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EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi
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EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknolologi menyajikan artikel/naskah dalam bidang teknologi informasi khususnya dalam Fokus pada 5 kelompok keilmuan di bidang sistem informasi yaitu: Sistem Informasi, Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), Jaringan, Multimedia, Security, Teknologi Web dan Mobile serta Kecerdasan Buatan dan Game, serta tidak membatasi terhadap kajian-kajian sistem informasi lainnya meliputi: Information System, Business Intelligence, Logistic and Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, Human Resource Management, Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Enterprise Systems, Business Process Modelling, System Modelling, Management Information Systems, Economic Models for Information Systems, Mobile e-Business, Web Services for e-Business, Knowledge Management, Strategic Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Balanced Scorecard, e-Commerce, Business Forecasting Process, Information Systems Change Management, Innovation in Information Systems and Change Management, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma for Performance Improvement, General Information Systems Related to Business Competitiveness.
Articles 14 Documents
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Implementasi Virtual Private Network Menggunakan L2TP/IPsec pada BBPK Jakarta Sumarna Sumarna; Aditya Maulana
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.1829


Some companies already use computer networks as a tool to communicate, including companies that already have subsidiaries in various regions. This is inseparable from the use of an internet network that can be interconnected. In BBPK Jakarta network, data delivery and exchange conducted between Cilandak building employees and Hang Jebat building still use email and WhatsApp facilities. In addition to being less secure or having the possibility of being hacked by irresponsible parties, it is also constrained by the capacity limit of files to be sent in one delivery. VPN network is one of the facilities in microtic hardware that allows to create a network within an internet network. VPN network with L2TP/IPsec tunnel is expected to help communication, employee activities at head office and branch offices, increase shipping security and reduce the possibility of threats that can occur when sending data in the network.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemeriksaan Barang Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode SSAD Falaah Abdussalaam; Badriansyah Badriansyah
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2167


The purpose of this study was to Analyze and Design an Information System of Goods Inspection at PT. Panasonic Gobel Indonesia Bandung. The problem is that the goods inspection administration system is still semi-manual so that the process of requesting and searching for goods inspection information is not optimal and prone to human error. Based on these problems, a Goods Inspection Information System was designed using the PHP programming language and MySQL database, while the system development process uses a Structured System Analysis and Design methodology (SSAD). The results of the research are Web-based Goods Inspection Information System according to company needs that can be accessed online and support information on goods inspection effectively and improve the quality of reporting in real-time.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kunjungan Pasien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Bandung Andika Dwi Prayoga; Reza Adila Husaeni Tsabat; Yuda Syahidin; Leni Herfiyanti
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2142


The purpose of this study was to determine the patient visit information system at this hospital. By using qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach through observation, interviews, and literature studies, while for its development using the waterfall method through the stages of needs analysis, design, coding, implementation, and system testing which is carried out sequentially. This information system was created using Microsoft Visual Studio for databases using Microsoft Access. The problem that occurred in the previous system was that the data processing was still using Microsoft Excel so that the officer's data processing took a long time because it had to be done manually and had not been well integrated. With the information system designed, it is hoped that it can assist officers in processing patient visit data, and can also simplify and speed up officers in making outpatient visit reports because the information system designed is more effective and efficient. The conclusion of this outpatient visit information system design is that the information system is made more integrated and neatly organized.
Implementasi Knowledge Management System dan Knowledge Sharing Berbasis ChatBot – Penyakit Parvo pada Anjing I Ketut Widhi Adnyana; Jenny Octavia; Ni Kadek Ariasih
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2132


