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Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
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Social Sciences: Anthropology, Asian Studies, Economics and Management, Education, Communication, Demography, Development, Gender Studies, Government & Public Policy, Human Ecology, International Relations, Media Studies, Peace and Conflict, Library Science, Political Science, Science, Technology & Society, Sociology, Ethics, Government Administration, Health, Humanities: Cultural Studies, Religion, History, Human Geography, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion, Performing Arts (music, theater & dance).
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Articles 29 Documents
Teori Pendidikan Multikultural dan Pendekatan Pendidikan Multikultural Husnul Pathonah; Wardina
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i1.131


Multicultural education in this study is something that has a process of developing all of its potential where every problem that occurs in society will cause conflict. As a consequence of the diversity of culture, ethnicity, ethnicity and sect (religion). Multicultural education is often related to diversity which respects each other and lives together without distinguishing differences in terms of ethnicity, language, ethnicity and religion. Multicultural education originally from various views and ideas that emerged. There are many influences from very rapid global developments in the lives of people who are experiencing change. What is the value of awareness of the meaning of learning about multicultural education which is based on a principle and the concept of multiculturalism, namely a concept that recognizes diversity, accepts differences be it gender, race, and religion based on values ​​and democratic understanding that builds the nation so that it is united. Which is very relevant to use today so as not to leave its cultural roots through multicultural education.
Organisasi Sosial Keagmaan; Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, Tokohnya dan Kegiatannya Dalam Bidang Pendidikan Salito; Bahaking Rama; Muhammad Rusdi Rasyid
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i1.138


The Muhammadiyah organization was born out of KH's anxiety. Ahmad Dahlan in education, thus establishing one of the religious social organizations namely the Muhammadiyah Association in the field of education. In this case, we can see that education in Muhammadiyah is divided into three levels, namely; Informal education is education that is held in the family or household, community. Non-formal education organized in the community and at school. Formal education held in schools Muhammadiyah's outlook on life will always be closely related to the objectives of the Muhammadiyah organization itself. In formal education, levels of education will be made, from kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school to university, in this case the Islamic movement, da'wah, and tajdid. The Muhammadiyah organization has also placed education as one of the media to achieve the goals of this socio-religious organization. Apart from being strategic, this placement has brought tremendous success in the context of educating Muslims and the Indonesian nation. As one of the vehicles to play an active role in educating the nation's children.
Peran Pemuda Desa Pulosari dalam Pemberdayaan Peternak Sapi Perah Gaguk Heri Setiawan
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i1.146


Youth Role is a form of effort made by youth to achieve the goals they have planned.aThis researchawas structured to findaout the role of the youth of Pulosari village in empowering dairy farmers, itais also hoped that it willabe able to provide a new understandingaof rational choice theory and sociological studies of empowerment and can beaused as a reference in analyzing studies related to the role of youth in empowering dairy farmers. The researchamethod used isia qualitative method. Qualitative methodaas a research procedure thataproduces descriptive data inathe form ofawritten or spoken wordsafrom observable people orabehavior. The research was directed at obtaining facts relatedato the role of youth in participating in helping dairy farmers in the Pulosari Village area, Bareng District, Jombang Regency to have an attitude of innovation in developing their livestock products. Thearole of youth is needed inathe era of modernization which cannot be stopped by humans. There are many roles that can be played by youth, from empowerment to developing innovations. But the action did not go smoothly. In accordanceawith the theoryaof rational choice that humans take an action whether intentional or unintentional, it is all a choice and must be carried out to achieve a goal. Young people make very risky choices but they are brave and responsible for the decisions they make because there are values ​​that are inaline with the goals and desires of the youth for the welfare of the breeders. As youth we must dare to take risks in making a decision for the realization of the goals they want.
Dimensi yang Terkandung dalam Pendidikan Islam Multikultural Teri Andrian; Aripin
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i1.149


