Jurnal Terekam Jejak (JTJ)
Jurnal Terekam Jejak (E-issn: 3032-4122) plays an important role in encouraging critical and in-depth academic discourse and research on political, business and legal issues in Indonesia, regional areas and internationally. This journal provides a platform for academics, practitioners and experts to share their knowledge and insights on contemporary issues in this field. This allows for a constructive exchange of ideas and thoughts, thereby increasing a better understanding of political, business and legal dynamics.
29 Documents
Analisis Peran Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Pencucian Uang
Astritia Latifa
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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Pencucian uang merupakan hambatan terbesar dalam mempertahankan sistem keuangan internasional yang efektif. Tindakan pencucian uang ini sangat berbahaya dengan memberikan peluang bagi pelaku kejahatan untuk mencuci atau melegitimasi hasil kejahatan serta menginvestasikan kembali dana hasil pencucian ke dalam kegiatan pelaku. Tindakan ini juga tergolong dalam kejahatan transnasional karena melibatkan kegiatan ilegal yang melintasi batas negara, memanfaatkan kerentanan sistem keuangan global, dan melibatkan jaringan internasional yang kompleks. Secara global, hal ini dapat mengakibatkan kerugian yang signifikan terhadap perekonomian dengan merusak operasi ekonomi nasional dan mendorong kebijakan ekonomi menjadi lemah. Akibatnya, pasar keuangan mengalami kerusakan serta berkurangnya kepercayaan publik terhadap sistem keuangan. Ketika pasar keuangan menjadi kurang stabil berdampak pada tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang menurun. Dalam mengurangi potensi pencucian uang, pemerintah perlu menggunakan intelijen keamanan dan regulasi keuangan. Untuk meningkatkan keamanan keuangan dan mengurangi peluang pencucian uang ilegal, negara-negara akan mendapat manfaat dari pemahaman tentang bagaimana penerapan Rekomendasi Financial Action Task Force (FATF) dan afiliasi regulasi mereka mempengaruhi risiko pencucian uang. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Financial Action Task Force (FATF) dalam upaya penanggulangan pencucian uang menggunakan metode penelitian studi pustaka. Melalui pendekatan ini, jurnal ini mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber literatur, seperti artikel jurnal, laporan, dan dokumen kebijakan yang relevan dengan peran FATF dalam penanggulangan pencucian uang. Metode penelitian studi pustaka digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis informasi yang relevan terkait peran FATF, kegiatan yang dilakukan, pendekatan yang diambil, serta dampaknya dalam penanggulangan pencucian uang. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang peran FATF dan kontribusinya dalam upaya penanggulangan pencucian uang di tingkat global.
Perkembangan Teknologi Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) Tiongkok untuk Melawan Global Positioning System (GPS) Amerika Serikat
Cyril Noor Mohammad Harahap;
Roby Rakhmadi
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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China successfully launched the third phase of construction in June 2020, making them the third country to independently have their own satellite in orbit after the United States and Russia. The satellite parts, which total 24 satellites, are placed in three different orbits and at the same time make them the owners of the satellites who place the satellites in the three orbits. Beidou has a system that provides higher accuracy and very precise location positioning when compared to GPS navigation satellite systems. The availability of excellent features such as short message service is the main concern in the Beidou feature. Beidou was able to make rapid progress in China's economic and military fields, making it the driving force of China's national security on the mission of becoming a great power country. The comparison is made by placing the GPS satellite system, the world's first navigation satellite which is currently dominantly used in civilian use and military use throughout the world. Beidou's presence led to the view that his presence could counteract the GPS system. With the success of Beidou, creating a new competition between the United States and China in the field of navigation satellites.
Analisis Dampak Kurikulum Merdeka Terhadap Proses Pembelajaran Siswa di Indonesia
Fadhil Ramadhan
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dampak Kurikulum Merdeka terhadap pembelajaran siswa di Indonesia. Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan pendekatan baru dalam pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kebebasan lebih kepada siswa untuk memilih materi dan metode pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuannya. Dalam penelitian ini, kami mengidentifikasi masalah yang berkaitan dengan penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka, mengevaluasi tujuan yang dicapai dengan pendekatan ini, menganalisis metode yang digunakan dalam penerapannya, mempresentasikan hasil yang ditemukan dan menyimpulkan dampak dari kurikulum Merdeka. Pembelajaran siswa di Indonesia. Masalah yang teridentifikasi mencakup tantangan dalam mengembangkan kurikulum yang fleksibel, melatih guru untuk mengadopsi pendekatan baru ini, dan memberikan penilaian yang sesuai untuk mengukur kemajuan siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis data sekunder, yaitu mengumpulkan informasi dengan mencari sumber online terpercaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum mandiri memberikan kebebasan lebih kepada siswa untuk memilih dan membentuk pembelajarannya sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuannya. Hal ini diduga dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran. Namun, tantangan mengelola fleksibilitas kurikulum dan pelatihan guru yang dibutuhkan tetap menjadi perhatian utama. Evaluasi kemajuan belajar siswa menunjukkan perubahan positif dalam beberapa aspek, namun pengembangan metode evaluasi yang tepat masih memerlukan upaya lebih lanjut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kurikulum Merdeka berpengaruh positif terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia siswa. Pendekatan ini memberikan kebebasan kepada siswa untuk mengembangkan minat dan bakatnya, meningkatkan motivasi dan keterlibatan siswa, serta mempersiapkan mereka menghadapi tantangan era globalisasi. Namun, sumber daya tambahan diperlukan untuk memastikan fleksibilitas kurikulum dan memastikan pelatihan guru yang memadai. Selain itu, penilaian komprehensif harus dikembangkan untuk mengukur kemajuan siswa secara memadai.
