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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30251893     DOI : -
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) mempublikasikan artikel penelitian orisinil dan diskusi ilmiah tentang Pendidikan Islam pada pendidikan formal, pendidikan non formal dan pendidikan informal.
Articles 27 Documents
Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI Melalui Inovasi Bahan Ajar Multimedia di Kelas XI SMK Al Hidayah Dinda Syifa Dahlia; Indriani Samba Purwanti; Achmad Abdurrouf; Ahmad Zuhair Syafiq; Afif Maulana
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.70


This study aims to evaluate the use of multimedia teaching materials in learning in class XI of SMK Al Hidayah, focusing on aspects of success, obstacles, and implementation implications. Education in the modern era demands innovation in learning methods, and the use of technology, such as multimedia teaching materials, is considered as one of the approaches that can improve the quality of learning. This research is conducted using an evaluative approach that involves analyzing the effectiveness of using multimedia teaching materials, identifying the barriers that may arise, and exploring the implications of implementing the technology on the learning process. The research methodology involved quantitative and qualitative data collection, including surveys, observations, and interviews with teachers and students in grade XI. The results illustrate the success rate of using multimedia teaching materials, the obstacles faced, and the impact on the learning process. The conclusions of the study provide an in-depth insight into the effectiveness of technology in learning within SMK Al Hidayah. The implications of the findings are expected to provide a foundation for the development of better learning strategies in the future. By evaluating the use of multimedia teaching materials, this research contributes to further understanding of technology integration in the context of vocational secondary education. Keywords: Islamic Education Learning; Teaching Materials; Multimedia
Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Bamboo Dancing dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAI Siswa di SMPN 7 Bengkalis Riau Atira Rossa; Ika Kurnia Sofiani; Muhajir Darwis
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.71


This research was motivated by the fact that the learning methods used were still less effective, resulting in students tending to be less motivated in the learning process. The aim of this research is to find out how the Bamboo Dance learning model is implemented and to find out whether the implementation of the bamboo dance learning model can increase students' learning motivation in class VII PAI subjects at SMPN 7 Bengkalis. The type of research used in this research is experimentation by taking 2 classes from the population consisting of an experimental class and a control class. The total sample in this study was 49 students divided into 2 classes, namely class VII A as the control class and VII B as the experimental class using the Total Sampling technique. Data collection techniques use tests and documentation. The results of the research are that after implementing the Bamboo Dance learning model, students learn to run well, this is because students are more active in discussing, asking questions, exchanging information and paying attention to the material being explained. Furthermore, the results of the research are the results of the paired sample t test which was carried out by the researcher on the results of the sig<t table, namely 0.000<005, which means there has been a significant change. The test results also show a difference in the average scores of the experimental posttest and control posttest, namely the experimental is 84.58 while the control is 80.60. From these results it can be concluded that the Bamboo Dancing learning model can improve student learning outcomes in class VII PAI subjects at SMPN 7 Bengkalis. Keywords: Learning Model; Bamboo Dance; Learning Outcomes
Pengembangan Pembelajaran Materi Qur’an Hadist Integratif Ekspositori dan Inquiri di SMA Akmal; Fadriati
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.72


One of the factors that determine the achievement of educational goals is learning. Good learning can have a positive influence on students. Among the learning models that can be an alternative is learning based on an integrative expository and inquiry approach. The purpose of this learning model is for students to be able to integrate religious material with science, and have an inclusive, moderate, tolerant and respectful personality. This goal is very important because Indonesia is a sea of diversity in ethnicity, language, customs and religion. Learning through an integrative-expository and inquiry approach can be implemented in the Qur'an Hadith at Senior High School (SMA). Al-Qur'an Hadith is an important subject because it is related to the sources of Islam. In addition, high school students have begun to think critically, and can be brought into an integrative learning model of expository and inquiry. Keywords: Learning Development; Qur'an Hadith; Integrative Expository; Inquiry
Tujuan Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Al-Qur'an dan Hadits: (Analisis Q.S Al Baqarah Ayat 201) Ashhabul Kahfi; Ahmad Saefurridjal; Iskandar Mirza
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

