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Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 25990551     EISSN : 25990586     DOI : 10.18196/aijis
Core Subject : Education,
Jurnal Afkaruna is an Indonesian bilingual journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The journal publishes empirically grounded and multidisciplinary work on Islam and its related issues, spanning the history, Quranic studies, Exegesis, tradition, education, dakwah, politics, sufism, philosophy, Islamic manuscripts, Islamic economics and finance, social movements, ritual and philanthropy. Afkaruna aims to promote excellent scholarship or articles on Islam that present original findings, new ideas or concepts that result from contemporary research projects in Islamic studies, area studies (especially Southeast Asia and the Middle East), social sciences, and the humanities.
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Articles 171 Documents
Sharia Bank Marketing Communication Strategies in Increasing Brand Awareness (Study on Islamic Bank in Yogyakarta City) Syarif As'ad
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 16, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/AIIJIS.2020.0122.228-248


Building brand awareness in the community is an essential task of a marketing agent. With increased brand awareness, companies can easily create consumer loyalty, which leads to profits from the company. This study aims to describe the pattern of marketing communication strategies that have been carried out by the management of Islamic banks in the city of Yogyakarta in order to increase the brand awareness of the people of the city of Yogyakarta. The informants of this study were 35 employees from 11 Islamic banks in the city of Yogyakarta and the banking supervisor (OJK), using purposive and snowball sampling techniques through structured interviews and questionnaires. The results of this study describe the marketing communication strategy of Islamic banking carried out to reach the layers of society in the city of Yogyakarta through location-based mapping, which includes shopping centers, office complexes, housing, educational institutions, tourist objects, restaurants, around places of worship, and other crowd centers. Other forms of mapping are based on socio-religious organizations such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdlotul Ulama and economic class. In addition, this study also examines the integrated marketing communication strategy that has been implemented by Islamic banks in the city of Yogyakarta through advertisements, sales promos, events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, interactive marketing, word of mouth, and personal selling with the aim of achieving brand awareness.
“Ingsun” Misteri Tasawuf Mistik Syekh Siti Jenar Aris Fauzan
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 8, No 2: December 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/aiijis.2012.0010.119-134


The mysticism up to now has been a debatable discourse. The notion and practice to fuse “the self” to “the Creator” understood in so many meanings is an interesting study. No exception the issue also falls on the concept of “Ingsun” or the I-amness solidified by Syekh Siti Jenar. The study is deeply aimed to re-reveal the notion and practice of the prominent figure. According to the writer, the teaching of Ingsun makes serious effort to turn a human consciousness back to authenticity especially in relation to religion. Ingsun opens the awareness that everybody has to actually receive the life always forming a pair among goodnessbadness, life-death and God-servant. Goodness, life and God are the eternal realities of the God. While badness, death and servant are the human realities. Meanwhile the teaching of Ingsun acts as brigde for a gap between human and God. Keywords: Ingsun, The Ultimate Reality, Anthrophocentrism, Syekh Siti Jenar
Analisis Financial Crunch Pada Industri Perbankan Syariah Saat Krisis Keuangan Global 2008 Muhammad Sobar Johari
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 10, No 1: June 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/aiijis.2014.0031.59-67


Global financial crisis that happened in 2008 has affected banking world in Indonesia. This causes bank conducting more selective credit policy so that it can emerge credit crunch phenomenon. Credit crunch also possibly happens in sharia banking that are often called as financial crunch. This can be proven with a rapid third party capital growth but do not be accompanied by a significant credit growth. This study aims to analyze whether financial crunch has happened in sharia banking in Indonesia when global financial crisis in 2008 and to examine affecting factors of credit in sharia banking industry in Indonesia. The study generally shows that financial crunch do not happen in Indonesian sharia banking. It means that credit delivery of sharia banking is consistent between prior and after global financial crisis in 2008. Several factors that affect on credit delivery in sharia banking are third party capital collection, CAR, NPF, GDP and SWBI/SBIS. Third party capital, capital adequacy ratio (CAR) have a positive significant effect on sharia banking credit delivery, whereas non performing finance (NPF), gross domestic product and SWBI/SBIS have a negative effect on sharia banking credit. Keywords: credit crunch, financial crunch, third party capital, CAR, NPF, GDP and SWBI/SBIS.
Fleksibilitas Pemaknaan Wakaf Tunai di Indonesia: Studi terhadap Lembaga Filantropi dan Lembaga Keuangan Hilman Latief; Syarif As'ad; Miftakhul Khasanah
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 11, No 1: June 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/aiijis.2015.0044.66-95


