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Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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Yeni Herisa DharmawatiPembimbing 1 : Dr. Cicilia Dyah Indrawati S.i, M.pdPembimbing 2 : Dr.Andre N. Rahmanto,M.SiUniversitas Sebelas MaretABSTRAK                Yeni Herisa Dharmawati. IMPLEMENTASI TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN (CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY) DI MALL SOLO PARAGON. Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Juli 2014.                Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Implementasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility) dalam permberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dan bina lingkungan Mall Solo Paragon, Kendala implementasiTanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility) yang berlaku di lingkungan Mall Solo Paragon, Solusi perusahaan yang diberikan kepada masyarakat yang berada di lingkungan Mall Solo Paragon.                Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Kualitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan September sampai dengan November 2013. Sumber data diperoleh dari informan, dan dokumen. Pengumpulan data diperoleh malalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Uji validitas data menggunakan triangulasi metode, triangulasi sumber, triangulasi peneliti, tiangulasi teori. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif  yang memperhatikan tiga komponen yaitu reduksi data, sajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi.                Hasil penelitian dalam penelitian ini dari beberapa keterangan yang telah diperoleh dapat ditarik kesimpulan  sebagai berikut:Implementasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility) yang dilaksanakan di Mall Solo Paragon.Persepsi program CSR.Pelaku bisnis dituntut untuk memikul tanggung jawab secara lebih luas kepada masyarakat, sampai pada pengindahan dan pengedepanan beragam nilai sosial kemasyarakatan yang mengitari (human values). Perusahaan dituntut untuk memberikan kontribusi terhadap kenaikan kehidupan masyarakat, yang bukan hanya sekedar memproduksi dan memasok barang dan jasa bagi masyarakat.Penanggung jawab CSR yang dilakukanCSR sudah disiapkan oleh pihak Mall Solo Paragon. Mereka memiliki bagian-bagian yang bertanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan CSR yang dinamakan Publik Relationship (PR).Kegiatan CSRPemberian beasiswa pada salah satu anak kurang mampu yang berprestasi, pemberian kambing kepada masyarakat, serta pemberian sembako pada saat hari besar keagamaan, pemberian bantuan terhadap Posyandu sekitar paragon, sedangkan dalam pelaksanaan donor darah, membuat event dengan tema Hari anti NARKOBA. Pemberian penghargaan kepada para kader-kader wanita yang dirasa pantas dan patut dijadikan panutan, penggalana dana di mall dengan bekerjasama dengan pihak rumah sakit Moewardi dan yayasan kanker, pemberian bantuan langsung, berupa sejumlah uang kepada anak yatim.Sumber DanaSumber dana pelaksanaan CSR selama ini ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh perusahaan.Dampak CSRDampak positif CSR yaitu meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat sekitar, membuka lapangan kerja baru menambah kualitas kinerja staff Mall Solo Paragon. Sedangkan dampak negatifnya ialah timbul penyakit pernafasan, kemacetan, dan jalan rusak. Kendala implementasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility) di lingkungan Mall Solo Paragon dilihat dari:Saat pembangunan, timbul masalah-masalah yang terkadang kurang disadari oleh pihak perusahaan, sedangkan setelah pembangunan tidak ditemukan kendala yang berarti. Solusi yang diberikan perusahaan kepada masyarakat di lingkungan Mall Solo ParagonKebijakan, merupakan arah dasar yang diambil pimpinan dan menjadi warna orientasi satu program. Kebijakan akan menentukan dalam merumuskan strategi pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan sekaligus sebagai guidance aktivitas yang akan dimunculkan. Pemilihan solusi berupa melakukan musyawarah merupakan salah satu bentuk kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan dalam menjalankan aktivitas tanggung jawab sosial yang didudukkan sebagai upaya untuk memperoleh lincence to operate perusahaan dari masyarakat. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pihak Mall Solo Paragon sudah melaksanakan dengan baik dan telah memiliki cara tersendiri dalam hal pelaksanaan CSR. Dalam implementasi CSR ini Public Relations (PR) mempunyai peran penting, baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Dalam konteks pembentukan citra perusahaan, di semua bidang pembahasan sejak fact finding, planning, communicating, hingga evaluation.   Kata Kunci: Mall Solo Paragon, Tanggung Jawab Sosial, CSR.
