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Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
ISSN : 01261193     EISSN : 2460545X     DOI : 10.35749
Core Subject : Health,
Ophthalmologica Indonesiana is an open accessed online journal and comprehensive peer-reviewed ophthalmologist journal published by the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association / Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata (PERDAMI). Our main mission is to encourage the important science in the clinical area of the ophthalmology field. We welcome authors for original articles (research), review articles, interesting case reports, special articles, clinical practices, and medical illustrations that focus on the clinical area of ophthalmology medicine.
Articles 9 Documents
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Status Penglihatan Pasien Makroadenoma Hipofisis Pasca Bedah Transphenoid Reny Setyowati; Adiguno Suryo Wicaksono; Rahmat Andi Hartanto; Indra Tri Mahayana; Suhardjo Prawiroranu
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.178


AIM: The main aim of surgery in pituitary macroadenoma are restoration of visual acuity and visual field defects by decompression of the optic chiasm. Pituitary macroadenoma has slow growth pattern. This study describes the visual status of patients with pituitary macroadenoma and the post operative results. METHODS: Retrospective, descriptive interventional study of patients with pituitary adenoma underwent transphenoid surgery at Dr Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta. RESULTS: There were 7 patients age 29-65 years old, mean age was 42 years old, consist of 3 male and 4 female and were followed-up varies between 1 until 6 months. There was history of previous transphenoid surgery in 1 patients. Duration of patient’s complaint varies between 1 until 36 months and the mean duration was 12 months. In 6 patients there were bitemporal hemianopia and 1 patients had general depression visual field defect. Visual acuity pre operative was between 0,003 until 1,0 , and the mean visual acuity was 0,1 (right eye) and 0,18 (left eye). Visual acuity post operative was between no light preception until 1,0 , and the mean visual acuity was 0,27 (right eye) and 0,19 (left eye) but there were no statistically significant differences. Fundus examination reveal optic atrophy in all patients. CONCLUSION: Transphenoidal surgery is the treatment of choice in patients with pituitary macroadenoma. Prolonged duration of symptoms and delay of surgery may impact the visual status KEYWORDS: Visual status, visual field defect, pituitary macroadenoma, transphenoid surgery, post operative
Perbandingan Efisiensi dan Keamanan Fakoemulsifikasi Transversal-Longitudinal Sistem Peristaltik dengan Sistem Venturi pada Katarak Derajat Sedang-Keras Maulia Fitra Purnama; Bondan Harmani; Syska Widyawati; Amir Shidik; Aria Kekalih
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.181


Tujuan: Untuk membandingkan tingkat efisiensi dan keamanan antara teknologi Ellips FX-sistem Peristaltik dan Ellips FX-sistem Venturi pada fakoemulsifkasi katarak derajat sedang keras. Metode: terdapat 48 pasien yang terseleksi untuk dilakukan randomisasi di RSCM pada periode January 2016 – Juni 2016. Dilakukan pengukuran densitas sel endotel dan ketebalan kornea sentral. Efisiensi dinilai dari effective phaco time (EFX). Mesin fakoemulsifikasi yang digunakan adalah Signature Ellips FX®. Hasil :nilai median phaco time kedua grup tidak berbeda signifikan (190 vs 184 detik, p>0.05). Penurunan densitas sel endotel dan peningkatan ketebalan kornea sentral tidak berbeda signifikan. Tidak ada komplikasi yang terjadi pada penelitian ini. Kesimpulan: tingkat efisiensi dan keamanan pada Ellips FX-Peristaltik and Ellips FX-Venturi adalah sama. Kata kunci: densitas sel endotel, ketebalan kornea sentral, transversal, ellips FX, peristaltik, venturi.
Pneumatic Retinopexy in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment : Case Series Fauzan Teuku Banta; Ari Djatikusumo; Elvioza Elvioza; Gitalisa Andayani; Anggun Rama Yudhanta; Mario Marbungaran Hutapea; Andi Arus Victor
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.184


