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Campaign management of PT. Foxi Komunika Indonesia Wins in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono - Boediono on Election 2009 Media Studies A Television Ad Andi Banus
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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This paper discusses the 2009 presidential elections won by the incumbent candidate Susilo Bambang Budiyono (SBY) with his partner Boediono. In addition to performance factors that result in the popularity of candidate need for good management, especially on political advertising campaigns on television by political consultants to maintain or improve the image of the candidate. The political issues that are presented in political advertising should be based on facts and credible sources and constructed in accordance with community expectations. Messages must be positive, the effectiveness can be achieved. Management of the Fox campaign against political advertising SBY Indonesia, can maintain popularity and raised the image and reputation of presidential candidate and his running mate, in addition to other factors that influence on political advertising during elections so that SBY-Boediono was elected President and Vice President 2009 period -2014. Political advertising on television as an "air attack" which can reach targets up to room dosmestik households should also be an educational event for people to lead a better democracy. Because of political advertising on television is an effective tool and relevant campaigns to persuade the public constituency.
Iklan Televisi Dan Kebudayaan Konsumen (Suatu Studi Pada Konsumen Mc Donalds Berdasarkan Pendekatan Kritis) Rina Marlina
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang gambaran iklan Mc Donalds di televisi dengan kebudayaan konsumen serta mengungkapkan berbagai bentuk kebudayaan konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perusahaan Mc Donalds yang berada di SUPER MARKET HERO kebun jeruk Jakarta barat selama tiga bulan. Diambilnya perusahaan Mc Donalds sebagai objek penelitian perusahaan Mc Donalds merupakan produk kapitalis yang tergolong global foods. Informasi meliputi sepuluh orang konsumen Mc Donalds dan tiga kelompok triangulasi. Tipe penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua macam teori, teori kritikal dan semiotika, yang keduannya dipergunakan untuk menganalisis pesan iklan Mc Donalds di televisi dan kebudayaan konsumen. Hasil analisis data pada iklan Mc Donalds, sepuluh konsumen Mc Donald;s dan pada kelompok Triangulasi yang merupakan key informan pada penelitian ini, menunjukan bahwa dilihat dari unsur format pesannya iklan Mc Donalds menggunakan tiga macam format pertama format testimonials, yaitu penyajian pesan dengan mengandalkan kekutan utamanya pada public figure atau model. Proses penyajian pesan ini mempunyai kesamaan dengan hasil penemuan Kathleen Debevec, bahwa orang cenderung untuk melihat kualitas tersebut yang mengasosiasikan dengan orang tertentu yang dapat memperteguh keyakinan terhadap sesuatu. Indikasi yang sama juga di nyatakan oleh Willian F. Arens dan C. L Bowe bahwa orang yang paling mudah dipengaruhi oleh pendapat individu yang dihormati artinya individu yang dikenal luas dan citranya baik. kedua, unsur Straight Sell yang bertujuan untuk promosi dan mengharapkan pembelian yang secepatnya. Ketiga. unsur Musikal, bertujuan unutk menciptakan suatu citra produk. Jadi dengan demikian berdasarkan analisis data pada sepuluh konsumen, delapan di antaranya mengkonsumsi Mc Donalds karena terpaan Wan Mc Donalds di Televisi yang telah membuat masyarakat semakin konsumtif terhadap produk Mc Donalds indikasi ini sangat relevan dengan pernyataan dari Mead bahwa konsumen akan aktif dalam mengadopsi proses proses perubahan makna dalam masyarakat. Dengan demikian iklan Mc Donalds telah mencekoki konsumen dengan menayangkan para bintang orang profesional muda, anak-anak yang ceria, remaja dan orang dewasa, iklam Mc Donalds juga telah menuturkan kecemasan, kebahagiaan dan impian mereka, yang mungkin akan membeli produk Mc Donalds. berdasarkan analisis semiotika terhadap iklan Mc Donalds ditemukan proses Amerikanisasi dan reproduksi gaya hidup.
