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Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering)
ISSN : 23555068     EISSN : 26224852     DOI :
This scientific journal is called Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telcommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) with clusters of science in the field of Electrical Engineering covering the field of Electronics, Control, Telecommunications, Information/Informatics, and Power Electricity. The schedule of scientific journal publication is planned 2 times / volume in a year, ie April and October. The author can come from institutions outside the Department or from within the Department of Electrical Engineering University of Bangka Belitung. Aim and Scope : Electronics, Electronic Materials, Microelectronic System, Control System Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Robotics, Telecommunication, Modulation and Signal Processing, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Information Technology, Information Theory and Coding, Computer Engineering and Informatics, Electrical and Power Engineering, Transmission and Distribution, Renewable Energy.
Articles 12 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022" : 12 Documents clear
Heartbeat and Body Temperature Monitoring System Based on Artificial Neural Networks Tan Suryani Sollu; Alamsyah Alamsyah; Eko Setijadi
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.2896


Heartbeat and body temperature are vital sign parameters for paramedics in strengthening the diagnosis of a disease. Medical staff generally use an electrocardiogram and thermometer to check the heart rate and body temperature. These tools are still manual and require concentration to get accurate values. This examination system is less useful because it requires a long time to collect data, increasing the burden on medical personnel and rising operational costs. To improve health services optimally, the authors propose the manufacture of heart rate and body temperature monitoring devices for the elderly based on wireless using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method. The proposed method can assist medical personnel in diagnosing heart attacks with three conditions (normal, low risk, and high risk). This study aims to assist medical staff in monitoring patients 'health conditions and diagnosing patients' heart disease in real time. This system uses PPG HRM-2511E sensor to detect heart rate and a DS18B20 sensor to detect body temperature. The data detection process uses a raspberry pi, and the decision-making system uses the ANN method. The results of testing the success rate of detecting the heartbeat of 97.90%, and the body temperature of 99.51%. The heart rate and body temperature data processing using ANN went as expected.
Feasibility Study of Raw Material for Hybrid Power Plant in Coastal Cilacap Selatan Afrizal Abdi Musyafiq; Vicky Prasetia; Purwiyanto Purwiyanto; Hera Susanti; Novita Asma Ilahi; Hendi Purnata; Saepul Rahmat
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.2991


Cilacap Regency is a coastal area south of the island of Java. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of raw materials available in the South Cilacap Coastal area and to determine the potential power that can be generated for the PLTH system through the calculation of the raw material data that has been obtained. This research method begins with direct measurements of wind speed and light intensity. Both devices read data in real time and connect online. The data obtained is processed to determine the wind speed and the average intensity of sunlight. The results of these calculations are entered into the equations to calculate the potential power that can be generated. Based on the calculation, the average wind speed is 3-4 m/s and the light intensity is 54612 watt/m2. The results of the calculation of the potential power that can be generated from the PLTB system in the coastal area of ??South Cilacap is equivalent to 508 watts/day. The potential power that can be generated from PLTS is 10.8 kW/day. The total potential power that can be generated from the PLTH system on the coast of South Cilacap is equivalent to 273.22 kWh/day.
Design of Controlling and Monitoring System for Room Temperature, Lighting, Power, and Energy Using Internet of Things Ida Bagus Irawan Purnama; I Kadek Endra Sutawan; I Gede Agus Antara Putra; I Putu Agastia Kama Suika; I Gede Ketut Sri Budarsa; I Made Purbhawa
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.3014


One goal of a smart home is to save the use of energy. Savings can be made with a control system where the things related to electricity usage will be controlled automatically. This research designs a control system of several parameters in a replica of a room with a monitoring application. Those parameters include room temperature, lighting, voltage, current, power, and energy using the Internet of Things. The room temperature control system uses the DHT11 sensor, the light intensity controller uses the LDR HL01 sensor module, while measuring current, voltage, power, and electrical energy at the load uses the PZEM-004T sensor. The NodeMCU ESP8266 is used as a control center that receives, processes, and sends data to the Blynk application using WiFi. The core of the system is based on the detection of the room temperature threshold and the state of light intensity based on light or dark. From these two conditions, the control center will instruct the relay to turn on or turn off the fan and lighting according to the predefined conditions. If the load is on then the voltage, current, power, and energy data will be acquired and displayed on the Blynk application in real-time.
Design of Real-Time Face Recognition and Emotion Recognition on Humanoid Robot Using Deep Learning Muhammad Iqbal; Bhakti Yudho Suprapto; Hera Hikmarika; Hermawati Hermawati; Suci Dwijayanti
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.3044


A robot is capable of mimicking human beings, including recognizing their faces and emotions. However, current studies of the humanoid robot have not been implemented in the real-time system. In addition, face recognition and emotion recognition have been treated as separate problems. Thus, for real-time application on a humanoid robot, this study proposed a combination of face recognition and emotion recognition. Face and emotion recognition systems were developed concurrently in this study using convolutional neural network architectures. The proposed architecture was compared to the well-known architecture, AlexNet, to determine which architecture would be better suited for implementation on a humanoid robot. Primary data from 30 respondents was used for face recognition. Meanwhile, emotional data were collected from the same respondents and combined with secondary data from a 2500-person dataset. Surprise, anger, neutral, smile, and sadness were among the emotions. The experiment was carried out in real-time on a humanoid robot using the two architectures. Using the AlexNet model, the accuracy of face and emotion recognition was 87 % and 70 %, respectively. Meanwhile, the proposed architecture achieved accuracy rates of 95 % for face recognition and 75 % for emotion recognition, respectively. Thus, the proposed method performs better in terms of recognizing faces and emotions, and it can be implemented on a humanoid robot.
Monitoring and Protection System for Overvoltage, Undervoltage and Unbalance Voltage Suryono Suryono; Irianto Irianto; Muhammad Saifudin
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.3092


