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Penyampaian Pelayanan Publik (Public Service Delivery) Pada Daerah Otonom Baru Simon S. Hutagalung
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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This qualitative study revealed that the problem of education and health services in the Kabupaten Pesawaran consists of three issues, namely: (1) human resources, (2) Infrastructure and, (3) budget. Problems that occur within the scope of human resources consists of the problem of quantity, distribution and motivational educators and medical personnel to provide services. Factors that affect education and health services in the region covered by the two scope, namely: (1) The condition of a dilemma in the delivery of services agency performance, (2) The relationship between the stakeholders in the education and health service delivery. In addition there are also some aspects that could be a potential raw material for the development of alternative models of public service.
Rasionalisasi Kelayakan, Opini Serta Aspirasi Masyarakat Terhadap Skenario Pemekaran Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Maulana Mukhlis
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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At the time of evaluation and the Institute of Public Administration Ministry of Internal Affairs shows that most regions of the division in Indonesia does not reach the ideal goal, as expected, the Government of Central Lampung regency actually want to do the expansion. Appropriate alternative scenario, the largest district in Lampung province will be divided into three districts, namely Central Lampung (at this time), District Seputih Seputih West and East District. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rationalization of Central Lampung regency expansion scenarios and how they impact on the future expansion of Central Lampung (as a parent regions). Rationalization made to the fulfillment of eligibility as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 129 of 2000 as well as the opinions and aspirations of the people of Central Lampung to the expansion scenario. The results showed that the formal technical and administrative as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 129 of 2000, Central Lampung regency eligible to be expanded. On the other hand, the majority of people (81.5%) calls for expansion of Central Lampung regency as well as recommendations for immediate expansion scenario is immediately prepared and proposed to the central government. Although the proposal (the public) to bloom area should not always be taken with a policy of expansion, but the results of two feasibility of the above suggests that the rationality behind the proposed expansion of the public in Central Lampung regency has been fulfilled. Therefore, although the proposed expansion could be completed by a non-expansion policy, the public interest on behalf of rationality, choice of area in Central Lampung regency need to be encouraged and facilitated.
Relasi Pengusaha-Penguasa Dalam Demokrasi: Fenomena Rent Seeker Pengusaha jadi Penguasa Muhammad Ali Azhar
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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Reform has opened up opportunities for entrepreneurs to fill vacancies in the government leadership. That is, because the election can not be denied in addition to requiring figures, intellectuals, also takes charge. The tendency is then driven by a ban on civil servants, military, police and politics since the reforms initiated. This success encouraged the expectation that the next number of employers who will be ruler of the greater. Some key findings in this paper, as analyzed in several phenomena: First, the recognition that entrepreneurs are middle class people who are needed to fill the vacancy of the public that in the past many occupied by civil servants, military and police. Second, the employer is considered to have more opportunities and capability compared with other community groups to win political support as well as in managing the administration of the state. Third, the future of Indonesias political future will be characterized by the role of the entrepreneur.
Problema Pengentasan Kemiskinan Di Tingkat Lokal: Pengalaman Kota Bandar Lampung Syamsul Ma'arif
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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Local authonomy era provides big opportunity for the Local Government of Bandar Lampung to run development in accordance to the local character. Room of freedom that so big has encouraged The Local Government of Bandar Lampung to accelerate the progress target of economic development as well as to eradicate problem of poverty in the area. The Local Government of Bandar Lampung must make decision between choosing the growth strategy by emphasizing big scale economic sector or choosing the equity strategy by paying attention more to people oriented economic. As the result of scarcity of resources, the Local Government of Bandar Lampung finally choose the growth strategy.
Peranan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lasiman Sugiri
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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This article highlights role of it's the local government and his staff in executing duty or function of community empowerment, including identifying supporter factor and community empowerment process resistor. Community empowerment intended focused at various aspects related to life public as nation community, that is empowerment in educational, economics, culture social, psychology, and politics. Community empowerment is absolutely has to be done, and every its the local government and his staff must stand is big poweredness member of his its, especially stimulates, pushs, or motivates every individual to have ability or powered to determine what becoming its the life choice. Local government role (govern or Regent, or Mayor, and area his staff) meant to increase strength from public weakness, or preparation to public in the form of resources, opportunity, knowledge, and expertise to increase public itself capacities in determining their future, and to be able to participate and influences life of community society itself in area.
Pengaruh Orientasi Birokrasi Terhadap Pemerataan Layanan Kesehatan Di Kota Bandar Lampung (Studi Tentang Layanan Kesehatan Oleh Puskesmas Kedaton) Marbaki M. S.
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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The problems of this research are how far the influence of bureaucracy orientation to the health service equality held by Kedaton Health Center (Puskesmas). Data are collected by means library study and field research and study the documents as well as theoretical analysis to the research object related to the main problem. Collected data are analysed by qualitative and quantitative methods as well. Quantitative methods used Rank Spearman. From this methods founded that rs is 0.703, meanwhile t-counting is 9.166 and t-table is 3.102 with significance level on 5% where freedom degree is n-2=86.. it is meant that t-counting is higher than t-table (9.166 and 3.102 respectively). So, the conclusion is Bureaucracy Orientation has high influence to the Health Service Equality at Puskesmas Kedaton. On the other hand, the result of the research accepted the research hyphothesis.
Posisi Strategis Pendidikan Tinggi Dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Agustuti Handayani
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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Theory development in the past embraces the principle that poverty occurs because of a lack of ability to save and build physical capital. However, the theory was later corrected by another theory which states that "quality" as the ability of resident physical and psychological-intellectual, is more important than physical capital in the development process. The theory asserts that human resources (HR) is the most decisive factor of the character and pace of social and economic development of a nation Thus, an increase in resident enrollment to pursue higher education should be a strategic agenda for a nation to rise up to pursue economic progress.
Kebijakan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKM) Di Kabupaten Tanggamus Provinsi Lampung Dian Kagungan
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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This study aims to determine the local wisdom in the management of community forests in regency of Tanggamus Lampung by remain pay attention to the principle of balance of ecological function and social function of economic subsistence of local communities in accordance spirit community forestry program through the facilitation of activities in the Community Forestry Group of Tanggamus. Study came to the conclusion that the proper strategy is needed to build self-reliance and cooperation at the level of community forest farmer groups in order to reduce the dependence of farmers on the presence of facilitators and put farmers in a position key actors through the development of sustainable forest development of media / participatory tools as an alternative to filing an accelerated process of community forestry permission in the future. The study recommends institutional strengthening efforts should be made to all stakeholders on the development of competent Community forestry ( HKM ) .
Implementasi Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri Perdesaan Di Kecamatan Banggae Timur Kabupaten Majene . Safriansyah
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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PNPM is one program to accelerate poverty reduction in an integrated and sustainable. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of implementation of PNPM Mandiri in Rural Eastern District of Banggae Majene and to identify the factors that influence it. The method used is deductive qualitative descriptive analysis method. Results reveal that the implementation of PNPM Rural in District East Banggae Majene has been implemented in accordance with the procedures set out in the process, although influenced by communication, resources, attitudes executor, and organizational structure. Communication factors, resources and organizational structure are factors that support the implementation of the program, while the attitude of factors, including the factors that inhibit the implementation of the program. However, the factors that hamper can be controlled in accordance with established procedures.

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