Canine Parvovirus is the leading cause of death for dogs, especially in puppies under six months of age. This disease is caused by the Parvovirus. Parvovirus comes from the Latin Parvus which means small. Symptoms of disease caused by CPV are characterized by vomiting and bloody diarrhea with a characteristic odor. Therefore, Parvo disease is often called Gastroenteritis in dogs. Puppies under the age of three months infected with this virus only survive 1-2 days before dying. Knowledge Management is an activity in managing Knowledge as an asset, wherein various strategies there is the distribution of the right Knowledge to the right people and quickly so that they can interact with each other, share knowledge and apply it in their daily work. with the help of a chatBot which can later help owners or veterinarians to find and provide information about diseases in animals, especially dogs, effectively and efficiently. by using the webhook method to communicate with users via social media Telegram. Webhook is a method that is installed on hosting, by using a webhook the chatBot application can communicate in real-time.
Aplikasi Radien untuk Pengolahan Data Rekam Medis dengan Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shavira Handayani Putri; Yuda Syahidin; Meira Hidayati
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2110


This study aims to design an integrated patient development record complete information system at Bina Sehat General Hospital in Bandung. The research method that the author used in this research is a use qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. And for the software method used by the author in this study, the Waterfall development method is used. From the results of the research that has been done by the author, it was found, including the processing of the integrated patient development record completeness system that was running less effectively, there was still incomplete integrated patients’ development record. Therefore, the authors designed an information system the completeness of patient progress record integrated with the programing language used was Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and the database used was Microsoft Access 2016. The suggestion that the author gave was the need to develop an integrated patient development record complete information system to facilitate processing the required information, the need for socialization about filling out patient progress record integrated to all officers.
Komparasi Metode Simple Additive Weighting dan Analytical Hierarchy Process dalam Rekomendasi Penyewaan Pakaian Erlangga Erlangga; Repa Aprilia; Ayu Kartika Puspa; Fenty Ariani
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2312


Clothing is used as a symbol of the wearer's position. This requires people to follow the lifestyle of clothing trends. Clothing trends today change very quickly and tend to be relatively short-lived. As a result of these changes, people are encouraged to become consumptive. Now people can enjoy it without having to buy expensive clothes. Branded clothes can also be used cheaply. Therefore, clothing rental is a stylish yet fashionable option. There are many clothing rentals shops today, but there is no specific information for renters who are looking for a rental shop that fits their needs. People tend to search and visit rental locations to rent clothes. This rental recommendation makes it easier for tenants to find clothes according to their own criteria. The purpose of this study was to compare the SAW-AHP method which was most suitable for the case of this study. After calculating and comparing the two methods, the SAW method is suitable for this case because it can count all samples, while the AHP method can only count 15 samples according to the Random Index table.
Perbaikan Citra Dokumen Hasil Pindai Menggunakan Metode Simple, Adaptive-Gaussian, dan Otsu Binarization Thresholding Dessy Tri Anggraeni
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2170


The use of digital images from scanned documents is commonly used both for data backup and for further processing. However, often the digital image obtained is not optimum due to various factors like noise. The method to improve the quality of digital images is to filter images using the Thresholding method. This study compares three Thresholding methods, which are Simple Thresholding, Adaptive-Gaussian Thresholding, and Otsu Binarization. All three methods have advantages and disadvantages. However, using the MSE and PSNR assessment parameters, the Simple Thresholding method shows better quality with an MSE value of 5,196.76, followed by Otsu Binarization with a value of 5,934.10, and Adaptive-Gaussian Thresholding with a value of 9,025.29. Meanwhile, by using PSNR, the value for Simple Thresholding is 13.37, followed by Otsu Binarization with a value of 12.47, and Adaptive-Gaussian Thresholding with a value of 10.31.
Dokumen Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Exam Management System (EMS) Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto Viryal Nabila; Puan Elina Abwa Aba; Endah Rizka; Citra Wiguna
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2177


