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Journal of International Relations seeks original manuscripts that provide theoretically informed empirical analyses of issues in international relations, as well as original theoretical or conceptual analyses. The journal represents no particular school or approach, nor is it restricted to any particular methodology. Instead, it seeks to foster an awareness of methodological and epistemological questions in the study of International Relations, and to reflect research and developments of a conceptual, normative and empirical nature in all the major sub-areas of the field.
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Search results for , issue "Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022" : 38 Documents clear
Kebijakan Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Sebagai Manifestasi Politik Domestik: Pengaruh Kelompok Evangelis Terhadap Perdamaian Palestina-Israel Feizal Reza Pahlevi; Mohamad Rosyidin; Marten Hanura
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.35989


United States (US) established the Middle East as a strategic area in the context of its foreign policy, one of the things is to pursue peace in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The US provides Israel takes more benefits in the middle of a peace conflict outcome instead of being a wise peacemaker. The discourse can be proven in US foreign policy in the era of Donald Trump's presidency, the effort for peace in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is reflected in the controversial policy in the form of a Deal of The Century and Abraham Accord. This study aims to explain how the influence of the Evangelis group as a domestic factor can encourage US foreign policy in favor of Israel in the midst of peace efforts for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. In this study, the author applies the theory of ideational liberalism which assumes that state preference is shaped by the values and identity of a group that influences foreign policy. Furthermore, the author adopts a qualitative research method with an explanatory type. The results of the study show that the partiality of the US toward Israel in the context of Palestinian-Israeli peace efforts derives from the preference of the Evangelicals group which parts from the belief in Jesus' Second Coming.
Sekuritisasi Presiden Immanuel Macron Terhadap Imigran Muslim Melalui Undang-Undang Anti-Separatisme Perancis Nida Saidathul Iza; Mohammad Rosyidin; Reni Windiani
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.35586


In response to the issue of Muslim immigrants, a controversial policy has been issued by France. President Immanuel Macron issued a policy to respond to the increasing number of cases of extremism and terrorism in various regions of France and became one of the instruments of regional security. Macron addressed the issue by issuing a speech to shape perceptions of the threat posed by the issue of Muslim immigrants. So that in the end the policies formed by Macron were successfully accepted by the public and officially ratified. It is interesting to study how the political elites in a country shape the perception of an issue so that in the end the issue gets support from the community. This study will analyze this by using the key question "How is French Securitization Against Muslim Immigrants in the Anti-Separatism Law?". This study aims to explain Macron's role in carrying out securitization efforts through speech acts in the French anti-separatism law. The type of research used is the explanatory type. Securitization theory is used in this study to develop an argument about how an issue can be defined by a political elite as a threat to the state. Statements regarding the issue of Muslim immigrants are the focus of analysis in this study. This study argues that Macron has a role in securitizing Muslim immigrants so that the perception of immigrants as a threat to a country can be formed.
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36273


This study aims to analyse ERIA’s contribution as an international organization and economic research institute, in its’ involvement to support the ASEAN infrastructure development through Comprehensive Asian Development Plan (CADP). CADP was first submitted to the East Asia Summit in 2010, to implant and to pursue both deepening economic integration and narrowing development gaps by illustrating a grand spatial design of both economic infrastructure and industrial placement in ASEAN and East Asia. It also explained further about the digital development which has happened in East Asia and reviewed every five years. Authors used a descriptive qualitative research methodology towards the contribution made by ERIA in infrastructure building of ASEAN. From our findings, we can conclude that CADP, in line with the goals set in ASEAN Community Pillars, made development and infrastructure growth in ASEAN increased significantly, and will continue to do so from the phases set in their goals.Keywords: ASEAN, infrastructure, development, ICT, CADP, Community Pillars, economy.
Penurunan Daya Saing Global Indonesia : Pembangunan Infrastruktur Yang Kurang Adaptif Terhadap Perkembangan Isu Cybercrime Miranda Putri Sembiring
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36155