Dinasti Politik Dalam Pemilukada dan Otonomi Daerah: Kajian tentang Dinamika Pemilukada Tahun 2020
Purwanto Putra;
Roby Rakhmadi
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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The 2020 regional head election was the stage for the battle for political dynasties. This research discusses the various dynamics of political dynasties that have recently warmed up during the 2020 local elections, tracing the long history of dynastic politics in Indonesia, comparisons of dynastic politics in several countries, the impact and consequences of the phenomenon of political dynasties, and the relationship between political dynasties and regional elections and regional autonomy and concludes with a review of public attitudes and a settlement offer. The purpose of this study is to get a complete and actual description of the dynamics of various political dynasties. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive approach. Data collection in this study was carried out by emphasizing the exploration and collection of detailed information and the framework of generating new knowledge. Within the limitations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this research tries to maximize the use of literature review with data collection methods by combining primary and secondary sources to obtain more holistic data and information. Researchers try to maximize the use of various sources from books or journals, documents from various relevant laws and regulations, as well as the latest and most trusted news sources. The results of this study indicate that dynastic politics has many impacts and consequences with a tendency to have negative impacts and threaten democracy. There is a direct connection between political dynasties, regional autonomy and regional elections. The practice of political dynasty is also a part of power which is not perfectly distributed. If this condition continues, it will also open up opportunities for the emergence of various abuses and has the potential to foster the growth of corrupt and collusive practices at the local level.
Eksplorasi Kontribusi Ekonomi Indonesia sebagai Negara Global South di Tingkat Global
Rosyida Liviana;
Annisa Dewantari;
Roby Rakhmadi
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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This research discusses the exploration of Indonesia's economic contribution as a Global South country. The study mainly focused on finding out Indonesia's economic contribution at the global level. The study was conducted using qualitative research methods and various secondary sources and official reports from Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Several instruments were used in the research process, including International Aid Support, positive foreign trade trends, Indonesia's role in South-South cooperation, and participation in relevant G20 forums. The results show that Indonesia already has a strong economy, with a stable trade surplus until 2022, despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indonesia has also emerged as an important economic partner in the Southeast Asian region, and as a Global South country, serving as one of the main representatives in global forums. The findings of this study emphasize Indonesia's important position on the global economic stage, and show that this needs to be understood in relation to the concept of interdependence and the concept of mutual gains through cooperation between countries.
Kerja Sama China-Afrika dalam Konteks Perdagangan dan Investasi: Implikasi bagi Kemitraan Global
Agnes Clara Andika
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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China along with countries on the African continent have experienced several developments in recent years, especially in terms of trade and investment. This collaboration has broad implications for global partnerships and also drives changes in the dynamics of the global economy. The implication for the global partnership is that China-Africa cooperation in changing the landscape of the global economy through increasing the position and shifting the balance of power of China as the protagonist of the global stage. It can also create new opportunities and challenges for other countries willing to partner with Africa. With a relatively increased capacity, China has succeeded in becoming the largest trading partner for countries in Africa. Various Chinese investment sectors in Africa, namely mining, infrastructure, and the manufacturing industry. This investment also makes several contributions to Africa's economic development such as creating jobs and encouraging the transfer of technology and knowledge. However, in this cooperation there are also challenges and implications for global partnerships, due to an imbalance in this regard where there are several countries in Africa that are at risk of being trapped in heavy debt due to infrastructure projects that have been funded by China. Also due to environmental impacts and exploitation of natural resources caused by Chinese investment coupled with concerns that China is also seen as using its economic power to influence politics and geopolitical dynamics in Africa. In order to reduce risks and maximize benefits, a balanced and mutually beneficial partnership between China and Africa is needed. Then, the impact of this cooperation on human rights, sustainable development, and environmental protection needs to be considered by global partnerships.
