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Misterius: Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
ISSN : 30322057     EISSN : 30321654     DOI : 10.62383
Core Subject : Art,
jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Bidang kajian dalam jurnal ini meliputi subkelompok ilmu seni dan desain. Misterius: Publikasi Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Articles 46 Documents
Pewarna Alami Kunyit Dan Buah Naga Untuk Pengaplikasian Teknik Sablon Mesah Nur Sejati; Ali Ramadhan; Tunjung Atmadi
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.110


Background: The spices turmeric and dragon fruit are daily human needs. Natural dyes have beautiful and distinctive colors that are difficult to imitate with synthetic dyes. Natural dyes can be used as a basis for screen printing techniques. Screen printing is a printing technique using a template. Purpose: mixing natural dyes turmeric and dragon fruit to apply screen printing techniques. Research method: experimental research. In this research, the natural dyes of turmeric and dragon fruit were mixed to apply the screen printing technique. Firstly, by collecting natural materials and reinforcing rubber. Next, make the dough until a strong dough is produced. After obtaining the water content in the dough. Next, screen printing is carried out onto fabric media. Findings: After mixing the natural dyes turmeric and dragon fruit to apply the screen printing technique, it shows that the color strength is very significant on the fabric media. Implication: mixing the natural dyes turmeric and dragon fruit for the application of screen printing techniques is very important to study and use as material. For future researchers, the theme we have taken here is that the originality is very strong, especially in the part about mixing the natural dyes turmeric and dragon fruit for the application of screen printing techniques. Become an evidence base in scientific development, especially in product design courses.
Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Pada Tari Ratoeh Jaroe di Pembelajaran Ekstrakurikuler SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh Yeni Zuryaningsih; Febri Yanti
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.114


This research is entitled "Analysis of Character Education Values ​​in the Ratoeh Jaroe Dance in Extracurricular Learning at SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh". This research raises the issue of the value of character education in the Ratoeh Jaroe Dance in extracurricular activities. This research aims to analyze and describe the value of Ratoeh Jaroe Dance character education in extracurricular activities. The type of research used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results of the research show that there is value in character education found in various movements, verse, floor patterns, fashion and make-up. The value of religious education is found in the various movements (saleum, aamiin and sep-sep), while in the verse namely (saleum, aamiin, lamburak, hasan summa husein, aroh pulo pineung and sep-sep), the dress code is in accordance with Islamic law. The educational value of nationalism is found in the various movements of the jakku timang, while in the verse namely the jak hai tajak and in traditional clothing. The value of independent education is only found in the verse of Hasan Summa Husein. The value of mutual cooperation education is found in the various movements (jak hai tajak, kasep kapot, uleue-uleue beu mate, lamburak, peulot manok, aroh pulo pineung, and uroe), and in the verse namely uleue-uleue beu mate and uroe. The value of integrity education is contained in the verse (jakku timang, kasep kapot, and peulot manok), and is found in a dancer namely Syeh.
Aransemen Lagu Buku Ende No. 585 “Somba Ma Jahowa” Dalam Instrumen Taganing Lamsa J Sihombing
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.116


The aim of this research is to develop the song ''BE. 588 Somba Ma Jahowa Debata” into the Taganing arrangement and the motif in this song still uses the original melody from the song but there is a slight change in tempo from MM 120 to MM 98, and the rhythm aims to be more wise and pleasant to listen to. This research uses qualitative descriptive research, namely by describing the "Arrangement of Ende Book No. 585 Somba Ma Jahowa Debata" in the Taganing Instrument from December 2023 to April 2024. By conducting observations, literature and several sources related to the Taganing instrument and the congregation HKBP Bahal Batu 1 Resort Bahal Batu church, written and unwritten. The results of this research are Songs in the Ende Book No. 585 "Somba Ma Jahowa Debata" is a very wise song and has meaning and message in its poetry. This thesis discusses the presentation and arrangement process of Taganing in the song in Ende's book No. 585 "Somba Ma Jahowa Debata" accompanying Sunday worship at the HKBP Bahal Batu 1 Resort Bahal Batu church. For the time signature the author uses a 4/4 time signature following the original score of the song and the basic note G = do and with a tempo of Moderato MM 98
Analisis Gerak Tari Sekapur Sirih Sebagai Tari Kreasi Berbasis Tradisi Niro Mayelza; Herlinda Mansyur
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.117