ABSTRACTIn October 2019, Indonesia's Global Competitiveness Index decreased 5 places from the previous year. This decline occurred in the midst of massive infrastructure development carried out during the leadership of President Joko Widodo in the first period. The pillar that experienced the highest decline was the pillar of information and communication technology adoption. This study aims to explain why the infrastructure development carried out is less adaptive to issues regarding the development of information and communication technology, so that the indications are that Indonesia is rife with cybercrime cases. The framework used in this research is the hyperglobalist theory and the concept of cybercrime. Hyperglobalist theory is used to analyze the adaptation process of the Indonesian government to industry 4. 0 and the concept of cybercrime is used to analyze the development of cybercrime cases. This study uses a qualitative research method with the type of explanatory research, data obtained through literature study. This research shows that the government is less adaptive to the development of industry 4.0, so that infrastructure development experiences dislocation. The government does not see aspects of the development of information and communication technology at this time, so that cybercrime cases in Indonesia are increasing every year. so that infrastructure development is dislocated. The government does not see aspects of the development of information and communication technology at this time, so that cybercrime cases in Indonesia are increasing every year. so that infrastructure development is dislocated. The government does not see aspects of the development of information and communication technology at this time, so that cybercrime cases in Indonesia are increasing every year.
Implementasi Sister City Kota Semarang Dengan Kota Fuzhou Reyva Fernanda Priskilla; Susiatiningsih Hermini; Alfian Muhammad Faizal
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.35498


ABSTRACTIn Indonesia, the Sister City concept began to be known as the circulation of the Ministry of Home Affairs Circular No. 193/1652/PUOD on April 26, 1993 concerning Procedures for Formation of Cities and Inter -Provincial Cooperation (Sister Province). The concept of sister city in Indonesia has been established by several regions with the equality of technology, education, culture and history with other regions abroad. In this study there is the purpose of this study to explore the implementation of Sister City Semarang City with Fuzhou City.In this study there are benefits that can be a reference for other regional governments, the private sector, the community and other researchers in establishing cooperative relations with abroad. To answer the problems and research objectives is carried out using the concept of paradlomation and sister city with interview methods and data reviews. The object in this study was the Semarang City Government. Paradiplomation in the Sister City sister of Semarang City with Fuzhou City can be seen from the implementation and benefits in the fields of economics, education, and the fields of culture and tourism. So that the existence of activities that produce results show that the paradlomacy can run with good cooperation between local governments.For example, Indonesia has continuously been praised as a successful post-authoritarian country transitioning to democracy. However, seeing the numerous human rights violations in the past decade alone, especially towards alternative political, religious, and sexual identities, the success of democracy in Indonesia has been put under the spotlight. It raises the question of the development of democracy and the use of democracy in Indonesia in practicing and upholding principles of social equality for all. In this article, I wish to provide an overview of majoritarian democracy, a form of democracy that is understood and practiced in Indonesia. A form of democracy that, rather than upholding values that safeguards individual rights and diversity, may undermine religious and cultural diversity, enforcing a homogenized national culture and values, which in return may engender human rights violations in the name of national security that it in itself is defined by the majority..Keywords: Paradiplomacy, Sister City, Semarang City, Fuzhou City
Strategi Pertahanan Ruang Angkasa Amerika Serikat Dalam Menghadapi Militerisasi Ruang Angkasa Tiongkok Muhammad Zakki Priatmo Sutyoko; Ika Riswanti Putranti; Marten Hanura
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.35962


Ruang angkasa telah lama menjadi medan atau ruangan yang digunakan oleh manusia untuk memenuhi kebetuhan manusia tiap harinya, hal – hal seperti aktivitas perbankan, navigasi, komunikasi, dan juga militer. Aktivitas – aktivitas tersebut dilakukan menggunakan benda angkasa buatan manusia yang disebut dengan Satelit, maka dari itu satelit juga termasuk aset – aset manusia yang perlu di rawat dan dilindungi. Setiap negara memiliki satelit yang juga berarti negara bertanggung jawab untuk mempertahankan aset – asetnya di ruang angkasa. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai strategi pertahanan ruang angkasa Amerika Serikat dalam menghadapi militerisasi ruang angkasa Tiongkok, yang mencakup pembahasan mengenai ancaman kinetik, non-kinetik, elektronik, siber dan bagaimana Amerika Serikat menanggulangi ancaman yang datang dari Tiongkok tersebut. Penulis mengumpulkan data yang diambil dari buku, jurnal, dan berita yang substansinya dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian Eksplanatif dan menggunakan metode analisis kongruen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan secara materi dan sumber daya terhadap pertahanan ruang angkasa Amerika Serikat, namun kemampuan yang dimiliki Tiongkok mendorong Amerika Serikat dari kursi dominasi di ruang angkasa.
Regulasi Financial Fair Play (FFP) sebagai Rezim Pencegah Praktik Money laundering dalam Industri Sepak Bola Eropa Dimas Feriyanto; Ika Riswanti Putranti; Marten Hanura
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.35872