Teknologi informasi dalam bidang pendidikan berkembang pesat secara eksponensial, hal tersebut dibuktikan oleh adanya berbagai macam e-learning. Learning Management System adalah suatu web belajar yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa maupun dosen untuk mengupload materi, menginput data nilai, merekap absensi mahasiswa, melihat jadwal mengajar. Pada masa pandemi, perguruan tinggi dituntut untuk melakukan seluruh kegiatan belajar mengajar secara daring. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun dokumen EMS sebagai acuan dalam sistem ujian online yang terintegrasi tindakan untuk mengintegrasikan seluruh ujian online. Sistem manajemen ujian atau Exam Management System (EMS) adalah sebuah sistem untuk melaksanakan ujian yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa internal dan dapat juga digunakan oleh pihak akademik untuk menunjang pembelajaran secara online. EMS ini ditujukan untuk mengurangi kecurangan dalam pengerjaan soal ujian. EMS dapat membantu dosen dalam mengoreksi hasil ujian mahasiswa serta dapat mengetahui kecurangan saat ujian dikarenakan EMS diperlengkapi dengan fitur plagiarisme. Fitur ini hanya terdapat pada EMS dosen, yang berarti mahasiswa tidak dapat mengakses fitur plagiarism. Sistem ujian ini dibangun berbasiskan website dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma Fisher-Yates Shuffle dan algoritma Lavenshtein Distance. Kedua algoritma tersebut berfungsi untuk mengacak soal membandingkan jawaban pada saat pengoreksian, dan cek plagiarism. EMS dikembangkan dengan menganalisis dan merancang dokumen Deskripsi Perancangan Perangkat Lunak (DPPL). DPPL dijadikan dasar tahapan pengembangan dan implementasi sistem.
Rancangan Pengembangan Aplikasi Dokumentasi Clinical Pathway Berbasis Web Adi Sadli
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2135


Clinical Pathway is a procedural model or service flow from a hospital to carry out clinical actions, usually starting from patient registration to patient discharge. The most important thing in implementing this Clinical Pathway is as a control function for the quality of hospital services. In practice, most of the procedural implementation is still done manually, meaning that it has not used a computerized system. Usually, Clinical Pathways are written in the form of a form with action instructions on one side, and service time on the other. The amount of service time is converted into days based on clinical instructions, but this can also differ depending on the development of the disease or existing actions, for example, Clinical Pathways for chronic diseases may have a number of weeks or months. The Clinical Pathway documentation application that will be designed is a web-based application that will be able to utilize the hospital's intranet/internet connection in its operation. This application is expected to be used as an answer to the need for faster, more effective, and measurable Clinical Pathways implementation. In its design, this application will continue to use the concept of procedural stages as done manually (according to Standard Operating Procedures) which has been carried out by the hospital, only the application is already in a computerized system where every aspect of the User will be connected to each other. For the design stage, this application itself is only intended for certain diseases such as Ischemic Stroke or depending on the needs of the Hospital. The implementation for this application is still being carried out on a trial basis, the aim is to obtain temporary data on how to see the impact of using this application on the level of service of the hospital that will be the executor of the trial of this application.
Peran Big Data dan Deep Learning untuk Menyelesaikan Permasalahan Secara Komprehensif Novanto Yudistira
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2063


Peran sain data besar (Big Data) dan pembelajaran mesin dewasa ini tidak dapat terelakkan terutama untuk menganalisis data dan memberikan kecerdasan pada komputer agar bekerja secara otonom untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan tertentu. Perkembangan teknologi sensor dan internet membuat ketersediaan data tersebut melimpah yang selanjutnya dapat dilakukan analisis data dalam jumlah yang besar. Hal tersebut mempengaruhi bagaimana cara pandang komputasi dalam berbagai macam bidang baik ilmu alam maupun sosial. Data yang terkumpul dapat berupa beragam format dengan laju pertambahan yang cepat dan dinamis. Kita perlu algoritma atau model yang mumpuni untuk memahami dan menggali pengetahuan pada set data yang besar tersebut beserta rancangan modelnya yang secara otomatis mempunyai kemampuan memprediksi atau mendeteksi. Deep Learning dengan kapasitasnya yang besar serta hubungan korelasi antar neuron yang sangat banyak diharapkan mampu menjawab tantangan tersebut didukung oleh beberapa penelitian terkini pada penerapannnya di berbagai bidang keilmuan. Dalam paper ini akan dipaparkan contoh pemanfaatan Deep Learning pada Big Data yang telah kita lakukan pada pengenalan video aksi manusia pada Youtube, Segmentasi pada sel berskala besar, citra dada x-ray dan data time-series multi variabel hubungannya dengan pandemi COVID-19.

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