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ISSN : 02156253     EISSN : 27146103     DOI : -
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Refleksi (ISSN 0215 6253) is a journal published by the Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. The Journal specializes in Qur'an and Hadith studies, Islamic Philosophy, and Religious studies, and is intended to communicate original researches and current issues on the subject. This journal welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.
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Isyarat dan Simbol dari Al-Aḥrūf Al-Muqaṭṭa’ah dalam Al-Qur’an Hamdani Anwar
Refleksi Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Refleksi
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ref.v19i2.16433


The main focus of this research is the problem related to signs and symbol of al-Aḥrūf al-Muqaṭṭa’ah that are contained in the Qur’an. The questions formulated are 1). How do sufis understand al-Aḥrūf al-Muqaṭṭa’ah and 2). What signs and symbols do they say from the al-Aḥrūf al-Muqaṭṭa’ah. This research is included in the ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān study. In the term of orientation, this research is included in an effort to explain elements that are still widely debated and not well understood. The data sources used used in this study cinsited of two types, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. Those included in the primary data sources are the work of the exegesis of Ḥaqāiq al-Tafsīr written by al-Sulāmī, Laṭāif al-Ishārat written by al-Qushayrī and Tafsīr al-Jaylānī written by Abdul Qadir al-Jaylānī. Meanwhile, included in the scondary data sources are some literture that is directly or not realted to this fresearch. The method used in this data collection is literatur data documentation. There are twoconclusion obtained from this study. First, the sufis prefer the inner meaning of the beginning of each surah which consits of Hijaiyah letters, because the outer meaning is difficult or incomprehensible. Second, the sufis differ when they reveal the signs and symbols from the beginning of the surah. There are those who understand it as a sign of Allah and His attributes, and others consider that the beginning of the surah is a sign of the glory of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, especially those related to the person and duty as the messenger of Allah.
Kritik Argumentasi Ingkar Sunah Menurut Al-Būṭī Fatihunnada Fatihunnada; Afni Miftah Khoirunnisak
Refleksi Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Refleksi
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ref.v19i2.16541


This paper discusses the refutation of al-Būṭī to four arguments of some Sunnah’s refuter groups by examining the perspective of al-Būṭī’s thoughts in text and context in criticizing the Sunnah’s refuter. The method of critical analysis is the main part of this research to uncover al-Būṭī’s point of view in criticizing the Sunnah’s refuter in his work titled Yughāliṭūnaka idh Yaqūlūna as a primary source. The findings of this study are that al-Būṭī uses a text approach to argue the argument of the Sunnah’s refutation on the issue of Sunah authority compared to the Qur’an and the humanitarian aspects of a Prophet. al-Būṭī also use the historical approaches and scientific context in criticizing the Sunnah’s refuter argumentation on the problem of hadith forgery phenomena and the contradiction of ḥadīth with the findings of modern science. This shows that al-Būṭī’s criticism of the Sunnah’s refutation argument is present in a form that is in line with the thoughts of the Sunnah’s refutation itself. Al-Būṭī has tried to follow the Sunnah’s refuter’s way of thinking in contesting the authority of the Sunnah to find weaknesses in the Sunnah’s refuter’s way of thinking itself.
Tafsir Nusantara dan Isu-isu Global: Studi Kasus Relevansi Pemikiran Hamka tentang Keadilan Sosial, Kesetaraan Gender dan Pluralisme Thoriqul Aziz; Ahmad Zainal Abidin; Muthmainnatun Nafiah
Refleksi Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Refleksi
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ref.v19i2.16791


This article discusses the relevance of Hamka's thought in Tafsir al-Azhar pertaining to global issues in modern life. Hamka is an Indonesian Muslim scholar who is well recognized. He is a modernist interpreter who writes his tafsir in Indonesian. With a descriptive-analytical method, this study reveals the contribution of Hamka's thinking in the three most challenging global domains in Muslim scholarship on issues of social justice, gender equality and religious plurality. From his thoughts it can be concluded: First, in the realm of social justice; according to Hamka, all humans have the same rights and degrees in the social and legal perspective. Second, in the realm of gender equality; men and women have equal right and there is no difference in the realm of humanity. Third, in the realm of religious plurality, Hamka believes that there is plurality in diversity. Therefore, tolerance is a necessity for every human being. The three themes carried by Hamka are based on the teachings of Islam that are very concerned about human values. Hamka's interpretation above confirms the teachings of Islam which are apropriate for all times.
Qirā’at dan Tarannum Sebagai Medium Baru Dakwah Ahsin Sakho Muhammad
Refleksi Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Refleksi
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ref.v19i2.16342


This paper explore two topics namely qirā’at and tarannum and how they can be used as Islamic dakwah methods in modern era. Among the methods that are quite interesting is through reading the verses of the holy al-Qur’an with tarannum or intone reading the Qur’an. Intoning the reading of the Qur’an will be able to compensate the modern society that is infatuated in music and contemporary art. In line with the influence of globalization, reading the Qur’an experienced a paradigm shift. While in the past, Muslims were accustomed to one type of reading, namely the reading of Imam ‘Āṣim transmitted by Ḥafṣ, then at this time, especially after globalization, the moslims community recognized other readings beside the transmission of Ḥafṣ, namely the reading contained in Qirā’at sevent’s Imams and Qirā’at Ten Imams. Both of these types of reading eventually become quite interesting trends to be learned.
Membaca Pemahaman Hadis Muḥammad Al-Ghazālī dan Yūsuf Al-Qarḍāwī: Studi Kasus Pemikiran Suryadi Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga
Refleksi Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Refleksi
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ref.v19i2.16362


The understanding of ḥadīth as a part of the problem that develops in society becomes the most important part of ḥadīth study. Its existence becomes an interesting study and produces a variety of certain thoughts studied in various scientific works. One of the thoughts on the understanding of the ḥadīth is examined by Suryadi in his dissertation that has been published under the title of contemporary methods of understanding the ḥadīth Prophet’s perspective Muḥammad al-Ghazālī and Yūsuf al-Qarḍāwī. This article discusses Suryadi’s reading about Muhammad al-Gazali’s and Yusuf Qardawi’s thoughts on Ḥadīth. Using a descriptive-analytic method this study scrutinizes how both discuss ḥadīth in modern context. Based on the collected and analized data, this study finds that both scholars introduce new method of understanding a ḥadīth considering the important of modern context. It also finds that both relate their discussion to the maqasid of Islam, that is raḥmatan li-al-’ālamīn.
Islam And Mosque Management in Ghana: Challenges and Prospects Mustapha Abdullah Kuyateh
Refleksi Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Refleksi
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ref.v19i2.16049


In the early days of Islam, a mosque was more than just a place of spiritual solace. It also served as an educational and community service Centre. Community affairs were deliberated upon in the sublime tranquility of the mosque. This is in line with the mosque being a multi-functional institution and its centrality as a prime agency to facilitate the creation of an excellent mosque community. In most Muslim communities in Ghana, it is not clear who are tasked with the responsibility of managing and maintaining the mosque. In some communities, it is the Imam. In others, it is manned by volunteers. In most urban communities in Ghana, it is the Mosque Management Committee which is tasked to manage the affairs of the mosque. Within this committee, there is no stipulated qualification for membership. This makes it difficult, if not impossible for them to deliver to expectation. The interesting thing is that this committee is not accountable to the congregation since there is lack of transparency in their operations. Therefore, in an increasingly challenging external environment, with an ever-demanding community, the need to know how mosques are managed and how they serve as community centers to maintain high standards of Muslim activities is as great as ever; hence the need for this paper.

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