In the case of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD), pneumatic retinopexy is an alternative choice besides scleral buckling and pars plana vitrectomy. This case series describes two cases of RRD with superotemporal tear treated succesfully with pneumatic retinopexy. The expandable gas used in this study was 0.4 cc perfluoropropane (C3F8) gas, patient’s head is immediately positioned face down (prone), then slowly turned into an upright position in accordance with the tear for 1-3 days. Laser retinopexy using an argon laser is performed after the retina is properly reattached. Ten months after pneumatic retinopexy, the VA of RE in case I remained at 6/18 with reattached retina. At four weeks, VA of RE in case II was at 3/60 with reattached retina. VA of both cases was relatively satisfactory with retinal reattachment in a single procedure. The anatomical and functional success of pneumatic retinopexy is related to macular status before surgery, retinal detachment area, phakic status, or the presence of PVR and high myopia.
Bilateral Idiopathic Neuroretinitis M Hidayat; Rince Liyanti
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.185


Introduction : Neuroretinitis is a clinical entity characterized by acute loss of vision associated with disc edema and a star pattern of exudates in the macula. It can be divided into two, those with a specific infectious agent or idiopathic. Most infectious cases are due to cat-scratch disease, caused by Bartonella species and other infectious agents. Case with a clear infectious are categorized as idiopathic. Most patients with idiopathic neuroretinitis recover excellent visual acuity with or without intervention. Although the presentationis most often unilateral, bilateral cases of neuroretinitis have been reported. Method : A 20 years old woman with a 2-weeks history of sudden progressive visual loss both eyes (visual acuity : RE 3/60; LE 20/200). The optic disc were edema and the hard eksudat on the macular area. Two weeks follow up, funduscopic shows a macular star and the optic disc’s edema were reduced. Perimetric test shows general depressed in both eyes. The blood tests and the brain CT Scan were normal. She received methyl prednisolone 48 mg for 2 weeks. 8 months follow up, VA : RE 20/50, LE 20/40 with the pinhole 20/15 in both eyes. The funduscopic still edema and slightly pale. Results : There was improvement in central visual acuity after steroid treatment, but leave residual abnormal funduscopic. Conclusion: Neuroretinitis is generally self-limited. The visual acuity recover excellent with the steroid, but the abnormal disc in this case related to a vaso-occlusive mechanism of prelamin ararterioles with subsequent disc infraction.
Deteksi Central Serous Chorioretinopathy dengan Faktor Risiko Kehamilan dengan Menggunakan Optical Coherence Tomography Ade John; Vera Sumual
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.186


Latar belakang : Central serous Chorioretinopathy merupakan kondisi dimana neurosensory retina terlepas karena terjadinya penumpukan cairan serous pada lapisan Retinal pigment epithelium. Salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya CSC ialah kehamilan. Ilustrasi kasus: Kami melaporkan sebuah kasus pasien Central serous Chorioretinopathy dengan faktor risiko kehamilan. Pasien berusia 24 tahun datang dengan keluhan kedua mata kabur setelah melahirkan anak pertama. Pasien tidak memiliki riwayat mata kabur atau penggunaan kacamata sebelumnya. Pemeriksaan dengan amsler grid menunjukkan metamorphopsia. Pada pemeriksaan segmen posterior ditemukan warna kekuningan pada sekitar fovea dan bagian makula tampak agak menonjol pada kedua mata. Pemeriksaan penunjang dengan menggunakan OCT menunjang penegakan diagnosis. Terapi pada pasien ini diberikan roboransia berupa pyridoxine dan pasien menunjukkan perbaikan pada hari ke 90. Kesimpulan: Optical Coherence Tomography dapat digunakan sebagai modalitas penunjang medik yang membantu dalam penegakan diagnosis dan melihat perjalanan penyakit Central Serous Chorioretinopathy.
Kebutaan dan Persepsi Kompetensi Profesi Tjahjono D Gondhowiardjo
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.187