Menghadapi Narasi Pembangunan: Dilema dan Ambiguitas Program Bantuan Asing di Afrika Sub-Sahara
Yosan Efendi
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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Foreign aid programs have been a major focus for many Sub-Saharan African countries in the process of development. In recent years, foreign aid programs have significantly contributed to the economy and social development in Africa. However, in their implementation, foreign aid programs face several dilemmas and ambiguities, which sometimes result in unintended consequences for the recipient communities. This study aims to examine the dilemmas and ambiguities of foreign aid programs in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on their social, economic, and political impacts. The results of this research indicate that while foreign aid programs can help Sub-Saharan African countries achieve development goals, such as reducing poverty and improving health and education, their implementation often creates problems and dilemmas that affect their outcomes. Some of the dilemmas faced are the dependency on foreign donors, lack of community participation, lack of coordination between recipient countries and donors, and lack of accountability from the recipient government. Therefore, it is recommended that in their implementation, foreign aid programs should consider community involvement and proper coordination between recipient countries and donors.
Pengaruh Media Sosial terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa
Dini Alfitriyani
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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Student consumptive behavior can be described through several aspects of individual interests, in the current era the use of social media will influence individuals in choosing shopping choices. Social media does not only function to seek entertainment, for education, work, or study, but this research underlines the use of social media in shopping aspects. This study uses 2 instruments to see the effect between variables and uses a cross sectional survey method. There were 24 respondents who were collected with an age range of 16-24 years to describe student behavior in using social media towards consumptive behavior. This research describes the use of social media and consumer behavior by students. There are 8 questions from social media variables and there are 8 questions and statements totaling 8 from consumptive behavior variables. Especially on the question "do you often feel that social media makes it easier to get information for shopping?" in the accumulation that is seen is 50% very suitable and 50% suitable. This means that 24 respondents stated that social media had an effect on the shopping information they got. From the description of the use of social media, it can be concluded that all respondents agree with the use of social media every day and agree that social media can provide more information about shopping. From the conclusions that can be drawn is the purpose of using social media for the benefit of seeking information, working, shopping, for education, and for entertainment only. The factor that most influences students when shopping through social media is related to easy access to shopping information, promotions or discounts, and the effectiveness and efficiency of time when shopping through social media which will increase student consumptive behavior.
Pengaruh Media Sosial dalam Membentuk Opini Publik terhadap Konflik Internasional: Analisis Konflik Rusia-Ukraina 2022
Kirana Andini Maheswari
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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International conflicts are currently worrying information and receive special attention from all citizens of the world, one of which is the Ukraine and Russia Conflict. In this case, the public finds out information about the conflict through social media and provides sympathy for the conflicting countries, but then it is misused by various parties. Social media has an important role in global issues, one of which is the conflict between countries. Social media users in getting information on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict are presented with not only true news but also hoaxes or fake news. In conflict situations, false narratives are spread on social media by irresponsible parties that can influence public opinion and complicate understanding of the actual facts. This paper identifies the influence of social media in shaping public opinion towards an international conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Social media, which is very open, can indirectly become a forum for public discussion and convey the opinions of various points of view of social media users around the world in viewing the conflict. This can form diverse public opinions. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, namely by conducting surveys through questionnaires and describing related phenomena. The delivery and receipt of information on social media must pay attention to its truth and be critical of the information obtained, and look for accurate sources of information to prevent receiving hoaxes. People who easily believe in opinions on social media, will easily be consumed by fake news, which will later lead to public opinion that does not match the facts. This means that social media users are required to think critically in receiving and dealing with opinions and responses on social media.
Perbandingan Paradiplomasi Multi Sektor Surabaya-Busan dan Medan-Gwangju
Roby Rakhmadi
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 1 No 1 (2023): hubungan Internasional dan Politik
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak
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This research aims to analyze the comparison of policies carried out between Surabaya-Busan and Medan-Gwangju in various sectors as a form of paradiplomacy. The two cities mentioned above are large cities in Indonesia and are quite active in foreign relations. In this article, it is described how Indonesian subnational governments, especially cities, collaborate with cities in South Korea, especially Busan and Gwangju. These two cities are trying to expand cooperation in various fields with cities in South Korea. These two cities are examples of subnational governments that are active in seizing opportunities for collaboration with other subnational parties in multi-sectors. Researchers use the concept of sub-national and twin cities to analyze the comparison of programs carried out by the city of Surabaya towards Busan and the city of Medan towards Gwangju. The use of these two concepts is carried out to help researchers understand in depth the comparison of paradiplomacy carried out to achieve their respective interests. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method based on books, journals and official websites. Researchers used previous research which was adapted to complete this article.