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Jurnal Komunitas (Komunikasi Tiada Batas)
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JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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Business in digital printing is very competitive. This research aims to describe how digital printing company, especially Kedai Digital #10 able to survive in the competitive of digital printing industry. This field also aims to formulate a strategy based on the models of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) by Dwi Sapta and Tom Duncan. Using qualitatif descriptive, the data is obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. Sampling techniques used purposive sampling. Techniques of data analysis is done by examining the data, data reduction, and heck out the presentation of the validity of the data. To ensure the validity of data done by triangulation technique. Result shows that the mix formulation of IMC strategy model by Dwi Sapta and Tom Duncan is more effective and efficient way to Kedai Digital # 10 Solo than just using one of strategy.
STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN PROGRAM STARONE NGORBIT DI SOLO: Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Program STARONE Ngorbit di Solo Periode 23 November 2007-2010 Novie Trisna Lista
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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STARONE is CDMA cellular communication card released by PT. Indosat Tbk, for Central Java and Yogyakarta. The operational of STARONE is hold by PT. STARONE Mitra Telekomunikasi. To attract customers and remind the society about the existence of STARONE which has been delayed, it is launched STARONE Ngorbit Program, Ngobrol Irit with STARONE on 23 November 2007. The study aims to know the strategy of marketing communication implemented by PT. STARONE Mitra Telekomunikasi for STARONE Ngorbit Program in Solo viewed from promotion mix consisting of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, and direct selling applied using concept of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Promotion mix is conducted integrated to achieve market continuously and widely used resulting consistent message and maximizing marketing communication objective that is greater sales. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data are collected by observation, interview, document and purposive sampling. The data are analyzed through data reduction, display, conclusion and verification. The data validity in this research uses resource triangulation. Based on the result of the study, the writer concludes that the activity of marketing communication of PT. STARONE Mitra Telekomunikasi Solo for STARONE Ngorbit program is more enforced on sales promotion, personal selling, public relation and branding INDOSAT. The advertising activity is less enforced because it has been handled by Regional and Head Office Marketing, because the target of the activity is in national scale and gives national information
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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This paper is to highlight the reformation of press freedom in terms of the principle of media neutrality. Neutral, impartial or affiliated with stakeholders, and political power is one thing that is a principle in the mass media because the media must maintain its neutrality as a function of social control and educator. If the period before the reform, freedom of the press overshadowed by “bredel” or censorship, freedom apparently it is still not fully considered in the present era. Freedom of the press is now just snatched away by its own internal media. If the first media workers have to struggle to escape from the political repression of the ruler, now media workers should strive to avoid repression owners of capital with all the interest surrounding it, in order to realize the press that truly fair and responsible. Understanding and awareness of the owners of capital or management, at least for one word and one bow to actually enforce the primary purpose of journalism, not only for profit but noble responsibility to the community that is a dream to realize a good Indonesian press.
KOMUNIKASI KELOMPOK DAN KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL: Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Komunikasi Kelompok Karang Taruna Mekar Remaja dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Sosial di Dusun Grasak Kismoyoso Boyolali Tika Ristia Djaya
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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The objectives of the research are to study about group communication which are conducted by the members of ’’Mekar Remaja’’ youth association and to know about the roles of its members in improving social welfare. This research used descriptive and qualitative method to explain about various phenomena that occur in the field. The location of this research is in Grasak village Kismoyoso Boyolali, the data of this research were gained by doing interview, observation, and documentation. Sampel of this data are four members of ’’Mekar Remaja’’ youth association and two people who are not members of this association. The result of analysis which is conducted by the writer are: group communication which are conducted by ’’Mekar Remaja’’ youth association is two ways communications that are: face to face communication, and communication through media (hand phone and invitation) and conducting regular meeting every 35 days, this event has been effective. Another activities which are held by ’’Mekar Remaja’’ youth association such as: entrepreneurship, community service, ”sinoman”, sport activities, ’’halal bi halal, ’’Idul Adha’’, and held many events to celebrate the independence day. Members of ’’Mekar Remaja’’ youth association can maintain the group communication which is already effective, and improve the entrepreneur activities and other positive activities in order to increase the social welfare in Grasak village Kismoyoso Boyolali.
