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Journal of International Relations Studies
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Journal of International Relations seeks original manuscripts that provide theoretically informed empirical analyses of issues in international relations, as well as original theoretical or conceptual analyses. The journal represents no particular school or approach, nor is it restricted to any particular methodology. Instead, it seeks to foster an awareness of methodological and epistemological questions in the study of International Relations, and to reflect research and developments of a conceptual, normative and empirical nature in all the major sub-areas of the field.
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Articles 27 Documents
Search results for , issue "Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023" : 27 Documents clear
Dampak Sengketa Kepulauan Senkaku antara Jepang - Cina Terhadap Stabilitas Keamanan Jepang Tjhang Zahra Anisa Pramaiseilla
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37373


The Senkaku Islands are rich in oil and gas resources, which has led Japan and Cina to claim each other that the Senkaku Islands belong to them. The impact of the dispute on Japan's security stability makes the senkaku islands and Japanese territories threatened and insecure because Cina conducts military operations by arming fishermen to become "maritime militias" and Cina has also increased their air activities, conducted training for their pilots and even created and enforcing air defense zones so that Japan's security stability becomes insecure and causes the Japanese state to be wary of attacks given by Cina because Cina sends military forces to Japan's territory which makes the Japanese region less secure while it has an impact on the economy and relations between Japan and the United States. Cina is going bad. The Japanese government's passive attitude that has been applied so far has turned into a proactive one by strengthening the military and surveillance system with advanced technology. To improve its national security, Japan increased their military budget and created military bases to deal with possible invasions from Cina in certain places around the Senkaku Islands.This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive explanatory data collection techniques. Techniques for data collection were carried out using literature studies obtained from journals, articles and books. The author will analyze the data with Process Tracing which will track a conflict process that can occur and explain the data according to the framework of each country's thinking because Japan and Cina mutually claim the Senkaku island belongs to each other and are a threat to the security of the Japanese region. The author uses the concept of National Security in analyzing the dispute between the senkaku islands of Japan and Cina as well as threats to the security stability of the Japanese region. Keywords: Dispute, Japan, Cina, Senkaku Island, UNCAFE, National Security.
Peran International Criminal Police Organization/ICPO Dalam Kasus Hukum Igor Borbot Tahun 2016 Benedictus Nugrahanto Kala
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37183


United States of America and Russia are two countries that have dominant role in world politics. Both countries are frequently found themselves in conflicting relations. Conflicts between United States of America and Russia could be traced from post-World War II Era. The conflicts are varied from ideology, economy, military, even in law enforcement. But there is a unique case, in this case United States of America and Russia were able to conduct law enforcement cooperation assisted by Interpol. How ICPO/Interpol assist this cooperation? Aim of this research is to describe how ICPO/Interpol bridging United States of America and Russia which clearly have many differences on law enforcement system, to conduct a cooperation. Meanwhile a lot of cooperation could not conduct before. This research uses international organization function theory complemented by international organization and international cooperation concepts. Results of this research shows that ICPO/Interpol were able to assist law enforcement cooperation between United States is because it fulfills the functions of informative, normative, law-making, monitoring, and operational.
Kendala Kerjasama Sister City Antara Kota Semarang dengan Kota Jung-Gu Tahun 2016 – 2021 Nisa Ristadina
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37237


Sister city cooperation appears as a form of paradiplomacy where the actor is the local government. Sister city cooperation between Semarang City and Jung-Gu City has been established since 2016 with five points of agreement. However, after five years, the cooperation between the two has not gone well. This study aims to explain the obstacles to sister city collaboration between the City of Semarang and the City of Jung-Gu from 2016 – 2021 by using the concept of paradiplomacy and the concept of sister city. This study uses a qualitative research approach with explanatory research types and data obtained through interviews and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the factors that cause sister city cooperation between Semarang City and Jung-Gu City have not gone well in several areas that have been agreed upon because both of them do not fulfill three of the five important elements needed to assess the success of inter-city cooperation. Some of these elements are the commitment of the two parties to cooperation, community participation in cooperation, and reciprocal relations between cities.
Pelanggaran Privasi dan Ancaman Terhadap Keamanan Manusia dalam Kasus Cambridge Analytica Faris Azhar Zaelany; Ika Riswanti Putranti
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37259


