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Sinar: Jurnal Kebidanan
ISSN : 26858371     EISSN : 27225127     DOI : DOI:
Core Subject : Health, Education,
SINAR Jurnal Kebidanan is a scientific journal published by the Undergraduate Midwifery Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. SINAR Jurnal Kebidanan contains various scientific articles containing research results, case studies, literature reviews, and literature studies in the fields of Obstetrics, Reproductive Health, Children, Adolescents, and Public Health.
Articles 40 Documents
Konsep Tengah Tubuh (Midline) pada Perkembangan Motorik Bayi Khabib Abdullah; Anik Murwani Darajatun; ICHLASUL AMALIA
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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Pergerakan janin ke midline disebut dengan pola fleksi/meringkuk. Pola gerak ini ternyata memiliki pengaruh ke beberapa sistem pada tubuhnya dan perkembangan setelah lahir. Posisi tersebut mengajarkan janin untuk mengenal sensoris tubuhnya, meningkatkan perkembangan fungsi oral dan nafas, dan meningkatkan perkembangan motorik kasar melalui penguatan otot tengah tubuh
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Vol 5 No 2 (2023): SINAR Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sinar.v5i2.12840

Abstract Keywords: Early Menarche, Early Adolescence Objective: Early adolescents will experience the stage of puberty. Puberty experienced by adolescent girls is marked by the occurrence of menarche. Over time, the age of adolescent menarche in Indonesia has decreased or is called early menarche. The timing of menarche can be influenced by several factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between nutritional status and consumption of junk food with early menarche in female students of SMPN 13 Gresik in Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency.Methods: This study used a cross sectional analytic research design. With a total population and a sample of 66 respondents were taken using the Total Sampling technique. The dependent variable is nutritional status and consumption of junk food, while the independent variable is early menarche. The research instrument used is a questionnaire via google form. This study was analyzed using the Spearman Rank Correlation Test.Results: The results of the Spearman Rank Correlation Test showed a relationship between nutritional status and early menarche p=0.000, consumption of junk food with early menarche p=0.008.Conclusion: There is a relationship between the factors that cause early menarche in students of SMPN 13 Gresik, Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency. Therefore, the school and teachers are able to teach and provide deeper information to students about puberty and nutrition to increase students' knowledge about the importance of knowing things related to puberty.
Studi Kasus Perubahan Termoregulasi BBLR Dalam Perawatan Metode Kanguru Di Ruang NICU RS Siti Khodijah Muhammadiyah Cabang Sepanjang fathiya luthfil yumni
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sinar.v4i2.12841


Low birth weight (LBW) is a newborn with a weight < 2500 grams regardless of gestational age.  LBW is one of the main causes of death, morbidity and disability in neonates.  The problem that often occurs in LBW is disturbed thermoregulation.  Disorders of thermoregulation can be in the form of hypothermia.Objective:  This case study studies how the thermoregulation of low birth weight changes in kangaroo care in the NICU room of Siti Khodijah Muhammadiyah Hospital branch Sepanjang.Methods:  The research uses a case study approach. The sample of this study was 2 LBW respondents.  The final result of direct observation at the time of PMK and written on the observation sheet. The unit of analysis in this case study is the characteristics of LBW, the success of PMK, and changes in LBW thermoregulation with PMK.Results:  The results of the two respondents in the LBW category were marked by birth weight between 1501 grams - 2499 grams with gestational age < 37 weeks, the success of the successful PMK category was marked by an increase in body temperature, slow sucking reflex, no vomiting, maternal milk production between 10-15 cc/2 hours, The baby's weight was fixed, and changes in LBW thermoregulation in the PMK category of normal/stable body temperature were proven to have an increase in temperature before PMK was carried out until the first 1 hour of PMK.Conclusion:  Changes in the thermoregulation of LBW in the PMK of the two respondents, there was an increase in body temperature/stable during the first 1 hour of PMK
Perbedaan Peningkatan Berat Badan Sebagai Efek Samping Pemakaian Kontrasepsi Hormonal Irma Maya Puspita
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sinar.v4i2.12872


