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Hari Maghfiroh
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Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control (JFSC)
ISSN : 29866537     EISSN : -     DOI :
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control is an international peer review journal that published papers about Fuzzy Logic and Control Systems. The Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control should encompass original research articles, review articles, and case studies that contribute to the advancement of the theory and application of fuzzy systems and control, and their integration with other technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and optimization.
Articles 36 Documents
Adaptive Fuzzy-PI for Induction Motor Speed Control Hari Maghfiroh; Joko Slamet Saputro; Fahmizal Fahmizal; Muhammad Ahmad Baballe
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i1.24


An induction motor (IM) is one type of AC motor which widely used. IM is chosen due to its simplicity, reliability, efficiency, and low cost. There are many methods proposed to control the speed of IM which is known as variable speed drive (VFD). In this study, the DTC method is used since it is more robust to the parameter’s changes. The combination of the Fuzzy and PI method is used in speed control. PID performances decrease when the system condition changes. Therefore, fuzzy is used as an adaptive algorithm to vary the PID gain. It was superior in terms of settling time, overshoot/ undershoot, and IAE compared to the PI method. It has lower IAE in both speed tracking and loaded conditions by 44.98% and 4.47%, respectively.
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Control on a Tower Copter Fahmizal; Daffa Yanu Kharisma; Subuh Pramono
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i1.25


Air transport has become a major attraction for scientists in the last decade, to carry out developments in the fields of firefighting, military, and commercial purposes. A quadcopter is a helicopter with four rotors. There are four arms connected to the main control and each arm has a motor with a rotor. In this study, the position control of a tower control is presented. A Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is proposed, and it performance is compared with PID control. The hardware implementation test shows that FLC is superior to PID. The hardware testing shows that the settling time of the FLC control response is 0.5s while the PID control response is 1.2s. That means FLC settling time is faster by 58.33% compared to PID.
DC Motor Speed Control with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Control on the Prototype of a Mini-Submarine Qolil Ariyansyah; Alfian Ma'arif
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i1.26


DC (Direct Current) motors are widely used as controllers in the industrial and robotics fields. In the rotation of the DC motor, there is still an unstable rotational speed so that a controller is needed to be able to stabilize the speed at the rotation of the DC motor. The control used in this study used the PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) control method. The PID control system works by processing calculations based on control variables Kp, Ki, and Kd to achieve conditions according to the expected setpoints. To achieve the expected conditions, the trial and error method is used. PID control in this study was implemented on a DC motor with a brushed type using an Arduino Mega microcontroller. The speed of the DC motor is read by the encoder sensor and entered in the PID equation. The output of the PID value will produce data in the form of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) which will be the input of the L298N driver via Arduino Mega. The DC motor will produce a rotational speed in the form of RPM (Revolution Per Minute) data up to the specified set point. The implementation of PID was produced by giving parameter values to Kp, Ki, and Kd. The best PID parameter usage in this study was in the form of Kp = 0.6; Ki=0.3; and Kd=0.01. The application of the PID parameter obtains a stable system response curve at a predetermined set point. The resulting Kp, Ki, and Kd parameter data is used as graph data in MATLAB software.
Mecanum 4 Omni Wheel Directional Robot Design System Using PID Method Muhammad Alfiyan; Riky Dwi Puriyanto
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i1.27


Robot or Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be interpreted as a machine with some computer intelligence and controlled by a computer, and has physical abilities like humans. One of the drives of robots that is often used is a DC motor, a DC motor is a motor with an electronic device that converts electrical energy into kinetic energy or motion. However, DC motors often experience a decrease due to the existing load, so that the speed becomes not constant, so it is necessary to design a controller. The controller used is Proportional Integral Derivative (PID). In the PID there are several parameters such as , , and which are selected or determined so that the plant characteristics match the desired criteria. The general parameters are rise-time, settling-time, maximum, overshoot, and steady-state error for a given input. From the results of the DC motor speed control test using the PID method which was carried out by trial and error testing of the four DC motors, the best PID value was obtained with ; ; ; and with the Rise Time system message: 14.7452; Overshoots: 0.6667; Settling Time: 52.0100; Undershot: 0; Settling Min: 136; Peaks: 151; Settling Max : 151; and Peak Time: 65.
PID Control of Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) System Muhammad Arif Seto; Alfian Ma'arif
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i1.28


Magnetic levitation is a process of drifting or shifting an object with a certain reference, by creating a repulsive force from the gravity of an object caused by an electromagnetic field without noise. In modern times like today, with the density of community activities, especially those living in urban areas, it is necessary to be able to carry out activities efficiently as well as quickly.  Therefore, the reason for many people to be able to find an innovative solution to make it easier for humans to carry out their activities. One of the innovations that can be a solution to the limited space and time is in the development of magnetic levitation technology. The system that will be used in controlling this maglev is to use a PID controller. Using this PID control will be tested with several , , and  values with a setpoint of 950. At the initial tunning with the values  =2,  =0.01, and  =2. Then in the second test using the values  =3,  =0.1, and  =0.3. Software testing is also carried out using matlab. The exact PID value for controlling an elevated object can be found by changing the value of the , , and  values that can be searched through a matlab software in the PID tunner feature, which can then be seen the PID tunning results by analyzing the graph that will be displayed by the PID tunner.
Hydraulic Power System Control using State Feedback Controller (SFC) Fahmizal; Jimmy Trio Putra; Sekar Fatimawardhani; Hari Maghfiroh
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i1.30