Cambridge Analityca is a data-based political consulting firm that intervened in the US elections (2016) using the OCEAN method to attract voters. The problem here is the data obtained using illegal methods through quizzes and advertisements on Facebook. With the data obtained by Cambridge Analityca, they can use this data for the benefit of their companies and their clients, thereby endangering the targeted citizens. This research wants to explain how the violation cause by Cambridge Analityca become a threat. In answering this question, the concept of Human Security and cybersecurity is used. This study uses an descriptive method in answering the problem. The results of this study found that the threat posed by this case harmed not only citizens but the state and also the violations that occur can cause a collapse in security and social life. 
Kepentingan Nasional Tiongkok Bekerjasama dengan Iran di Bawah Kesepakatan Sanksi Kepemilikan Nuklir Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Silviana Iskandar
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37226


China still intends to work with Iran despite the restrictions placed on it as a result of the nuclear deal or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). More than three decades of cooperation between China and Iran have improved the two nations' mutually beneficial relationship. Iran also holds a significant position for China as a supplier of oil and energy. This study employs qualitative research techniques for descriptive analysis and discovers that China's national interests, particularly in the economic and security sectors against Iran stands, are the reason why China continues to cooperate with Iran despite being subject to the JCPOA's sanction provisions. China has a national interest in the Iranian state in this sense, despite the JCPOA's sanctions against Iran. Iran sees China as a partner for long-term economic cooperation in the sector of energy exports since China is a nation that depends on oil exports as a source of revenue. This study examines China's foreign policy toward Iran, which is subject to the JCPOA's nuclear property sanctions, using a national interest framework.
Isu Rasisme dalam Hubungan Internasional : Narasi “Asian Hate” dan Mispersepsi Amerika Serikat terhadap China di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Ananda Yuan Hasnaa
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37381


As a country with the high criminality level in treating the coloures skinned tribes badly, the United States uses the discrimination, as a political method, to blame the society by spreading hatred among them in order to make cracks among them. The discrimantion has always been in line with the white supremacy policy. It started to come up in public again when the virus of Covid-19 orginated from appred in the United States, which the statements “Chinese Virus” and “Kungflu Virus” at the mention of Covid-19 became a factor in the occurrence of the Asian Hate phenomenon. In this study, an analysis will be carried out using the theory of perceptions and misperceptions to find the reasons behind this concern about Asian Hate. This research will answer the question “How Does the Issue of Racism Affect the United States' Perception of Cina in Creating Asian Hatred in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic?”. The purpose of this research is to analyze the country's perceptions that can cause a phenomenon or misperceptions against a competing country using the theory of perceptions and misperceptions by Robert Jervis. This study uses a qualitative research type where the data will be processed using descriptive methods. As a result, Asian Hate is rising as a misperception between United State and China because of white supremacy.
Pengaruh Idiosinkratik Shinzo Abe Terhadap Gender Mainstreaming dalam Implementasi Womenomics Ayu Tiara Karel Bua
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37258


Womenomics is a structural reform step carried out during the second term of Shinzo Abe’s government. This is surprising because Abe, who is considered convervative, dared to initiate policies that contrary to Japanese culture. This research aims to explain how Shinzo Abe's personality and leadership type have influenced womenomics policies and gender mainstreaming. This research uses qualitative research methods and data collection is done through literature study, from books, journal, articles, and websites. The result shows that Abe's idiosyncratic factors and leadership type had a significant influence on womenomics policy making. Family background, life experiences, relationships with political elites playing an important role in shaping Abe's mindset and interest on gender issues. Womenomics is one of the productions of knowledge owned by Shinzo Abe. Then the results of the analysis of Abe's leadership type shows that Abe is a conciliator type who emphasizes cooperation in achieving goals of womenomics through gender mainstreaming. This research suggest the further research on gender in Japan places more emphasis on the legacy of the womenomics policy to the new Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida. 
Bisnis dan Politik: Studi Kasus Ketidaksetaraan Akses Air di India Tsania Chairani
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37227


