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ENDLESS : International Journal of Future Studies
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Focus & Scope ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies is a globally-oriented, trans-disciplinary refereed journal. Its mission is to develop high-quality, future-oriented research and thinking, based on the evolving knowledge base of Futures Studies / Foresight. The Journal’s approach is: - Trans-disciplinary; - Epistemologically diverse, seeking articles from empirical, interpretative, critical and action learning research traditions, and; - Multi-methods based, including, for example, methods such as emerging issues analysis, scenario and alternative futures development and analysis, age-cohort analysis, causal layered analysis, visioning and backcasting. As well as refereed articles, the Journal publishes essays, book reviews, symposia, and art on the following topics: - Epistemologically focused futures studies on the construction of possible, probable and preferable futures; - Methodological innovation in futures studies, including not only integrated, layered, and critical approaches, but also empirical, interpretive, or action-learning based approaches; - Applied Futures (for example, case studies in using and practicing futures thinking for organizational change, development, and transformation); - Alternative futures on a variety of subjects (see topic categories below). ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies, Futures, Foresight, Technological Forecasting, and Social Change, The European Journal of Futures Research, World Future Review, On the Horizon) as well as futures material contained in books, monographs, other field related journals, including visual resources and web resources. Editors strongly advise authors to cite at least two or more works in the futures field: Social sciences, Law, Economics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Marine, Agriculture, Materials, Life sciences, Education, Physics, Geography, Biology, Medicine, Power, History, Chemistry, Atmosphere, Mechanics, Geology, Technology, Applied sciences.
Articles 42 Documents
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Implementation of Inclusive Education Policies in the City of Tangerang Selatan Nurhayati; Evi Satispi; Izzatusolekha; Rahmat Salam
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i2.147


Every child has the right to continue to receive education, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution. The inclusive education policy is one of the government’s policies to support the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. Unfortunately, this policy still faces various obstacles, even though it has been implemented since 2009. This research will then be carried out to analyze the process of implementing inclusive education policies in the South Tangerang city area. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data used in this study were obtained through interviews, observation and document studies. The results of this study then found that implementing inclusive education policies in Tangerang is still not going well completely. This is because there is still no specific legal basis regarding inclusive education, the budget is still dependent on the provincial government, and there is no SOP for implementing inclusive education. Therefore, the government needs to clarify the legal umbrella or legal basis for inclusive education to clarify the SOPs, budget and maximum implementation.
Shadow Education And Social Class Inequalities In Secondary Education In Greece: The Case Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language Berry Anastasia
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i2.148


This article deals with the shadow education system of private tutoring which contributes to the reproduction of social class inequalities, focusing on the Greek public secondary education system. It presents a literature review of the issue and the findings of an empirical qualitative and quantitative research that aimed at examining the causes of the students’ massive resort to private supplementary tutoring for learning the English language, despite the fact that English is taught at school. The study also set out to examine the relationship between students’ socioeconomic background and resort to private supplementary tutoring and the relationship between socioeconomic background and knowledge of the English language as attested by official certifications. Research findings indicate that the widely spread resort to private supplementary tutoring has a negative impact on the teaching of English in Greek public lower secondary education. Using Bourdieu’s cultural reproduction theory, we argue that private supplementary tutoring makes closer the relationship between social class, familial cultural and economic capital and educational outcomes. Thus, upper and middle-class students are at an advantage, since they can move to the labour market with valued educational qualifications that enhance their occupational prospects. Finally, we discuss educational measures to address the problem.
Liderazgo Y Dirección Pública: El Ciclo De Vida Del Cargo Directive Javen Kei
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i2.149


Un creciente número de investigaciones identifica el impacto de las características del líder sobre la estrategia y los resultados de las orga-nizaciones. Este artículo, tras realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre liderazgo, y en particular sobre las contribuciones de la literatura en liderazgo en gestión pública, concluye que los efectos del liderazgo se han estudiado desde una perspectiva estática, en la mayoría de casos. Para superar esta limitación e incluir un análisis dinámico y longitudinal, propone aplicar el concepto de ciclo de vida al mandato de los directivos públicos, un tema hasta ahora no abordado en la literatura en gestión pública. En primer lugar, aborda el análisis de la carrera horizontal del directivo público a lo largo de su mandato, frente a una aproximación tradicional, vertical, de análisis de promoción en carrera. Esto es, el ciclo de vida durante el mandato directivo. En segundo lugar, el documento identifica las dimensiones clave y las etapas en el ciclo de vida del directivo público durante su mandato y realiza las siguientes propuestas para la construcción de un modelo de análisis: 1) El directivo público, en el inicio de su mandato, centra su atención en lograr los objetivos que definen sus indicadores de resultados, con un apoyo inicial del entorno político que le nombró. 2) En una segunda etapa, inicia un período de exploración tras haber demostrado algunos logros y no haber puesto en peligro la confianza política. 3) Es en la tercera etapa cuando el directivo público puede seleccionar la narrativa por la cual será reconocido su mandato en la organización. Para ello, teje redes informativas internas para desarrollar una visión legítima y factible, de largo plazo para la organización. 4) En la etapa de convergencia es cuando se producen los máximos resultados del directivo público, dado que se manifiesta una relación en forma de U invertida entre la duración del mandato y los resultados. 5) En la etapa de disfunción con la organización o esclerosis directiva, el poder del directivo es máximo, así como el conocimiento de la tarea. Sin embargo, si el mandato no tiene una limitación en su duración, las consecuencias para la organización pueden ser de letargia o crisis. Finalmente, el artículo construye una propuesta de investigación que combina cuestionarios basados en escalas reconocidas por la literatura y entrevistas semi-estructuradas para el análisis exploratorio del modelo conceptual y sus proposiciones.
Self-Regulation with Burnout of Basarnas Employees Itryah; Haries Kurnianto
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i2.150


