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Keuangan Publik Dan Sumber Daya Manusia Sadu Wasistiono
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 1 No. 1 (2002): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Tahun 1, Nomor 1, Agustus 2002, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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Although decentralization and autonomy is exercised since Indonesian republic is formed, but they are not developed such as in West Countries, because it is not a panacea for the ill state or especially local government. Theoritically, there are many prerequisites of decentralization and autonomy that should called attention to the civil servants whose governed the local government. Many theoriticians written down about decentralization, included the advantages and disadvantages of it, the prerequisites should be fulfilled to apply it.Decentralization means that there are transfer of authority and responsibility in public function from central government to local government, other semi public agenda and also to the private sector. Also there are opinion about form and type of decentralization. The interesting things is the type of decentralization which divided decentralization into 4 types namely political, administrative, fiscal, economic and market decentralization.The aim of fiscal decentralization is to transfer the source of the financial to local such as the right to own and manage their own properties and the right to manage their human resources. But it is restricted by the upper rules, the well being of the people and should be applied properly.Local government give more attention to how they can earn more revenue than how to used it. Actually many infraction is occurred in the expenditures area. Local government is facing constraint with the fiscal decentralization relating with the source of the revenue. Central government still have right to attract revenue from local government, the effect is the state give balance aid to complete APBD (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah). So central government still become the importance role in public decentralizationThe expenditure part in APBD is consist of two parts, routine budget and development budget. In reality, both of them is used for the sake of the local government itself. Nowadays the routine budget is bigger than development budget. All of this constraint can be suremount if, the local government has human resources that competent in their tasks. Once again central government didn't give a guide to the local government about the national Employee System, the effect is the local government can use by their own way about how to manage their civil servants.
Pembangunan Daerah Dalam Era Reformasi Leo Agustino
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 5 No. 1 (2008): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Volume 5, Nomor 1, April 2008, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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After resignation of Soeharto in 1998, Indonesia political context especially in local level was change. The most significant change in current times is shifting paradigm from centralized government system to decentralized government system. But, this dramatically change is still problematic. Norms, values, and procedures were built by New Order regime still live in local government culture an attitude. Hence, in term of decentralization, local government must take a chance to change this culture. One solution was offer in this paper is implementing good governance.Keywords: regional development, good governance
Eliminating Indonesia's Fuel Subsidy Adam Tyson
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 4 No. 2 (2005): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Volume 4, Nomor 2, Oktober 2005, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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Kenaikan harga BBM merupakan pil pahit yang harus ditelan oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat, namun lapisan masyarakat yang paling bawahlah yang merasakan beratnya dampak kenaikan harga BBM. Dana Kompensasi BBM sebagai penguran beban kenaikan harga BBM ternyata menimbulkan banyak permasalahan. Dari sisi administrasi publik, kebijakan ini menimbulkan permaslahan yang dipicu oleh lemahnya rekam statistik di Indonesia. Satu titik kelemahan yang nampaknya sepele ini nyatanya dalam praktek implementasi program dana kompensasi BBM merupakan sumber mal praktek administrasi dana ambiguitas dalam proses seleksi keluarga-keluarga yang berhak mendapatkan dana kompenasi BBM. Dari sisi ekonmi terutama dalam hal kurs mata uang rupiah dan anggaran negara, dihilangkannya subsidi BBM yang terwujud dalam kenaikan harga BBM diramalkan membawa perbaikan positif. Seiring dengan keberlanjutan program dana kompensasi BBM pada saatnya nanti akan terbukti apakah program Kompensasi BBM akan bisa mengurangi efek negatif hilangnya subsidi BBM di Indonesia.Kata kunci: BBM compensation fund, subsidy, qualification, rational economics
Government Resource Management System (GRMS): Inovasi Layanan Publik Dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah di Pemerintah Kota Surabaya Eva Hany Fanida; Fitrotun Niswah
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 12 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Volume 12, Nomor 1, April 2015, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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Implementation of e-Government, in fact facilitates the relationships between government, private, and the community, making them more efficient, effective, and productive. The ease of governance relationships through e-Government was responded well by the Surabaya City Government in order to improve services to the government, the private sector and the public. To improve its services, city officials adopted the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), a kind of software that integrates all departments and functions of a company or into a computer system that can serve all the needs of the company, either from the sales department, HR, production or finance. The objective of the ERP system is to coordinate the organization's overall business. The Surabaya City Government has implemented the ERP software with the name of Government Resources Management System (GRMS). The GRMS is one of the innovations developed as a resource management system that is integrated with the administration of bureaucratic activity from upstream to downstream (in the context of spending) that has been developed by the government of Surabaya in order to support local financial management. The implementation of GRMS is expected to increase transparency and accountability in government procurement, information on the state or condition of physical progress of a work and its problems, and facilitate the acknowledgement and accumulation of expenditures for each activity in the construction and implementation of activities or tasks in accordance with schedule which have been implemented. So that the desired output to meet the challenges and demands of better public services.
