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Journal of Health Research and Technology
ISSN : 29859492     EISSN : 29857953     DOI : 10.58439
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Journal of Health Research and Technology, with ISSN 2985-9492 (print) and ISSN 2985-7953 (online) numbers, is a scientific health journal based on research published by Sahabat Publikasi Kuu. The Journal of Health Research and Technology is a national standard journal that has a main focus on the development of health, nursing, and midwifery sciences and focuses on the fields of health promotion and education, health information and technology, health administration, hospital administration, and health management. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas that have been achieved in the field of research. The Journal of Health Research and Technology is published twice a year, in February and August.
Articles 37 Documents
Case study: people with severe mental disorders with physical mobility barriers after in pasung Veni Eka Septiyana Hidayanti; Guntur Alfianto; Mizam Ari Kurniyanti; Soebagijono
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i1.44


Introduction: The number of cases of shackling in people with mental disorders (ODGJ) in Indonesia has caused several factors for ODGJ, one of which is being able to experience barriers to physical mobility, this is because shackling has been carried out for several years causing muscle weakness and limited participants' range of motion. Based on these problems, it is necessary to do Range of Motion (ROM) exercises to help increase muscle strength and train clients to be able to walk as before. Purpose: To explore the management of nursing care for people with severe mental disorders who experience barriers to physical mobility after being shackled. Methods: This research method uses a quantitative and qualitative descriptive approach with a case study design using a nursing care model with a total of 2 participants, data collection was carried out from September to October 2022, the tools used were a sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, thermometer, penlight, and guide documentation assessment. Results : Participants were able to carry out nursing actions in generalist nurse therapy for Physical Mobility Barriers. In the final stage it was found that the two participants had different results where participant 1 entered at level 3 while participant 2 entered at level 2. This was due to the support and motivation of the family who always accompanied the participants when doing range of motion exercises. Conclusions: The main problem that arose in both participants was physical mobility barriers due to post pasung, with the final result being the level of independence in participants, namely participant 1 entered at level 3 and participant 2 entered at level 2.
The influence of yoga excercise towards blood pressure in patient hypertension witriyani witriyani
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i1.45


Background: The incidence of hypertension in Indonesia, aged 18 years and over, is 34.1%. Hypertension majority is experienced more by people who live in urban areas than in rural areas as seen from the prevalence of hypertension of 34.4% of the population living in urban areas while the population living in rural areas is 33.7%. One effort to treat non-pharmacological hypertension that can be done is giving yoga. Objective: To determine the influence of yoga exercises on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients at Puskesmas Musuk 1 Boyolali. Method: The research type of this study is a quasi-experimental using a one-group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling of 24 respondents. The research instruments used were SOP yoga and pretest-posttest blood pressure observation sheets. The data analysis was tested by using the Wilcoxon Test. Results: Most of the blood pressure in hypertensive patients before being given yoga was in the moderate category as many as 24 respondents (100%) and after being given yoga exercise, most of the hypertensive patients were in the normal category as many as 13 respondents (54.2%). Conclusion: There is an effect of yoga on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients at Puskesmas Musuk 1 marked by p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05)
The Correlation between Posyandu Compliance and Feeding Patterns with Stunting Incidence in The Working Area of Puskesmas Kerek Tuban East Java, Indonesia Hurin'in Nur Maziyah; Munir Miftahul; Utami Aris Puji; Ulfania Sholafatul
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i1.47


Stunting is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality as well as retarded motor and mental growth. The research design uses a correlational research method with a cross-sectional approach. This study to know the correlation Between Posyandu Compliance and Feeding Patterns with Stunting Incidents in Toddlers in the Working Area of the Kerek Health Center, Kerek District, Tuban Regency. This type of research is a correlational study with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were mothers and toddlers who came to Posyandu in the working area of the Puskesmas, Kerek District, Tuban Regency. Respondents in this study were 30 respondents who were taken by purposive sampling technique. The independent variable in this study was posyandu compliance and feeding patterns and the dependent variable in this study was stunting in toddlers. Data collection using the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ) and KMS toddlers and toddlers' height was measured using a microtoise and converted into a standard Z-score. The results of research conducted on 30 respondents. Then the data were analyzed using the Spearmen's Rho test with a significance level of α = 0.05. The results of this study showed that there was a significant correlation between posyandu compliance with p-value 001 < 0.005 and feeding patterns with the incidence of stunting in toddlers aged 12-24 months with p-value 001 < 0.005. It was concluded that there was a correlation between posyandu compliance and the feeding pattern of stunted toddlers
Infection prevention in breast cancer patients with neutropenia undergoing neoadjuvant paclitaxel - carboplatin chemotherapy: a case study Ditra Cholidy Nuraini; Haryani; Agus Suparno
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i1.48


