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KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi
ISSN : 23386088     EISSN : 29881676     DOI :
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi adalah jurnal akses terbuka akademik yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan integrasi sains, bisnis dan teknologi. Fokusnya adalah menerbitkan makalah tentang sains, bisnis dan teknologi. Makalah yang dikirimkan akan ditinjau oleh komite teknis jurnal. Semua artikel yang dikirimkan harus merupakan artikel asli, hasil penelitian yang sebelumnya tidak pernah dipublikasikan, eksperimental atau teoritis, dan akan ditinjau oleh reviewer. Artikel yang dikirimkan ke jurnal harus memenuhi kriteria ini dan tidak boleh sedang dipertimbangkan untuk publikasi di tempat lain. Naskah harus mengikuti gaya jurnal dan dapat ditelaah dan diedit.
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Aplikasi Pencarian Pemandu dan Pendaki Gunung di Indonesia Berbasis Web Aldi Rezaldi; Henri Septanto
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this research is to develop a web that makes it easy for guides and climbers to connect with each other and can make the process of climbing together. Climbers can find a guide by posting the climbing form and the guide can find climbers by submitting guides on the climbing posts of the climber. The author uses the RUP (Rational Process Unified) method to analyze and design systems with UML (Unified Modeling Language) modeling. The system was built using Visual Studio Code software as a code editor, PHP as a programming language, PHP MyAdmin as a database, Laravel as a framework and XAMPP as a web server. The final result of the expected research is the Web-Based Mountain Guides and Guides Search Application.
Pengaruh Program Mamah & Aa Beraksi di Indosiar terhadap Meningkatnya Pengetahuan Agama (Survey kepada Masyarakat Rw.010 Sunter Agung) Hesty Dwi Cahyani; Salman
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Religious programs at Indosiar are very diverse in providing knowledge about religion, one of them is a religious talk show program that is Mamah & AA Beraksi. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of the Mamah & AA Beraksi Program In Indosiar Towards Increasing Religious Knowledge and how strong the influence of the Mamah & AA Beraksi Program In Indosiar. This research uses cultivation theory, this research uses positivistic paradigms and quantitative approaches and types of explanative research. With data collection techniques such as questionnaires and analyze data using Pearson Correlation, Simple Linear Regression Test and Hypothesis Test. Based on the results obtained from the analysis of the correlation results of 0.665 which means brings a strong relationship on both variables and hypothesis testing of 8.504 results obtained from the 93 respondents research, after that the value of t table 1.986 with df = 93 - 2 = 91. Then it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted in other words there is the Effect of Mamah Program & AA Beraksi In Indosiar Towards Increasing Religious Knowledge.
Penggambaran Insecurity pada Film Animasi Ralph Breaks The Internet Raynaldy Fernando; Syaifuddin
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Insecurity is a problem that is often experienced by humans, this involves feeling afraid and also inferior to their environment which causes interference with a relationship or a person's mood and feelings. In the film Ralph Breaks The Internet also provides an overview of insecurity. Based on these problems, this study aims to determine the insecurity picture that appears in the scenes in the film Ralph Breaks The Internet, by using social reality construction theory and Charles S. Peirce's semiotic analysis method (sign, object, interpretant). The approach used in this research is qualitative with the constructivism paradigm. The results of this study found that insecurity in the film Ralph Breaks The Internet is depicted in several forms starting from a fear, the effect of fear and also as an atmosphere or mood, and then in the form of a rejection as a concrete picture of insecurity.
Strategi Komunikasi Direktorat PemberdRawan ayaan Alternatif BNN dalam Membina Masyarakat Daerah Narkoba Kampung Pertanian Klender Anggle Elizabeth; Agustrijanto
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The impact of the spread and illicit drug trafficking which is increasingly widespread in Indonesia needs to be done in every environment that is affected by drugs. This recovery process must use an institution whose background is to eradicate drugs and be able to establish good communication with fostered residents in each drug-affected environment. This study explains the role of the Directorate of Alternative Empowerment of the National Narcotics Agency in carrying out recovery in drug-affected environments. The purpose of this study is to describe the ability of an institution in fostering citizens in reaching the recovery stage as well as obstacles that occur when the environmental recovery of the drug takes place. This research methodology uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research and uses purposive sampling as an informant selection technique. The results of this study indicate that communication strategies that will be more effective to improve the image of the National Narcotics Board in drug-affected environments.
