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Pendidikan Estetika Melalui Seni Budaya Siti Mutmainah,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 6 (2009)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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Education is essentially the conscious effort to develop the personality and abilities of students within and outside of school and lasts a lifetime. Aesthetic experience began to expire/has expired, it turns out mans search for ways to immortalize it or raises it again. Arts in English: Art, from the birth of arts, artists (skills) to show any act committed intentionally and purposefully referring to what is beautiful or beauty (aesthetics). The artwork is the work of human culture. Culture is the origin of the word intellect and power. Budi means spiritual tool that is a blend of reason and feelings to draw good & bad. Power is an attempt to achieve something. The role of teachers in aesthetic education through arts and culture is a teacher must have stock in the learning activities of arts and culture in theory, knowing the correct rules in directing, guiding and motivating children in performing arts activities.
Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Mind Mapping Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Siswa Kelas V SD YPPI-II Surabaya Musrini, ; Imam Rofiki, ; Ahnan Alex, ; Dwi Ema Hartiwi,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 6 (2009)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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This Classroom Action Research is based by the existence of the problems at 5th. Grade students of SD YPPI-II Surabaya, namely low skill level of the students in writing. Subsequently, the objective of this research is to find out whether the Mind Mapping learning method can be used to help the 5th Grade students improve their sill in writing and to find out the obstacles encountered in the implementation Mind Mapping learning method. This research is using the sequences of planning, research action implementation, observation and reflection for every cycle. In planning phase, some scenes, such as learning, students’ worksheet, assessment tools, and observation instruments are prepared. In research action phase, the observation towards learning management, and the assessment towards the concept understanding of Mind Mapping, as well as the writing results are conducted. The reflection is conducted by analyzing the observed data and the assessment result, by using class completion percentage of 85% as the standard of the result success. This research is conducted by 2 cycle rounds of research. The research results show that the Mind Mapping learning method has succeeded in improving the students’ skills in writing orderly. Some students obtain low scores because of their inability in mastering the diction choice and spelling use in writing. In addition, some students think that the time allocation provided to do students’ worksheet is not accordance with the difficulty level of the assignment provided. Based on the reflection of the first cycle and the improvement conducted at the second cycle, it can be inferred that the key factor that can be the obstacle to implement the Mind Mapping learning method in class is the teacher herself that has not mastered some basic skills of teaching and basic skills of learning management.
Dartfish Sebagai Alat Ukur Perkembangan Motorik Anak Usia Pendidikan Dasar Soetjipto,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 6 (2009)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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The aims of this study  are: (1). Introducing how to use Dartfish program on measuring skill development, (2). Measuring  the quantitatively  child  motor learning development on short serve on playing badminton.  (3). Find out the level of skill on short serve, of the badminton players, of 10-13th years old . Nine amateur badminton players were filmed before and after feedback to find out the level of skill motor learning development on short serve. The short serve was analyzed because of its importance to success in badminton. Each subject was filmed at 50 frames per second hitting 5 short serves. Feedback was given three times in a week and treated directly. The difference treatment for the experimental group (B group) badminton’s players, was invited to have discussion and suggestion by either coach or researcher based on note and coach also researcher observation by naked eye, but the second experimental (C group) to have discussion and suggestion by either coach or researcher based on note and coach also researcher observation by using recording (nonconventional feedback). The results showed that the badminton players The result shows that their skill development of the badminton players on short serve are still low, although they have been train 3 times a week on technique exercise.
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Pengetahuan Deklaratif Pada Materi Hidrokarbon Dian Novita,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 6 (2009)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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Research has been conducted to determine the feasibility LKS declarative knowledge on subject matter of the suitability of hydrocarbons are reviewed with a criteria component LKS and LKS content criteria through the desk evaluation.Type of research is the development of research 4D model learning device are defining, design, develop, and disseminate according to Thiagarajan (in Ibrahim, 2001). In this research, only three stages that is; define, design, and develop. Conditions of eligibility according Riduwan (2007), if the score reaches =, 61% and the results showed that LKS-oriented model of declarative knowledge has been feasible to use direct teaching learning process. This is evidenced by the results of the assessment criteria sheet component of 78.82% for the LKS one with a strong category; 78.35% for the second worksheet with the strong category, and 78.82% for category sheet with a strong third. LKS contents of 79 criteria, 47% for the LKS one with a strong category; 79.73% for the second worksheet with the strong category, and 78.13% for category sheet with a strong third.