Objective: Hormonal contraception can affect weight gain, but the dose of hormones contained in combination pills and injections contraceptive is so small that there is almost no influence on body weight. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in weight gain as a side effect of hormonal contraception on combination pills and injections contraceptive acceptors.Methods: The design of this study is a comparative study in which combination hormonal contraception is the independent variable and weight gain is the dependent variable. The sample in the study was taken by simple random sampling, while the population in this study were all acceptors of hormonal contraceptive pills and combination injection in Langkap village, Burneh sub-district with 151 acceptors. Data collection techniques used documentation, statistical test using chi-square and considered significant at 0,05.Results: The results showed that p <α (0,02 <0,05). This means that HO is rejected and H1 is accepted, so there is a difference in weight gain as a side effect of hormonal contraceptives for combination pill and combination injection contraceptive acceptors.Conclusion: With these results, the authors hope that people should choose contraception that is most suitable for themselves so that they can reduce complaints and side effects while using certain contraceptives.
Hubungan Antara Paritas Ibu Dengan Pelaksanaan Program Perencanaan Persalinan Dan Pencegahan Komplikasi (P4K) nova elok mardliyana
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sinar.v4i2.12920


Program Planning of Birth and Prevention of Komplikasi (P4K) represent a program with aim to increase knowledge, attitude, behavioral of pregnant mother, family and husband about the importance of planning of copy. Parity represent result of reproduction from a woman which is being by to the number of borne by child is life during a period of/to reproduction. Ms. with high parity more owning experience of dalan face copy. And efficacy or do not from the experience will influence storey;level compliance of them to health workers.Objective : to find out the relationship between maternal parity and the implementation of the planning and prevention program for complicationsMethods: This research of analytic method use with approach of sectional cross, election of sampel with type sampling probability of simple sampling random with amount 46 responden. obtained data use last questioner later, then with test of statistic SPSS square chi.Results: Test of statistic SPSS square chi got by result of p = 0,001 smaller than = 0,05. Hence decided by Ho refused and H1 accepted by hence its meaning there is relation between mother parity with execution of P4K in work region Puskesmas Sawahan.Conclusion: At this research is obtained by conclusion that mother parity excecution progressively lower behavior of health of mother. And for expected to next researcher to conduct furthermore research about execution of P4K with more complex factor.
Perbedaan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar anak yang diasuh orangtua dengan yang diasuh di taman penitipan anak (TPA) terhadap status gizi dan perkembangan anak usia 24 bulan di kecamatan godean Awwalul Wiladatil Qodliyah
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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The problem of child development growth disorders increases especially with psychosocial backgrounds that are not good due to parental care and fulfillment of the child's basic needs which include love, teach and care. The purpose of this study is to determine the difference between the fulfillment of children’s basic needs who are raised by parents and those who are raised in daycare with nutritional status and development of 24-month-old children in Godean District. This study employed a cross sectional design with a sample size of 60 respondents and was conducted in 6 village in Godean District. Univariate analysis was presented with a frequency distribution table, bivariate analysis with the Mann Whitneyy test. The results of the analysis of fulfilling children’s basic need showed that there were no differences between the children who were raised in daycare and those who were raised by parents with p-value = 0.124. In the nutritional status variable, the children who were raised in daycare and those who were raised by parents had no difference with the p-value = 0.797. In the development of children variable, the children who were raised in daycare and those who were raised by parents had no difference with the p-value = 0.180. In the outside variables, there was no difference between economic status, children health history and mothers’ education the child raised in daycare and those who were raised by parents with p-value = 0.200 for economic status, p-value = 0.776 for medical history and p-value = 0.792 for mother's education. There was no difference between the place of care and the nutritional status and development of the children. There was no difference between the external variables that affected the 24-month-old children who were raised in daycare and the children who were raised by parents in Godean District.
Informed Consent Dalam Penanganan Pasien Gawat Darurat Di Puskesmas Kota Kediri Wilayah Selatan Eri Puji Kumalasari