Pengaruh Daya Tarik Jingle Iklan Terhadap Brand Awareness Nivea Men Creme Yufika Islamia Rizkiani; Salman
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Brand elements in the form of jingles (songs) can help the success of a product and brand, one of which is to increase brand awareness of a product. In this study the researchers wanted to find out whether there was an influence in the use of Nivea Men Creme Anthem advertise attractiveness towards Brand Awareness in the Badminton community Padjajaran University (UBTU). The theory employed in this investigation is the theory of stimulus and reaction. Trial, the simple linear regression test, the determination test, and the T test were utilized for data analysis. The study was conducted utilizing a questionnaire with 98 participants, and a pretest with 30 participants was conducted beforehand. The sample method employed is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling. According to the findings of this study, the beauty of YouTube Jingle advertisements for Nivea Men Creme has a 41,6% impact on Brand Awareness.
Sistem Informasi Desain Grafis Produk DKV Daily Muhammad Irfan; Jullend Gatc
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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DKV Daily is a community or organization engaged in visual design located in Cipete area, South Jakarta, which does not have a product contest yet. The design process and design can only be done verbally or by telephone. In practice, this process takes a long and long time. Besides this manufacturing process is not accompanied by a complete catalog, but only through social media. This study aims to build website applications that provide benefits to the DKV Daily in facilitating the search for designers who want to open up opportunities in a design according to the needs of consumers. System development is carried out with the System Development Life Cycle using prototyping methods. In addition this study uses Unified modeling language as a modeling of the system. Program development in this application uses PHP, HTML, and CSS. The results of this study are in the form of a website for Clients, Designers, and Admins. Based on the results of testing and evaluation, the product application is declared in accordance with user requirements and can be used as a graphic design product application.
Penilaian Rupa Wajah dengan Implementasi Fitur Geometris dan Tekstur Menggunakan Regresi Linear Berganda Jessica
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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This research aim to scoring the facial look by implementing geometrical and texture features using multiple linear regression on scikit-learn library. Geometrical features calculate the range of facial landmark features, while texture features were calculated using a local binary pattern on scikit-image library. The method used for creating the model was multiple linear regression. This method models the relationship between independent variables (features) and dependent variables (score from humans), so the model can be used to predict new data. The score predicted by the machine learning model was compared to the average score from 13 respondents that were collected by a questionnaire. The result of scoring from the machine learning model and questionnaire were evaluated by mean squared error (MSE). The result showed the model can predict the score of facial look close to scoring from humans with MSE value 0,43. This model is built using a subjective opinion label from 13 respondents. Thus, the conclusion drawn from this research only give the big picture of the dataset used, and not a form of reality validation..
Implementasi Neural Network untuk Pembuatan Chatbot Menggunakan Dataset Pertanyaan Mahasiswa Imanuel Ruben
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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This research develops a machine learning model for chatbot and chatbot applications. Chatbot is an area of application of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Modelling is done by using the Deep Learning algorithm. The training data used for training is obtained by observation in the student manual of Kalbis Institute. The model created produces an accuracy of 98% and loss value of 0.05275. The model created was tested in the form of a chatbot application by giving various questions relating to topic in the student manual of Kalbis Institute.
Sistem Pembelajaran Ujian Nasional untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas Berbasis Website Kurniadi Prasetia; Arie Kusumawati
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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E-learning is a solution that exists today to overcome various problems faced by students when there are many problems that arise, such as limited time, place of learning, and also meetings with teachers. For this reason, an E-learning was built using the programming language PHP and MySQL using the Prototype method. The result is that learning is now available in the form of a National Examination for High School learning media. There are 3 actors in this e-learning, namely admin, teacher and students. The results obtained are all users can use this learning website and increase interaction between teacher and student.
Pemanfaatan Influencer sebagai Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Brand Awareness Tinkerlust Vidya Sri Gianthonove; Soraya Ratna Pratiwi
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Influencer marketing is currently widely used by companies to conduct marketing activities. Influencers have many followers who believe in them as models or role models. Their ability to persuade makes them able to promote the product. The research method uses a qualitative approach. Data collection was done through online observations on Instagram influencers and Tinkerlust accounts, then interviews with Tinkerlust. This study uses a two step flow communication model. The two step flow model in this study aims to determine the pattern of influencer utilization as a marketing communication strategy through Instagram so as to increase Tinkerlust's brand awareness. The results revealed, influencers carried out marketing communication activities through: 1. Instagram stories, 2. photo uploads, 3. Instagram TV collaboration. The use of influencers through Instagram in increasing Tinkerlust's brand awareness has made Tinkerlust pass through the unaware brand stage and is currently in the position of brand recognition.

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