REPRESENTASI KEKERASAN SEKSUAL PADA PEREMPUAN: Studi Analisis Semiotika dalam Film “7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita” Wisti Valerina
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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The globalization implies the existence of an infinite information. Furthermore, the audience themselves to be smart in choosing and receive information on get it. One of medium is film. Various types of films that update will become a factor in the audience to absorb the information that is in the vicinity. Information about sexual violence on women, for example, will always be a hot topic discussed due to rampant cases of sexual violence involving women as victims. This study aims to determine the sexual assault case that represented in the film “7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita”. This case may be existing in our neighbourhood. This film gives taught to women, especially Indonesian women not to dissolve into the feelings and in the end only be a mere victim. This research is a qualitative study using semiotic analysis. Research shows that film “7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita” has five elements of sexual violence on women by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) which is probably the result representation of what is around us. Five elements are: (1 ) Sexual Harassment, (2) Sexual Torture, (3) Abortion Coercion, (4) Forced Marriage, and (5) Trafficking of Women for Sexual Purposes. The five elements, perhaps even to the 15 elements of sexual violence on women already in the grade by the National Commission for Women are there around us.
Analisis Framing Headline Tentang Wacana Kenaikan Harga BBM Di Harian KOMPAS dan SOLOPOS Periode Maret 2012 Aprillia Herawati; Poundra Swasty Ratu Maharani Serikit
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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Background of the research is author’s interest with issue of increased price of fuel oil in which it became a popular discussion among people when the issue was starting to develop. The issue of fuel oil price upsurge running about March 2012. The research uses framing analysis method by using Zhongdan Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki instruments. The headlines of Kompas and Solopos newspapers are then analyzed by using framing tool from Pan Konsicki consisting of four big structures, namely, syntax, script, thematic, and rhetoric. Findings of the research indicated that Kompas and Solopos newspaper have different frames about phenomenon of fuel oil price upsurge. The different frames used by Kompas and Solopos newspapers in framing news of the phenomenon discourse were in syntax aspect; especially those were related with headline and informant.
INTIMIDASI TERHADAP KAUM KULIT HITAM SEBAGAI BENTUK PERILAKU RASISME: Analisis Semiotika Pada Film Glory Road Karya James Gartner Indri Puspitasari; Poundra Swasty Ratu Maharani Serikit
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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Istilah rasisme pertama kali digunakan sekitar tahun 1930-an, istilah tersebut digunakan untuk menggambarkan teori rasis yang mengacu pada fenomena pembantaian orang Yahudi oleh Nazi. Film “Glory Road”, merupakan film kisah nyata yang menggambarkan tentang fenomena rasisme pada tahun 1965 di Amerika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai rasisme yang digambarkan melalui perilaku intimidasi dan pesan yang ingin disampaikan dari film “Glory Road”. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif yang memfokuskan pada analisis semiotika yang dikembangkan oleh Roland Barthes. Dalam film “Glory Road” terdapat adegan atau scene yang mengarah ke Intimidasi, Antisemitisme, Etnosentrisme, dan Miscegenation yang menyimpulkan bahwa film “Glory Road” memiliki nilai-nilai rasisme yang digambarkan melalui perilaku intimidasi, dan pesan yang ingin disampaikan adalah ciri fisik khususnya warna kulit tidak dapat dijadikan sebuah ukuran untuk melihat kemampuan dan kecerdasan seseorang.