In an electrical network, generators work and provide power to the loads. When the load on the generator increases, the speed of the generator decreases then resulting in a reduction in the frequency of the network. This paper was designed within the state feedback controller (SFC) to improve the hydraulic power system performance. The performance of the proposed controller is compared with simple feedback controller (FC) in the simulation environment. The load variation was tested which is 5%, 10%, and 20% variation. The testing results show that in terms of steady state error (SSE) and overshoot, the SFC is superior. In terms of settling time, the FC method is faster. Since it quickly reaches steady event not getting into set-point. The overall, it can be concluded that SFC can give better performance than FC in the frequency control of a hydraulic power system.
A Design and Testing of Electrosurgery Unit Meilia Safitri; Adrian Pranata; Muhammad Irfan; Muhammad Hamka Ibrahim
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i2.31


Bleeding during surgery is common in major surgical operations. So, it is not recommended to make an incision using a conventional scalpel. As an alternative to replacing a conventional scalpel, an electric scalpel or know as electrosurgery unit (ESU) is made by utilizing a high frequency whose duty cycle can be adjusted and then being focused on one point is a solution to prevent bleeding. This research will design a bipolar electric scalpel or bipolar electrosurgical unit with a frequency of 210-250 KHz and an input voltage of 50-90 VDC to perform pure cuts on chicken meat samples. The box pulse frequency will be generated from IC 4069. The output of the oscillator generator will read the high and low voltage on the Arduino Nano digital pin. The current will be amplified at the oscillator output and then processed in the inverter driver circuit. The selection of the DC input voltage will use a voltage driver circuit. The inverter driver output and voltage driver will be step-up to get a maximum power of 10.4W with a resistance of 100Ω at a frequency setting of 210 KHz and an input voltage of 90 VDC and a minimum power of 1.4W with a resistance of 100Ω at a frequency setting of 250 KHz and input voltage 50 VDC.
Use of Vacuum to Increase the Effectiveness of X-Ray Tube Maintenance Alya Izzaty Bika; Meilia Safitri; Erika Loniza; Bagus Roni Yusuf; Djoko Sukwono
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i3.33


Each device requires redundancy, including the X-ray machine. In an X-ray machine, there is an important component as the location for the creation of X-rays, namely the X-ray tube. This tube needs routine maintenance to increase the tube's lifetime. In addition, maintenance that was originally done manually, with this device can be done automatically and more quickly. In addition, maintenance that was originally done manually can be done automatically and faster with this device. X-ray tube oil vacuum is used as an effective solution for the maintenance of an X-ray tube machine that lasts for days. This device comes with easy use, equipped with two buttons and a display. This device can increase the productivity of both the device and the technician itself. The application of the use of X-ray tube oil vacuum is intended for hospitals and health facilities that have active X-ray machines. This device has been able to be built. Based on the results, it has a 2.5% error for the measurement at minimum and maximum pressure and a 3% error at -15 KPa pressure. The volume of the X-ray tube fully filled is always the same for each measurement. It can be concluded that this device can be effective in time because it only takes minutes to fill the X-ray tube up to full. Still, many parts can be improved and developed, such as the size and the weight.
Interface Design of DJI Tello Quadcopter Flight Control Fahmizal; Danis Afidah; Swadexi Istiqphara; Nur Syuhadah Abu
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i2.35


Quadcopter is an unmanned, remote-controlled aircraft. This quadcopter has various types, in this study, the DJI Tello is used. The aim is to create a DJI Tello quadcopter flying control interface with Processing IDE, where the DJI Tello quadcopter will be controlled via a keyboard, joystick, and Graphical User Interface (GUI). Programmed through the Processing IDE, so the quadcopter can be controlled via the keyboard. The functions of some keys on the keyboard and joystick will be used to control the quadcopter's flying. To control these flying, several libraries available in the Processing IDE are required, while the GUI will function to read how the conditions of the quadcopter when the quadcopter and processing IDE are connected. The testing results show that the GUI can display the same position as the actual DJI Tello based on the data communication.
Movement Control of Three Omni-Wheels Robot using Pole Placement State Feedback and PID Control Swadexi Istiqphara; Anisa Ulya Darajat; Fahmizal; Mohammad Farhan Ferdous
Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Control Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jfsc.v1i2.36


Omni wheels robot have high efficiency in robot movement, but also have its own challenges in controlling this robot, especially robots with three omni wheels (3WD). This paper proposes a robot control system using the pole placement state feedback method to control the inner loop which controls the body reference speed, and PID method is used to control the outer loop which controls the robot's position in world coordinates. The results obtained using computer simulations show that the proposed method is able to control the robot's position in world coordinates even though there is an overshoot of 5- 10% on X and yaw axis, however the Y axis performance is overshoot more than 100% because of coupled effect thats still cannot be eliminated.

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