Ilmu Kesehatan Mata (Oftalmologi) menyetarakan keadaan “kebutaan” dengan “kematian”; oleh karena itu, paradigma awal dan utama oftalmologi adalah mencegah dan me-rehabilitasi kebutaan. Sejalan dengan itu, maka pengenalan gejala dan petanda dini berbagai penyakit atau keadaan yang terkait dengan resiko terjadinya kebutaan harus dikenal dan mampu melakukan penatalaksaan secara cepat dan tepat, minimal untuk tidak memperburuk keadaan sebelum merujuk-nya. Dalam konteks pendidikan, maka kompetensi tersebut merupakan keharusan (have to know) dalam tingkatan mampu memperlihatkan (do show), kegagalan pengenalan petanda dan gejala tsb digolongkan dengan ketidak mampuan yang fatal (red flag). Edisi ini, menampilkan beberapa makalah yang membahas berbagai aspek klinis, namun dapat digolongkan dalam katagori ber-potensi menyebabkan kebutaan, seperti rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, idiopathic neuroretinitis, central serous retinopathy, pituary macroadenoma, refractory glaucoma, serta ulkus kornea. Tindakan utama pada kondisi Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (robekan retina) adalah vitrektomi dengan tamponade silicon atau gas. Tindakan ini membutuhkan SDM dengan kompetensi khusus, serta peralatan dan bahan habis pakai sehingga relatif hanya dapat dilakukan pada sarana kesehatan tertier dan merupakan tindakan berbiaya tinggi. Di-sisi lain, seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, perubahan gaya hidup, kemudahan transportasi dan peningkatan angka harapan hidup, maka terlihat adanya peningkatan prevalensi kondisi ini di berbagai jenjang sarana kesehatan mata. Keterlambatan penatalaksanaan tentunya akan meningkatkan resiko kebutaan. Namun ironi-nya, dalam era jaminan kesehatan nasional ini, akibat pola pembiayaan yang tidak tepat, justru terjadi penumpukan kasus yang tidak tertangani di sarana kesehatan tersier. Sehubungan dengan itu, maka prosedur Pneumatic Retinopexy, dilanjutkan dengan Argon Laser Retinopexy yang merupakan tindakan yang relatif sederhana, dan dapat dilakukan dengan sumberdaya di strata pelayanan kesehatan mata sekunder mungkin dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu alternatif penatalaksanaan, minimal untuk memperkecil atau memperlambat potensi kebutaan akibat adanya Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment...... (....)
Outcomes and Complications of Ahmed Glaucoma Valve Implantation at Dr. Yap Eye Hospital Widya A Reswari; Sri Wardhani; Krisna D P Jati; Erin Arsianti; Tatang Talka Gani; Retno Ekantini
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.188


Introduction and Objectives: Glaucoma drainage device is widely used in glaucoma surgery. Ahmed Glaucoma Valve (AGV) implant is one of the most used glaucoma drainages with a low incidence of complication. This study aimed to evaluate the outcomes and complication of Ahmed Glaucoma valve implantation in patients with refractory glaucoma at Dr Yap Eye Hospital Methods: Medical records of 30 patients (30 eyes) who had AGV implant surgery at Dr Yap Eye Hospital from January 2014 to October 2016 were reviewed. Pre-operative data include age, gender, eye laterality, type of glaucoma, visual acuity, and intraocular pressure and. The IOP, visual acuity (VA), and complications were measured at day 2, day 7, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. The postoperative complications were documented. Results: The mean IOP at baseline was 45.78 ± 13.04 mmHg, decreased after the operation to 14.41 ± 9.86 mmHg at day- 2 and 17.6 ± 14.6 mmHg at 6 months follow up. The mean initial VA was 2.47 ± 0.56 and unchanged 2.4 ± 0.74, at last, follow up. Early postoperative complications (0-3mos) were flat anterior chamber (4 eyes, 13%), hyphema (4 eyes, 13%), and tube exposure (4 eyes, 13%). The late postoperative complication (after 3 mos) was tube exposure (1 eye, 3%), bullous keratopathy (1 eye, 3.3%), and dislocation of the implant (1 eye, 3.3%). The rang of tube exposure onset was 49-235 days (mean 99.5 ± 90.54 days) after implantation. Flat anterior chamber and hyphema could be successfully managed conservatively while tube exposure needed surgical repair. Three cases of tube exposure required explantation. Endophthalmitis was detected in one case of tube exposure. Conclusion: AGV implantation appears to be a safe and effective surgical option in patients with refractory glaucoma.
Clinical Efficacy of Fresh Amniotic Membrane Transplantation in Non- Healing Corneal Ulcer Reny Setyowati; Kristian Goenawan; Suhardjo Prawiroranu
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.189


