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Journal of Society Counseling
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The JOSC aims to provide a platform for examining and discussing issues in Society Counseling. It invites submissions from diverse perspectives and approaches, including those from developing countries. The journal aims to promote ongoing dialogue and discourse on important topics and provide insight into the counseling needs of individuals, groups, and society by publishing articles that explore various aspects of the field, including empirical research, innovative techniques, and professional issues. This includes research from developing countries, which may offer unique perspectives and approaches to social science and help advance the field globally.
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Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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Aggressive behavior can cause conflicts, fights, acts of violence and also make relationships with other people worse. This study aims to determine the description of aggressive behavior on client N at the Ar Rahman Drug Rehabilitation Center. This research uses a qualitative approach and case study method. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews and communication. Data analysis techniques in this study are pattern matching, explanation and time series analysis. The subjects of this study were client "N", client "N"'s friends and addiction counselor. The results of this study are: (a) an overview of the aggressive behavior experienced by client "N" seen from four aspects, namely the first on the physical aggression aspect in which Client N does not beat, push, kick, even pinch, the second on the verbal aggression in which client N rejects orders and advice given to him. Third, in the aspect of hostility, client N has a sense of injustice within him, and finally in the aspect of anger, where Client N easily gets annoyed with other people. (b) the implementation of individual counseling using the tough stopping technique was carried out in four meetings with three stages, namely the initial stage, the middle stage and the final stage, and (c) the description of aggressive behavior after the implementation of individual counseling using the tough stopping technique, namely the client's physical aggression aspect N can act more calmly, can maintain attitude in the surrounding environment. In the verbal aggression aspect, client N feels more relaxed in dealing with other people, begins to accept advice or invitations from someone. In the aspect of hostility, client N feels the pain has diminished and also focuses his mind on being calmer, able to think better, longer for the future and his future, trying to forgive. And lastly, the client N aspect begins to be able to control the frustration that occurs and is much calmer between his mind and heart.
Penerapan Teknik Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) untuk Mereduksi Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) pada Remaja Korban Kekerasaan Seksual (Studi Kasus Klien “R”) Ayu Fitria Wulan Dari; Abdur Razzaq; Neni Noviza
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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This study analyzes the Application of Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) Techniques to Reduce Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adolescent Victims of Sexual Violence (Case Study of Client "R" in Betung OKUT Village). The aim of the study was to find out the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young victims of sexual violence experienced by client "R", to find out the stress inoculation training (SIT) approach to reduce post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young victims of sexual violence. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed: 1) The characteristics of post traumatic stress disorder in the client "R" are currently quite apprehensive, often feeling afraid of meeting other people or just remembering the shadows of the bitter event, then the client experiences anxiety, anxiety which makes it difficult to control emotions so that the client I have trouble sleeping because I often have nightmares. 2) Application of the stress inoculation training (SIT) technique to client "R" based on the results of research on the application of the stress inoculation training (SIT) technique through 6 meetings using 3 stages namely the initial stage, the middle stage (work stage) and the final stage. With 6 meetings it can be concluded that in reducing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experienced by client "R" there were several changes felt by client "R" after carrying out the application the client "R experienced calm and increased confidence already willing to interact with people others, more enthusiastic in living life and always strong and patient in facing the problems that will be faced in the future.
Konseling Individu dengan Teknik Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) dalam Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri (Studi Kasus Klien “A”) Wahyu Muhamad Noufal; Abdur Razzaq; Zhila Jannati
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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The purpose of this research is to determine the description of lack of self-confidence, to determine the process of implementing individual counseling using the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy technique, to determine the obstacles in individual counseling using the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy technique. This research uses a qualitative research approach, and the research method used in this research is the case study method. Data collection tools in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques in this research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions or verification. The subject of this research is client "A" in Lubuk Saung village. The results of this research show that client "A" has low self-confidence, including being unsure of himself, not having confidence in his abilities and competence, not having the courage to accept and face rejection from other people, and unstable emotions, among other symptoms of weakness. Then there are changes in the client, namely being calmer and more patient in responding to things, being able to choose what is good and leaving what is bad for himself, being able to face rejection from other people and being confident in his abilities and knowledge based on his experience and calculations.
