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Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya
ISSN : 20866100     EISSN : 2503328X     DOI : 10.26714/lensa
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 1 (2012)" : 7 Documents clear
An Analysis of Tropes Used in Electronic Appliances Advertisements in English Magazines Anin Eka Sulistyawati
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.442 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.2.1.2012.%p


Iklan adalah pemberitahuan publik untuk menawarkan atau meminta barang, jasa, dll. Salah satu faktor krusial dan penting untuk membuat iklan menjadi menarik dan mudah dipahami adalah kiasan. Selain itu, kiasan dapat membantu produsen dalam membujuk konsumen untuk membeli produk mereka. Ada dua hal yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah kiasan apa yang paling sering digunakan dalam iklan barang elektronik di majalah berbahasa Inggris dan yang kedua adalah di mana mereka sering digunakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan jenis kiasan yang umum digunakan dalam iklan peralatan elektronik di majalah berbahasa Inggris dan untuk mengidentifikasi posisi kiasan tersebut. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk memberikan masukan bagi pengiklan yang berniat untuk merancang iklan, khususnya dalam bentuk tertulis. Obyek penelitian ini adalah iklan peralatan elektronik di majalah berbahasa Inggris. Iklan-iklan tersebut diambil dari enam majalah bahasa Inggris, yaitu; Majalah Connected Mei/Juni 2004 dan Juli/Agustus 2004; Majalah Time edisi 22 Mei 2006 dan 26 Juni 2006, Majalah Info Komputer Agustus 2007, dan Majalah The Jakarta Post Weekender Agustus 2007. Untuk tujuan analisis, data disajikan melalui beberapa langkah. Pertama, iklan dikumpulkan dan dibaca. Kemudian mereka dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok-kelompok. Setelah itu, data yang telah diidentifikasi diinventarisasi dalam tabel. Langkah terakhir adalah mengklasifikasikan iklan dengan memilih data yang sesuai untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari masalah penelitian. Pada tahap ini penulis mengklasifikasikan beberapa elemen dari iklan, yang terkait dengan topik tersebut. Hasil analisis itu dalam bentuk penjelasan secara rinci mengenai penggunaan kiasan dalam iklan peralatan elektronik. Kiasan yang digunakan dalam iklan adalah hiperbola, metonimi, sinekdok, personifikasi dan klimaks. Dengan melengkapi analisis, pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini akan terjawab. Pertama, kiasan yang paling dominan digunakan dalam iklan peralatan elektronik adalah hiperbola. Persentase rinciannya adalah hiperbola 43,33%, sinekdok dan personifikasi 20%, klimaks 10%, dan metonimi hanya 6,67%. Dan kiasan sebagian besar ditempatkan pada judul.Keyword: kiasan
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.589 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.2.1.2012.%p


Literature is an activity or human behavior, both forms of verbal or physical, that seek to be understood by science. It is a fact of human activity that gave rise to a certain social activities, political activity, as well as the cultural creatives such as philosophy, art movement, art, sculpture, music, literature and other art. Teuw has argued that literature is placed fourth after religion, philosophy, science and discipline. Majazi literature, is the result of the power of reason and imagination that are high, so the form will be contained in the form of creative literature with the stage of creativity and initiative, if it deals with literature, essentially an exploration of creativity and thought to literary works that are created, resulting in the psychological elements will affect the creation of literary works, both from the impact of emotions, as well as the impact of the motif. According to Sangidu, things were with literary term for Indonesia community, which consists of concepts that are not causing the problem, though it is never stated in a clear and unequivocal statement. This can be seen in situations that do not give a rise to discuss about the use of scientific (Sangidu, 2004:31). To understand the essence of literary work that requires some steps that are not always easy to understand the goals, and the necessary steps should be taken before a thorough understanding to level, with an understanding of hermeneutics, and mastered various systems is a fairly complex code, either language or culture code, as well as literature with unique code. Key Words: Majazi literature, feminism, gender injustice.
Pekalongan Sebagai Kota Batik 1950-2007 Chusnul Hayati
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.993 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.2.1.2012.%p


The purpose of this paper will explain how Pekalongan City is known as “batik city” and batik as local genius or cultural identity in Pekalongan. Batik in Pekalongan City is not only as economic and cultural asset, but also is as a way of life. Batik society in Pekalongan has sense of belonging and sense of pride towards batik as a beautiful work of art. So, they have sense of obligation to revival and to develop batik. Batik society in Pekalongan is facing the rise and fall of the tides because of there were some kinds economic and political crisis and change. Pekalongan batik is big because of challenge not just the contribution. The golden age of Pekalongan batik was in 1950s--in the end of 1960s, because batik as the important of livelihood in Pekalongan City. Some kinds of crisis and challenge could be the positive impact for it. The reaction of these challenges are appearing the creation and innovation so the new products are born in order to enrich Pekalongan batik. Crisis in 1970s was caused by batik printing technique that changed into silk handmade. The economic crisis in 1997 created batik that used pineapple tight, banana tight, and local silk. As a batik city, Pekalongan is the place where batik strongly influenced by China, Arabic, European-Dutch, and Japanese culture. On the other hand, Pekalongan batik is influenced by local style from Surakarta, Yogyakarta, and other places. These various influences effected Pekalongan batik so beautiful and interesting, have various motif and colorful. To make to be strong as “batik city”, the Government of Pekalongan City defined a slogan: BATIK that means Bersih (clean), Aman (safety), Tertib (disciplinary), Indah (beautiful), and Komunikatif (communicative).Keywords: batik, economy, innovation, cultural identity.
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.305 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.2.1.2012.%p


