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KOMUNITAS Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas Vol.2 No.2 2012-2013
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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This  paper  is  to  highlight  the  reformation  of  press freedom  in  terms  of  the  principle  of  media neutrality. Neutral, impartial or affiliated with stakeholders, and political power is one thing that  is a principle  in  the  mass  media  because  the  media  must  maintain  its  neutrality  as  a  function  of  social control and educator. If the period before the reform, freedom of the press overshadowed by “bredel” or censorship, freedom apparently it is  still not fully considered in the present era. Freedom of the press is now just snatched away by its own internalmedia. If the first media workers have to struggle to  escape  from  the  political  repression  of  the  ruler,  now  media  workers  should  strive  to  avoid repression owners of capital with all the interest surrounding it, in order to realize the press that truly fair and responsible. Understanding and awareness of the owners of capital or management, at least for one word and one bow to actually enforce the primary purpose of journalism, not only for profit but noble responsibility to the community that is adream to realize a good Indonesian press.
Hedonisme Dalam Iklan Remaja (Analisis Isi Media Tentang Gaya Hidup Hedonis Dalam Iklan Seri Yamaha New Mio M3 125 Blue Core) Erwin Kartinawati
KOMUNIKATIF : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi UKWMS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/jk.v4i2.769


Iklan dipilih sebagai salah satu cara produsen untuk mengenalkan produk baru ataupun mendongkrak penjualan. Hedonisme adalah satu bentuk gaya hidup yang digunakan dalam iklan guna menggambarkan kelebihan produk serta alasan mengapa harus memilikinya. Tulisan ini memuat bagaimana gaya hidup hedonis diajarkan melalui iklan kepada para remaja dan mengapa hal ini layak dikritisi. Iklan yang menjadi obyek kajian yaitu Yamaha New Mio Blue Core 125. Analisis menunjukkan gaya hidup yang mengedepankan kesenangan dan mengutamakan materi ini direpresentasikan secara vulgar atau terang-terangan melalui gambar dan tulisan. Semua versi menonjolkan kepemilikan materi sebagai satu-satunya hal utama dalam hidup. Materi atau kekayaan ditampilkan sebagai kunci mengatasi semua masalah. Kepemilikan harta benda bahkan dapat mengalahkan kekayaan hati maupun intelektual. Pandangan tentang gaya hidup hedonis perlu dikritisi karena dapat membawa pengaruh terutama bagi perkembangan psikologis para remaja.
Pemanfaatan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat (ILM) Guna Meningkatkan Hasil Penghimpunan Dana Organisasi Nirlaba Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) Solo Peduli-Surakarta Erwin Kartinawati; Andrik Purwasito
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Februari 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (684.598 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v3i1.5566


Sebagai organisasi nirlaba, Yayasan Solo Peduli Ummat memunyai visi percontohan dalam memberdayakan dan memandirikan umat, dengan misi kemanusiaan, seperti menghadirkan program solutif untuk masyarakat miskin. Salah satu aksi organisasi ini adalah penghimpunan dana dari masyarakat, yang ditangani oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ). Dana terhimpun, digunakan untuk membantu masyarakat tertimpa musibah, seperti orang sakit, korban banjir, pengungsi bencana alam, pembangunan dan biaya sekolah gratis bagi masyarakat miskin, klinik kesehatan dan ambulans gratis, dan lain sebagainya. Di era milenial ini, LAZ Solo Peduli ingin melakukan transformasi digital agar target-target lembaga dapat tercapai secara optimal. Guna membantu tercapainya tujuan ini, kami melakukan pelatihan videografi dalam bentuk Iklan Layanan Masyarakat (ILM). Pelatihan ini diarahkan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi para insan di Yayasan Solo Peduli, khususnya di LAZ, agar menguasai teknologi informasi dalam bentuk pembuatan dan penerbitan videografi, khususnya video untuk promosi dan penghimpunan dana dari masyarakat. Pelatihan ini memiliki output mencetak video-maker dalam bidang ILM, khususnya teoritisasi ILM, take camera, editing and uploading video.Metode pelatihan dilakukan beberapa tahap: (1) Tahap teoritisasi; (2) FGD gagasan pembuatan konten; (3) Penggunaan kamera dan pengambilan gambar; (4). Editing produk audio visual; (5). Evaluasi; (6). mengunggah video di media sosial. Hasilnya, para insan Solo Peduli mampu membuat ILM sendiri, sehingga memunyai kemampuan untuk mempromosikan lembaga sosial tersebut dengan standar digital memadai. Memunyai kemampuan membuat videografi untuk berbagai kepentingan, khususnya program penghimpunan dana yang memang dibutuhkan untuk disalurkan ke masyarakat membutuhkan, juga menjadi hasil dari kegiatan ini.Kata kunci : Solo Peduli, videografi, ILM, penghimpunan dana, Promosi
Kawruh : Journal of Language Education, Literature and Local Culture Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/kawruh.v1i2.401