Penerapan Konseling Individu dengan Teknik Congnitive Restructuring untuk Mereduksi Pola Pikir Negatif Narapidana Pembunuhan Aghniya Ahsana; Abdur Razzaq; Zhila Jannati
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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Negative thought patterns can result in individuals feeling like they have failed, lacking self-confidence, remembering a dark past, considering this as bad luck, giving up hope and having difficulty solving problems on their own. Researchers are trying to provide individual counseling guidance to reshape positive thinking patterns in client "A", a murder convict at LPKA Class 1 Pakjo Palembang. The aim of the research is to determine the description of the negative thought patterns experienced by murder convicts at LPKA Class 1 Pakjo Palembang before and after implementing individual counseling using cognitive restructuring techniques and applying individual counseling using cognitive restructuring techniques to reduce the negative thinking patterns of murder convicts. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a case study research method. The subject, namely client "A", comes from Gandus District, 20 years old, convicted of murder, sentenced to 8 years and 6 months. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis techniques used are pattern matching, explanation, time series analysis. The results of the research show that (1) The negative thought pattern of client "A" shows an attitude of feeling like a failure, giving up hope, often blaming others, likes to be alone, suffering from mental or physical illness, unable to accept change, unsure of business opportunities, feels that he is experiencing Failure results in low self-esteem. (2) The cognitive restructuring technique is carried out in 4 meetings lasting 60 minutes. The first meeting, observing "negative thoughts" influenced thoughts of not blaming yourself. Second, the client has the courage to try new things but avoids relationships with other people. Third, the counselee accepts reality, uses himself, does not get lost in sadness. Fourth, carry out follow-up to see the progress of counseling at the last meeting so that the formation of client "A"'s negative thought pattern is reduced and controlled into a positive thought pattern. (3) As well as the description of negative thought patterns in clients showing changes in being serious about achieving their desires, reducing attitudes of despair and daring to try without fear of failure. In this case, the client begins to show calmer mental health. The client begins to let go of the burden of regret he has suffered all this time.
Hubungan Authoritarian Parenting Terhadap Gangguan Psikosomatik pada Mahasiswa dalam Penyusunan Tugas Akhir Skripsi Karina Sefia Ananda; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Lena Marianti
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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This thesis is entitled "The Relationship of Authoritarian Parenting to Psychosomatic Disorders in Students in Preparing Their Final Thesis Assignments". The background is Authoritarian Parenting or authoritarian parenting towards Psychosomatic Disorders experienced by students in preparing their final assignments. Psychosomatic disorders are a term that refers to complaints of physical symptoms that arise due to psychological factors. Final year students who are working on their thesis, how can they complete their thesis on time, if there is no support from those closest to them. Authoritarian Parenting is a parent's authoritarian parenting style by setting absolute standards that children must follow. This research aims to determine the description of authoritarian parenting in students when preparing their final thesis assignment, the description of psychosomatic disorders in students in preparing their final thesis assignment and the relationship between Authoritarian Parenting and Psychosomatic Disorders in Students in Preparing their Final Thesis Assignment. This research uses a quantitative approach with a correlational method. The subjects in this research were a population of 104 respondents and a sample of 36 respondents, sampling was taken using the Simple Random Sampling Technique. Data collection techniques use questionnaire and documentation methods. The data analysis technique uses the Pearson Produst Moment test with the help of the From Windows SPSS Version 22 program. The results of the research show firstly, that the depiction of authoritarian parenting among students preparing their final thesis assignments is at a medium level with a percentage of 64% for 23 people. Second, the description of psychosomatic disorders in students preparing their final thesis assignments is at a moderate level with a percentage of 67%, as many as 24 people. And thirdly, it is known that the Asymp sig. (2-tailed) result is 0.001, the value is 0.001 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, which means that there is a relationship between authoritarian parenting and psychosomatic disorders in students in preparing their final thesis assignments with a relationship value of 0.733. in a strong relationship and has a positive relationship direction.
Peran Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan dalam Pembimbing dan Pengawasan Klien Selama Menjadi Masa Integrasi di BAPAS Kelas 1 Palembang Ida Lestari Putri; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Neni Noviza
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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This research is entitled "The Role of Community Counselors in Guiding and Supervising Clients During the Integration Period at Bapas Class 1 Palembang". This research aims to determine the role of community counselors and the obstacles faced by community counselors in guiding and supervising clients during the integration period at Bapas Class 1 Palembang. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The subjects in this research were 2 community counselors at Bapas class 1 Palembang. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis techniques in this research are data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research are the role of community counselors in guiding and supervising clients during the integration period at Bapas Class 1 Palembang, namely providing personality and independence guidance in the form of: strengthening client motivation, providing information, and providing opportunities to express feelings. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced by community counselors in guiding and supervising clients during the integration period: the father's location being different from the client, coordination facilities, provision of materials, and the client's lack of legal awareness. Efforts made by community counselors to reduce the obstacles faced include: community guidance via video call for clients who have a different location from Bapas, and advising clients to live in the same location as Bapas.
