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Konflik Agama Dalam Media Berita Online (Kajian Kritis Pemberitaan Konflik Cikeusik Dalam Portal VIVA.CO.ID Pada Periode Bulan Februari M. Fikri AR.
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 4, No 4 (2012): April

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This study aims to determine how the construction of news Ahmadiyya conflict in Cikeusik at as online news media, at the period February 2011. The main problem is studied and researched based on data 170 Cikeusik conflict news, flt out with in depth interviews with media managers, therefore resulting the conclusions and specific findings. The method that used in this study is Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) from Norman Fairclough, which generally includes a multilevel analysis, from the micro level (text), meso level (discourse practice), and the macro level (sociocultural) which is jointly implemented to read, analyze and interpret the texts of Cikeusik conflict news. In this case, researcher found that the tendency of each party that contribute in Cikeusik conflict have influence and different roles. The results of the study found a trend that the mass of the attacker is constructed as a brutal aggressor; on the other hand, the conflict victims constructed as a faction with psychological trauma. The model construction awakened conflict in it is a spiral of conflict, while construction therein ideology is the ideology of liberal that fill of expression, free-moving, by making the conflict incidents as the main element of reporting.
Pola Komunikasi Etnis Besemah (Kajian Etnografi Komunikasi Pada Kelompok Etnis di Pagaralam Sumatra Selatan) Tina Kartika
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 4, No 4 (2012): April

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The term of Besemah refers to the ethnic community in Gunung Dempo and Pegunungan Gumai in Pagaralam District. The Basemah ethnic surrounding in seviral provinces such as: Sumatera Selatan, Bengkulu, Jambi, Bangka Belitung, and Lampung. the Basemah ethnic knows the oral messages through guritan,petata/petiti/proverbs,and anday-anday/folklores.The Basemah ethnic knows the tabbo languages, one of . those taboo languages is singkuh. So that, this studi the best use the etnografi communication theory.The theoritical fundations used are:symbolism interaction,Social Construction of Reality. and communication ethnography Dell Hymes.The research method is qualitative with interpretive paradigm. The research focus is how is the communication pattern of Basemah Ethnic in Jangkar village. Jangkar Mas North Dempo, Pagaralam.The research results show that the communication activity of Basemah ethnic in.Jangkar village was built from communicative events, communicative situation and communicative acts. From the relationship of those communicative components, it is obtainet the communicative patterns,which are: 1) The communication pattern of Basemah Ethnic family care. 2) Communication pattern of Keluarge Pasat of Basemah Ethnic. 3)The communication behavior pattern of Singkuh in at Basemah Ethnic. 4) the communication behavior through pepatah jeme tue tue, 5) The message. pattern in Basemah ethnic. and 6) The communication pattern among Basemah Ethnic.
Representasi Identitas Budaya Makassar Dalam Pemberitaan Situs Panyingkul.Com Periods 2006-2010 . Wardah
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 4, No 4 (2012): April

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This research examines the media representation of local cultural identity in an online journalism. The research is based on the assumption that there are some concerns on cultural condition highlighted on Panyingkul, an online media based on Makassar. From this assumption this research tried to analyze news of Panyingkul focusing on culture of Makassar published from 2006 antil 2010. This research intends to understand and comprehend patterns of how local cultural identity is represented on online local media. Using Teun A. Van Dicks discourse, this research concludes that Panyingkul, established amidst the disruption of political and cultural condition in Indonesia, enables to present the real condition of local culture eroded by the influence of modernism. Panyingkul becomes one of citizens media alternatives to which citizen criticize the phenomena of cultural decadency, and of mediums for them to introduce the richness of local tradition and culture in Makassar.
Program Acara Kesenian Tradisional Di Radio Swasta Lokal Di Diy (Studi Komparatif Tentang Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Eksistensi Program Acara Kesenian Tradisional Di Radio Siaran Swasta Pada Frekuensi FM Dan AM Di Yogyakarta) Noning Verawati
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 4, No 4 (2012): April

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This research is a case study research that revealing how is the existence of traditional art program (Wayangan) on four private broadcast radios at Jogjakarta with different frequency that consist of Frequency Modulation (FM) and Amplitude Modulation (AM) in Unisi Radio 104.5 FM, Retjo Buntung Radio 99.4 FM, Swara Konco Tani Radio and Swara Kenanga Jogjakarta Radio. Appropriate with case study, so this research will answering the question ‘how’ and ‘why’ about the factors that influenced to the traditional art program on the private broadcast radio at Jogjakarta. The traditional art program, especially wayang was being a research object because this program has a high historic value in order to maintaining the origin culture of Indonesia. Initially, this program is ‘creation’ government program as one of broadcast requirement. But after the reformation on 1998, this program is no longer being a requirement so that there are many the private broadcast radios in FM frequency is not broadcasting it, but there are also still broadcasting it although in limited duration. Today, the traditional art program can listened on the private broadcast radio in AM frequency that has taking over these programs. This research result is Unisi Radio 104.5 FM has been removing the art program because it is not agree with their audients and segment that is young generation. While Retjo Buntung Ra dio on the contrary is choosing to maintain the traditional art program because they were committed to maintaining Indonesian culture. Meanwhile, two radio that placed in AM that consist of Swara Konco Tani and Swara Kenanga instead carrying the traditional art program as their main broadcast, so that they are famous as radio that based on culture.
Simbol dan Identitas: Kajian Tentang Negosiasi dan Konsolidasi Terhadap Simbol Budaya Dalam mempertahankan Identitas Masyarakat Riau Noor Efni Salam
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 4, No 4 (2012): April

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This research is aimed at analyzing the process of negotiation and consolidation on the symbol of clothing and architecture of Riau Malay, and different perceptions in its intepretation. This is done as an effort to unify the meaning of these symbols as cultural identity of the people of Riau. This is a qualitative research with Riau people as informants which purposively selected. The results showed that the clothing symbols negotiated and consolidate, while architecture symbol still in the process of consolidative.
Pengaruh Media Massa Terhadap Perubahan Sosial Budaya Dan Modernisasi Dalam Pembangunan Wawan Hernawan
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 4, No 4 (2012): April

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Culture is the creation of a society devoted to the interests of society in order to continue to exist and thrive. Culture reflects human responses to lifes basic needs. In terms of content or komponenya, culture can be identified into five principal, the ideas, norms of ideology, technology, and materials. The components of culture is always changing, whether the changes are slow and rapid changes in the nature. Socio-cultural changes occur because of pressure from a variety of factors, whether originating from within the community itself, as well as from outside the community. Change is a condition that we experience in every aspect of life. Like it or not, the change tends to take place every turn. In the era of information technology, a rapid change of pace. Although it seems every change promises many benefits, but it is quite clear that the promise would be realized if all the people in charge of the work was trying hard to realize that promise. communication through the mass media both print and electronic media, providing a crucial role in the political culture of social change. In line with the modernization of its speed of movement, means of communication, in this case the mass media communication needs serious attention. Planning well in the field of communications relating to software and hardware should be in line with the development of motion. This can be understood as a means of communication other than to express opinions in connection with the ideas of renewal, as well as an effective mediator in bridging the government by the people. At least three ways that can be taken by the mass media to influence cultural norms. First, mass communication messages can reinforce cultural patterns prevailing and guiding the public to believe that these patterns are still in effect and adhered to the public. Second, the media can create a new cultural patterns that do not conflict with the existing culture, and even improve it. Third, the mass media can change the cultural norms that apply to the behavior of individuals in society changed at all. These messages are not a bit of development which is distributed to the public through various media, so that people accept and support the development of movement in every aspect of life that has been programmed by the government.

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