This paper discusses cash waqf innovation in Indonesia by exploring the experience of Islamic financial institutions and Islamic philanthropy organizations . The increase of opportunity to gain public fund from the Muslim middle-class has lead to the dynamics and inovatove waqf (endowment) management. This article focuses on the socio-economi context that fueled the incease of cash waqf practice, and various innovative forms of Islamic phinathropy. This paper argues that the concept of cash waqf has been translated in various ways, and there have been different forms of cash waqf management. This suggests that people put much attention to ideas of maslahat (the benefit of society) in practicing cash waqf instead of simply rigidly following Islamic jurisprudential rule or positive law
Kritik Nalar Arab: Eksposisi Epistemologi Bayani, ‘Irfani dan Burhani Muhammad Abed Al-Jabiri AHMAD HASAN RIDWAN
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 12, No 2: December 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/afkaruna.v12i2.2793


This article anaylizes the philosophical and episthemological exposition of the contemporary Arab thinker, Muhammad Abed Al-Jabiri. As a leading Maroccan Muslim thinker, Abed al-Jabiri in renowned for his idea of combating‘irrationalism’ and that of promoting rasionalism in formulating Islamic thought. He comes to believe that Islamic teachings should be seen as a set of ideas com- patible with rationality and scientific notions. In his analyisis, Abed al-Jabiri pro- poses three streams of Islamic epistemological models: bayani, burhani and ‘irfani. By exploring these three epistemological concepts, the author goes further by exploring the authority of text in Muslim society and how to contextualize and read religious texts in modern time.
After the Death of Charismatic Authority: A Weberian Perspective on Early Islam MOHAMMAD SYIFA AMIN WIDIGDO
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 13, No 2: December 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/afkaruna.v13i2.4212


In Max Weber’s notion of authority, charismatic authority will transform into other forms of either traditional authority, rational authority, or both. After the death of charismatic leader, in Weber’s word, charismatic authority is “fated to decline.” A number of studies on Weber and Islam seem to affirm Weber’s thesis regarding the decline of charismatic authority after the death of the charis-matic leader. However, in the context of early Islam, charismatic authority is not declining, even reinforced after the death of the charismatic leader, namely Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, this paper aims to show why charismatic authority after the death of charismatic leader is not waning in the early Islam and how such authority is even reinforced. By using Alasdair McIntyre’s theory of human vul-nerability, this paper investigates “material and ideal interests” of Muslims after the death of the Prophet, which make charisma of the prophet not declining, even more strengthened through invocations and venerations by his followers in subsequent generations. In this regard, the return of charismatic authority takes place not in the physical form of charismatic leader, but in the forms of images, sayings, and exemplary practices of the deceased charismatic leader, which are deemed worth emulating and invocation.
Islam, Kolonialisme, dan Zaman Modern di Hindia Belanda : Biografi Sayid Usman ( 1822-1914) Mohammad mas' usdi
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 14, No 2: December 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/AIIJIS.2018.0090.262-266