Multiculturalism is very important because it is driven by the desire to increase human harmony and spread peace throughout society. In Indonesian multicultural education, the teachings of peace and conflict resolution are based on Islam with Rasulullah SAW as Rahmatan lil'Alamin. This attitude of mutual tolerance will produce dynamic cultural diversity and richness of national identity which must be preserved. In fact, diversity serves as a bonding tool. a body of explanations that recognizes and values ​​the importance of cultural and ethnic diversity to the lives of individuals, groups and nations, as well as to social experiences, personal identities and educational opportunities. Equal/fair education or only pedagogy, knowledge construction, reduction of prejudice, content integration, school culture empowerment components, social structure, and empowerment components are all components of multicultural education. Religious teachings about the growth of multicultural ideas are also taught in multicultural Islamic education.
Makanan Halal dan Tayyib dalam Perspektif Al-Quran Sri Mulyati; Achmad Abubakar; Hasyim Hadade
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i1.150


With the increasing trend of demand for halal food, various food products have emerged with many variations to compete in the market, to meet the practical needs of consumers and not to forget the delicacy in food. This is the background for producers in developing their products, so it is not uncommon for some producers to feel the need to add dyes to attract consumers' attention, preservatives, flavorings and even artificial sweeteners, all of which come from chemicals which are considered quite cheap and easy to obtain on the market. Seeing this phenomenon, with the emergence of many "halal" and "instant" foods that continue to develop along with human needs, which directly or indirectly have an impact on the human body, the author feels the need to examine more deeply regarding the meaning of the verse halalan ṯayyiban which can be applied in everyday life. This research paper is included in the category of library research using literature, including the Al-Quran and its commentaries as primary sources and other supporting scientific articles as secondary sources. Halal food is food that is acceptable for consumption and does not result in torment (sin). Meanwhile, the meaning of ṯayyib is good, holy, nutritious, proportionate and safe. The implication for the selection of food products is that it is better to pay attention to three aspects of the meaning of ṯayyib, namely choosing food that is healthy (beneficial for the body/nutritious), proportional (not consuming excessively), safe (not toxic/expired).
Fithrah: Kajian Personal Grooming Zikriadi; Aisyah Arsyad; Ghalib
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i1.153


This research discusses the nature of self-appearance or (personal grooming) which includes the obligation to maintain cleanliness, both physically and mentally. This nature is attached to the individual. This research is included in the literature review, the object of this study is the verses of the Koran and epistemology related to the nature of personal grooming, the approach used is the thematic interpretation related to nature in the perspective of a literature review related to nature and cleanliness. The results of the study reveal that self-appearance is part of aesthetics in Islam or enters into the context of adab or ethics, as part of human nature. For this reason, self-appearance (personal grooming) is also part of the form of self-cleaning, as a manifestation of good luck.
Efektivitas Penerapan Kebijakan Dana Alokasi Khusus Subbidang Keluarga Berencana di Kabupaten Karimun (Policy Paper) Denok Maya Dewi
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i1.172


Dak it is to help the area, not replacing the APBD. For that it takes a strong commitment of district and city government to dak can be a lever for the region in achieving the objective set. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of specialization of special allocation funds for the proud program of Kencana in Karimun District in 2022. The method used is descriptive qualitative with an inductive approach, that is describing the policy of special allocation funds (DAK) physical sub-field planning. Management and Implementation of Special Allocation Funds for Proud Programs Kencana After the Overall Menu / Details of the Overall Activities are well, but the current state conditions / conditions are conveniently to phase with a small pad, should be provided for the companion / supporting funds sourced from DAK.
Akulturasi Budaya Pada Tradisi Buang-Buang di Desa Tempapan Kuala Kabupaten Sambas, Kalimantan Barat Etriadi
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i1.174