This study aims to find out and explain empirically the relationship between self-regulation and burnout in Basarnas employees in Southern Sumatera. The independent variable in this study is self-regulation, and the dependent variable in this study is burnout. The population in this study were Basarnas employees spread across the southern part of Sumatera, totaling 447 people. Based on the Isaac and Michael formula with an error rate of 5%, a population of 139 people is obtained. This research uses quantitative methods. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. The measuring tools used in this study are the self-regulatory behavior scale and the burnout scale. The self-regulation scale is 60 items with a reliability of 0.585 and the burnout scale is 60 items with a reliability of 0.765. Data validity used the person's product moment (r) correlation technique with the output system of a reliability package, and data reliability used the Cronbach alpha technique with the help of the IBM SPSS program version 21.00. Based on the results of data analysis using the IBM SPSS program version 21.00, the results obtained were a coefficient of R = 0.600 with a value of (R2) = 0.361 and p = 0.000 where p < 0.01. So, the result is a very significant relationship between self-regulation and burnout in Basarnas employees in southern Sumatra. Based on the results of the analysis, the value of the contribution given by self-regulation and burnout is R² = 0.361 or 36.1% so there is still another 63.9% which is influenced by other factors not involved in this study.
Mango Seeds as Raw Materials for Dextrin Munawar Ali
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i2.151


Wasted seeds are sometimes scattered all over the place during the mango season to spoil the beauty and pollute the environment. Mango seeds can be processed into dextrin, so efforts must be made to process them in order for them to be useful. Specifically, by hydrolyzing mango seed flour with an HCl catalyst. The mango seed flour is 20 grams in weight; 10 milliliters of HCl are added, and water is added until the volume reaches 200 milliliters. Additionally, heat at the temperature of heating: 70 o C; 80oC; _90°C; 100°C; 110°C, and the concentration of HCl: 0.1N; 0.15N; 0.20N; 0.25N; Hydrolysis time was used to produce 0.3N: 15 seconds; 20 seconds; 25, 30, and 35 minutes, respectively. As a result, it is anticipated that a lot of dextrin yields will be obtained. The treatment that was used in the previous study yielded the best results, with a dextrin yield of 8.16 percent at a hydrolysis temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, a concentration of 0.25 N HCl, and a hydrolysis time of 35 minutes.
Evaluación de programas sociales: un enfoque multicriterio Benoit Deene
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


El propósito de este trabajo es exponer una propuesta metodológica para medir el logro de programas y proyectos sociales, apoyar su gestión y evaluar sus resultados. Para ello, se integró el marco lógico con la metodología multicriterio “Proceso Analítico Jerárquico” y luego se aplicó a un programa social de prestigio denominado “Programa Servicio País” en Chile. Los resultados muestran la utilidad de desarrollar un modelo integrado que permite obtener un indicador que sintetiza el logro del programa, así como el logro y peso de cada componente del marco lógico. Se propone el diseño de una metodología válida que apoye a los tomadores de decisión en el proceso de focalización de los recursos en la etapa de implementación de un proyecto social. Esta herramienta ofrece una serie de ventajas, entre ellas, la obtención de prioridades en los componentes y la identificación de fortalezas y debilidades en la evaluación de resultados de un programa social. Finalmente, esta investigación pone de manifiesto la escasez relativa de técnicas cuantitativas para evaluar los resultados de un programa social mediante un índice de logro por cada dimensión considerada. La metodología propuesta motivará a los tomadores de decisión a desarrollar nuevas mediciones útiles para el análisis de los logros. Futuras investigaciones pueden aplicar esta herramienta, de carácter cuantitativo, para establecer soluciones frente a diversas problemáticas sociales, con distintas muestras y en diferentes contextos.
Level of Understanding and Compliance Regarding the Rights and Obligations of BPJS Participants to Utilize Dental Health Services in the First Health Facilities Erni Mardiati; Pudentiana Rr. R. E.; Irmanita Wiradona
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i2.154