Ketika hari ini kita mengenal tokoh politik Anis Baswedan sebagai Gubernur DKI, pada dasarnya  hal itu merupakan mata rantai  panjang dari peran politik yang telah dimainkan oleh warga keturunan Arab Hadramaut di Indonesia. Pada masa awal Kemerdekaan RI, kita mengenal  Hamid Algadri dan AR Baswedan sebagai tokoh perintis kemerdekaan Indonesia keturunan Arab. Keduanya mendirikan Persatuan Arab Indonesia (PAI) yang berdiri di Semarang pada tahun 1934  untuk mendorong kesetiaan para imigran Arab kepada Indonesia dan menjadi Partai Arab Indonesia pada tahun 1940 karena adanya tuntutan politik pada waktu itu. Hamid Algadri telah berjasa dalam perundingan Linggarjati, perundingan Renville, dan KMB (Konferensi Meja Bundar), sementara  AR. Baswedan  pernah menjabat sebagai Menteri Muda Penerangan dalam Kabinet Syahrir III, yang notabene  merupakan kakek dari Anis Baswedan.
Modernity and The Islamists Notion of Active Da’wa Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 15, No 2: December 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/AIIJIS.2019.0102.187-202


This research examines the the impact of modernity that has been reshaping Muslims’ lives in Muslim societies. It particularly examines various impact of modernity such as colonialism, secularism, liberalism, and Westernisation that led Islamists to worry about the decreasing role that Islam was playing in society and in the state. Their worry about the absence of Islam in the public sphere led the Islamists to become the front line da’wa group, intensively countering the impact of modernisation in the Islamic world. This research is examined through qualitative approach combining observation and review texts. Reviewing the relevant texts and observation to the contemporary da’wa movements and individuals are conducted within both fieldwork and desk work. As the result of this research, I argue that the Islamists are the most ‘active’ Islamic da’wa movement in the modern societies including in Indonesia. Activism is their core da’wa characteristics that routinely calls on Muslims to respond to the impact of Western power. Their da’wa, therefore, is an activist ideology. This research contributes to the contemporary da’wa discourses and movements in the Muslim world. 
Islamic Movement Global Jihad: Analysis of Online Media Framing Imam Suprabowo
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 16, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/AIIJIS.2020.0123.249-262


In 2015-2016, news in online media related to jihad issues developed significantly, marked by the emergence of various religious sites. However, in the Indonesian context, there has not been much literature that specifically explores the relationship between online media ideology and religious issues. To fill this gap, this article aimed to analyze the framing of Islamic online media related to the issue of jihad. This research used descriptive qualitative to analyze the issue of jihad in online media. The Entman framing theory applied in this study, including jihad as war, improving welfare, dangerous jihad, enforcement of Islamic law and jihad against the authorities. The study focused on four Islamic sites of, Hidayatullah, Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia, NU online and Republika online from 2015-2016. The results showed that Arrahmah portrayed jihad in the framework of war to uphold Allah’s law, while framed jihad as a real war. Hidayatullah focused on liberating Muslim lands related to conflicts in the Rohingya and Palestine. In comparison, NU Online uplifted jihad for the welfare of the community. One of the biggest frameworks was to defend the state for the welfare of society, eradicating ignorance and poverty, and anti-corruption jihad. In the fourth media, Republika online emphasized social welfare and jihad and pushed it over other news. From the analysis, the issue of jihad was framed differently by online Islamic media. Consequently, the difference was in the selection of events, the frequency of news titles, the emphasis on the selection of words, examples and illustrations.
The Export of Islamic Revolution in Iran and Its Threat for the US, the Soviet Union, and Arab Countries Ahad Fuad Fanani
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 8, No 1: June 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/aiijis.2012.0001.1-13


The relationships between Islam and the West have become an important issue in the international world until today. Islam and Muslim countries are part of the factors which influenced the political dynamics in the world. In this regard, the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 is one of the major issues that contributed to the shaping the relationship between Islam and the West, even until to date. This is because this revolution has inspired the emergence Islamic movements around the world and triggered anti American sentiment among Muslims. This revolution also shaped the perception about the threat from Islamic fundamentalism in the West. This article will analyze the back- ground and the context of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and its impacts on the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab states. It will argue that the Islamic Revolution become the major threat for all the countries because Iran has placed its revolution as the asset that would be exported to other countries. This revolu- tion has challenged Western interests in the Middle East particularly on oil and natural gas supplies. The Islamic revolu- tion also threatened the authoritarian regimes in the Middle East which often oppressed their people in the name of Islamic legitimacy. 

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