UNDERPASS DALAM MANAJEMEN PEMBERITAAN MEDIA: Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Manajemen Pemberitaan Kasus Underpass Makamhaji, Sukoharjo di Media Cetak Harian Umum Solopos dan Media Online Periode 1 Januari- 5 Maret 2013 Siti Nurjanah; Alvika Hening Perwita; Sri Herwindya B.W
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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Solopos is the most existing press media in solo. Established in solo September 19th 1997,in that year solo was a city that had a bad reputation among press communities.. Right now Solopos was expanding its business by creating new media,it was online version of Solopos, achievement that had been achieved by in the last 6 months (Januari-Juni 2013) was getting the most visitors in solo regional,about 50.000-60000 visitors a day. All of Solopos and success because of supported by good news management. In order to see the differences of news management of Solopos and, researcher connected with reporting of underpass, planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. The study was conducted in order to determine which news management applied in managing the news of Underpass. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. Results from press media management research in news management of Underpass was done in four stages, planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. In Planning was in the same side with Solopos butit was well planned because there was a planning meetings or editorial meeting every day at 15.00, all things were discussed in the meeting, such as headline proposals, and the selection of what theme would be written. Meeting was attended by all mediacandidates. Organizing the management reports on print media and online media had been formed organizational structure withits positions and duties. Actuating in management reporting begun with the reporting process, reporting was done by the same reporter, because the online media of didn’t has it. This reporting was done by doing it right in the field, in Makamhaji Sukoharjo. The news came ober of the rules of journalism. Controlling in management report was done by editors that thethe task was overseeing directly in the field issues (editor Solopos), overseeing incoming and outgoing news and watching the news to be published ( editor) as well as overseeing the content of the news reporter with editing directly.
MODEL KOMUNIKASI DAN PEMBENTUKAN KONSEP DIRI: Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif mengenai Model Komunikasi Pembimbing dalam Proses Pembentukan Konsep Diri pada Klien di Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial “KARTINI” Tawangmangu Tawangsari Anindya Jati; Chatia Hastasari; Firdastin Ruthnia Y
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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The phenomenon of children on the street is increasingly widespread. This due to the fact that existence is very easy to find particulary in the city center or street even almost all them are disturbing the society, the naughty child and the children on the street tend to live freely with singing on the street and so on. Therefore it needs to establish a positive self concept for naughty child and children on the street. The objective of the research is to determine the comunication model and to classify effective communication model used by conselors in the process of self concept establishment in the client. This research belongs to qualitative descriptive study, data collection techniques used observation and interview. The results of this research is the process of establishing a positive self-concept on the client in social rehabilitation centers “KARTINI” Tawangmangu through three stages of social rehabilitation services consists of some guidance such as the guidance of physical, mental, social skill and character. The guidance uses two communication models. The first communication model effective to estabilish a positive self concept in client with the problems such as dropping out of school, hanging out and so on. Mean while the second communication model effective to client which specific problems such as broken home, drunk, sing on the street and so on.
ASPEK OPTIMISME SEBAGAI REALISASI NILAI NASIONALISME: Analisis Semiotika Lirik Lagu Garuda di Dadaku Sasmitaningtyas Citra Purnama; Rahmat Wisudawanto; Paramastu Titis Anggitya
JURNAL KOMUNITAS Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Komunitas
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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Nowdays, the improvement of nasionalism is needed. One of them is the pround feeling throught our national football. In motivation national football team player. It is needed to sing a song which has nasional theme. One of them is Garuda di Dadaku. This research is aimed to identify and to classify optimism aspects in Garuda di Dadaku and also to describe denotative and conotative meaning and also mitos based on those aspects. This rescach belongs to descriptive qualitative, the source of data is the lyrics of Garuda di Dadaku, where as data in this research in all of phrase which consist of optimism aspects. This research used semiotics analysis theory of Roland Barthes. The analysis was done throught three steps, namely denotation level, conotation level and mitos. The results of analysis shows that there are three optimism aspect in Garuda di Dadaku lyrics. There are permanensi, pervasivitas and personalisasi. Base on eleven data, the distribution to ward the aspect are 6 data consider as permanensi aspects, data classified as pervasivitas aspect and data categories as personalisasi aspect. Where as in mitos level data categories a two. Namely proud and pride.

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