Diplomasi budaya adalah bentuk diplomasi yang mengangkat materi seni-budaya, baik berupa seni pertunjukan, seni tari, seni pedalangan, seni suara atau seni bela diri, termasuk kuliner, sebagai bahan atau materi untuk diplomasi. Diplomasi budaya, merupakan bentuk halus dari hubungan antar negara, dan  memiliki peran penting dalam ikut menyumbangkan perannya bagi perdamaian dunia. Oleh sebab itu, diplomasi budaya digunakan sebagai upaya untuk mencapai tujuan nasional melalui cara-cara yang lebih lunak. Oleh karena itu, diplomasi budaya juga disebut sebagai soft power diplomacy. Tulisan ini untuk menjelaskan salah satu praktik soft power diplomacy yang dilakukan oleh aktor non-negara, yaitu pengalaman individu penulis sendiri, utamanya menggunakan wayang kulit, kuliner dan batik. Penggunaan ketiga produk budaya Indonesia ini didasarkan pada hasil penelitian yang penulis lakukan mengenai pentingnya diplomasi berbasis kearifan lokal, antara lain berjudul "Diplomasi Multi-jalur Berbasis Genius Lokal. ". Isinya antara lain adalah wayang kulit dan jenis seni-budaya lainnya, seperti kuliner dan seni sastra, dapat diangkat sebagai metode pembelajaran dalam domain hubungan internasional. Selain sebagai alat diplomasi, penggunaan wayang, kuliner dan batik juga diimplementasikan sebagai wahana praktik diplomasi kebudayaan, sekaligus sebagai upaya pelestarian seni dan budaya khas bangsa Indonesia. Kata kunci : seni, batik, budaya, diplomasi, wayang kulit , soft power.
Diskursus Karya Seni, Kreator, Dan Kapitalisme Andrik Purwasito; Erwin Kartinawati
Kawruh : Journal of Language Education, Literature and Local Culture Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/kawruh.v4i1.2193


This paper departs from the fact that capitalism has reached the stage of complete domination and hegemony. Art products, the art market, and creators are strongly influenced by the ups and downs of the market, the atmosphere and monetary stability, and market players such as auction houses, curators, collectors, collectors, art dealers, patronage, and the mass media. In such a position, it raises the question of how the position of the creator and his work in dealing with enthusiasts and observers of art, markets, and capitalism. Do the creators voluntarily submit and obey the choice to join the capitalist game, or do the creators have a strong bargaining position to maintain idealism and enthusiasm not to get caught up in the game of capital and political games. It is a document study, this article to answer the above questions. As a result, there are two perspectives: first, the perspective of artwork as a commodity that occurs in the current era, and the second is the artwork as an aesthetic object. In the perspective of art as a commodity, creators generally follow market tastes, assisted by patronage, collectors or collectors, and other elements such as curators and mass media. This capitalism employs a strategy called “frying fry.” The second perspective is the artwork as prestige and increasing social status. In this era, creators still have a good bargaining position because there are no market access constraints.
Jurnalisme Kloning di Kalangan Wartawan Kota Surakarta Erwin Kartinawati
Jurnal The Messenger Vol 9, No 1 (2017): January-June
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/themessenger.v9i1.432


News plays role in society. Not only as a source of information but it also can affect people in the cognitive until affective level. Media is not only being the first to present news but also the only one who can present particular news. Unfortunately, for the purpose of fulfilling the target acquisition news, not all of journalists carrying out their profession honestly, presenting news result of the acquisition of its own. Cloning journalism is one of the practices made by some journalists where they do not plunge directly to the process of information gathering, but still get the story. Cloning journalism not just opposite to code of ethics of journalism but also detrimental to media companies concerned. Patterns of cloning journalism carried out in various forms. Regarding the cause are related to the rules of the media company, symbiotic mutualism, and as well as economic motives.
Public and Journalist Perception in Surakarta about Covid-19 News Model Erwin Kartinawati; Betty Gama
Jurnal ASPIKOM - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24329/aspikom.v6i1.714


