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Amicus Curiae
Published by Universitas Trisakti
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Amicus Curiae menyediakan wadah bagi para akademisi, praktisi hukum, dan peneliti untuk berbagi pengetahuan, temuan, dan pemikiran terbaru di bidang hukum. Dengan mempublikasikan artikel-artikel yang berkualitas dan terkini, Amicus Curiae membantu menyebarkan pengetahuan hukum yang relevan dan penting bagi pembangunan hukum dan kebijakan di Indonesia. Hal ini memungkinkan para pemangku kepentingan, seperti pemerintah, pengadilan, praktisi hukum, dan masyarakat umum, untuk mengakses dan memanfaatkan pengetahuan tersebut dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dan implementasi kebijakan. Dengan mendorong pemikiran hukum yang berkualitas dan progresif, Amicus Curiae membantu mengembangkan pandangan baru, solusi hukum yang lebih baik, dan pendekatan yang lebih efektif dalam menangani masalah-masalah hukum yang kompleks di Indonesia. Dengan demikian, Amicus Curiae dapat membantu menciptakan lingkungan hukum yang lebih stabil, adil, dan berkelanjutan yang mendorong pertumbuhan dan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Amicus Curiae terbit online secara berkala 4 kali dalam satu tahun.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 64 Documents
USAHA KESEJAHTERAAN ANAK TERKAIT KESEHATAN DI KAMPUNG NELAYAN CILINCING: Child Welfare Efforts Related to Health in the Cilincing Fisherman’s Village Farra Mutiara Nabila; Wahyuni Retnowulandari
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i2.19796


Children's health has a significant impact on their growth and development. Every child has the right to receive welfare both in terms of health and growth and development, as stated in Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law Number 4 of 1979 concerning Child Welfare, which states, "Children have the right to welfare, care, upbringing, and guidance based on love, both in their family and in special care to grow and develop naturally." To fulfill children's health needs, health care efforts are needed, which are the responsibility of parents, the government, and society. However, in fact, there are many factors that influence the unfavorable situation and conditions in the Cilincing Fisherman's Village, which cause this not to be realized or not as it should be. The results of the research that has been carried out show that the most common illnesses suffered by children are acute respiratory infections (ARI) and diarrhea. This is due to the poor environmental conditions in the Cilincing Fisherman's Village, there are no septic tanks, and there are still many parents who underestimate the health of their children there.
ANALISIS LAMANYA PIDANA TERHADAP PELAKU PERSETUBUHAN ANAK YANG MEMILIKI HUBUNGAN KELUARGA: Analysis of the Length of Criminal Against the Actor of Intercourse Children Who Have Family Relations Nurfaizi Usman; Maria Silvya Elizabeth Wangga
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i2.19800


Intercourse with minors who have family relations has been terminated by the West Jakarta District Court Number: 1596/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Jkt.Brt where the perpetrator is the victim's uncle who forcibly commits intercourse with minors, in this case his nephew. The provisions for the burden of punishment for perpetrators of intercourse with children who have family relations are burdened with 1/3 (one third) of the length of the prison sentence for the perpetrator, which is 7 (seven) years. There are 2 (two) main issues that are raised. The main issues that are raised are what are the provisions for the duration of the crime for perpetrators of intercourse with children who have family relations and how are the provisions for aggravating crimes for perpetrators of intercourse with children who have family relations. The research was conducted normatively with the nature of descriptive analytical research and drawing conclusions using deductive logic methods. The results of the research show that the length of time the perpetrator of sexual intercourse with a child who has a family relationship is sentenced to 5 (five) years in prison under Article 81 (2) juncto Article 76D of the Child Protection Act. The penalty for the perpetrator is increased by 1/3 (one third) to 7 (seven) years, the maximum penalty under Article 81 (3) must be imposed on the perpetrator. It is hoped that the judge who decides will be able to renew and improve the provisions on the length of his sentence based on the Child Protection Law, and the government hopes to establish new criminal guidelines for the Child Protection Act.
ANALISIS YURIDIS TERHADAP PENERIMAAN PATEN PUBLIC DOMAIN PEMBUNGKUS BERGELEMBUNG YANG DI PATENKAN KEMBALI DI INDONESIA (STUDI PUTUSAN NOMOR 44/PDT.SUS-PATEN/2020/PN.NIAGA.JKT.PST): Juridical Analysis of The Acceptance of Public Domain Patents of Bubbly Wrappers Re-Patented in Indonesia (Study Decision Number 44/Pdt. SUS-Patent/2020/Pn. Trade. Jkt. Pst Shirley Natasha; Simona Bustani
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i2.19801


Patents are exclusive rights that the state grants to inventors based on the results of inventions carried out by themselves or approves other parties to do it in the field of technology within a certain period of time. The formulation of the problem is whether a simple patent for a simple colored bubble wrap which has become a public domain in the United States has the novelty to be registered in Indonesia and what is the decision of a commercial court judge in a simple patent dispute regarding the public domain in Decision Number 44/Pdt.Sus-Paten/2020/ PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst based on Law no. 13 of 2016 concerning Patents. This research is a normative legal research type through the use of secondary data, which is supported by primary data. The nature of research is descriptive analysis, with qualitative analysis of the data. Based on the conclusion that patents that have been registered when viewed from Article 132 Law No. 13 of 2016 concerning patents can be canceled or abolished and the decision of the panel of judges at the commercial court is considered to be inappropriate in its considerations regarding the non-fulfillment of the element of novelty because it has not been careful with the existing problems and facts. In this case the judge should have been more observant in considering the provisions formulated by the Patent Law.
ANALISIS YURIDIS TERHADAP PENCATATAN PERKAWINAN BEDA AGAMA DITINJAU DARI HUKUM PERKAWINAN DI INDONESIA (STUDI PUTUSAN PENGADILAN NEGERI SURABAYA ANTARA RIZAL ADIKARA DAN EKA DEBORA SIDAURUK): Juridical Analysis of Interreligious Marriage Registration in View from Marriage Law in Indonesia (Study of Surabaya District Court Decisions Between Rizal Adikara and Eka Debora Sidauruk Muhammad Hafidz Ashidiqi; Setyaningsih
AMICUS CURIAE Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Amicus Curiae
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/amicus.v1i2.19817


Interfaith marriage is controversial in society due to the absence of regulation according to the Marriage Law.  Based on Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 of 1974, however, in fact, there are still many interfaith marriages in society, one of which is in the decision of the Surabaya District Court.  With the study of the decision no 916/Pdt.p/2022/PN.Sby.  The 2 main issues are whether the determination of interfaith marriages can be registered according to the marriage law in force in Indonesia and whether in court decision No. 916/Pdt.P/2022/PN.Sby.Hakim who has decided to grant permission for interfaith marriages is in accordance with the rules of marriage law in Indonesia.  The research method used is a normative juridical type, with the nature of the research being descriptive and concluding using deductive logic.  Registration of marriages for interfaith marriages cannot be recorded, and the judge's decision is not by the provisions of