Background : One of the side effects of chemotherapy related to hematology can be neutropenia. Neutropenia can occur in patients receiving chemotherapy with a combination of taxan and platinum regimens, such as Paclitaxel and Carboplatin. Loss of neutrophils can cause disruption of the immune defense mechanism and increase the risk of infection in patients. So it is necessary to prevent infection both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. Objective : To describe neutropenia in breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy, as well as actions that can be taken to prevent infection in patients. Case Description : A 35-year-old patient, with a medical diagnosis of positive HER2 ductal mammary gland left and experienced severe neutropenia with a neutrophil count # or ANC (absolute neutrophil count) 0.021 x 103/µL. During treatment, prevention of infection is carried out by giving leucogene, washing hands, applying aseptic techniques, using PPE, and monitoring signs and symptoms of infection. In addition, the cleanliness of the environment around the patient must be maintained and environmental modifications can be made. As well as providing education to patients and families regarding hand washing, nutritional intake, and limiting the number of families. Conclusion : Severe neutropenia in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can increase the risk of infection. There are several actions that can be taken by patients and their families, health workers, especially nurses, as well as by managing the surrounding environment to prevent infection in patients.
Management of lymphedema and pleural efusion in patients with breast cancer stadium IV: a case study Sukma Novriyanti; Christantie Effendy; Nazula Fitriana
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i1.49


Background: Metastasis of breast cancer to distant organs occurs as a result of cancer cells spreading through the lymphatic system or blood flow. Pleural effusion and lymphedema are manifestations due to metastasis of cancer cells. Management is needed to relieve suffering, reduce complications, and improve quality of life. Methods: Case study was conducted using observation, interviews, physical examination, and tracing of patient medical records. Informed consents were given before the case study started. Case: Mrs. S, 67 years old, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021. The patient was only treated with herbal treatment before being admitted to the hospital in June 2022 with shortness of breath which later found metastases to the lungs. Clinical findings include pitting edema in the right upper extremity, pleural effusion, ulcer cancer from the breast to the right armpit, and a closed fracture of the right clavicle. Swelling in the right arm has occurred since March 2022 slowly spreading throughout the arm. The patient is on bed rest in a semi-fowler's position, limited range of motion, and all activities are assisted by the family. Intervention: The patient is given oxygen therapy with nasal cannula 3lpm and 30o semi-fowler positioning. Skin care intervention is used to treat lymphedema problem. Patient’s family also received education to prevent and reduce the occurrence of swelling in the contralateral arm. Conclusion: Shortness of breath management with oxygen therapy and positioning can help facilitate adequate breathing along with drainage of pleural fluid. Treatment of lymphedema focuses on reducing swelling and minimizing complications. Treatment options are adjusted to the patient's clinical condition.
Haematopoietic stemcell transplantation in Kariadi General Hospital Semarang Indonesia Sri Setyowati; Anik Rakhmawati; Ari Susilowati
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i1.50


In Indonesia, bone marrow transplantation is a treatment which not known yet to some people. Kariadi Hospital is the one hospital that do it first. On 1987, it was successful for acute myeloid leukemia case. Bone marrow transplantation is one of therapy used to treat patients with leukemia, severe aplastic anemia, Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, myeloma multiple, many blood disorder and solid tumor. This study described the patients characteristics who did hematopoietic stem cell transplantation during 2017-2021 at Kariadi General Hospital Semarang. This study is a quantitative research non-experiment with design retrospective analysis. Data was taken with a total sampling are 20 patients. Data analysis by describing the criteria. The results describe the sex of patients consist are 60% male and 40% female. Most range age at 35-44 years amount 30%. The diagnosis is 40% in the case of Myeloma Multiple. Most of transplantation doing an autologous transplant are 80%. It is indicated 90% of malignancy cases. All patient got 100% engraftment, all patients happen neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, oral mucositis, gut disorder, and electrolyte imbalance. Amount 15% are hematuria and 10% are urticaria, Veno Occlusive Disease, sepsis, brain infection and brain hemorrhage. The conclusion is patients who did hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have various adverse events and complications depending on many factors or comorbids. These are age, sex, diagnosis, stage of disease, state of remission, regiment conditioning. Health professionals should upgrade knowledge and skill for treatment of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Factors Influencing Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy (TPT) Drug Administration to Tuberculosis Patients' Home Contacts in the Working Area of the UPTD Health Center in Toapaya Arta Darmauli; Mira Agusthia; Rachmawaty M. Noer
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i1.57