The biggest loss in the industry that caused the industry to experience financial losses that should have been the target of achieving 90% - 100% production was a decrease of up to 40%, due to the production machines not running due to excessive loads used resulting in overvoltage disturbances, voltage drops or unbalanced voltages. To overcome voltage disturbances, a monitoring tool and protection system are needed with a method that can cut off the load automatically when a disturbance occurs, namely by using a contactor as a load breaker from the source and then controlled. using a microcontroller that utilizes relays and voltage sensors. So that the results obtained in the manufacture of tools that refer to SPLN and NEMA then obtained overvoltage disturbances ranging from 399V - 413V, then a voltage drop occurs at 320V - 328V, while the voltage test is not balanced in the R phase which is different from the S phase and T phase, and the percentage of unbalance voltage is 3%, then the tool will cut off the load and it is hoped that from the results that have been carried out it can return the achievement target in the industry.
Design and Build Automatic Rice Winnowing and Weighing Equipment IoT (Internet of Things) Based Siwi Andriani; Abdul Rakhman; Suroso Suroso
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.3147


Technological developments are growing rapidly without exception in the agricultural sector. Food needs are increasing every year in Indonesia, rice is a staple food for most Indonesian people before being distributed, it is necessary to process rice including cleaning and weighing so that it can reach the hands of buyers. This research was conducted using the R&D (Research and Development) method with a prototype development model. development procedures include the stages of needs analysis, system design and design, prototyping, testing and validation. The design of this rice winnowing and weighing device uses the telegram application, Arduino ide which is connected to the internet as software and hardware NodeMCU ESP 8266, Arduino Uno as a controller, hx711 load cell sensor as a weighing sensor, power supply as a power supplier, relay module, LCD 16 x 20, buzzer, MG996 servo motor, and AC fan that can be controlled remotely using IoT (Internet of Things).
Design for A Remote Smart Home Monitor Using the Internet of Things (IoT) Mita Azania Utami; Suroso Suroso; Irma Salamah
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.3148


Designing a Remote Smart Home Monitor Based on the Internet of Things (IoT) using the NodeMCU ESP32 microcontroller as a wifi network provider and also utilizing Firebase Technology as a data storage medium. This remote smart home monitor with the Internet of Things concept is safe because only people who have certain access can control home appliances such as turning on lights, fans, opening doors, filling water in the bath, preventing theft, in Remote Smart Home Monitors also uses CCTV cameras that utilize special applications, with the selection of these communication technologies efficiently and also saving power in controlling and monitoring from smart home remotely via smartphones. Test results control data can function properly when the switch control is activated then the lights, fans, doors will automatically turn on. Test results PIR sensor can detect movement or when the door is open and the buzzer will sound sending information on the android application. Test results, the ultrasonic sensor can work when the sensor reads the water distance >15 cm then the pump will work to fill the water and when the sensor distance reads the distance <2 cm then the pump will stop to fill the water.
Auto-Tuning PI Controller Design Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Web Tension Control in Roll Rewinder System Ahmad Faizal; Rahmadeni Rahmadeni; Elfira Safitri; Juliesty Huswina; Rudy Kurniawan
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.3270


Paper has a very important role, because it increases the productivity of pulp and paper companies in Indonesia. The company's development in 2018 increased by 2.1%, this was indicated by increasing consumer demand. Therefore, paper becomes a necessity in everyday life. The criteria for the paper to be produced are paper with a flat surface and cannot be wrinkled. However, errors in paper production that often occur are a lot of wrinkles and uneven paper surfaces. This happens because of a discrepancy in the dynamics of paper tension with the standards that have been set. The paper record is caused by the dynamics of the web tension in the Rewinder Roll system. In order for the web tension to remain stable, a controller is needed. The controller used is Auto-Tuning PI controller using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The controller can be said to be successful when it is able to perform automatic tuning of setpoint changes. The results showed that the system was able to achieve setpoint values, overcome overshoot and steady-state error (Ess) with response time values, namely Tr=0.3151 seconds, Ts=0.3750, Td=0.0721, overshoot=0.0044%, and Ess=0 N.
Implementation of MFCC and SVM for Voice Command Recognition as Control on Mobile Robot Rendyansyah Rendyansyah
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.3289


Knowledge Sharing System Berbasis Web di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bangka Belitung Rodiatul Adawiyah; Elyas Kustiawan; Eka Sari Wijayanti
Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecotipe, October 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jurnalecotipe.v9i2.3301


New lecturers must be quickly adapted to their work environment. Adaptation was difficult when colleagues did not provide space for discussion to the new lecturers. This condition occurred at the Faculty of Engineering Bangka Belitung University, with the planned to open a new study program, new lecturers had to be in a temporary homebase that was not their field. The expectation from the Dean was the existence of a knowledge sharing system that can be accessed anytime and anywhere by lecturers. But in reality, the knowledge sharing system still did not exist and knowledge sharing carried out manually by face-to-face meetings between lecturers and through Whatsapp groups. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Engineering, Bangka Belitung University. The knowledge sharing system methodology uses a combination of two methods, which are Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization (SECI), and Knowledge Management Life Cycle. The result of this research was a development of web-based knowledge sharing system with an object-oriented approach which has been tested with black box testing and resulted as the system functions worked well.

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