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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This research aims to find out: 1) whether there is influence of the leadership toward the employees job satisfaction in the Department of Education Youth and Sports Surakarta; 2) whether there is influence of the working environment toward the employees job satisfaction in the Department of Education Youth and Sports Surakarta; 3) the influences of the leadership and working environment toward the employees job satisfaction in the Department of Education Youth and Sports Surakarta.This research is designed as quantitative research with descriptive method. The population of this research is the whole employees, 80 people, of the Department of Education Youth and Sports Surakarta. The sample taken was 60% of the entire population or 50 employees. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling while the data collection method applied is questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this research is statistic test using correlation and multiple regression analysis. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) there is significant influence of the leadership toward the employees job satisfaction in the Department of Education Youth and Sports Surakarta; 2) there is significant influence of the working environment toward the employees job satisfaction in the Department of Education Youth and Sports Surakarta; 3) there is significant influence of the leadership and the working environment simultaneously toward the employees job satisfaction in the Department of Education Youth and Sports Surakarta.Keywords: leadership, working environment, job satisfaction
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) whether or not there is a significant effect of the learning process on the development of soft skills of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009; (2) whether or not there is a significant effect of the practical work program (apprenticeship) on the development of soft skills of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009; and (3) whether or not there is a simultaneous effect of the learning process and the practical work program (apprenticeship) on the development of soft skills of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009.            This research used the descriptive quantitative research method. The population of the research was all of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009. The samples of the research were taken by using the total sampling technique, and consisted of all of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009. The data of the research were gathered through questionnaire. They were then statistically analyzed by using the multiple correlation and regression technique analysis.            The results of the research are as follows: (1) there is a significant effect of the learning process on the development of soft skills of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009 as indicated by the value of rcount = 0.532 > that of rtable = 0.329; (2) there is a significant effect of the practical work program (apprenticeship) on the development of soft skills of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009 as shown by the value of rcount = 0.527 > that of rtable = 0.329; and (3) there is a simultaneous effect of the learning process and the practical work program (apprenticeship) on the development of soft skills of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009 as pointed out by the value of Fcount = 12. 529 > that of Ftable = 3.285 at the significance level of 5%. In addition, the results of the research also show that the multiple linear regression equation is ? = 38.300 + 0.199 X1 + 0.558 X2, meaning that the development of soft skills of the students of the Office Administration Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, the class of 2009 will increase or decrease as much as 0. 199 if there is an increase or a decrease of one unit of the learning process and will increase or decrease as much as 0.558 if there is an increase or a decrease of one unit of the practical work program (apprenticeship). Each independent variable has a contribution to the dependent variable. The relative contribution of the learning process on the development of soft skills of the students is 50.60%, and that of the practical work program (apprenticeship) on the development of soft skills of the students is 49.40%. Furthermore, the effective contribution of the learning process on the development of soft skills of the students is 21.84%, and that of the practical work program (apprenticeship) on the development of soft skills of the students is 21.32%. Keywords:        learning process, practical work program (apprenticeship), development of soft skills.
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara variabel-varibel yang hendak diteliti.  Objek dari penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI kelompok bisnis dan manajemen SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta yang berjumlah 66 siswa. Data didapatkan melalui kuesioner dan observasi. Data tersebut dihitung dan dianalisis menggunakan asumsi klasik melalui SPSS. Hasil dari penelitian adalah ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara variabel pembelajaran kewirausahaan dan minat berwirausaha, ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara lingkungan keluarga dan minat berwirausaha, dan ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pembelajaran kewirausahan dan lingkungan keluarga secara bersama-sama terhadap minat berwirausaha. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara pembelajaran kewirausahaan dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap minat berwirausaha siswa kelas XI kelompok bisnis dan manajemen SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta.
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The objectives of this research are to investigate : (1) the significant effect of implementation of personnel transfers on the job satisfaction in PT Deltomed Laboratories Wonogiri; (2) the significant effect of job characteristics on the job satisfaction in PT Deltomed Laboratories Wonogiri; (3) the significant effect of implementation of personnel transfers and job characteristics on the job satisfaction in PT Deltomed Laboratories Wonogiri. This research used the survey quantitative research method. This research used the survey quantitative research method. Its population was all functional employees of PT Deltomed Laboratories on Wonogiri as many as 115 persons. The samples of the research consisted of 53 persons. They were taken by using the proportionate random sampling technique. The result of this research shows that implementation of personnel transfers and job characteristics simultaneously affect on the job satisfaction. Implementation of personnel transfers has a positive effect toward the job satisfaction. So that, a good implementation of personnel transfers will lead to increasing job satisfaction. It happens also in job characteristics which gives positive effect on job satisfaction, so improvement of job characteristics will lead to high job satisfaction.
ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI DI PMI KOTA SURAKARTA Cahyaningtyas, Diana Agti; Murtini,, Wiedy;  Susantiningrum,  Susantiningrum
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this research are for knowing : 1) Organizational culture in Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region. (2) Inhibitor factor in building organizational culture in Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region. (3) Efforts for handling the problem in Organizational Culture in Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region.This research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods, case study approximation. The research strategy is single research strategy. The source of data came from informan, time and place, documents, and archive. Sampling technique that we use is Purposive Sampling and Snowball Sampling. Collecting Data are from interview, observation, and documents analysis. Data validity technique that we use are triangle data and triangle methods. Data analysis technique that we use are interactive analysis technique start from collecting data, reducing data, perform data, and conclusion. Research procedure consist of preparation step, excecution step and primary data analysis, final data analysis, conclusion, making a report, and copying reports.The conclusion of this research are: Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region have culture organization that are professional, perceptive and loved by people. (1) There are many way to build organizational culture in Red Cross Surakarta Region. That are (a) The person who can be a center (b) education and training for Human resources (c) regular meeting once two weeks. (2) Inhibitor factor to build organizational culture in Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region are : (a) Individual person (b) there just a few media to sosialize organization vision, mission, and main purpose (3) The efforts to build organizational culture in indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region . Are : (a) Regular meeting once in 2 weeks (b) Adding media that contains organization vision, mission, and main purpose.
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this study was to : ( 1) Determine whether there is a significant correlation between students' personal character with a class XI student achievement SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo academic year 2013/2014 . ( 2) Determine whether there is a significant correlation between the students' interest in reading with a class XI student achievement SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo academic year 2013/2014. ( 3 ) Determine whether there is a significant correlation between students? personal character and the students' interest in reading with a class XI student achievement SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo academic year 2013/2014.This study uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive correlational method . The population in this study was a class XI student of SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo Academic Year 2013/2014 . The sampling technique used in this study is proportional random sampling , a total of 43 students or 15 % of the number of students in each class consists of 8 classes . Data collection techniques is by using questionnaires and documentation . Analysis of the data used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis techniques .With the results of multiple linear equation ? = 6.75 + 0.016 X1 + 0.0054 X2. Based on the results of this study concluded that : ( 1 ) There is a significant relationship between students' personal character with a class XI student achievement SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo school year 2013/2014 . This is evident from the results of the regression analysis obtain rstat > rtable or 0.3268 > 0.304 at a significance level of 5 % . ( 2 ) There is a significant relationship between the students' interest in reading class XI student achievement SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo school year 2013/2014 . This is evident from the results of the regression analysis obtain rstat > rtable or 0.3486 > 0.304 at a significance level of 5 % . ( 3 ) There is a significant relationship between students' personal character and reading interests of students with class XI student achievement SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo school year 2013/2014 . This is evident from the results of the regression analysis obtain Fstat > Ftable or 11.438 > 3.23 at the 5 % significance level . The relative contribution of the student's personal character ( X1 ) on student achievement ( Y ) of 72.44 % and the relative contribution of students' reading interests ( X2 ) on student achievement ( Y ) of 27.56 % . For the effective contribution of the student's personal character ( X1 ) on student achievement ( Y ) of 26.35 % . Effective contribution interest in reading ( X2 ) students on student achievement ( Y ) of 10.03 % .
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the significant effect of learning activeness on the personal communication ability of the students in Grade XII of Office Administration Department of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2014/2014; (2) the significant effect of field work practice on the personal communication ability of the students in Grade XII of Office Administration Department of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2014/2014; and (3) the simultaneous effect of learning activeness and field work practice on the personal communication ability of the students in Grade XII of Office Administration Department of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2014/2014.This research used the descriptive quantitative research method. Its population was all of the students as many as 77 in Grade XII of Office Administration of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2014/2015. The samples of research consisted of 44 students. They were taken by using the proportional random sampling technique. The data of research were collected through questionnaire and documentation. They were analyzed by using the multiple linear regression analysis aided with the computer program of SPSS17.The results of research are as follows: (1) the learning activeness has a significant effect on the personal communication ability of the students in Grade XII of Office Administration Department of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2014/2014 as indicated by the value of tcount = 2.045 > that ttable = 1.682; (2) the field work practice has a significant effect on the personal communication ability of the students in Grade XII of Office Administration Department of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2014/2014 as shown by the value of tcount = 3.737 > thatof ttable = 1.682; and (c) the learning activeness and field work practice have s simultaneously significant effect on the personal communication ability of the students in Grade XII of Office Administration Department of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2014/2014 as specified by the value of Fcount = 11.537 > that of Ftable = 3.230. The regression equation is ? = 6.064 + 0.216 X1 + 0.257 X2. The relative contribution of the learning activeness (X1) is 72.5%, and its effective contribution is 9.9%. Meanwhile, the relative contribution of the field work practice (X2) is 27.5%, and its effective contribution is 26.1%.