Efektivitas Konseling Kelompok dengan Teknik Modelling Simbolik Dalam Upaya Mengatasi Stigma Negatif Masyarakat Terhadap Mantan Pecandu Narkoba Riza Syahsia Hermawanti; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Lena Marianti
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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This research is about "The Effectiveness of Group Counseling Using Symbolic Modeling Techniques in Efforts to Overcome Society's Negative Stigma Against Former Drug Addicts". This research is motivated by information and globalization, various information can be obtained easily. One of the events currently being discussed among the public is the problem of negative stigma. This research aims to first, find out the negative stigma of society before conducting group counseling using symbolic modeling techniques in an effort to overcome the negative stigma towards former drug addicts. Second, to determine the effectiveness of group counseling using symbolic modeling techniques in an effort to overcome society's negative stigma towards former drug addicts. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach, with a population of 67 people with a sample of 12 people using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques use observation, questionnaires, documentation. Data analysis techniques through the Wilxocon test with the help of the Windows SPSS version.26 program. The results of the research show first, the level of negative societal stigma towards former drug addicts before group counseling using symbolic modeling techniques was in the high category. Second, the results obtained show that Asymp.sig (2-tailed) is worth .002. With a value of .002<0.05, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, meaning that group counseling using the Symbolic Modeling technique is effectively used to reduce society's negative stigma towards former drug addicts.
Penerapan Konseling Naratif Dalam Mengatasi Konsep Diri Negatif (Studi Kasus Klien "D") Devy Ratna Sari; Abdur Razzaq; Lena Marianti
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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This research is entitled Application of Narrative Counseling in Overcoming Negative Self-Concept (Case Study of Client "D" at the Ar-Rahman Drug Rehabilitation Center Foundation). The aim of this research is First, to find out the negative self-concept picture of client "D" at the Ar-Rahman Drug Rehabilitation Center Foundation. Second, to find out the application of narrative counseling in overcoming the negative self-concept of client "D" at the Ar-Rahman Drug Rehabilitation Center Foundation. In this research, the author used field research, a qualitative approach, and used a case study research method. Data collection tools in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. Research results, 1) client "D"'s self-concept is classified as problematic and more negative, where client "D" is easily offended when receiving criticism, easily angry, thirsty for praise, and treats other people as enemies. 2) The application of narrative counseling consists of an initial stage, middle stage, evaluation and final stage. The results after applying narrative counseling made client "D" have a new perspective on himself, client "D" was able to accept input and criticism well, was able to control emotions, understood the meaning of praise, and was also confident and able to have positive thoughts towards other people.
Efektivitas Konseling Kelompok Dengan Pendekatan Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Untuk Meningkatkan Self Awareness Andikpas di LPKA Kelas I Palembang Nabillah Adhistia; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Lena Marianti
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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This research is entitled "The effectiveness of group counseling using the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy approach to increase Andikpas' Self Awareness". The aim of this research is to describe the level of self-awareness of andikpas, as well as help andikpas with low self-awareness. This research used a true experimental method with a population of 113 people and a sample of 32 respondents. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique, with a total of 24 respondents, data collection techniques used questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique uses a paired sample t-test with the help of SPSS 23. The results of the research show that the level of self-awareness andikpas is in the medium category at 67%, and the results of the paired sample t-test for the experimental group show a significance value of 0.000<0.05, and The control group showed a significance value of 0.002<0.05, it can be concluded that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected, so it can be concluded that group counseling with the REBT approach or group counseling is equally effective in increasing self-awareness and education, but there are differences in the level of effectiveness between group counseling and the group counseling approach. REBT and group counseling.
Bimbingan Konseling Islam Melalui Teknik Self Management Untuk Meningkatkan Pemanfaatan Waktu Luang Pada Remaja Putus Sekolah Citra Repsi Tri Rahayu; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Manah Rasmanah
Journal of Society Counseling Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Society Counseling
Publisher : Scidacplus

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This research aims to determine Islamic counseling guidance through self-management techniques in increasing the use of free time among out-of-school teenagers (R clients) in Daya Makmur Village, Muara Padang District, Banyuasin Regency. The main subject in this research is client "R" who is the primary data source. Meanwhile, secondary research data sources are the client's father, the client's mother, the client's younger sibling, and the client's friends. The method used is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the Robert K. Yin model consisting of 3 techniques, namely pattern matching, data explanation, and time series analysis. The research results analyzed in three stages, namely the initial stage, the core stage, and the final stage. The core stage is the process of providing self-management techniques, which includes several phases, namely self-monitoring, positive reinforcement (reward), contract or agreement with yourself (self-contracting), and mastery of stimuli (stimulus control), after implementation. Islamic counseling guidance through self-management techniques shows that client "R" experienced quite positive improvements where there is new behavioral changes by client "R".

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