The area of West Kalimantan, Sambas Regency, still carries out ancestral rituals that have been acculturated to Islamic culture, namely the ritual of wasting. The purpose of this research is to find out the acculturation process of Islam and local culture in the wasting tradition in the people of Tempapan Kuala Village and to find out the forms of acculturation of Islam in the wasting tradition. The methods used in this study are as follows; Heuristics, Verification, Interpretation and Historiography. The results of the research show that: The Wasting Tradition aims to keep people away from the dangers sent down by God for the sins that have been committed by humans. The dangers are in the form of prolonged heat, failure of agricultural businesses, and the spread of disease outbreaks. The form of Islamic acculturation in the local culture in the tradition of wasting is in the form of Sirih kapur, at least three sheets with the same fins, complete with gambier or some peeled betel nuts, gental cigarettes, namely nipa leaf cigarettes with a charm and spells. Frankincense and incense (censer). Pendupa means a place for incense in the form of a flat made of pottery or copper with coals made of wood. Yellow sticky rice with one raw chicken egg served in a flat white glass plate. A knife or a piece of iron or a nail, as hardener.
Analisis Usahatani dan Nilai Tambah Bunga Melati Putih (Jasminum sambac) di Kecamatan Kandeman Kabupaten Batang Tabita Tri Utami; Liska Simamora
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i2.190


In order to increase the bargaining power of farmers and gain profits, it is necessary to shorten the trading chain and cultivate white jasmine flowers produced by the "Barokah" farmer group, Depok Village, Kandeman District. Processing of agricultural commodities is carried out to add value to agricultural products. The research objectives include: (1) knowing the costs, revenues, and profits of white jasmine farming and processing white jasmine flowers into flower ronce, (2) analyzing the added value generated from processing white jasmine flowers into flower ronce. Not all members of the population have the opportunity to be sampled in research. The sample is determined through non-probability sampling method. Sampling of farmers was carried out by purposive sampling while determining the sample of ronce craftsmen using the snowball sampling technique. The average total cost of producing jasmine flowers from the research results is Rp. 6,120,406/month. The average revenue is Rp. 1,138,333/month. White jasmine flower farmers suffered a loss of Rp. 4,992,072/month. The average income earned by ronce craftsmen is Rp.37,166,667/month, the average total production cost for ronce white jasmine flowers is Rp. 22,461,836/month, so that ronce jasmine craftsmen earn a profit of Rp. 14,704,831/month. The processing of white jasmine flowers into ronce jasmine flowers by flower ronce craftsmen also has an added value, namely Rp. 1,563,996.
Nilai-Nilai Kemanusiaan Dalam Kisah Nabi Syu’ayb (Kajian Tafsir Tematik) Misbahul Mubarok; Muhammad Shohib
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/isihumor.v1i2.193


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis penafsiran ayat-ayat kisah nabi Syu’ayb dan hubungan penafsiran ayat-ayat kisah nabi Syu’ayb terhadap nilai nilai kemanusiaan. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan metode tafsir tematik. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian diantaranya; Al-Qur’an  Al-Karim,  Tafsir  Al-Munir  karya  Wahba  Az Zuhaili, Tafsir Al-Misbah karya Muhamad Qurais Syhihab,Tafsir Al-Qurtuby karya  Imam  Qurtuby,  Tafsir  al-Qur’an  al-Azim  karya  Ibnu  Kathir  dan  tafsir  Fi Dhilal al-Qur’an karya Sayyid Qutub. Hasil dari penelitian adalah bahwa kaum nabi Shu’ayb merupakan kaum yang suka mengurangi takaran dan timbangan, menakut-nakuti dan menghalang- halangi orang-orang yang beriman dari jalan Allah SWT, dan juga suka berbuat kerusakan di muka bumi, sehingga Allah SWT mengadahap mereka dengan gempa yang menjadikan bergelimpangan di rumah. Adapun nilai-nilai kemanusian yang terkandung dalam kisah nabi Shu’ayb dan kaumnya ada 4 macam nilai kemanusiaan, yakni: berperilaku adil terhadap sesama, saling menghargai dan tidak berlaku semena-mena terhadap orang lain, menjaga lingkungan, dan mengakui persamaan hak dan kewajiban.

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