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The Role Of Motivation In Language Learning Anwar Rahman
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The mastery of English learning is influenced by some variables, one of them is motivation. Motivation in learning second language is classified as integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. Some experts of language teaching also categorized motivation into two types namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. This paper discusses about kinds of motivation and how it takes a role in influencing students mastery in learning language. It was literature study that focused to find out some solutions of students problem in learning language, especially learning language motivation which was interpreted and conducted at the State Polytechnic of Lampung. The result shows that intrinsic motivation and instrumental motivation have great influence in the success of language learning.
English Language Learning Management At Pioneering International School (Rsbi) Sman I Salatiga Muhammad Kristiawan
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The aim of this research is to describe English Language Learning Management at Pioneering International School (RSBI) SMAN 1 Salatiga in a frame of educationalPioneeringdecentralization.This research uses ethnography method. The ethnography method is natural approach, cultural character that uses inductive analysis, and the researcher as a key of instrument. The techniques of collecting data consist of interviewing, observation, documentation, and triangulation. The sources of information are headmaster, English teacher, students, and school committee. The technique which is used follows Miles and Hubermans concept. This technique consists of data reduction, data display, and making Conclusion.Results of this research are: (1) the planning of English learning is done by an English teacher and headmaster by the governmental support; (2) organizing of English learning consists of syllabus and lesson plan, teachers election and learning media; (3) the application of English learning is based on KTSPcurriculum and Cambridge; (4) the learning methods used are demonstrating and active learning; (5) evaluation consists of daily test, mid test, final test and national examination; (6) the purpose of English Teaming is based on KTSP curriculum and Cambridge; (7) the materials are taken from internet, Jakarta Post, Cambridge, and the book of senior high school; (8) there areten English teachers, one of them is native speak-ei• from United State (Bashi. V); (9) the minimum score is 75; (10) English teachers use media based on need and demand, such as TV, VCD, LCD, OFIP and language laboratory, (11) each room consists of forty students; (12) the classroom setting is still traditional and simple based on the material and topic taught; (13) the roles of teachers are fticifltatoi: motivator and innovator They also role as students parent and friend, (14) extracurricular club consists of English DaY (debate) and English Club; (15) the class control is done by the headmaster and the supervisor dirough daily test, mid test, final test an(] nationalexamination; (16) to upgrade the teachers professionalism, school uses questionnaire fromstudents and through conij.7arathlestudi%- (17) the participation of parent is high; and (18) theschool,, fee is from parent and government. The government hasnt fulfilled the all needs yet. Therefore, it needs support from parent.
Menelusuri Makna Primitif Dan Modern Dalam Cerpen "Matias Akankari" Karya Gerson POYK: Sebuah Analisis Struktural Firsta Primordiyanti
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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This article is a literary analysis on Gerson Poyk "Matias Akankari" by using structuralist approach. The focus of the analysis is on the theme of the story. It employs the theories of Todorov and Barthes that investigates the theme through syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects. The meaning of primitive and modern is showed through the binary opposition in the analysis.
Analysis Of Classroom Interaction In Speaking Class At A Senior High School In Bandar Lampung Hery Yufrizal; Nanda Riyanti
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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This study compares patterns of interactions among teachers and students in all English speaking class by using three different newspaper topics: political, economy and entertainment. The subject of the research was 31 students of a senior high school in Bandar Lampung.The result shows that three were differences in the patterns of interaction when learners were given three different newspaper article topics. The differences were found in terms of the patterns of interactions among teacher-students, and students- students as well at kinds of interactional contribution categories.This suggests that using various topics from various sources of materials provided good stimulus for learners to practice their English in the classroom. The closer the topic to the learners daily interest the more they will likely to actively involve in the interactions.
Increasing of Students Motivation and English Speaking Skill Using Word Guessing Game at Social Class Grade XI in Senior High School of 2 Bandar Lampung, in the Academic Year of 2010/2011 . Suranto
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The objective of the research was to describe how to make lesson plan, implementation, evaluation system, reflect the word guessing game for increasing motivation and students speaking skill.The study used the model of Classroom Action Research. It was conducted in three cycles. The first cycle was a big group discussion (classical), second cycle was a small group discussion, third cycle was a pair. To obtain the research data, it was used some instruments, A13KG 1, the observation of students activities, students motivation , evaluation system and students speaking skill test.The conclusions of the study are: 1) there were improvement in lesson plan quality, the first cycle was score 2,80 (poor category ), second cycle was score 3,80 (average, )third cycle was score 4,20 (good ), 2) at the first cycle, student was active 55% in social one and in social two 68%, second cycle, in social one increased 80% and in social two 82%, third cycle, in social one increased 100% and social two 100% , 3) evaluation system of the students speaking skill was implemented by pre-test and post- test, pre-test validity was 0,89, reliability was 0,91, post-test validity was 0,84, reliability was 0,80, 4) students motivation in social one average 25%, high motivation 41% and average 40%, high motivation 59% in social two, second cycle increased average motivation in social one 15%, high motivation 75% and social two average motivation 18% high motivation 77%, third cycle increased average motivation 22%, high motivation 77%,5) students speaking skill in social one increased 35% (40% became 75%) and in social two 36,5% (45,5% became 82%).
The Use Of Top-Down Approach In Teaching Listening Through Short Stories Budi Kadaryanto; C. J. Aryanti Cori
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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Listening comprehension is the first skill that students should master, because before someone understands and starts to speak, lie or she has to hear sounds, words, or speech pattern. Listening is considered as a difficult language skill since it involves some aspects of the language, for example, vocabulary, understanding the sound, grammar, getting, the mainL_ understandingidea, specific information and reference. The teaching of listening in formal schools is still considered unsuccessful for that it tends to make students boring. Therefore, English teachers should provide more challenging and interesting listening activities. Teaching listening withZ7short stories is said to be one of the way to reduce students boredom and to increase students listening comprehension.For the above reasons, this research was intended to find out whether there was significant improvement of students listening comprehension in short stories after being taught through top - down approach. This research was done in a group pretest posttest design. The population of this research was the eleventh grade in SMA YP UN ILA Bandar Lampung. The sample of this research was XI IPA I and was selected by using random sampling technique. In collecting the data, the researcher administered the pretest, the treatments and posttest. The data was analyzed by using repeated measure t-test. In which the significance was determined by p<0.05. The result of t-test computation showed that (-ratio was higher than t-table (t,>t,.J, that is, (29.330>2.021), it can be concluded that there was a significant improvement of students listening comprehension after being taught short stories through top - down approach. This means that teaching listening through short stories in a top-down approach was applicable to improve sttideiitslistening omprehension ability.

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