 5 years, is it appropriate or not with the aim of punishment? This research uses normative research type and is analytical descriptive in nature, uses secondary data obtained through literature studies and is analyzed qualitatively by using deductive logical conclusions. The conclusions of this writing are, 1) The acts of perpetrators of molestation against children by family members are not appropriate based on Article 82 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 76E of Law Number 35 of 2014. The criminal sanction of molestation of children by family members is terminated for 5 years is not appropriate with the aim punishment. The research results of the perpetrators are related to the purpose of punishment, so the perpetrators should be subject to Article 82 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 76E of Law Number 17 of 2016.
KEABSAHAN KUITANSI SEBAGAI BUKTI JUAL BELI TANAH MENURUT HUKUM TANAH NASIONAL : Validity of Receipt As Proof of Land Sale According To the National Land Law Elvia Qonitah Maliha; Dinda Keumala
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19600


According to the National Land Law, the act of buying and selling land must meet the characteristics of clear, cash-based, and genuine transactions. The issue addressed in this research is the validity of land transactions conducted with receipt evidence, as per the National Land Law and the District Court Decision Number 191/Pdt.G/2021/PN Smg, and how to register the transfer of rights when the seller's whereabouts are unknown, also related to the aforementioned court decision. This study adopts a normative research approach with descriptive analysis. Secondary data obtained from literature studies are utilized, complemented by primary data to support the arguments. The research employs a qualitative analysis method, and conclusions are drawn using the deductive approach. It should be noted that a land transaction conducted solely with a receipt as evidence, without a Sale and Purchase Deed executed before a Land Deed Making Official, cannot be deemed valid according to the National Land Law, as it fails to fulfill the clear transaction nature and the formal requirements of buying and selling.
PENGANGKATAN PENYANDANG DISABILITAS SEBAGAI APARATUR SIPIL NEGARA BERDASARKAN PERATURAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN: Appointment of Persons With Disabilities as State Civil Apparatus Based On Laws and Regulations Adrian Cahdani Cakti; Yogo Pamungkas
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19601


Along the way, the Recruitment of State Civil Apparatus for Persons with Disabilities is still not in accordance with existing regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the recruitment process for people with disabilities to be in accordance with the regulations governing it. The issue raised is whether the recruitment selection for Persons with Disabilities as State Civil Apparatus in 2019 is in accordance with the Laws and Regulations in the field of civil servants? And is the availability of positions or jobs for Persons with Disabilities as State Civil Apparatus in 2019 in accordance with the Laws and Regulations in the field of civil servants? The type of research is Normative with the nature of descriptive research analysis and uses secondary data. Then writing is analyzed qualitatively by drawing deductive logic conclusions. Thus, the result of the first analysis is that the series of recruitment processes for the State Civil Apparatus for Persons with Disabilities is still not in accordance with Article 53 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 2016 and Permen-PANRB Number 23 of 2019 that the minimum allocation for persons with disabilities is 2% of the total allocation in each government agency, both central and regional. The second analysis is that regulations regarding the availability of formations and positions that can be filled and cannot be filled for civil servants with disabilities become an obstacle to the presence of persons with disabilities in Government Agencies due to inconsistencies between written regulations and their implementation.
PERTIMBANGAN UU ITE DALAM TINDAK PIDANA PENYEBARAN GAMBAR PORNOGRAFI (PUTUSAN NOMOR 563/PID.SUS-/2020/PN.BGL): Consideration Of The EIT Law in The Crimina Act of Distributing Pornographic Images (Decision Number 563 / Pid. Sus-/2020/Pn. Bgl) Encik Inne Alifia Audina; Ermania Widjajanti
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19603


The perpetrator Julianda deliberately and knowingly posted nude images of the victim Murni Januasari to socia media accounts in the form of Facebook and Instagram belonging to the victim which he did without prior permission and had deviated from the rules in Article 27 paragraph (1) jo Article 45 paragraph (1) of the EIT Law. The Subject Matter raised by the Author is 1.) How did the judge consider in the case of decision No. 563/PID. Sus/2020/PN.Bgl reviewed from Article 27 Paragraph (1) of the EIT Law Jo Article 45 Paragraph (1) EIT Law on the dissemination of immora content on socia media? 2.) Is the conviction of the perpetrator who has been decided by the judge in decision 563/Pid. Sus/2020/PN.Bgl in accordance with the purpose of punishment? This research uses a normative type that is descriptive anaytica, data collection using secondary data obtained through literature studies and data processed quaitatively using deductive logic conclusions. As for the conclusions of this study 1.) The defendant has fulfilled the elements contained in Article 27 paragraph (1) of the EIT Law Jo Article 45 paragraph (1) of the EIT Law. The first element is the element of everyone, the second element is the existence of elements intentionaly and without rights, the third element is the element of distributing and / or transmitting and / or making accessible electronic information and / or electronic documents that have content that violates decency. 2.) The crimina conviction of the accused is in accordance with the magnitude of the mistake committed by the defendant.
PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN TINDAK PIDANA TERHADAP PELAKU TINDAK PIDANA PERCOBAAN PEMBUNUHAN PUTUSAN NOMOR 45/PID.B/2021/PNSIM : Accountability For The Persons of The Criminal Action of Attempted Murder Decision Number 45/PID.B/2021/PN.Sim Sabila Ridwan; Vientje Ratna Multiwijaya
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19604