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Islamic education when viewed from the perspective of the Qur'an and hadith is the desire for success and happiness in this world and in the hereafter. But how to get it is what must be learned. Islam strongly encourages its adherents to seek knowledge from the time they are in their mother's arms to the grave. Islamic education can change the social attitudes of individuals and the wider community. This research uses a descriptive method of analysis, using a qualitative approach about the verses and hadith that explain the Purpose of Islamic Education, as well as quoting some opinions of scholars of tafsir and hadith experts. As well as various views of modern educational figures in the interpretation of the purpose of education and social change from the perspective of the Qur'an and Hadith. Especially analyzing Q.S Al-Baqarah verse 201. The result is what is called happiness in the world including, favors of knowledge, health, pious women. While happiness in the hereafter includes entering heaven, being kept away from the torment of hellfire, bad women. Islamic education has the aim of social control and internalizing Islamic values. Keywords: Islamic Education; Qur'an Perspective; Q.S Al-Baqarah
Konsep Pendidikan Ibadah Berdasarkan Al-Qur'an dan Hadits Lina Zakiah; Ahmad Saefurridjal; Iskandar Mirza
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

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The Qur'an is the revelation of Allah Swt which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Saw as a guide for the entire life of mankind, not only Muslims in particular. For this reason, the Qur'an is an oasis in human life which is used as a guide in life. The originality of the Qur'an as a holy book is guaranteed unlike other books, which until now have no authentic and original, as a result of human behavior that dares to change and distort and there is no guarantee of certainty of originality.Whereas in the Qur'an and Prophetic Hadiths discussing the issue of immortality or servitude to God is one of the responsibilities of humans and Jinn by nature created by God. So that all the dynamics of human life on earth should be based on the principles and values of ubudiyah, both activities that are political, educational, economic, social, and so forth. According to Imam al Thabari in his tafsir; that the purpose of Allah creating humans and jinn is to serve Him, if they do good then they will be rewarded with rewards, but if they do bad, then they will be rewarded with punishment later on the Day of Judgment. This is not based on Allah's need for humans to worship Him, but for the sake of benefit and the benefits also return to humans themselves. Keywords: Worship Education; Al-Qur’an; Hadith
Pengaruh Kesehatan Mental Dan Kesehatan Spiritual Terhadap Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) Mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo Mauridhatul Kasanah; Retno Widyaningrum
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

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Nowadays there are many cases of mental health and spiritual health disorders, such as stress, depression and even many cases of student suicide due to being burdened by coursework and other things. Apart from that, there are several previous studies which state that the mental health and spiritual health of students can influence several things, including the student's GPA. Based on this, researchers will examine the influence of mental health and spiritual health on the GPA of PAI IAIN Ponorogo students. This research uses a quantitative type of research with questionnaire data collection techniques distributed via Google Form, data analysis techniques in the research use multiple linear regression tests. The results of this research found that a significance test value of 0.000 indicated that there was a significant influence of mental health and spiritual health on student GPA scores. The average mental health score of respondents was 19.95, while the average spiritual health score of students was 30.35. Furthermore, the GPA value has an average of 3.43. With an R Square value of 0.143, it can be concluded that 14% of the GPA value is explained by mental health and spiritual health variables. From this data, it can be concluded that the better the student's mental and spiritual health level, the higher the student's GPA and achievement. Keywords: Mental Health; Spiritual Health; IPK
Strategi Pengembangan Konten Pendidikan Islami: Memaksimalkan Potensi Era Digital Muhammad Fajri Winanda; Farhan Nurhidayah; Pandu Fahrizal; Ahmad Rijal Hermawan; Nurjanah
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

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The digital era has opened up new opportunities for the development and dissemination of Islamic content. This study aims to identify effective strategies for developing relevant and engaging Islamic content in the digital age. The research method used is library research, which involves collecting and analyzing various literature related to Islamic content development, digital technology, and digital marketing strategies. The results show that optimizing the use of social media, online video platforms, and mobile applications are key to maximizing the spread and impact of Islamic content. Furthermore, integrating Islamic values with advanced technological approaches can enhance audience engagement and broaden the scope of da'wah. This study concludes that collaboration between scholars, technology developers, and digital marketing experts is necessary to create Islamic content that is not only informative but also inspiring and easily accessible to various segments of society. These strategies are expected to support the digital transformation in spreading Islamic values and strengthen the global Muslim community. Keywords: Teaching Development; Islamic Education Content; Digital Era

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