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Rancangan Pengembangan Aplikasi Dokumentasi Clinical Pathway Berbasis Web Adi Sadli
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2135


Clinical Pathway is a procedural model or service flow from a hospital to carry out clinical actions, usually starting from patient registration to patient discharge. The most important thing in implementing this Clinical Pathway is as a control function for the quality of hospital services. In practice, most of the procedural implementation is still done manually, meaning that it has not used a computerized system. Usually, Clinical Pathways are written in the form of a form with action instructions on one side, and service time on the other. The amount of service time is converted into days based on clinical instructions, but this can also differ depending on the development of the disease or existing actions, for example, Clinical Pathways for chronic diseases may have a number of weeks or months. The Clinical Pathway documentation application that will be designed is a web-based application that will be able to utilize the hospital's intranet/internet connection in its operation. This application is expected to be used as an answer to the need for faster, more effective, and measurable Clinical Pathways implementation. In its design, this application will continue to use the concept of procedural stages as done manually (according to Standard Operating Procedures) which has been carried out by the hospital, only the application is already in a computerized system where every aspect of the User will be connected to each other. For the design stage, this application itself is only intended for certain diseases such as Ischemic Stroke or depending on the needs of the Hospital. The implementation for this application is still being carried out on a trial basis, the aim is to obtain temporary data on how to see the impact of using this application on the level of service of the hospital that will be the executor of the trial of this application.
E-JURNAL JUSITI : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 7 No 1 (2018): e-jurnal JUSITI
Publisher : Universitas Dipa Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Saat ini hampr semua aspek kehidupan telah tersentuh dengan komputerisasi. Salah satunya adalah bagaimana suatu sistem komputer bisa mengenali atau membaca karakter tertentu dari suatu citra digital. Misalnya saja bagaimana komputer bisa mengenali wajah seseorang atau menentukan tulisan tangan seseorang, mendiagnosa suatu penyakit dan lain-lain. Pengenalan pola (pattern recognition) merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu komputer yang dapat diartikan sebagai pengumpulan data-data mentah untuk dapat diklasifikasikan dengan maksud dan tujuan tertentu. Pengenalan pola ini bersifat conceptually driven processing yang berarti bahwa proses dimulai dari pembentukan konsep pada objek yang dijumpai (informasi dari memori). Beberapa metode yang bisa digunakan untuk pengenalan pola adalah Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (JST), Metode Statistik, Metode Terstruktur dan lain sebagainya. Dengan JST, menganalogikan cara berfikir pada otak manusia. Jadi, informasi di proses sebagaimana otak manusia memproses sebuah informasi yang di dapat. Misalnya cara pengenalan wajah pada manusia. Sedangkan metode statistik berdasarkan hasil analisa yang sudah terkumpul. Misalnya pengenalan dan analisa penyakit pada manusia. Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN) mungkin adalah metode jaringan saraf tiruan yang paling banyak digunakan untuk pengenalan pola tertentu seperti tulisan tangan. Adapun Wavelet pada awalnya, transformasi wavelet digunakan untuk menganalisis sinyal bergerak (non-stationary signals). Sinyal bergerak ini dianalisis dalam transformasi wavelet dengan menggunakan teknik multi-resolution analysis. Secara umum teknik multi-resolution analysis adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis frekuensi dengan cara frekuensi yang berbeda dianalisis menggunakan resolusi yang berbeda. Penggunaan MATLAB Neural NetworkToolbox dalam sistem ini adalah merupakan teknik yang dipakai untuk memperoleh kesesuaian data antara data gambar masukan(input) dan data keluarannya (output) setelah melakukan beberapa pengujian (Train)
Using The Python Library to Create Simple Game Animations Adi Sadli
International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): July - December 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Otonom Lembaga Informasi dan Riset Indonesia (KITA INFO dan RISET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/ijmsit.v2i2.699


The development of the game world which has recently been growing rapidly, has aroused the interest of some young people, to become a Maker Game (Game Developer), why this job is in great demand because it looks very cool. Maybe it has crossed our minds when playing games on PC or Mobile how they can make this game. As for Python, it is not only used for programming using Machine Learning models, but also for making games, even the well-known game engines that are commonly used to create complex 2D/3D games such as Unity use Python as a programming language other than C# or C++. Python is the most popular programming language or it would not hurt to say that it is the next generation programming language. In every emerging field in computer science, Python is actively present. Python has an extensive library for various fields such as Artificial intelligence (Pytorch, TensorFlow), Machine Learning (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib) and Game development (Pygame,Pyglet). In this opportunity, we will know a little about creating a simple game using the Pygame library (Python library). Pygame is a Python module that is designed for game application development. Pygame is one of the most used libraries/modules. This advantage of pygame allows us to create a game with complete features. Pygame is portable, can run on almost all operating systems. To note, Pygame has been downloaded more than a million times, and millions of visits to the official website. Pygame is released by the GNU General Public License (GPL) so that we can make a game application that is free, open source, shareware, freeware and commercial games. Learning python, of course, must be done gradually and focus on areas of learning that are of interest because of the large number of python modules or libraries with their functions and uses. To become a game developer, we must know the basics of making games, one of which is how to create animations on a game object. Making this game animation only revolves around how to make an object consisting of sprites or several images into animation and use the up, down, left and right arrow keys to move the object. The objects in the game consist of objects commonly called player and opposite.
Health Module Intervention of Physical Activity (PA) in Controlling Blood Sugar Levels of People With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Zainuddin zain; Adi sadli; kamriana; Salmah Arafah; suardi; wahyudin; ratnasari Iskandar
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 5 No. 6 (2022): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v5i6.657


Background: Physical activity is a part of exercise, considered the cornerstone in treating type 2 diabetes. Physical activity controls blood glucose directly circulating and increases tissue sensitivity to insulin, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and reduces mortality. Objective: This study aims to determine the difference in changes in blood sugar given through the Physical Activity Health Module (PA) media. Design: This study used pre-experimental using two groups of pre-test and post-test. The sample is 100 people who have DMT2 in Takalar Regency. The research results show a significant difference between the provision of education through the health module media to changes in blood sugar. Conclusion: Giving the Physical Activity (PA) health module can reduce blood sugar levels in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type. Recommendation: The Physical Activity Health (PA) module is the evidence base to assist decision-makers, especially for nurses holding the Diabetes Mellitus program, in making relevant policies. It is also essential to design effective promotion and prevention programs to improve health services, especially promoting physical activity programs for DMT2 patients