Mass media adds anxiety to the community regarding Covid-19 news. Some chose not to consume news or did other kinds of counters to reduce the anxiety effect. This study investigated the perception of the public and journalists in Surakarta about Covid-19 news and their perception about the ideal reporting model in a situation such as this time. Agenda setting media theory was used to understand the issue explored. Data were collected using questionnaire and interview. This research concluded that media was considered a cause of psychological disorders, especially anxiety and fear, because of the bad news. The media was still not sensitive to public needs as news tends to pursue ratings/compete to find viewers by making excessive or bombastic titles. The expected news model shall prioritize facts and minimize the negative impact through optimistic news; educational; clear and complete information by credible sources; used terms that were understood by all; showed empathy, sympathy; and content variation.
The Implementation of Basic Principles of Journalism in Citizen Journalist’s News on NETCJ Erwin Kartinawati; Rahmat Wisudawanto
Jurnal ASPIKOM - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24329/aspikom.v5i1.539


The face of mass media has transformed extraordinarily after internet presence. The content was no longer the dominance of media because technology and the public can participate in producing and publishing news, which raised the phenomenon of citizen journalism. Mainstream media captured this phenomenon by bringing up programs based on news that sent by citizens. This research aimed to see the implementation of basic principles of journalism on news that sent by citizens, and the causes that influenced it, on The basic tenets seen were accuracy and fairness. The quantitative content analysis was used to see the first problem; then, the second problem was explored by interviews. The result showed that news sent by citizens on NETCJ mostly was inaccurate (55.17%) and unfair (42.92%). The differences in educational background and experience, the status of citizen journalists, and newsroom policy were the cause of the problem.
Pelatihan Mendeley Sebagai Alat Bantu Sitasi dan Daftar Pustaka Bagi Mahasiswa Erwin Kartinawati
JURNAL PENGABDIAN TEKNOLOGI TEPAT GUNA Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pegabdian Teknologi Tepat Guna
Publisher : Universitas Sahid Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.776 KB) | DOI: 10.47942/jpttg.v2i1.715


Menulis karya ilmiah merupakan suatu keharusan bagi mahasiswa baik dalam bentuk makalah maupun skripsi dan jenis tugas-tugas lainnya. Penggunaan referensi adalah keharusan guna mendukung pemikiran atau analisis dari tulisan mahasiswa. Sebagai bentuk penghargaan terhadap pemilik referensi, daftar pustaka adalah konsekuensi yang harus diisi dalam bentuk identitas penulis buku, jurnal, dan sumber sitasi lainnya. Persoalannya adalah masih banyak penulisan referensi dan juga daftar Pustaka dilakukan secara manual. Akibatnya sering terjadi kesalahan atau bentuk ketidakuratan dalam informasi sumber sitasi. Pelatihan aplikasi Mendeley ini menawarkan solusi atas persoalan tersebut
Pelatihan Produksi Program Berita dan Tayang Bincang untuk Televisi bagi Siswa-siswi di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Karanganyar Erwin Kartinawati; Erna Indriastiningsih; Dahlan Susilo
Abdihaz: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/abdihaz.v2i2.1422


The Training for the Production of News Programs and Talk Show on Television for Students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Karanganyar The digital era makes it easier for humans to get information. Information provision is now no longer dominated by the mainstream media. Ordinary people can now provide information to the public by utilizing social media and other internet-based channels, such as YouTubers, citizen journalists, and other content creators. Unfortunately, they have not fully mastered the ability to produce standard information to fulfill the public's right to obtain accurate, responsible information, referring to existing ethics of information. This training was expected to provide solutions to the above problems. The determination of students as training participants was due to their much more significant curiosity and energy to do creative things to provide more incredible benefits. The benefits are not only for the students but can also be picked by society. The training was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Karanganyar, Central Java. As a result, the students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Karanganyar were able to produce audio-visual based works, especially in the form of television news programs and talk shows according to broadcasting standards.