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the Sekapur Sirih dance movement as a tradition-based creation dance. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The informants of this study were dance creators, musicians, singers, dancers. This research uses independent instruments assisted by stationery and cameras. The data uses primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out through literature studies, observation, interviews and documentation. The stages of data analysis are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results showed that Sekapur Sirih Dance as a Tradition-Based Creation Dance in terms of space, time and energy. The spatial aspect of Sekapur Sirih Dance is dance movement. Sekapur Sirih Dance uses straight lines, diagonal lines and curved lines. Straight lines have a calm impression, diagonal lines have a dynamic impression and curved lines have a soft impression. The volume contained in this dance is large and small. The dominant facing directions in this dance are front, right, left and diagonal. Levels use low, medium, and high levels. The focus of view on this dance is fore, down, and up. The time aspect of Sekapur Sirih Dance as a Tradition-Based Creation Dance is a slow tempo at the beginning of the movement, followed by medium and fast tempos. From the rhythmic element of this Sekapur Sirih Dance.
Penerapan Augmented Reality Produk “Rangawak Atelier” sebagai Simulasi dan Promosi Produk Rahman Syarif; Dwi Mutia Sari
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.119


Rangawak Atelier is a furniture brand founded by Mr. Widi, combining handcrafted quality with the aesthetics and cultural identity of Minangkabau. The brand produces furniture such as chairs and tables that highlight beauty and sustainability, reflecting a spirit of adventure and social contribution. This final project aims to create promotional media in the form of Augmented Reality (AR) filters to ensure the Rangawak brand remains well-known and relevant. The 4-D Model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) is employed, involving stages of definition, design, development, and dissemination. Augmented Reality allows consumers to view products in unique 3D designs through Instagram filters, thereby expanding the promotional reach without requiring additional applications. Supporting promotional media include posters, foam boards, motion graphics, postcards, Instagram reels, and catalogs, all aimed at enhancing consumer interaction with the Rangawak Atelier brand. By using these innovative AR filters, Rangawak Atelier provides a distinctive and engaging promotional tool, helping consumers visualize the products in their own spaces and thereby making informed purchasing decisions. This approach not only maintains the brand’s presence in the market but also aligns with modern marketing trends, leveraging digital technology to create a memorable and interactive consumer experience.
Strategi Publik Relations dalam Mengoptimalkan Pengaruh Digital Fania Alzaira Rahma
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.120


This research examines the role of public relations (PR) in the digital era, focusing on the relationship between PR and social media, adaptation of communication strategies to technological advancements, and new strategies to enhance digital influence. Through a qualitative literature review approach, this study analyzes relevant literature to identify trends, challenges, and current strategies in PR practice in the digital era. The research findings indicate that social media has become the primary platform for organizations to interact directly with their audience, while adapting communication strategies to technological advancements is crucial in achieving organizational communication goals. Challenges such as the spread of misinformation and online reputation crises are also identified, while new strategies such as storytelling-based content, the use of multimedia platforms, and collaboration with digital influencers are considered crucial steps in enhancing digital influence. This research highlights the importance of openness and transparency in PR practice, as well as the need to continuously adapt communication strategies to technological advancements and user behavior. By understanding and addressing existing challenges, PR practitioners can leverage the opportunities offered by the digital era to strengthen organizational reputation and build strong relationships with their audience.
Visual Identity Flowdys Thrift Dicki Akdhan Chrisnawan
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.122