Objective: Severe corneal ulcer requires immediate intensive topical antibiotics, although potentially toxic to corneal epithelium and may contribute for prolonged corneal epithelial defect. Fresh-amniotic membrane transplantation (F-AMT) could act as an adjuvant therapy that counterbalances the epithelial toxicity effect and exerting antimicrobial actions. This study evaluates the clinical improvement and factors associated with the success rate of F-AMT using suturing technique. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of 28 patients (28 eyes) conducted at Dr Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta. Inclusion criteria were patients with severe corneal ulcer unresponsive to conventional medical treatment who underwent multilayer F-AMT using suturing technique. Clinical improvement such as hypopyon, size of the corneal defect, and antibiotic medication were evaluated. Results: Corneal epithelial healing was effectively restored at 25 days post F-AMT. There were statistically significant difference in patient’s blepharospasm (p= 0,00) and pain scale postoperative (p=0,00). There was no significant difference in patients visual acuity postoperative. Factors such as the size of the corneal defect, hypopyon, leucocyte count and neutrophil count were not correlated to epithelial healing. Failure was noted in 7 patients (25%) because of a persistent corneal defect. No patient developed major immediate postoperative complications. Conclusion: F-AMT could be an optional adjuvant therapy with excellent results to treat non-healing severe corneal ulcer unresponsive to medical treatment by promoting epithelial healing.
Manifestasi Klinis Okular dan Orbital pada Penyakit Sinus Paranasal dan Manajemennya di RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang Muhammad Syauqie; Ardizal Rahman
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 45 No 2 (2019): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v45i2.190


Latar belakang : Hubungan yang erat antara penyakit sinus paranasal dan orbita disebabkan karena letaknya yang berbatasan secara anatomis. Sekitar 60% hingga 80% dari dinding orbita tersusun dari dinding sinus paranasal. Pasien dengan penyakit sinus paranasal dapat memperlihatkan gejala okular yang lebih menonjol tanpa disertai gejalai rhinologik yang nyata. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan gejala okular yang khas pada pasien dengan penyakit sinus paranasal menurut etiologi yang mendasarinya. Metode : Penelitian retrospektif dari rekam medis dari bulan Januari 2008 - Desember 2017. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa umur, jenis kelamin, diagnosa penyakit sinus paranasal, sinus yang terlibat, ada tidaknya invasi orbita dan gejala klinis okular. Hasil : Terdapat 55 pasien yang berobat ke poliklinik rawat jalan bagian oftalmologi RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang selama periode tahun 2008-2017, baik datang secara langsung atau dikonsulkan dari bagian THT-KL, dengan kecurigaan invasi orbita akibat penyakit sinus paranasal, yang terdiri dari 34 (61.8%) laki-laki dan 21 (38.2%) perempuan. Usia pasien bervariasi dari umur 4 tahun hingga 83 tahun, dengan kelompok umur terbanyak antara umur 51 hingga 60 tahun. Invasi orbita terjadi pada 45 pasien (81.8%) dan disebabkan oleh tumor sinonasal pada 35 pasien (77.7%), oleh infeksi sinus pada 8 pasien (17.7%) dan oleh mukokel pada 2 pasien (4.6%). Tumor sinonasal merupakan penyakit sinus paranasal terbanyak yaitu pada 43 pasien (78.2%) dan sinus maksilaris merupakan sinus yang terbanyak terlibat. Mayoritas pasien (67.7%) datang dengan presentasi klinis proptosis, diikuti dengan oftalmoplegia (54.8%) dan penurunan visus (43.5%). Kesimpulan: Tumor sinonasal merupakan etiologi terbanyak abnormalitas orbita akibat invasi penyakit sinus paranasal dan sinus maksilaris merupakan sinus yang terbanyak terlibat. Proptosis merupakan manifestasi klinis okular terbanyak sebagai komplikasi orbita yang disebabkan penyakit sinus paranasal. Proptosis bersifat nonaksial dan arah proptosis berlawanan dengan letak sinus yang terlibat

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