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Liver Function Profile of Pediatric Patients with Dengue Viral Infection Admitted to a Tertiary Referral Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic Ina Rosalina; Riyadi Adrizain; Chindy Arya Sari; Anggraini Alam; Djatnika Setiabudi
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v10n2.2954


Background: Dengue infection is endemic in more than 100 countries; 70% of cases occur in Asia. One of dengue infection complication is hepatic dysfunction. The COVID-19 pandemic may cause a delay in seeking treatment and affect severe case of dengue infection when admitted to the hospital. This study aimed to analyze the liver function profile in dengue pediatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: All patients under 18 with confirmed dengue serology (NS-1 immunochromatography or IgM anti-Dengue (ELISA) test and IgG anti-Dengue (ELISA) test) in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from 2021–2022 were included in this retrospective study. The patients were categorized based on the modified WHO classification of 2009. Data were processed with SPSS® ver. 25 and analyzed using Chi-Square and One Way-ANOVA.Result: In total, 85 patients were tested for the liver function; most severe dengue patients had abnormal SGOT and SGPT levels (100% vs. 64%).  The SGOT and SGPT levels during the initial admission were higher in the severe dengue group (634 U/l and 271 U/l) and significantly different among groups (p=0.001 and p=0.032). The elevated SGOT (1,339 U/l vs. 203 U/l vs. 87.3 U/l; p=0.014) and SGPT (438 U/l vs. 100 U/l vs. 42.8 U/l; p=0.005) levels were higher in the severe dengue group.Conclusion: The severity of dengue is in line with the increase in SGOT and SGPT levels. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the liver dysfunction persists and may be interfered with by delays in dengue treatment. Early recognition and prompt treatment are needed to decrease morbidity and mortality.
Profile of Apoptotic Marker Genes and Histopathology of the Placenta in Pregnancies with Pre-Eclampsia Herlambang Herlambang; Rina Nofri Enis; Susan Tarawifa; Huntari Harahap; Anggelia Puspasari; Citra Maharani; Erny Kusdiyah
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.3088


Background: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a hypertensive disorder in pregnancy and a significant cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. Failure of spiral artery remodeling due to abnormal apoptosis, triggers disturbances in the mother and the baby’s growth. This study aimed to identify the profile of apoptotic marker genes and histopathological features of the placenta in pregnancies with pre-eclampsia.Methods: This study had used case-control method. Samples were taken from normal pregnancies (n=25) and pregnant women with pre-eclampsia (n=25) using a purposive sampling method from several hospitals in Jambi. qRT-PCR was used to examine apoptotic gene expression from placental tissue and hematoxyline eosin staining to view the placenta’s microscopic appearance. The targeted genes were BCL2-associated X (BAX) and B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2). Histopathological changes of the placenta observed were syncytial node, cytotrophoblast, villous edema, hypervascularization, fibrosis stroma, atherosis, infarction, and thrombosis.Results: Relative BAX genes expression were increased once in placenta pre-eclampsia compared to controls, but not statistically significant (p-value>0.05). There was no difference between the decline of BCL-2 gene expression in pre-eclampsia placenta compared to the control (p-value >0.05). Histopathological changes in the placenta were syncytial node and cytotrophoblast (25 of 25), villous edema (19 of 25), hypervascularization (24 of 25), fibrosis stroma (22 of 25), atherosis (12 of 25), infarction (17 of 25), and thrombosis (24 of 25).Conclusion: The expression of BAX genes in pre-eclampsia tends to increase compared to normal pregnancy, and the expression of BCL-2 decreases.  The histopathological features of pre-eclampsia pregnancy placenta are mostly syncytial nodes, cytotrophoblasts, stromal fibrosis, and thrombosis.
Relationship between Clean, Healthy Living Behaviour, and COVID-19 Infection at the Parigi Public Health Center, West Java, Indonesia Putri Asyri Wa Indhillah; Ardini Saptaningsih Raksanagara; Sharon Gondodiputro
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.2715


Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). One form of prevention is implementing Clean and Healthy Living Behaviour (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat, PHBS) at the household level. This study aimed to analyze the association between PHBS at the household level and COVID-19 cases at the Parigi Public Health Center, West Java, Indonesia.Methods: This was an unmatched case control study carried out in September–October 2021 with respondents from Parigi Public Health Center, Pangandaran Regency, involving 63 people for each case and control group. Sampling was conducted by the non-probability method. Data were collected using a checklist to measure the implementation of PHBS at the household level. Data were analyzed by statistical analysis, using the Chi-square or Fisher Exact test and Odds Ratio.Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the implementation of PHBS at the household level and the incidence of COVID-19 (p=0.668).Conclusions: The implementation of PHBS at the household level is not related to the incidence of COVID-19. Further studies are needed with  larger population, looking for causal relationship, and controlling for confounding variables.
Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease among Diabetic Patients at Sharif Medical City Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan Syed Muslim Mehdi; Usman Baig; Muhammad Shahid Iqbal
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.2881


