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Interlanguage In Error Analysis Study Basturi Hasan
LINGUISTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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Interlanguage theory is naturally a constantly evolving theory, having changed considerably since its initial formulation. It is, therefore, not an easy task to produce an accurate account of the theory. The aim of this article is basically to provide a brief and composite account of the interlanguage theory. In so doing, some crucial issues are accordingly viewed: (1) error analysis, (2) stages of interlanguage development, (3) Interlanguage transfer, (4) fossilization, (5) input hypothesis, (6) and pidginization fossilization, I ginization as well. There is in fact considerable disagreement about how best to characterize the nature of an interlanguage system. Nevertheless, this principle is able to account for insights provided byform-function analysis.
The Role Of Motivation In Language Learning Anwar Rahman
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The mastery of English learning is influenced by some variables, one of them is motivation. Motivation in learning second language is classified as integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. Some experts of language teaching also categorized motivation into two types namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. This paper discusses about kinds of motivation and how it takes a role in influencing students mastery in learning language. It was literature study that focused to find out some solutions of students problem in learning language, especially learning language motivation which was interpreted and conducted at the State Polytechnic of Lampung. The result shows that intrinsic motivation and instrumental motivation have great influence in the success of language learning.
The Use Of Drills And Picture To Vocabulary Mastery Of The Sixth Year Students Of Sd Negeri 1 Gedung Sari, Anak Ratu Aji, Lampung Tengah In The Academic Year Of 2011/2012 Muhammad Kristiawan
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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Teaching vocabulary successfully needs a good method. The method of teaching vocabulary is always changeable. It is due to teaching itself is a complicated process that never possible gives absolute rule, which will ensure success. At this point, teacher is necessary to use best guide. The drill and picture method represent a multisensory multifaceted approach suitably needed by different students. The benefits from this research are: (1). to know the scaffold of the drill and picture method to vocabulary mastery of the students. (2). to develop and enrich knowledge in method of vocabulary mastery. (3). to add discourse of effective studying English for increasing students achievements in general and vocabulary mastery in particular.The object of this research is the population of academic members of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari, Anak Ratu Aji, Lampung Tengah in the academic year of 2011/2012. The sample of the study is the second year students of SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari and it is called as total sample because it just consists of one class. There are 24 students in this class. To get the data for writing down this thesis, the writer applied several methods and can be divided into three types, there are: document study, field research, and statistical methods.Document study applied by studying about documents which are available in the second year of SD Negeri I Gedung Sari in the academic year of 2011/2012. Field research consists of questioner, test and observation. The researcher used the data from field research to analyze the problems which will be answered in this article. The last analysis is statistical methods.The writer uses formula of product moment correlation to measure how significant the influence eclectic reading method toward reading comprehension achievement. (1). Based on applied several methods above, the researcher discovered the result that: The score of eclectic reading method of the second year students or SD Negeri 1 Gedung Sari according to the writer is significant, proven from the percentage questioner scores. It is 66 % (2). The English reading comprehension achievement of the second year students of SD Negeri I Gedung Sari is significant, proven from the percentage of English reading comprehension score. It is 71, 67%. (3). The next statistical hypothesis that says there is no correlation between eclectic reading method (X) and students English reading comprehension achievement (Y) is refused because after consulting the critical r in the level of significant of 5% found that critical r for the number of samples 24 is 0,404. In other words, it can be said that research hypothesis says there is significant correlation between eclectic reading method and students English reading comprehension achievement is proved.
