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JIK Jurnal Ilmu Komputer
Published by Universitas Esa Unggul
ISSN : 25279653     EISSN : 27978389     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer adalah jurnal ilmiah yang memuat tulisan penelitian dan non penelitian dalam bidang ilmu Komputer, yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Pengelola Jurnal Ilmiah UEU. Jurnal ini terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer sebagai wadah karya ilmiah para dosen dalam memgimplementasikan dan mempublikasikan hasil penelitian (kualitatitif, kuantitatif dan mixing) berdasarkan proses studi literasi, experimental dan yang pendanaan diperoleh secara mandiri, hibah internal maupun eksternal. Publikasi karya ilmiah sebagai salah satu unsur tridharma perguruang tinggi di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Esa Unggul dan sangat terbuka untuk kalangan dosen PTN/PTS di luar komunitas civitas akademika UEU. Jurnal ini melingkupi kajian dengan mencakup bidang antara lain : Data Science/Mining, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Human Computer Interaction, Mobile Application and Technology, Internetworking and Security System, Artificial Intellegences, Software Engineering, Big Data, Smart Technology Information, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Cryphtography, BioInformatics, Digital Forensic Sciences, Technology Multimedia and Game
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JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 4, No 02 (2019): JIK : JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/komp.v4i02.3139


The college scheduling activity is a routine activity every semester that is very complicated and draining the mind. In the current system, the information system study program of Indonesian computer universities has used a lecture scheduling information system application for the college scheduling process. However, the application has a disadvantage, namely the scheduling process is still done by manually selecting space, days and hours, and has not implemented the optimization algorithm for the scheduling process, so the scheduling process still requires a long time and is not optimal. Given the importance of this scheduling process, it is necessary to do the optimization steps for scheduling lectures appropriately so that the process of scheduling lectures is faster and schedule conflicts can be minimized so that teaching and learning activities can run well. For this research, we intend to apply genetic algorithms to the scheduling process with the aim of optimizing the lecture scheduling process in the information systems study program. In this research method, the stages of the research will be described as the system development method, research location, and data collection techniques.      The results of this study are that there are no more conflicting schedules after 10 trials were marked with fitness with a value of 0. The conclusion of this research is that by applying genetic algorithms to the college scheduling application, the process of scheduling lectures can be done automatically until there is no schedule conflict and out of 10 experiments, the average time for lecturing schedule was 58.454 seconds (less than 1 minute) and the average was achieved in generation 1,2,3. Keywords: genetic algorithms, lecture scheduling, chromosomes
JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 4, No 02 (2019): JIK : JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/komp.v4i02.3140


Currently social media (especially Twitter and Facebook), have become an alternative media for news dissemination, Data shows hoax news complaints reaching 5070 in 2017 (Damar, 2017). In fact there is an increasing tendency to fabricate lies to cover up the truth or known as hocus to trick (Prasetijo et al., 2017). Therefore it is necessary to develop a tool to detect whether a news is a hoax or not. To the best of our knowledge, there is no research in hoax detection system in Indonesian language except using text vector representations based on Term Frequency and Document Frequency as well as the Support Vector Machine and Stochastic Gradient Descent classification techniques with 60% of accuracy (Prasetijo et al., 2017).  It still needed a research to develop an integrated applications to detect hoax news on social media. Scikit - Learn is a python module that integrates various machine learning algorithms for medium-scale supervised and uncontrolled problems. This module is very efficient for data mining and data analysis (Jason, 2014). By using python and scikit learn, machine learning models can be obtained for the detection of news hoaxes on social media. This research covers application development for pre-processing data based on data collected from Twitter and Facebook for 3 months, creating models with scikit learn and testing the model with actual news to check the accuracy of the model in detecting hoax news. The results of this study indicate that hoax news detection systems on social media can be done by creating a classification model with TF-IDF, CountVectorizer, PassiveAgressive Classifier and SupportVector Classifier. The model developed successfully shows whether a news is fake or real by looking at the accuracy of the vector classification results. The higher the accuracy of a news on the classification vector, the more easily known whether fake or real.Keyword : hoax detection, news, scikit learn, social media
JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 4, No 02 (2019): JIK : JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/komp.v4i02.3141