Ideology of Gogirl Magazine Through Representation of Youth Women in Magazine Cover". Critical Analysis Of Young Womens Representation In West Celebrity Photo On Gogirl Cover Magazine Tajisalli Nur Sabarrang
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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This study aims to analyze the ideology of the Gogirl magazine through the representation of women in the covers of Gogirl magazines  by seeing (1) the meaning of denotation of west celebrity images / photos on the Gogirl cover magazine (2) the meaning of the connotation of west celebrity images / photos on Gogirl cover magazine (3) the myth of west celebrity images / photos on Gogirl cober magazine (4) ideological values of west celebrity  image / photo on the Gogirl cover magazine of celebrity magazines Gogirl west, (5) market ideology taken Gogirl magazine. As this research used a subjective approach, with qualitative research methods through the critical analysis of Jurgen Habermas and semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes. Research results indicate that (1) The meaning of denotation of the western celebrity photo is A young woman "Caucasians" white-skinned clean, sharp nose, colored haired blondie, posing with the girly hair and natural makeup. (2) meaning the connotation of the western celebrity photo is west Celebrity / Hollywood actress aesthetically beautiful with makeup that matches the girls. He is posing with a trendy clothes and stylish for wearing clothing that is up to date. implies a pure and innocent, strong and independent as well as elegant. (3) the myth of the use of celebrity photographs are western beauty myth, myth fashionable, and the myth of success. (4) ideological values contained in the images / photos is femininity. (5) The ideology of the market taken by the Gogirl magazine adopters of womens magazines are publications that circulate in western Indonesia on the basis of market interest.
Intercultural Communication In The Inheritance Urang Pulo The Myth Euis Hermawati
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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Communication is an essential aspect fo Urang Pulo to preserve their mythical culture. One of the myth preserving method is to inherit in the myth to upcoming generation. The inheritance involves both interaction and communication among Urang Pulo s society. Who share similar cultural backgrounds, which called intracultural communication. This study defines intracultural communication within Urang Pulo society. In the myth preserving method. The society of Kampung Pulo is unique, they are Sundanese sub-culture with matrilineal system where the ones who privilege to stay in this traditional village is the daughter of motherhood family, tree who happen to be the descendant ofAmbah Arif Muhammad. Kampung Pulo s society is bind to myth, thet has been inherited through generations.This study is a qualitative research using etnography communication approach, data collecting method is introspection, policipani observation, deep interview and document analytical.The result show that 1) intracultural communication in the main family at Kampung Pulos society has an important role in the myth to the next generation. The role of parents is done by implanting, and teach whatever myths prevailing in Kampung Pulo, by telling stories and perform traditional rituals. Mother or grandmother is the main is the main source of information for the whole family, they were not separated by historical, that the people of Kampung Pulo known for matrilinealnya system. These myths are the legacy of Kampung Pulo ancestor society that must be maintained and preserved. 2) The symbols that are being used are divide into two, Symbols tangible thas is house tradition, offerings, nyuguh, padaringan, and symbols intangible that is, myth (pamali), kuruhun, and mamala. These symbols are not picked by the informants, instead has already been provided throughout generations based on cultural tradition. Languange is a symbol of the most frequently on myth preserving method. 3) Currently Urang Pulo, conceptualizing the inheritance of myth. Diversity in various ways of meaning is influenced by many things, such as education, experience, environment, age, generation, interaction with outsiders. Researcher categorized the meanings the were told by informants as process in myth preserving method to other generations; a) Gratefulnes to God. b) An honor to the ancestors. c) Fear of punishment. d) Direction of life to their descendants, and, e)Local wisdom. 4) Intacultural communication model of Urang Pulo is vertical, where the mechanism of communication is done from top to bottom, from one generation to next generation, intraculture communication Urang Pulo is done in the process of inheritance of myth, everyting is done face communication.