Background: Diabetes mellitus has been linked to various gastrointestinal motility disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).This study aimed to determine the proportion of GERD in patients with diabetes mellitus.Method: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the medical outpatient department of Sharif Medical City Hospital, Lahore, from October to December, 2020. Patients previously diagnosed with type II diabetes were included using non-probability consecutive sampling, and the GERDQ questionnaire was used to determine the frequency. IBM SPSS statistics version 23 was used for the analysis of data.Results: Of the 273 participants, 183 (67.0%) were male and the mean age was 51.13±12.8 years. The mean duration of diabetes was 6.97±4.76 years and oral hypoglycemic agents were used by 133 (48.7%) participants. Overall, 133 (48.7%) of the participants had GERD with a mean GERDQ score of 10.8(±1.4).Conclusion: Almost half (48.7%) of the participants have GERD; the most common symptom is regurgitation of stomach contents. Awareness should be raised, and early screening should be done to prevent long-term complications. 
Knowledge Level of COVID-19 Prevention in Banjar Gambang Communities, Seraya Village, Karangasem, Indonesia I Gede Aswin Parisya Sasmana; Desak Made Wihandani; Wilson Halim; Ni Komang Ayu Amanda Setiari Jaya; Made Ayu Kurniati Atmaja; Christine Edgar; Jane Carissa Sutedja; Christo Timothy Mamangdean; Grace Veronika Wijaya; Made Dea Avrilia Kusumadewi
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.2857


Background: Problems to COVID-19 are closely related to the level of knowledge and community prevention. Therefore, to overcome COVID-19, increased knowledge and prevention are needed. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between prevention and knowledge level about COVID-19.Methods: A cross-sectional study using a convenience sampling approach was conducted in Banjar Gambang, Karangasem, Indonesia, in April 2022. The knowledge level and preventive behavior towards COVID-19 were measured using the COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors Index (CPBI) and the knowledge, attitudes, and practice toward COVID-19 (KAPCOV-19) questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 26.0.Results: A total of 52 respondents were included, who had excellent level of knowledge (44.2%) and moderate prevention behaviour (48.1%). A strong and significant correlation was found between the preventive index and the knowledge levels of COVID-19 (r = 0.548; p<0.001). The level of knowledge was significantly related to the level of preventive behavior (p= 0.003), as well as the education level (r = 0.323; p = 0.02) and age (r= -0.346; p=0.012).Conclusion: The level of knowledge and the individual prevention behavior toward COVID-19 are directly proportional to each other. Those who have a low level of knowledge, might affect their prevention behavior toward COVID-19, therefore, personalized socialization of COVID-19 prevention is still required.
Poor Glycemic Control Correlates with Iron Deficiency Anemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Talitha Imani Kaltsum; Pusparini Pusparini
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.2937


Background: Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) has been used extensively to diagnose and monitor diabetes mellitus (DM). Patients with type 2 DM are at risk of experiencing comorbidities and complications such as iron deficiency anemia (IDA). This study aimed to determine the correlation of HbA1c with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in type 2 DM.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 115 types 2 DM patients at a hospital in South Jakarta, Indonesia from November to December 2021. Data on HbA1c levels and IDA were obtained from medical records.  Data were analysed with the Chi-Square test and significancy at  p<0.05.Results: In total, 43 men and 72 women with type 2 DM were included, with predominantly age over 45 years (89.6%), had DM for more than ten years (55.7%), had obesity I (53.9%), and with hypertension as the most common comorbidity (65.2%). Furthermore, the patients did not smoke (64.3%), had poor glycemic control ((76.5%) and had anemia (58.3%). There was a significant relationship between HbA1c levels and IDA (p = 0.003).Conclusions: This study shows a relationship between HbA1c and IDA in type 2 DM, therefore, DM patients with poor glycemic control need to be well monitored for iron deficiency anemia. 
Perceptions of Medical Students in Bandung towards Online and Offline Learning in the Anatomy Laboratory during the Covid-19 Pandemic Wulan Mayasari; Cindy Saskia Alsadila; Fifi Veronica
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.2705


Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) that surged throughout the world in 2019 and engulfed Indonesia in 2020 had changed many aspects of people’s activities, significantly when altering the offline anatomy laboratories to online. This study aimed to determine the perspective of medical students in Bandung regarding the learning process in online and offline anatomy laboratories during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: This descriptive study had used modified questionnaires in previous research with a Likert scale. The respondents were 184 students from the 2018 or 2019 class of the Faculty of Medicine in Bandung, who participated in both online and offline anatomy laboratory learning methods. Sampling was carried out using the purposive sampling method. The data were presented in a frequency table and calculated by SPSS.  Results: Regarding ‘material understanding’, most students (57.0%) disagreed that online anatomy laboratory activities were better than offline. In terms of ‘facilities and infrastructure’, 38.0% of students disagreed that online anatomy laboratory learning facilities were more adequate than offline. On the aspect of ‘teacher's perception’, most students agreed (39.0%) that teacher’s performance was better in online anatomy laboratory activities.Conclusion: This study shows that medical students prefer to combine online and offline anatomy laboratory activities.
Prevalence and Factors associated with Anxiety among Uncontrolled Hypertensive Patients in Public Health Centers in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia Mulyati Sri Rahayu; Sri Wahyuni
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.2981


Background: Patients with hypertension frequently experience intense emotions in addition to the physiological effects of the disease, which tend to increase the risk of developing mental health issues such as anxiety. However, the connection between hypertension and anxiety remains uncertain. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with anxiety in uncontrolled hypertensive patients in public health facilities.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in four public health centers in Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Subjects were selected using consecutive sampling. Data on sociodemographic factors and comorbid conditions were obtained. Blood pressure was recorded, and severity was classified according to the JNC-7 guidelines. The Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HRS-A) was used to detect anxiety in each participant. Data were analyzed using used the chi-square test.Results: Of 60 respondents, consisting of men (31.7%) and women (68.3%), 34 (56.7%) had mild anxiety, 22 (36.7%) had moderate anxiety, and 3 (5%) had severe anxiety. There was a significant association (p = 0.007) between anxiety and duration of hypertension. On the contrary, no association in age, gender, level of education, and type 2 diabetes comorbidities (p> 0.05).Conclusions: Anxiety is common among hypertensive patients in primary healthcare settings and is associated with the duration of hypertension. Primary care physicians must be on the front lines in finding anxiety disorders, and making the necessary referrals or therapy.
Reliability of RT-qPCR Pooling Method for COVID-19 Detection in Various Cycle Threshold Values Muhammad Fauzan Alif Radjawali; Muti&#039;ah Jihadah; Lidya Chaidir
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.2940


Background: Reverse Transcriptase Quantitative Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) is a standard method to detect SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19 disease, albeit expensive for some laboratory settings. The pooling test is widely used for large-scale screening to speed up the turn-around time and reduce the cost of the RT-qPCR. However, the pooling test involves mixing a certain number of specimens which theoretically increases the possibility of false-negative results. This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the pooling test compared with the non-pooling test in different Ct values as a surrogate for viral load.Methods: RT-qPCR was performed in three groups of samples: non-pooling (individual samples), pooling of 5 samples and 11 samples, with various ranges of Ct value in the respective group: x<25 (n=4); 25<x<30 (n=5), x<30 (n=16), and negative sample (n=5). Agreement and kappa values were calculated. Four of twenty-five individual samples resulted in false-negative after pooling.Results: By taking all samples without applying the cut-off value to the calculation, the agreement in pooling of 5 samples was 0.86 (Kappa 0.31) and of 11 samples was 0.64 (Kappa 0.96). When the cut-off value of Ct<37 was applied, percent agreement and kappa were 1.00, respectively, for both pooling methods.Conclusions: Pooling up to 11 samples shows high concordance with RT-qPCR with individual samples with Ct<37. Interpreting pooling results in a very low viral load (Ct≥37) must be considered due to the increased possibility of inconclusive results.
Clinicopathological Characteristics of Cervical Carcinoma with Pelvic Lymph Node Metastases in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung 2013-2021 Henny Sri Rejeki; Sri Suryanti; Anglita Yantisetiasti; Kemala I. Mantilidewi; Gatot Nyarumenteng Adhipurnawan Winarno
Althea Medical Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v10n2.2776


Background: Carcinoma of the cervix is the most common gynecological malignancy, which ranks first among carcinomas in Indonesia. Lymph node metastasis is a risk of recurrence, affecting survival and therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinicopathological characteristics of cervical carcinoma with pelvic lymph node metastasis that had undergone radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional retrospective descriptive study. Data on the clinical stage I-II cervical cancer patients with pelvic lymph node metastasis were collected  from the archives of the pathological anatomy  laboratory during period from 2013 to 2021. Data were presented in percentage.Results: There were 64 data patients, and the most common age of cervical carcinoma ranged from 40 to 50 years old (52%), the most common stage was stage II (66%), and the most frequent histopathological type was squamous cell carcinoma (70%). The highest degree of differentiation was moderate differentiation (50%). There was no difference in tumor size between sizes <4 cm and ≥4 cm.Conclusion: The cases of cervical carcinoma at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung are treated with radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy. The patients generally aged between 41–50 years old, stage II, and squamous cell carcinoma with a moderate degree of differentiation.

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