The problem of oral health in the last five years increased by five years, by 25,9% to 57.6% of the total population of Indonesia. BPJS is a government health service facility that provides various dental health services. Community participation in the Health BPJS is critical to guarantee the right to obtain a healthy life. This study aims to determine the relationship between understanding and compliance with the obligations and rights of BPJS Health participants to the use of dental health services. The method in this study was observational with a cross-sectional design. The research sample was 117 people. Data were analyzed using a statistical application program consisting of a single univariate analysis, presented in the form of a frequency distribution and then described as well as a bivariate analysis to see the relationship of understanding and compliance regarding the obligations and rights of BPJS Health participants to the utilization of dental health services using the statistical test Spearman Rank. The results showed a significant relationship between the level of understanding and compliance regarding the obligations and rights of BPJS health participants, with p-value = 0,000 for the aspect of the level of understanding and p-value = 0.017 for the aspect of the level of compliance. It is recommended that the community further improve the level of understanding and compliance related to the obligations and rights of the health BPJS participants so that they can efficiently utilize the available health services.
Criminal Sanctions Against Narcotics Abuse for Himself Associated with Article 127 Law Number 35 of 2009 Concerning Narcotics Anthoni Hutabarat; Rr. Dijan Widijowati
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v6i2.157


The purpose of this research is to analyze Criminal Sanctions Against Narcotics Abuse for Himself Associated with Article 127 Law Number 35 of 2009 Concerning Narcotics. The type of research used in this study is a type of normative legal research, namely viewing and analyzing from the point of view of laws and regulations that apply, especially those related to the problems in this study. The results of the research that the mistake of imposing prison sentences on narcotics abusers occurred since the enactment of Law Number 22 of 1997 concerning Narcotics until now has not changed, even though the Narcotics Law changed to Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, explicitly stating the purpose of making the law is "guaranteeing drug abusers get rehabilitation efforts The guarantee of the Narcotics Law is contained in article 55 j.o article 128, namely abusers are required by law to carry out mandatory reporting of addicts to IPWL to obtain rehabilitation services and abusers related to the court are terminated or determined by a judge to receive a rehabilitation sentence. Rehabilitation services through compulsory reporting of addicts are in fact not implemented properly.
Índice De Evaluabilidad: Diseño E Implementación En Un Programa De Capacitación Continua En Atención Médica María Luisa Gracia-Perez
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


La educación continua en salud es una estrategia organizacional que tiene como objetivo mejorar las habilidades profesionales del personal y la calidad de la asistencia. Sin embargo, la evaluación de impacto no es una práctica organizativa generalizada. La ausencia de estudio del impacto formativo en la organización se traduce en la pérdida de información esencial para la evaluación de la estrategia de formación y toma de decisiones futuras. Con el fin de analizar las posibilidades metodológicas de la evaluación de impacto, este trabajo presenta el proceso de diseño e implementación de un modelo de evaluabilidad en un programa de formación en salud. El índice de evaluabilidad propuesto proporciona información precisa sobre los efectos de la intervención de formación en la organización y mejora el diseño de los programas de formación.
Gobierno Local Y Migrantes Frente A Frente: Nudos Críticos Y Políticas Para El Reconocimiento Luis Eduardo
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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El propósito de esta investigación es identificar los nudos críticos del proceso de incorporación de los migrantes latinoamericanos y caribeños a un contexto local, en función de definir los ejes estratégicos para orientar las políticas migratorias desde el gobierno municipal. La propuesta se fundamenta en la teoría del reconocimiento como un enfoque complementario pero más amplio que el enfoque intercultural como base de las políticas públicas locales. En primer término, el trabajo pone en discusión los supuestos teóricos que asume esta política pública: los derechos humanos como fundamento de la ciudadanía, la centralidad de lo local y la gobernanza democrática como enfoque. En segundo lugar, se identifican los nudos críticos en el proceso de incorporación de migrantes y refugiados en cuatro dimensiones: salud, educación, vivienda y trabajo. Se concluye, finalmente, señalando que la implementación de las políticas migratorias a nivel local enfrenta desafíos en cinco ejes estratégicos: información sobre los derechos, participación y politización de los colectivos migrantes, educación y sensibilización de la población nativa, mediación para la convivencia y transnacionalismo. El trabajo de campo realizado en la comuna de Quilicura, en Santiago de Chile, se presenta como un recurso para el abordaje de los desafíos que supone para los gobiernos locales la presencia de colectivos de migrantes en el contexto comunal.