Flowdys Thrift is a clothing shop owned by Bunga Rahmadillah which was founded in mid-2021. It operates in the field of fashion or used clothing that is suitable for use. Located on Jalan Pasir Parupuk Tabing Simp. Gia no 17 Kec. Koto Tangah, Padang City, West Sumatra. However, the basic problem with Flowdys Thrift is that it is faced with many competitors who are old and new who will be involved in the same business field. The aim of designing a visual identity is to design a logo by applying good design principles, so that it will produce a logo that is unique, simple and easy to remember in order to form a consistent identity, increase business aspiration, as well as differentiate it from other competitors so that it is more easily recognized and remembered by the public. consumer The visual identity design method used is the Glass box method, starting from data collection, interviews and observations so that problems that occur can be identified, which will later be analyzed using SWOT theory, resulting in a Manual Book as the main media containing concepts, gird systems, colors, typography, and supporting media such as posters, stickers, T-shirts, tumblers/thermos, lanyards, stamps.
Poster Elektronik Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Bahaya Stress Pada Remaja M. Dimas Syahputra; Heldi Heldi
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.123


Stress can be defined as a physiological and psychological response that occurs when individuals experience pressure or burdens that exceed their ability to cope. Stress in adolescents can be caused by various influencing factors such as academic demands, family problems, conflicts with peers, teenage romance and identity problems. However, teenagers still have a low understanding of the dangers of stress, in addition to the lack of optimal information through public service advertisements, especially for teenagers. The aim of the design is to build an "Electronic Poster for Public Service Advertisements about the Dangers of Stress that is informative, communicative, educative, effective and easy to understand for teenagers aged 10-18 years in Padang City." This design method uses the glass box method, namely a design method that is carried out rationally and logically on the work based on the information obtained, based on: analytical, synthetic and evaluative to get the best solution. The approach uses 5W+1H analysis (what, when, where, who, why, how). Results of designing the main media for Electronic Posters for Public Service Advertisements about the Dangers of Stress in Adolescents and supporting media: leaflets, flayers, social media, x-banners, tote bags, t-shirts and stickers. This design can provide creative thinking visually, informatively, communicatively, educatively and effectively for teenagers aged 10-18 years.
Motivasi Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Seni Budaya (Musik) Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 15 Padang Tri Puti Anggini Rahmania; Robby Ferdian
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.124


The purpose of this study was to identify and explain what encourages students to study Cultural Arts (Music) in class VIII of SMP Negeri 15 Padang. This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The researcher became the main instrument in data collection, with the help of stationery and camera. Data were collected through observation, direct interaction, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by reducing information, presenting findings, and concluding research results. The findings show the low motivation of students in learning Cultural Arts (music) at the grade VIII level, which is caused by the ineffectiveness of the expository teaching method used by the teacher. This is reinforced by findings from interviews which show that students are more inclined towards extrinsic motivation compared to intrinsic motivation. The lack of access to learning media devices such as projectors, laptops and speakers in the school environment is also one of the factors contributing to students' lack of interest in learning Cultural Arts (music) at SMP Negeri 15 Padang.
Video Lirik Berbasis Animasi Pada Lagu “Bad Habbit From Habbit” Band Wakas Kota Padang Muhammad Khalif; Dini Faisal
Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni : Misterius : Publikasi Ilmu Seni dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Asosiasi Seni Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/misterius.v1i2.129


The objective of designing an animated music video for Wakas Kota Padang's "Bad Habit from Habit" song is to provide a medium of communication for the song's story, meaning, and message to its audience. The design process employs the 4-D Model, which consists of four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Data analysis uses the SWOT method to gather necessary data according to the design requirements. The main medium for the video is animation, supported by additional media such as posters, Instagram reels, Instagram feed, zines, t-shirts, and stickers. The results of the video's usability test on "Bad Habit from Habit" by Wakas Kota Padang, conducted among 10 participants consisting of 2 animators, 3 students of visual communication, and 5 target audience members aged 17-30, received overwhelmingly positive responses, appreciation, and audience interest. Therefore, it can be concluded that the usability of the animated music video for "Bad Habit from Habit" by Wakas Kota Padang is suitable and worthy of publication.