Demokrasi dan Kemakmuran Aleksius Jemadu
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 3 No. 2 (2004): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Volume 3, Nomor 2, Oktober 2004, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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The Indonesia's economic growth which not recovered yet after the collapse of Orde Baru regime have led to pessimistic opinion on the on-going democratization in Indonesia. There is some hesitation whether or not the democratization is really can be a guarantee for the prosperity in this country. This article seeks to develop optimistic opinion by explaining the requirements must be established for the nation in order to reach the prosperity.Kata Kunci : demokratisasi, kemakmuran, democratic regime, governing institution
Health Policies Under The Special Autonomy Regime : An Evaluation Using Health Indicators Andhika Theodora Suratman
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 11 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Volume 11, Nomor 1, April 2014, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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Indonesian Law No.21/2001 on Special Autonomy regulates special autonomy given to the Province of Papua. Articles 59 and 60 of the law articulates the obligations of the provincial government to provide quality health care, prevent and manage endemic and life-threatening diseases, and improve the nutritional status of the people of Papua in cooperation with religious organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other qualified establishments. This study intends to evaluate health policies under the special autonomy law and its effects towards health indicators such as doctor to patient ratio, number of health facilities, infectious diseases, nutritional status and health programs including antenatal care, vaccination, birth planning and labor assisted by health professionals by collecting and examining statistics on the topics above.It reveals that budget allocated for health purposes is significantly increase from IDR 87,239,000,000 in 2002 (15.9% from total allocated budget) to 33,7% (862,383,000,000) in 2006 and has been utilized to improve health facilities both in quality and quantity.Wide range available secondary data are used and analyzed. It is concluded that, physical health infrastructure were built across the provinces. however, the implementation of health policies under the 2001 Special Autonomy Law does not translate into satisfying results using known health indicators.Keywords: special autonomy, health budget, health indicators, Papua.
Mencermati Eksistensi Pelayanan Sektor Publik: Pergeseran Paradigma, Tantangan, Kepemimpinan dan Pemberdayaan Haris Faozan
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 2 No. 2 (2003): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Tahun 2, Nomor 2, Oktober 2003, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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The development of information technology and the increase of knowledge of Indonesian people are become a demand to the public service institutions to make some improvement. In fact, to make these improvement is not an easy things; in the contrary it is the, hardest thing to do. To achieve these goal leadership is mostly needed. Someone with strong leadership is needed to create empowerment for the institution and its members.
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 2 No. 1 (2003): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Tahun 2, Nomor 1, April 2003, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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Sumber daya manusia yang mandiri dan memiliki rasionalitas yang tinggi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup merupakan syarat mutlak yang harus dimiliki Indonesia untuk survive di era globalisasi. Namun demikian kebijakan pembangunan yang selama ini ditempuh Indonesia justru telah menempatkan pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam area subordinatif dibandingkan pertumbuhan ekonomi, sehingga upaya pengembangan yang dilakukan tidaklah memperhatikan harkat dan martabatnya sebagai manusia. Pemaknaan sumber daya manusia dalam hirarki semacam ini tentunya menempatkan Indonesia pada posisi rawan dalam kancah persaingan global. Kondisi inilah yang mendorong beralihnya paradigma pembangunan Indonesia pada paradigma human-centered development yang memberikan penekanan pada pembangunan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang kritis dan inovatif agar mampu mengaktualisasikan potensi diri sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat kemanusiaannya.Tulisan ini memandang bahwa upaya pemerintah untuk memperbaiki kualitas pendidikan haruslah diarahkan pada perbaikan dalam tiga hal yakni peningkatan kualitas tenaga pengajar, perbaikan kurikulum dan manajemen pendidikan. Ketiga upaya pembenahan tersebut diterjemahkan ke dalam program yang lebih konkrit berupa pencanangan visi pendidikan 2004 yang disertai dengan peningkatan anggaran pendidikan, pemberlakuan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi, Gerakan Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan serta pemberlakuan otonomi pendidikan. Program-program tersebut diharapkan akan mampu menciptakan manusia Indonesia yang memiliki kompetensi akhlak, moral, pengetahuan, kemampuan, sikap dan perilaku kehidupan yang menguatkan mereka sebagai individu dan anggota masyarakat serta bangsa.
Aplikasi Prinsip-prinsip RIA dalam proses Formulasi Peraturan Daerah Kristian Widya Wicaksono
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 5 No. 2 (2008): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Volume 5, Nomor 2, Oktober 2008, ISSN 1412 - 70405
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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One of the implementations of good governance can be reflected in the capability of local government in making good regulations. In Public Administration science, such capability is often referred to as good regulatory governance. This means that people as taxpayers deserve quality service from local government, one of them is through local regulation  that benefits the people. It is because of this that we need to identify some effectives guidelines that could direct local government in issuing regulations.One of the guidelines is called Regulation Impact Assessment (RIA). RIA is a policy evaluation tool that would systemically assess the positive and negative influence of a particular policy being currently proposed (Asian Development Bank, 2003). RIA has several principles, among others are Principle of Neutrality in Competition, Principle of Effective Minimum Regulatory Needs, Principle of Participation and Transparancy, and Principle of Budget-Interest Effectiveness.Keywords: Governance, Regulation and Democracy
Korupsi, Kemiskinan dan Masalah di Negara Berkembang Sukawarsini Djelantik
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol. 5 No. 1 (2008): Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Volume 5, Nomor 1, April 2008, ISSN 1412 - 7040
Publisher : Centre for Public Policy and Management Studies

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"Corruption is often at the very root of why governments don't work.... It weakens the systems and distorts the markets. In the end, governments and citizens will pay a price, in lower incomes, lower investment and more volatile economic swings. But when governments do work--when they tackle corruption and improve their rule of of law--they can raise their national incomes by as much as four times."Paul Wolfowitz, corruption, good government, anti-corruption policy