Pengajaran Menulis Menggunakan Ancangan Proses Genre di Sekolah Menengah Atas di Indonesia Nurfika Wijayanti
LINGUISTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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Sesuai dengan pedoman yang tercantum pada Kurikulum 2004, pengajaran kemahiran menulis Bahasa Inggris di SMA di Indonesia dilakukan dengan menggunakan ancangan genre. Ancangan geme adalah ancangan pengajaran kemahiran menulis yang berfokus pada penulisan teks yang berterima dalam konteks sosial-budaya.Namun, pengajaran kemahiran menulis yang menggunakan ancangan ini mengabaikan proses revisi yang dibutuhkan pada pembuatan suatu tulisan, sehingga tulisan yang dibuat siswa belum baik. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah dengan memadukan penggunaan ancangan genre dengan ancangan proses. Ancangan proses adalah ancangan pengajaran kemahiran menulis yang banyak memberikan perhatian pada proses revisi yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan suatu tulisan. Penelitian ini mengambil kelebilan-kelebihan yang dimiliki ancangan proses dan ancangan genre serta menggunakannya pada pengajaran kemahiran menulis teks genre naratif eksposisi analitis, dan laporan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa pada ketiga teks genre tersebut.Penelitian dilakukan pada 32 orang siswa kelas XI yang di setiap akhir sesi pengajaran satu genre teks diberikan kuesioner untuk mengetahui tanggapan siswa mengenai keefeklifan penggunaan ancangan proses genre pada pembelajaran menulis geffe teks. Analisis data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis buram pertama yang ditulis siswa, buram ketiga yang ditulis siswa,dan hasil uji kuesioner mengenai pendapat siswa tentang keefektifan penggunaan ancangan proses genre. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan ancangan proses genre dapat meningkatkan rerata nilai tulisan pada tiap genre yang diajarkan dan siswa mergganggap penggunaan ancangan proses genre efektif untuk membantu pembelajaran menulis.In congruence with the guidelines of the 2004 curriculum, the teaching of English writing skills in high schools throughout Indonesia uses the genre approach. Thegenre approach is a way to teach writing skills which concentrates on the writing of texts that are in accordance with the socio-cultural context of the society. However, theteaching of writing skills using this approach ignores the revision process that is tcrucial when writing, thus making the result unsatisfactory. One method to surmount this matter is to integrate the genre approach with the process approach. The process approach is a method to teach writing that pays attention to the revision process which is fundamental towards the creation of fine writing. This thesis employs the advantages of both the process and genre approaches and applies the process genre approach towards the teaching of narrative text, analytical exposition, and report, which is ultimately aimed at improving the writing proficiency of students. The subjects of this study were 32 year-1 I students. They were given questionnaires at the end of every writing session. Z:> The questionnaires are used to gather the students opinion about the effectiveness of using the process genre approach in the study of writing. Data analysis in this study is clone by examining the outcome of the students first and third drafts, as well as the questionnaires. The findings show that the use of the process genre approach in teaching writing can significantly increase the students average scores of every writing genre. Moreover, the students consider this practice effective in assisting to write narrative text, analytical exposition, and report.
English Language Learning Management At Pioneering International School (Rsbi) Sman I Salatiga Muhammad Kristiawan
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The aim of this research is to describe English Language Learning Management at Pioneering International School (RSBI) SMAN 1 Salatiga in a frame of educationalPioneeringdecentralization.This research uses ethnography method. The ethnography method is natural approach, cultural character that uses inductive analysis, and the researcher as a key of instrument. The techniques of collecting data consist of interviewing, observation, documentation, and triangulation. The sources of information are headmaster, English teacher, students, and school committee. The technique which is used follows Miles and Hubermans concept. This technique consists of data reduction, data display, and making Conclusion.Results of this research are: (1) the planning of English learning is done by an English teacher and headmaster by the governmental support; (2) organizing of English learning consists of syllabus and lesson plan, teachers election and learning media; (3) the application of English learning is based on KTSPcurriculum and Cambridge; (4) the learning methods used are demonstrating and active learning; (5) evaluation consists of daily test, mid test, final test and national examination; (6) the purpose of English Teaming is based on KTSP curriculum and Cambridge; (7) the materials are taken from internet, Jakarta Post, Cambridge, and the book of senior high school; (8) there areten English teachers, one of them is native speak-ei• from United State (Bashi. V); (9) the minimum score is 75; (10) English teachers use media based on need and demand, such as TV, VCD, LCD, OFIP and language laboratory, (11) each room consists of forty students; (12) the classroom setting is still traditional and simple based on the material and topic taught; (13) the roles of teachers are fticifltatoi: motivator and innovator They also role as students parent and friend, (14) extracurricular club consists of English DaY (debate) and English Club; (15) the class control is done by the headmaster and the supervisor dirough daily test, mid test, final test an(] nationalexamination; (16) to upgrade the teachers professionalism, school uses questionnaire fromstudents and through conij.7arathlestudi%- (17) the participation of parent is high; and (18) theschool,, fee is from parent and government. The government hasnt fulfilled the all needs yet. Therefore, it needs support from parent.