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The  research aims at  investigating:  (1) whether  there  is a  significant effect on physical classroom  environment  towards  the  learning  motivation  of  Grade  XI  Students  of  Office Administration  Skill  Competence  at  SMK  Negeri  I  Sukoharjo  (Vocational  School  I  Sukoharjo)  in Academic Year of 2013/2014; (2) whether there is a significant effect on parents? support towards the  learning motivation of Grade  XI  Students of Office Administration  Skill Competence at  SMK Negeri  I Sukoharjo  (Vocational School  I Sukoharjo)  in Academic Year of 2013/2014;  (3) whether there  is  a  significant  effect  on  physical  classroom  environment  and  parents?  support comprehensively  towards  the  learning motivation of Grade XI Students of Office Administration Skill Competence at SMK Negeri  I Sukoharjo (Vocational School  I Sukoharjo)  in Academic Year of 2013/2014.This  research?s  design  is  descriptive  quantitative.  The  population  of  the  research  is  72 students  of  Grade  XI  Students  of  Office  Administration  Skill  Competence  at  SMK  Negeri  I Sukoharjo (Vocational School I Sukoharjo) in Academic Year of 2013/2014. The samples which are taken by applying Simple Random sampling  technique are 43 students. Questionnaire  is used  to do  the data collecting method, and statistical  test with Double Regression Analysis  is applied as the data analysis technique.The  results  of  the  research  are:  (1)  there  is  a  significant  effect  on  physical  classroom environment  towards  the  learning motivation of Grade XI Students of Office Administration Skill Competence  at  SMK  Negeri  I  Sukoharjo  (Vocational  School  I  Sukoharjo)  in  Academic  Year  of 2013/2014.  It  is proved by the result of rcount > rtable or 0.430 > 0.310 on significance value of 5%. The  relative  contribution  is  29.40%  and  the  effective  contribution  is  6.19%;  (2)  there  is  a significant effect on parents? support towards  learning motivation of Grade XI Students of Office Administration  Skill  Competence  at  SMK  Negeri  I  Sukoharjo  (Vocational  School  I  Sukoharjo)  in Academic  Year  of  2013/2014.  It  is  proved  by  the  result  of  rcount  >  rtable  or  0.430  >  0.310  on significance  value  of  5%.  The  relative  contribution  is  70.60%  and  the  effective  contribution  is 14.87%;  (3)  there  is a significant effect on physical classroom environment and parents? support comprehensively  towards  the  learning motivation of Grade  XI Students of Office Administration Skill Competence at SMK Negeri  I Sukoharjo (Vocational School  I Sukoharjo)  in Academic Year of 2013/2014. It is proved by the result of Fcount > Ftable or 9.794 > 3.23 on significance value of 5%.From the result of the statistical count, it is known that the linear regression ? = 27.998 + 0.344 X1 + 0.319 X2 which means the learning motivation (Y) will increase or decrease as much as 0.344  for  each  increase  or  decrease  of  a  unit  of  class  physical  environment  (X1)  and  also will increase or decrease as much as 0.319 for each increase of decrease of a unit of parents? support (X2).  Keywords: class physical environment, parents? support, learning motivation
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of partial and simultaneous interest in learning and media learning on learning outcomes of Information Technology X grade Office Administration Vocational High School 3 Surakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Sampling technique in this research is sampling saturated. The samples in this research were all X grade of Office Administration. The results of the data analysis and discussion stating that (1) there is positive and significant correlation between interest in learning to learning outcomes of Information Technology subjects. (2) the influence of media learning to learning outcomes of study subjects Information Technology. (3) there is positive and significant correlation between learning and learning media together to learning outcomes of Information Technology subjects. (4) the results of the calculation value data R Square of 0.235 indicates that 23.5 percent of the variables learning outcomes can be explained by the variable interest in learning and instructional media. The remaining 76.5 percent is explained by other variables beyond the variables used in this study. The relative contribution of the media interest in learning and learning on learning outcomes of information technology subjects in the amount of 44.95 percent and 55.05 percent. Keywords: interest in learning, media learning, learning outcomes.

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