Criminal responsibility for attempted murder is the ability legally to be accountable for their actions and to be aware that what they did was a violation. The perpetrator swung the machete, kicked and choked the victim but the execution was not completed because the perpetrator's mother came and pulled the perpetrator's hand from the victim's neck. The problems in this research are 1). Is the responsibility of the perpetrators of the attempted murder appropriate according to Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code? and 2). Is the Judge's Decision Number 45/Pid.B/2021/PNSim which imposes a 2-year sentence on the perpetrator in accordance with the purpose of sentencing? This research was conducted using a normative legal research type that is descriptive in nature, using primary legal materials and secondary legal materials by collecting data from literature studies which were analyzed qualitatively and drawing conclusions using deductive logic. The conclusions from this study are (1). The criminal responsibility for the perpetrators of the attempted murder is not appropriate according to Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code (2). The decision of the Panel of Judges Number 45/Pid.B/2021/PNSim for the perpetrators is not yet 2 years in prison according to the theory of sentencing purposes. The results of the research are related to the theory of sentencing purposes, so it should be subject to Article 338 in conjunction with Article 53 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a sentence of 10 years in prison.
PEMBERHENTIAN WALIKOTA YANG MELAKUKAN KASUS KORUPSI DAN WEWENANG PELAKSANA TUGAS WALIKOTA (STUDI DI KOTA BEKASI, JAWA BARAT): Discharge of the Mayor Who Commits Corruption Cases and the Authority of the Acting Mayor (Study in Bekasi City, West Java) Trisinta Nurul Fatimah; Reni Dwi Purnomowati
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19605


The Mayor's position is a highly risky position in the event of a vacancy, so if there are violation issues that lead to a vacancy, temporary replacement must be carried out first. As happened in the city of Bekasi where the Mayor was involved in corruption and dismissed. The main issue is the mechanism for dismissing the Mayor of Bekasi who committed criminal acts according to Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, and whether the Acting Mayor of Bekasi is in accordance with Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government in Indonesia. The research method used is normative descriptive research, based on secondary data, analyzed qualitatively, with deductive conclusions. The conclusion of this research is that every Regional Head can be terminated due to death, personal request, or dismissal, and the authority of the acting mayor in the implementation of regional government affairs is not yet clear and definitive, due to the authority in the law. Jabatan Walikota adalah posisi yang sangat beresiko apabila terjadi kekosongan, maka apabila terdapat permasalahan pelanggaran yang menyebabkan terjadinya kekosongan maka harus dilakukan penggantian sementara terlebih dahulu. Seperti yang terjadi di kota Bekasi dimana walikota melakukan korupsi dan diberhentikan. Pokok permasalahannya adalah bagaimana mekanisme pemberhentian walikota Bekasi yang melakukan tindak pidana menurut Undang-Undang No. 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah dan apakah Pelaksana Tugas Walikota Bekasi telah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang No.23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintah Daerah di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode penelitian normatif yang bersifat deskriptif, dengan bersumber pada data sekunder, yang dianalisis secara kualitatif, dengan penarikan kesimpulan secara deduktif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah setiap Kepala Daerah dapat diberhentikan karena alasan meninggal dunia, permintaan sendiri, atau diberhentikan serta peraturan keԝenangan pelaksana tugas walikota dalam penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintah daerah faktanya belum jelas dan tegas, karena keԝenangan dalam undang-undang
TINJAUAN YURIDIS TERHADAP PUTUSAN KASUS TINDAK PIDANA PENGANIAYAAN (STUDI KASUS PUTUSAN PIDANA NOMOR: 96/PID.B/PN.CJR): Juridical Review of The Verdict In The Case Of Persecution (Case Study Of Criminal Decision Number: 96/Pid.B/Pn.Cjr) Rofaeda Arisia Salsabila Tanjung; Ermania Widjajanti
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i1.19606


The crime of maltreatment often occurs due to a misunderstanding or a sense of resentment/offense against another person so that the perpetrator takes it out by committing maltreatment, as is the case in Criminal Decision Number: 96/Pid.B/2020/PN Cjr who committed maltreatment due to a sense of resentment/offense against the victim causing injury. The issues raised are 1) Whether the defendant's actions fulfill the formulation of Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code (Study of Decision Number 96/Pid.B/2020/PN Cjr) and 2) Is the punishment imposed on the defendant in accordance with the purpose of punishment? This research was conducted using normative juridical research type with descriptive analytical nature with secondary data which was analyzed qualitatively and a deductive logic conclusion was drawn. The results showed that the actions committed by the defendant had fulfilled the formulation of Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code but were not precise because the victim suffered serious injuries and the defendant's actions basically constituted serious maltreatment so that the Judge should have imposed Article 351 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code in accordance with the objectives of the theory of punishment, namely to provide protection of the public welfare and balance and harmony of life by taking into account the interests of the state, society, victims, and perpetrators