Sudah menjadi kesepakatan umum bahwa bahasa digunakan sebagai media ataupun alat komunikasi. Bahasa merupakan sebuah sistim yang sudah terorganisir dimana setiap unit mempunyai peran yang sangat penting yang juga sangat penting bagi unit unit yang lain. Di sisi lain, bahasa merupakan fenomena social, yang dapat dimaknai sebagai alat komunikasi antara orang per orang. Sebagai sebuah fenomena social, maka kemampuan bahasa seseorang berkembang sesuai dengan lingkungan dan siapa saja yang berada dalam lingkungan tersebut. Beberapa ahli menyatakan bahwa bahasa sebetulnya sebuah ilmu yang kompleks, tidak ada satupun sistim bahasa yang lebih mudah ataupun lebih buruk daripada yang lain. Komunikasi akan terjalin manakala pesan yang disampaikan oleh pembicara dapat diterima oleh sang pendengar/pembaca; selama mereka tidak berbagi konsep yang sama, maka komunikasi tidak akan berjalan dengan baik. Dalam pragmatic, pesan yang disampaikan oleh pembicara bisa saja dimaknai lain karena beberapa factor, seperti misalnya facial gestures ataupun mimic muka yang menyiratkan hal yang berbeda dengan pesan yang semestinya. Perbedaan status ataupun background , jenis kelamin, umur, dan juga power antara pembicara dan penerima pesan tidak dipungkiri sering menyebabkan penafsiran yang berbeda yang akan menyebabkan terhambatnya proses komunikasi, sehingga bisa dikatakan bahwa tujuan dari komunikasi yang efektif tidak terjadi. Hal ini pula yang masih sering terjadi dalm lingkup ruang kelas yang melibatkan antara guru dan murid dalam interaksinya. Perbedaan status dan power antara guru dan murid sering menyebabkan proses belajar mengajar menjadi tendensius, sehingga tujuan dari pengajaran mendapatkan kendala. Untuk memahami itu semua, setiap pembicara dan penerima atau pendengar harus memahami dan menerima prinsip komunikasi,dalam arti mampu menterjemahkan segala factor non bahasa yang terjadi secara berdampingan dengan proses komunikasi, agar proses komunikasi berjalan dengan baik, sehingga tujuan dari komunikasi akan berhasil dicapai. Kata kunci: classroom interaction,power, status,politeness.
Integrasi Pengajaran Grammar Dengan An Inspiring Song & Game-Based Lesson For Young Learners Bagi Siswa Kelas 5 SD Supriyadi Semarang Ririn Ambarini S.Pd., M.Hum.; Anggarani Wilujeng S.S., M.Hum.
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.069 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.2.1.2012.%p


Teaching English to young learners especially for elementary school students will be different from teaching high school students. The activities of teaching English for young learners in Elementary Schools should be based on the teaching of English that is fun and exciting for young learners. Moreover in giving the English activities, an English teacher should not five the explanation of gramm in the form of formula, sentence pattern or even language rules that have to be memorized by students. Grammar should be taught to the students integrated with vocabularies in the form of statements; for example, Grammar can be taught in the form of communicative questions directly given to the students. So it will be more useful if students experience the language than learn it. Songs and games can be integrated in teaching Grammar to young learners and those are kinds of teaching media that can be used to enhance students’ understanding on the language and learning the English language. This research is an action research that undergoes two cicles. In the first cycle, it was found that the average score of the students when they were taught grammar that was dominated by the use of LKS books is 72.06. It means the percentage of stundents’ capability in learning grammar is 70%. And in the second cycle, it was found that the score of the students in learning grammar that was already integrated with songs and games is 89.81. it means that the percentage of the students’ ability in mastering grammar is 80%. It can be concluded that teaching grammar that is integrated with songs and games is very effective to make the young learners interested in learning English without being realized that they are still learning. In this case, the English teachers should be active enough in choosing the songs that are adjusted with the needs of the students. Key words: teaching, grammar, games, songs, young learners, creative, communicative.
Analisis Reduplikasi Bahasa Jawa Pada Novel Dom Sumurup Ing Banyu Yunita Nugraheni
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.512 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.2.1.2012.%p


Reduplication is one of the morfological process by which the stem or the root of the word is repeated. In this paper, the writer found the form of reduplication of Javanesse on the novel entitle Dom Sumurup ing Banyu. The research was done by collecting the data from the novel. The data classified into five groups of reduplication, namely; Dwilingga, Dwilingga salin swara, Dwipurwo, Dwiwasana, trilingga, and the combination of reduplication and affixation. Keywords: reduplication, stem, root, affixation
Struktur Iklan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Drs. Suharyo, M.Hum.; Fitri, S.S.
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (80.641 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.2.1.2012.%p


Language usage in "kecik" ad in "Suara Merdeka" was almost overlook that it actually (read: "kecik" ad) is one of the literary phenomenon that is not less interesting than the other literary phenomenon. If during this time can be said to escape from the attention perhaps because it is a small "kecik" thing, but if further researched it is quite interesting. First, for example in terms of morphology it is found the structure of contraction, perpetuation of consonants and vowels, like "jl (jual or jalan), ist (istimewa), BU (butuh uang), cpt (cepat), PS (power steering)". Second, from the aspect of syntactic the structure of "kecik" ad is characterized by perpetuation of a form of the phrase, as well as the utilization of various forms of active and passive sentences, etc. Third, from the aspect of lexicon in "kecik" ad is turned out to be structured in Indonesian, English, Javanese, and Betawi language, for example, in the ad is found some Javanese words like "maknyus, anyar, cespleng"; in Indonesian with Betawi dialect like "doang"; and in English like "PS (power steering)".Key words: structure, ad, "kecik"

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