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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Objective: Research Objectives: Knowing the importance of informed consent in handling emergency patients at the Kediri City Health Center in the South Region in 2021Methods: This study was descriptive to determine informed consent at the Kediri City Health Center in the South Region. Using a combined research method that is analytic with cross sectional approach and normative juridical. The study was conducted in January 2022. The population in this study was based on data from the Kediri City Health Center in the Southern Region. The data were processed to determine the level of intensity of informed consent at the research site.Results: Based on the results of the study, it is known that in the period of 2021 the informed consent rate at the Kediri City Health Center in the southern region occurred 13 cases of emergency and accidental deliveries. Where this number can be called high for emergency patients.Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that to avoid the high mortality rate of emergency patients, in handling emergency patients, prior approval is not required, the most important thing is to save the life of a patient. This is in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, namely Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Minister of Health Regulation Number 290/Menkes/Per/III/2008 concerning Approval of Medical Actions. Although here there is a conflict of norms among several rules regarding informed consent.
Hubungan Pemakaian Kontrasepsi Suntik 1 Bulan Terhadap Perubahan Berat Badan Di Desa Buluh Kecamatan Socah Kabupaten Bangkalan Riski Fitriyatul Fitriyatul
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to know the relationship between the usage of 1-month injection contraception to chains in body weight at Desa Buluh Kecamatan Socah Kabupaten Bangkalan.Methods: This study was analyzed using by cross-sectional approach. The sample was 1-month injection contraception acceptors at Desa Bluh Kecamatan Socah Kabupaten Bangkalan amounts 30 respondents that were chosen by purposive sampling.Results: The technique of data analysis done by Rank Spearman, shown 16 respondents (53.3%) used 1-month injection contraception regularly, and 16 respondents (53.3%) did not experience body weight change. Conclusion: There was a relationship between the usage of 1-month injection contraception to changes in body weight at Desa Buluh Kecamatan Socah Kabupaten Bangkalan
Hubungan Antara Paritas Dengan Kejadian Rupture Perineum Pada Ibu Bersalin Di BPS Hj. Farida Hajri Amd. Keb. Surabaya Dewi bidan; Fahrun Nur Rasyid; Umi Ma'rifah; Nur Mukarromah
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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Objective: Analyzing the relationship between maternal parity and the incidence of perineal ruptureMethods: This research used analytic as design by cross sectional to analyzed the relation between parity and rupture perineum. This research was done at BPS Hj.Farida Hajri AMd.Keb on July 2010. Samples were taken by simple random sampling amount 28 respondents. Data was collected by observation sheet then analyzed by SPSS 17 Chi-Square Test.Result: The result of this research showed ρ 0.002 lower than α 0.05. H0 was declined which also indicated that there was relation between parity and rupture perineum incident. Conclusion: Higher parity, higher rupture perineum incident to puerperal mother.
Hubungan Kepatuhan Ibu Dalam Mengkonsumsi Tablet Fe Dengan Kejadian Anemia Dalam Kehamilan Di Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar Roza Aryani
Sinar : Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/sinar.v4i2.15304


Objective: Compliance is one of the important factors that determine the success of the program. A person is said to be obedient if the person is willing to follow and obey the rules or policies and has been determined without any coercion and demands from others. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the prevalence of pregnant women with iron deficiency is around 35-75%, and it increases with increasing gestational age.Methods: This research is analytic with cross sectional approach . The population in this study were pregnant women who were at the Want Jaya Public Health Center, Aceh Besar District, as many as 82 respondents with non-probability sampling technique.Results: obtained _value is 0.024, then a test is carried out where _value is0.024 <0.05, so it can be seen that the hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, this shows a relationship between adherence to consuming Fe tablets and the incidence of anemia in pregnancy at the Want Jaya Health Center, Aceh Besar District .Conclusion: Based on the results of research that has been carried out at the Want Jaya Health Center, Want Jaya Regency, Aceh Besar Regency, with the incidence of anemia at the Want Jaya Health Center, Aceh Besar District, the researcher can conclude that, out of 82 respondents, the majority of mothers experienced anemia, namely 64 respondents (79 %), and pregnant women who are categorized as non-compliant are 64 respondents (78.0%). _value 0.024<0.05 There is an influence between maternal adherence to Fe tablets and the incidence of anemia at the WantJaya Public Health Center, Aceh Besar District.

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