Analisis Bahan Ajar IPS di Sekolah Dasar Ganes Gunansyah,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 6 (2009)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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Capabilities inherent in the figure of one professional teacher relates to the ability to develop the field of science instructional materials that are occupied or in accordance with the curricular context and needs of learners (pedagogical content knowledge). In the Government Regulation (PP) Number 19 of 2005 provision 20, hinted that the teachers are expected to develop teaching materials, which then reinforced through the Regulation of the Minister of National Education (Permendiknas) Number 41 year 2007 about Standard Process, which among other things about the learning process that requires planning for educators on the educational unit to develop Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). Teachers are expected to further develop and implement instructional materials in learning. However, important issues often faced by teachers in the learning activity is to select or determine the teaching materials or instructional materials that are appropriate in order to help students achieve competence. Based on the structure of the SBC, IPS study materials include the ability to understand a set of facts, concepts, and generalizations about (1) social and cultural systems, (2) people, places and environments, (3) economic behavior and welfare, (4) time, continuity and changes, (5) national and state systems. This paper was based on the importance of conceptual analysis of teaching materials for teachers to avoid a mistake to identify the types of learning materials and be able to meet the elements kecakupan, adequacy and depth of learning materials so that the level of student mastery of competencies contained in the Competency Standards (SK) and Basic Competency ( KD) can be achieved
Peranan Pendidikan Seni Budaya Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Budaya Asidigisianti S.p, ; Marsudi,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 6 (2009)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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Arts education has a multilingual nature, multidimensional, and multicultural, and also plays a role in the formation of personal or mental attitude of harmonious learners, for cultural arts education focusing on child development needs in achieving emotional intelligence and social intelligence. Emotional intelligence is achieved by themselves through physical exercises to improve the sensitivity and refinement and beauty will appreciation arts and culture, and competence to express it. Social intelligence is achieved through: fostering and nurturing reciprocal relationships; democratic, empathetic and sympathetic; uphold human rights; cheerful and confident; appreciate diversity in society and the state; and insightful with a teacher of nationality rights and obligations of citizens.
Kajian Kesiapan Sekolah Menengah Pertama Di Kabupaten Manokwari, Provinsi Papua Barat Dalam Melaksanakan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006 Sri Hartini, ; Alexander Yaku, ; Frenki Arthur Paiki, ; Purwaningsih,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 6, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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The purpose of this research is to study the readiness of Junior High School at Manokwari district, Papua Barat Province on applying the unit of education degree curriculum.  The study was focused on the readiness of the school on applying all the curriculum components in teaching and learning process, and the availability of the curriculum supporting component. The results of this study showed that the Junior High Schools at Manokwari district has ready to apply the curriculum. The range of criteria, as an indicator, was between Agree to Very Agree. In contrast, the supporting component in applying the curriculum was far from sufficient. The range of criteria on this component was 83.3% Disagree.
Pengenalan Bahasa Inggris Pada Kelas Permulaan Melalui Metode TPR (Total Physical Response) Ririn Pusparini, ; Ulhaq Zuhdi,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 6, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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This article aims to describe how the TPR method can introduce English to the beginners or the first year of elementary school. In introducing English to very young learners (5-7 years old), students are not focused on reading and writing skills because students in this level are still in the level of introducing the letter, reading, and writing their first language (Indonesia language). On the other words, students concentrate on listening and speaking skills in learning English. The techniques used for students at 5-7 years old and related to TPR method are game, singing English songs,and telling story. Media used are picture, cards, realia, English song cassete,etc in hope that students can memorize English words easily.
Pengaruh Mental Practice Terhadap Penampilan Atlet Pemula Pencak Silat Kategori Seni Tunggal Baku Jurus Tangan Kosong (di SDN Kejawen Putih II Surabaya) Mungit Soedianto,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 6, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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Johansyah lubis declare a single category is a category of the championship which featured a martial arts fighter demonstrate expertise in a single raw stance is correct, accurate, and steady, full of inspiration with his bare hands and weapons. Program is a unity of mental practice program overall. So who should regulate trainer schedules. A good martial arts training should be focused on physical aspects, techniques, strategies and mentality of a champion. So with the existence of mental practice will help athletes to improve performance. Mental visualization is a technique that we can use to construct our performance internally, as we want or expect, either in practice or in the description above championship. Based on the title of this paper is "Effect of mental practice on performance of martial art athletes raw single stance art category empty-handed. Typical characteristics of athletes who experience mental disorders at the time following the championships are: nervous, anxious, nervous, not concentrating, forgetfulness, heart pounding-pounding, and lack of confidence. This study basically is to find out whether there is influence of mental practice on performance of novice athletes singular art of Pencak Silat category raw empty-handed stance. In accordance with the problems and hypotheses that the authors propose to use statistical data analysis with quantitative approach. Based on the calculation results of Karl Pearson correlation test and Spearman correlation test. observations on the assessment by the jury of five single raw art empty-handed stance obtained the same significant value is 0.002 <0.01 hence H0 is rejected, while H1 is accepted it means there is a positive influence of mental practice on the performance art of martial arts athletes beginner raw single empty-handed stance.
Pembelajaran Berkarakter Berdasarkan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Supriyono,
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 6, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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Until recently, the condition of the learning system in our country, still colored by the approach which focuses on conventional learning models such as lectures, question and answer, and giving tasks, making it less able to stimulate students to engage actively in the learning process. In elementary school, education shows more and more indications that the pattern of learning teacher centered. Thus the tendency of learning, resulting in poor self-development potential in learning that students achieved learning achievement is not optimal. Impression of the prominence of verbal in the implementation of classroom teaching and learning activities are still too strong. To solve the above problems and to achieve maximum educational goals, the role is very important teachers and teachers are expected to have a way / model of good teaching and learning model capable selecting appropriate and in accordance with the concepts of the subjects that will be delivered. Education should learn to fruition in the form of changes in knowledge, and skills that are in line with institutional goals. As described in the Curriculum 1994, that the education in primary schools aims: (1) educate students to become fully human Indonesia based on Pancasila is able to build himself and take responsibility for the nation-building, (2) provide the capacity needed students to continuing higher education level, and (3) provide basic skills in the community and develop themselves according to their talents, interests, abilities and environment description above is one form of learning that has long characterized announced by the government which sharusnya as reference for practitioners of education to create a nation of character education.