Football is one of the most popular sports in the world, especially in Europe. The popularity of European football cannot be separated from its increasing industrial development, with large of money flows in it. The large money flows has a vulnerability to crimes in the financial sector, especially money laundering. Therefore, this study will reveal how the vulnerability of the football industry to money laundering practices and how the role of Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations on preventing these practices from occurring in the European football industry. Data was collected using the literature study method from various scientific journals, news, and official The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) archives, and then analyzed using the congruent method. This study shows that the practice of money laundering is vulnerable to occur through the structural, financial, and cultural sectors in the football industry. Then through its role as an international regime with several regulations such as break-even, club ownership, and the role of the Club Financial Control Body (CFCB), Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations can indirectly reduce some of the vulnerabilities of money laundering practices in the European football industry.
Kebijakan 13th Five Year Plan Tiongkok Sebagai Implementasi Paris Agreement Tahun 2016-2020 Baldata Agnia Majid
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36291


Climate change and global warming are environmental phenomena with large negative impacts for various countries in the international world. This presents the Paris Agreement as a commitment for ratifying countries to address global warming by reducing carbon gas emissions based on the NDC (National Determined Contribution). One of the countries that ratified the Paris Agreement is China. This is motivated by the large number of industrial sectors in China that use coal as the main energy source in driving their industry, so this has also caused China to become one of the countries with the largest carbon emission emitters in the world and has an impact on the domestik environment such as bad air pollution. and natural disasters. This study will discuss China's efforts as a country that ratified the Paris Agreement in reducing carbon gas emissions and demonstrate its commitment by implementing environmentally friendly strategies and implementations in the 13th Five Year Plan policy. Furthermore, this study will also analyze China's commitment to using Hugh Dyer's green theory and the three concepts from Tayyar's green theory. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with sources obtained from literature studies. The findings in this study are that China has demonstrated its commitment to addressing climate change by reducing carbon gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, namely by pursuing various strategies contained in the 13th Five Year Plan policy for reducing carbon gas emissions in the domestik sphere. This can be seen from the existence of values and goals in pro-environmental policies by implementing the "Environmental Protection" policy.
Gastrodiplomasi Korea selatan dalam Upaya Nation Branding di Indonesia sebagai Negara Muslim Terbesar Nadia Mahza Prameswari; Hermini Susiatiningsih; Reni Windiani
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.35562


South Korea is one of the countries that has gone global through its Korean Wave in the form of K-Pop and K-Drama. From these two aspects, it then expanded with the emergence of K-Food products by the Indonesian people, most of whom are Muslim populations. Pop and K-Drama are followed by K-Food products. In an effort to nation branding in Indonesia as the largest Muslim country. The purpose of this study is to examine the formation of South Korea's strategy in nation branding efforts in Indonesia. In order to answer the problems and objectives of the research, the main concepts of gastrodiplomacy and SWOT analysis were used. The results show that gastrodiplomacy through Korean halal food can be an effort to brand South Korea in Indonesia as the largest Muslim country. The strategy is based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to aspects of South Korean food. It is recommended that the South Korean government can continue to use K-Wave to increase the Korean halal food market, as well as collaborate with food entrepreneurs to adapt to market needs, especially in its efforts to obtain halal labeling so that the product can be expanded scale-wise.
Efektivitas Program ITAC dalam Kerjasama Sister Province Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan Queensland Tahun 2019-2021 Farah Dila Puspitasarie; Mohamad Rosyidin; Muhammad Faizal Alfian
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36162


The low quality standard pf education in Central Java in terms of standard of educators and ducation personel led to the initiation of the ITAC (International Training and Assessment Course) training program by Education and Culture Office with the Departement of Education and Training (DET), Queensland fpr vocational teachers in the Java Sister province cooperation. Central Java and Queensland are the background of this research. The problem that arises is how effective is the program in increasing the Sister province cooperation between  Central Java and Queensland in the vocational Education?The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the Sister province through the implemented program. The efforts to answer the problems and research objectives are carried out using paradiplomacy theory and effectiveness indicators to analyze the effectiveness of the Sister province cooperation relationship that exists between Central java and Queensland. And to measure the effectiveness of the 2019-2021 ITAC program. The object of the research is the teachers of the revitalization of ITAC training participants in Central Java. The result showed that the Sister province cooperation was not effective. Especially in the implementation of cooperation programs where indicators of effectiveness driving factors such as aggrement upon strategy, regular contact, clear purpose and result, and monitoring and evaluation. It is recommended that the vovational teachers training program can continue to be carried out alternately with other vocational school teachers in Central Java so all the vocational school teachers in Central Java can have good quality , with improvements in the implementation training programs, especially on indicators aggrement upon strategy, regular contact, clear purpose and result, and  monitoring and evaluation.

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