Water is a source of life for all living things, one of which is for humans. The supply of clean water that is safe for consumption is currently only available for 3 percent of the total of 70 percent of the earth’s water area. India as a country with a large population, has a high chance of experiencing a water crisis. This is evidenced by the low quality of India’s water, the existence of unequal access of it and the ineffectiveness of government cooperation with foreign companies recruited to manage water in India. Through this research, the author try to explain the relationship between the government’s cooperation with foreign companies which causes the existence of unequal access to water in India. By using the theory of Marxism which views world politics as an exploitative and conflictual desert between the bourgeoisie and the proletarian class as well as the theory of Monopoly Advantage which discusses the importance of monopoly over a foreign company in another country, this research argues that cooperation by the government and foreign companies has resulted in the exploitation of water allotment for people in rural areas and led to unequal access to water in India.
Kepatuhan Implementasi UNSCR 1325 oleh Korea Selatan Sebagai Upaya Memulihkan Kehormatan Korban Comfort Woman Sekaligus Peningkatan Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Isu Reunifikasi Velia Rahmi
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37244


South Korea is a country that has experienced a period of conflict related to war crimes against women. During the Japanese occupation, many South Korean women were victims of the Japanese sexual policy system, known as comfort women. Meanwhile the South Korean government, which had experienced the problems of the civil war that occurred on the Korean peninsula, also had a bad impact on its women. Departing from these problems, the South Korean government decided to adopt UNSCR 1325 and formulate a RAN for its implementation in 2014. UNSCR 1325 is a resolution from the UN Security Council which regulates efforts to increase women's involvement in recovery as well as efforts to protect women in conflict situations. In line with the views of liberal feminism, UNSCR 1325 exists as an international media in bridging women so that they can act together with men in helping to achieve peace. The focus of this research is the implementation of UNSCR 1325 in the second period of South Korea's NAP for 2018-2020. The purpose of this study is to explain how South Korea implemented UNSCR 1325 in helping women, peace and security issues in their country. This researcher will use the compliance theory by Ronald B. Mitchell by using the Public Policy Trichotomy (Output, Outcomes, Impact) to analyze the implementation of UNSCR 1325 by South Korea into its country's NAP, especially for the second period of NAP 2018-2020. This study illustrates that the implementation of UNSCR 1325 for the second period of NAP by South Korea is still ongoing until the results are compiled and has not shown a significant impact. This is partly due to the limited resources in implementing the implementation of this resolution in South Korea.
Strategi Negara-Negara Baltik Dalam Menyikapi Keamanan Kawasan Terhadap Rusia Pasca Konflik Krimea Abednego Mardiatmadja; Ika Riswanti Putranti; Marten Hanura
Journal of International Relations Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2023
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v9i1.37436


Konflik Krimea merupakan salah satu konflik yang merubah dinamika geopolitik dan geostrategi kawasan Eropa Timur. Hadirnya konflik ini tentunya meningkatkan potensi ancaman bagi keamanan dan stabilitas ketiga negara Baltik sebagai anggota NATO yang berbatasan langsung secara geografis dengan Rusia. Dengan keterbatasan kapasitas dan kapabilitas militernya, ketiga negara Baltik berusaha untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan kawasannya dari agresivitas Rusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab bagaimana strategi negara-negara Baltik dalam menyikapi keamanan kawasan terhadap Rusia pasca konflik Krimea. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori kompleks keamanan kawasan dari Barry Buzan dan Ole Waever. Metode Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa dalam mempertahankan kawasannya, negara-negara Baltik menggunakan strategi pendekatan regional sebagai upaya untuk mendapatkan keamanan kolektif dari para mitra strategisnya, terutama NATO. Upaya diplomatis melalui OSCE juga dapat ditempuh sebagai salah satu opsi untuk menjaga stabilitas dan keamanan wilayahnya.

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