Empowerment of Government Public Relations Office Post Restructuring ( Case Study on Informatics and Public Relations Office of Jakarta City Administration) Tria Patrianti
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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This research aims to seek better understanding on the empowerment of the public relations office following the restructuring conducted by Jakarta City Administration.  Involving 11 respondents, the research utilizes qualitative research method with case study approach.The background issues in the research are as followed: (1) Why the role and function of public relations office at Jakarta Administration remain insignificant regardless of the restructuring; (2) What the public relations office’s role and function are in the attempts to empower public relations following the restructuring; and (3) What the ideal pattern of the empowerment of government public relations office at Jakarta City Administration is. The research shows that (1) The restructuring has been quite efficient, but the public relations office has yet to be effective in promoting Governor’s policies; (2) Following the restructuring, the public relations office has yet to be empowered optimally and is consdered weak in carrying out its tasks and function.  The weakness was attributed to, first, the complicated problems and organizational structure at the Administration, as well as the ego of different institutions.  Second,  the slow service in providing public information due to the low pace of coordination between offices.  Public relations officers do not have the full authority to dictate the Governor related to this public image.  Third, public reltions is still positioned as technical support, instead of managerial or strategic position; (3) The Governor has high commitment in supporting public relations’s function.  It is up to the public relations office itself to implement it well; (4) The quality of human resourcs is subject to improvement through training or education ; (5) Public relations budget is still modest; and (6) The infrastructure to provide public information are readily available, suc as news website, hotline service and social media.
Pemberitaan Media Informasi Sebagai Bahan Rujukan Pengambilan Keputusan Transaksi Saham Di Valbury Asia Securities Cabang Dago Bandung Iin Rahmi Handayani
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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This research aims to reveal the use of information media as reference for investor Valbury Asia Securities Dago branch Bandung to making decision in stock market transaction. And how all the event sequences across the world is connected as a whole complete system based on Littlejohn System Theory. This research design was qualitative with descriptive method. Technique that used to collect the data are using depth interview, observations and document literature. The numbers of informants are 2 base informants and 6 key informants. This research result show the activity of information media usage as a reference to make decision in stock transaction is determined by a kind of stock investment and motivation of each investor.  Investor using logic decision in transaction will more actively use information media than investor using instinct and trend as decision in transaction. Variety of events all around the world are connected each other in influencing a condition of stock market as a complete system entity matched to Littlejohn System Theory.
Meaning Construction In Porn Film Indonesia Phenomenology studies Widescreen Film Producers in Jakarta S. Utari Widyastuti
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 3, No 3 (2011): Oktober

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This study aims to find out the meaning of pornography on the big screen movie producer Indonesia, and to know the motives and experiences of pornography in the film. The research question posed is: What meaning producers of pornography in the film? What was the motive for producers include aspects of pornography in movies? How does the experience of producers of pornography?This is a qualitative research method with the tradition of phenomenology. The subject of his research is the producer of feature films Indonesia in Jakarta. The object of research is the construction of meaning, motives and experiences. The collection of data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews carried out on the big screen movie producer Indonesia in Jakarta as an informant. Data were obtained through library research and documentation of various media, both print and online.The results widescreen film producer Indonesia over the meanings of pornography different from each other depending on experience and cognitive complexity of each individual. Also because of information about itself or pornographic pornography in the film. Motif also affected the internal and external factors produse itself. Experience more supportive if the producers will continue to provide aspects of pornography in his movie or not . The conclusion of this study is the construction of meaning widescreen film producer Indonesia to pornography vary. Motive incorporate different aspects of pornography. Pengalamannyapun different. Theoretically penelitin is the continuation of the behavior of nonverbal communication that is so luas.Saran film producer practical, film producer through the construction of meaning and experience of entering the positive aspects of pornography can be distributed to others. While the construction of meaning and negative experiences can be a lesson and inputs for producers of other films.

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