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Ignatius Ario Sumbogo
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KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi
ISSN : 23386088     EISSN : 29881676     DOI :
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi adalah jurnal akses terbuka akademik yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan integrasi sains, bisnis dan teknologi. Fokusnya adalah menerbitkan makalah tentang sains, bisnis dan teknologi. Makalah yang dikirimkan akan ditinjau oleh komite teknis jurnal. Semua artikel yang dikirimkan harus merupakan artikel asli, hasil penelitian yang sebelumnya tidak pernah dipublikasikan, eksperimental atau teoritis, dan akan ditinjau oleh reviewer. Artikel yang dikirimkan ke jurnal harus memenuhi kriteria ini dan tidak boleh sedang dipertimbangkan untuk publikasi di tempat lain. Naskah harus mengikuti gaya jurnal dan dapat ditelaah dan diedit.
Articles 100 Documents
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Pengaruh Brand Credibility dan Brand Attitude Terhadap Minat Beli Laptop Huawei Verdy Setiady; Vina Meliana
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this research to understand the effect of brand credibility and brand attitude towards the buying interest of Huawei laptop. The data on this research is using purposive sampling method with the criteria that knows about Huawei laptop and at least 17 years old. The result of this hipotesis test shows that brand credibility variable has effect to buying interest with significant score of 0,028 < 0,050, brand attitude variable has effect to buying interest with significant score of 0,00 < 0,050, and also the brand credibility and brand attitude variable simultaneously effect the buying decision with fscore > ftabel with 124,209> 2,682.
Identifikasi Identitas Merek dan Implementasi Komunikasi Pemasaran di Pasar Musik Indonesia Kevin Valeryan; Siti Nurjanah
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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This study will discuss the impact of digitalization on music marketing. With the emerging means for online music distribution, there has been a major shift in the music industry as a whole. The distribution resulted in a flood of new music and artists being marketed every day, resulting in oversaturation in the market. With a very significant change in the quantity and means of distribution of music, marketing efforts shifted focus from offline sales and the focus on selling the music itself, to strengthening brand identity of the artist. This study aims to determine the implementation of marketing communications and also how to form brand identities for musicians and music labels that can be implemented in the Indonesian music market. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with triangulation analysis of literature review, observation, and interviews with five informants, namely, music managers and observers in order to collect information from various points of view, implement marketing communications, and find out and build brand identity. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the music industry in Indonesia is divided into two, namely major labels and independent labels. The importance of building an identity is to be able to target the market, as well as to position the brand, and the main factor in creating a distinctive image in the eyes of consumers. Due to the diversity and variety of the music industry, now, a brand or an artist must have a Unique Selling Point, because this can be a differentiating aspect between one artist to another. The implementation of integrated marketing communications used by the music industry on both labels (major label and independent label) is carried out using social media as the main tool in promoting the brand and its marketing activities.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Pendataan Ketersediaan Barang Studi Kasus YM Autowheel Berbasis Android Muhammad Matrix Indra Nawawi Daeng Parani; Yulius Denny Prabowo
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this research is to help Ym Autowheel in overcoming the existing problems in terms of recording the availability of goods. Publications regarding the status of availability of goods can be accessed in real time based on android. This application uses the Rational Unified Process (RUP) research methodology. This application has 2 users, namely admin and user, the admin must register first to add a brand or stock so that the stock can be displayed to the user. This application provides an alternative in managing stock items, storage is done using an internet connection and using hosting as a storage medium. The result of this research is the Android-based Ym Autowheel application.
Pengembangan Model Klasifikasi Dokumen Artikel Teks Berita Olahraga dan Bukan Olahraga dalam Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Algoritma Support Vector Machine Muhammad Alif Iman Aulia; Yulia Ery Kurniawati
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of classification is to inform the machine (algorithm) of group division or in other words, teach the machine how to divide the group. The classification process uses the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. SVM is used because it has a good reputation in the classification. This study aims to classify sports news and non-sports news using the SVM algorithm and with the addition of n-gram features and Term Frequent Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). The results showed an accuracy of 92%.