In data communication between work networks, especially image data or image files, messages sent are often of very large size so that sending time is long, as a result the network becomes busier, it can even result in corrupted image data, as well as in image data storage or large image files take up large storage space. Both of these problems can be overcome by encoding the message or the contents of the archive as short as possible, so the message delivery time is also relatively fast, and the storage space required is also small. This method of coding is called data compression or compression. In this study the Run Length Encoding Method is used for compression or compression of image or image data. The study was conducted using the literature study method, testing the type of sample data and making comparison tables. The results obtained provide input regarding the implementation of Image Data Compression (Image) applications and contribute to computer network, internet, intranet or extranet users in sending image data, both for personal and organizational needs. The final results of this study, the size of the image file or image can be reduced to 95.23% of the actual size (can be seen in table 1). Keywords: compression, decompression, image data,  Run Length Encoding
JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 4, No 02 (2019): JIK : JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/komp.v4i02.3136


Humans who lived in the era of technology as it’s today definitely familiar with the implementation of technology in daily their life. Almost all human activities using technology, was no exception in the economy. The system is not only helpful but also simplify, shorten, and accurate, such as the Payroll System at PT Polymindo Permata. Every month an economic activity that has employees must have activity employee payroll as an appreciation of their work, as well as the PT Polymindo Permata. During this time the company is still recording and doing payroll calculations just using Microsoft Excel. It all doesn’t matter when the employees is just a few, but as the company grows, the number of employees was more and more. This poses a problem in the calculation and recording payroll. To overcome these problems, we need an appropriate system. The author would like to make a payroll system as a computer-based optimization of computing resources owned and can help finance the activities of employee payroll. By using the proposed system is expected to be more accurate calculation of payroll, time efficient, help to calculation cost of product and also more orderly financial reporting.  Keyword : Payroll System, Project Management, Cost of Product
JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 4, No 02 (2019): JIK : JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/komp.v4i02.3142


Technology is increasingly advancing and developing. There are a lot of internet services and a special bureaucracy where zakat is paid, but can everyone enjoy internet service? And do all people believe in bureaucracy? Sometimes in addition to the high cost of the internet, a sense of unbelief in this bureaucracy is an obstacle for those who want to check how much zakat they are required to pay, which is an obligation of Muslims to issue zakat for those who are already narrated as described in the Qur'an. and al-Hadith, to regulate expenditure and distribution of the property of the people and its distribution. The difficulty to calculate zakat independently or individually, because they do not yet understand the calculation of zakat, especially the calculation of zakat for animal products. In Scientific Writing, the author tries to make an analysis and design of Zakat Calculation System as one solution.The writing method used in the design uses a flowchart diagram that illustrates the flowchart outlining the stages in solving a problem as outlined in the form of an algorithm. This application program is still limited to the design of flowchart diagrams that do not use the application programming language. The results of this study can be concluded that the analysis and design of the flow diagram of the zakat calculation system can provide information about the steps of the zakat calculation system flowchart and help the calculation process that is accurate and precise as well as the prototype for the application to be applied so that it is easy to use by users with very interactive . Keywords: Zakat, Flowcharti, Story Board
JIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Vol 4, No 02 (2019): JIK : JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/komp.v4i02.3137


The increase of degenerative diseases. Degenerative disease is a disorder in which there is a decline in function or damage to body structure that occurs gradually. Some types of diseases that are included in the degenerative disease group include Diabetes and Hypertension. The main cause of the increased incidence and prevalence of degenerative disorders is changes in lifestyle and eating patterns that do not pay attention to the balance between intake and dietary needs and sedentary lifestyle. Improvements in lifestyle and diet can be done through the selection of nutrients that are adapted to the conditions of the degenerative diseases that he needs need the help of a nutritionist in determining a diet program or determining the diet. But not all people can meet an expert in nutrition to determine their nutritional needs due to several factors. To provide solutions to these problems, an expert system was created to determine the nutritional needs of degenerative sufferers by utilizing the field of Artificial Intelligence studies. With an expert system, the process for determining the status and nutritional needs of sufferers of degenerative diseases will be easier, because knowledge about nutrition has been adopted in this system. This expert system is used to determine the status and nutritional needs of sufferers of degenerative diseases using a web-based forward chaining method, the development of the system uses the eXtreme Programming method to accelerate the process of developing the system. With this system so that people can easily find out the status and nutritional needs of sufferers of degenerative diseases by providing food ingredient solutions recommended by nutritionists. Keywords  : Degenerative, Nutrition, Expert System 

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