Background : Tuberculosis is one of the 10 main causes of death Tuberculosis cases account for nearly half of the total number of tuberculosis cases in Indonesia. The phenomenon found at the UPTD Public Health Center in Toapaya was 10 people who were asked, 2 people knew about tuberculosis prevention therapy while 8 people did not know about tuberculosis prevention therapy. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the administration of TPT (Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy) drugs to tuberculosis patient household contacts in the Working Area of ​​the UPTD Health Center of Toapaya. The design of this research is descriptive quantitative with cross sectional approach. The sample in this study were all families who had contact at home with TB patients as many as 34 people and the data were analyzed using the chi square test. The results show that mild side effects from giving complete TPT were 55.9%, only 2.9% dropped out, good family support for giving complete TPT was 50.0%, only 11.8% dropped out, there was a significant difference, which (p -value 0.036 ≤0.05) this indicates that there is a difference in the proportion of giving TPT to respondents who experience good attitude and those who experience moderate attitude, p-value 0.025≤0.05 there is a difference in the proportion of giving TPT to respondents who experience good family support and those who experience adequate family support and a p-value of 0.000 ≤ 0.05 means that there is a difference in the proportion of respondents who experience mild side effects and those who experience severe side effects, Ha is accepted. In conclusion, there is a relationship between attitude, family support and side effects on administering TPT (Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy) drugs to tuberculosis patient household contacts in the Working Area of ​​the UPTD Health Center of Toapaya. Suggestions for nursing services do not only focus on pharmacological actions, but also for families, especially providing support for patient recovery
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i2.72


Background: patient safety is one of the main things in providing health services in hospitals. Medication error is one frequent incidents that could harm the patient. Dispensing error is one of the stages in medication errors that can be caused due to high workload, inadequate number of staff, LASA medication, drug packaging that is similar or almost the same, LASA drug storage system, and environmental factors such as distractions and interruptions. Aim: to determine the effectiveness of the Automated Dispensing Machine (ADM) for reduce the incidence of dispensing errors in medication errors to improve patient safety. Methods: this study uses a literature review study by using various journal databases, such as Google Scholar, Science Direct and ProQuest, with journal spanning the last five years. Results: study was shows that the implementation of the Automated Dispensing Machine (ADM) is effective reduce the incidence of dispensing errors in medication errors by being integrated with barcode system and hospital information system. This article can used a refrence in research on the effectiveness of ADM for reduce the incidence of dispensing errors in medication errors.
The Relationship Between Parenting Style and Self-Efficacy To Premarital Sexual Behavior Of High School Students In Gunungkidul Ilmidin Majid
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i2.101


Introduction: The teenage age group is the most vulnerable category to various negative behaviors, such as risky sexual behavior. Consequently, there is an increase in adolescent health issues, such as the spread of sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, early marriages, and abortions. Parents play a crucial role in providing the foundations of teenagers' personalities and guiding them to make responsible decisions, including those related to their sexuality. All forms of interaction between parents and teenagers manifest in the form of parenting styles. In addition to the role of parents, teenagers themselves must also have high self-efficacy to avoid premarital sexual behavior. Objective: This study aims to examining the relationship between parenting styles and self-efficacy with premarital sexual behavior among high school adolescents in Gunungkidul Regency. Method: This study is a quantitative research employing a cross-sectional study design. Results: Adolescents engaging in premarital sexual behavior have a risk of 36.21%. There is a significant relationship between parenting styles and premarital sexual behavior among high school adolescents (p < 0.05). There is also a significant relationship between self-efficacy and premarital sexual behavior. Gender and peer influence are significantly associated with premarital sexual behavior (p < 0.05), while exposure to information is not related to premarital sexual behavior (p > 0.05). The study concludes that adolescents who receive permissive parenting styles and have low self-efficacy are more likely to engage in risky premarital sexual behavior.
Telehealth Practice Policies need to be Strengthened to Achieve Better Quality and Accessibility of Care in the Post COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Review Untoro Dwi Raharjo; Ristiana Eka Ariningtyas; Yafi Sabila Rosyad
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of health research and technology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v1i2.111


Digital health services in healthcare facilities have been escalated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth has become one of the fastest adopted information and communication technologies (ICT) and is projected as a future solution to provide better healthcare services. In Indonesia, the implementation of telehealth had been initiated before the COVID-19 pandemic but did not explicitly mention specific healthcare professionals. This situation has led to unclear boundaries for telehealth practice among healthcare professionals while the implementation of telehealth is still encouraged. Therefore, our aim was to identify alternatives to strengthen the policies that support the implementation, quality, and accessibility of telehealth in Indonesia. We conducted a rapid review of articles related to telehealth implementation and policies that had been published on Portal Garuda, EBSCOHost, Pubmed, and Google Scholar. We also considered articles with an MMAT score >80 as eligible articles that could be included in the synthesis. Our findings have been crystallized into several ideas, one of which is that the implementation of telehealth must be supported by three aspects: organizational support, equity, and legal support. We recommend some alternatives such as training, policy and guideline strengthening, data security improvement, and funding to accelerate telehealth implementation in Indonesia. In conclusion, although some policies have been implemented to support telehealth in Indonesia after the COVID-19 pandemic, these policies are still weak in protecting other healthcare professionals' practice through telehealth, except for doctors. Specific guidelines and stronger policies are needed.

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