Pengenalan Kain Ulos di Daerah Kabupaten Toba Samosir Menggunakan Realitas Tertambah Berbasis Android Hara Goliat; Paramaresthi Windriyani
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The purpose of this study is to provide information in the form of an introduction to the general public, especially people in Medan who have a scope of students or young people today, with a very attractive appearance and design in the form of 3d and the application can be used without having to turn on internet (offline ). Ulos fabric AR application can be used for learning media and introduction to tourists looks rather interesting. The method in developing this application uses Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) to create an application model design. Research using these methods will produce an Android-based AR recognition application. The development of this application was designed using the C # programming language and based on Vuforia data.
Strategi Kreatif Penggunaan Visual Perempuan pada Kemasan Liquid Vape Katanya Randy Desiawan; Agustrijanto
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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The media for implementing creative strategies are very diverse, including through packaging. Packaging can not only protect products, but can also be a means of communicating their products. The use of pictures of women on the packaging is a creative strategy of Liquid Vape Katanya. On the packaging, the pictures of women show an expression of a smile, with their hands shut. Researchers see that Triangle Brew, as a producer of liquid, has something to communicate. The aim of this study is therefore to determine the creative strategies for using images of women in their Liquid Vape Katanya. This research method is qualitative in that data is collected through interviews. The results of this study are the visuals of women as the identity and life of products, the visual expression of women is a form of admiration, the last one is to arouse interest, especially in male consumers.
Konstruksi Atas Pemberitaan Bom Bunuh Diri di Medan pada (Analisis Framing Entman) Marcelline Sastraminata; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Suicide bombings are a frequent act in Indonesia. The purpose of this study aims to find out the okezone point of view as a news writer on the news of suicide bombings that occurred in Medan. This study uses the paradigm of constructivism to understand construction and assess the point of view of researchers. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. The media text analysis method is used in this research to analyze the content of the message and spread the results of the research in detail. Using Robert Entman's framing analysis we know that this case is a case of terrorism resulting from a false understanding of religion. The result of this study is known that Okezone as a news writer stated that the suicide bombing in Medan was an act of terrorism. This terrorism exists because of the radicalism movement that wants change by using violence to turnradicalism into terrorism.
Penggambaran Sosok Pribumi dalam Film Bumi Manusia Siti Nur Afani; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Native during the Dutch colonial period were often oppressed because their strata were low. The depiction of indigenous figures is depicted in the film Bumi Manusia. This study aims to determine the depiction of indigenous figures in the film Bumi Manusia. In this research, the researcher uses the theory of social reality construction, qualitative approach and semiotic analysis method from Charles Sanders Peirce. Researchers use the triangle of meaning, namely sign, object and interpretant. The results of this study found that there are five depictions of indigenous figures in the Bumi Manusia film, namely: representation of the role of indigenous children through objective and subjective factors, the desire of Minke to uphold the status of indigenous people so as not to be humiliated by foreign nations. Minke tried to fight the Dutch for the injustice that befell the natives. Films can construct the depiction of indigenous figures through every sign they use.
Strategi Komunikasi Kelompok Komunitas Vespa Orijingan dalam Melestarikan Terumbu Karang di Gili Trawangan Lombok Ayu Savitri; Davis Roganda Parlindungan
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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he destruction of coral reefs in Gili Trawangan Lombok does not prevent the preservation of nature for the creatures that live in the seas of Gili Trawangan Lombok. The purpose of this study was to find out the strategies carried out by the Vespa Orijingan community in conserving coral reefs in Gili Trawangan Lombok. The strategy for conserving coral reefs is in accordance with the ā€œPā€ theory of the process carried out by this community. This type of research is qualitative and descriptive analysis with the case study method of Robert K. Yin. The paradigm in this study uses post-positivism. In this study using the theory of planning and communication strategies from Hafied Cangara so that in theory it gives the result that this community has a strategy in the "P" process where activities are carried out in a unique way and uploaded on Instagram social media.
Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja dan Kompetensi Profesional Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP dan SMA Muhammadiyah Matraman dalam Situasi Pandemi Covid-19 Siti Nurjanah; Ignatius Ario Sumbogo
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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This study aims to analyze the effect of work discipline and professional competence on the performance of Muhamadiyah Matraman Middle and High School teachers in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. This study uses a quantitative approach. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. The research method uses multiple analysis regression. The population in this research is teachers who work in SMP and SMA Muhammadiyah Matraman. The sampling technique used in this study was non-probability sampling and data analysis was processed using the SPSS 20 application. The results of hypothesis testing showed that the work discipline variable had no effect on teacher performance. professional competence variables affect teacher performance and work discipline and professional competence variables have an influence on teacher performance.

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