A Functional Model Of Language, Interrelations Of Language, Text And Context, And The Implications For Language Teaching Baginda Simaibang
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The purpose of this research is to explore the interrelations of language, context and text and the implications for language teaching. In this investigation, the children were recorded and their conversations were transcribed. The transcription of the conversation and the language of advertisement were analysed using the Halliday and the Jacobson models of language functions. How the functional model was used in the assessment of texts and how were language, context and text were interrelated will lead us into a linguistic thought that the practical uses of the language could contribute to the teaching and education developments. The results indicated that the children conversations and the language of advertisement do reflect model of language functions. For example; the functions can be identifying, encouraging, offering and requesting. These findings show an understanding that functional model actually contribute to communicative teaching approaches. This is an approach that may be adopted by teachers of foreign language teaching where learners are not exposed to the target language.
Communicative Language Teaching Paradigm Cucu Sutarsyah
LINGUISTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The paradigm shift has occurred since more than 40 years. This shift covers almost all fields of science. As a tradition of revolutionary thinking, a paradigm shift also occurred in education, particularly in language education. This article contains a review of the process of paradigm shift in a communicative language teaching, namely the shift from positivism to post positivism. This discussion includes eight aspects of change, among others, Learner Autonomy, the essence a Social Learning, Curriculum Integration, Focus on Meaning, Diversity, Thinking Skills, Alternative Measurement, and Teachers as Co-LearnersIn fact the eighth aspects of paradigm were not fully implemented thoroughly in public education, particularly in the field of second language. Educators and other stakeholders have been trying to understand and implement the change by way of partial, rather than a holistic manner. The main purpose of this paper is to show that this change is important to improve the quality of learning a second language.
Comparative Study Of Students Vocabulary Achievement Learnt Through Thematic Picture And Explanation Techniques In Smpn 22 Bandar Lampung Yeni Susanti
LINGUISTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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Vocabulary is one of language components in English. It has a very important role in communication. Rivers (1970) adds that it is impossible to learn a language without vocabulary. But in fact, based on the writers experience in the three-month-teaching training program in SMP Negeri 22 Bandar Lampung, the students generally have inadequate vocabulary. It is proven with their low score in every vocabulary exercise. Due to this lack of vocabulary, they often encounter difficulties, for example in reading their compulsory books. This statement is also supported by Murcia (1978) who said that some students claim that their primary problem in acquiring English is vocabulary. Clearly students lack of vocabulary should be immediately treated. Actually the students can learn all the words they need, without help, for example by looking for difficult words in dictionary. But the problem here is how the students are able to know the meaning of new words, remember the words and practice them in real situation. They still find difficulty in remembering words so that they become bored. To overcome the problem, a teacher should be able to find out ways of how to solve the problems that may appear while teaching-learning process is going on. Teacher should be able to choose proper technique and to select the materials which are relevant to the students condition, needs and age. Among many ways that can be applied in teaching vocabulary, the writer used thematic pictures and explanation.The objectives of this research are first, to know whether there is a significant different of a students vocabulary achievement between the students who are taught through thematic picture and through explanation and to see which one of the two techniques is more effective for teaching vocabulary at junior school. This quantitative research will be conducted at class VIII A and VIII B of SMPN 22 Bandar Lampung at the first semester. To collect the data, the researcher will administer pre test, treatment and post test.
Menelusuri Makna Primitif Dan Modern Dalam Cerpen "Matias Akankari" Karya Gerson POYK: Sebuah Analisis Struktural Firsta Primordiyanti
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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This article is a literary analysis on Gerson Poyk "Matias Akankari" by using structuralist approach. The focus of the analysis is on the theme of the story. It employs the theories of Todorov and Barthes that investigates the theme through syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects. The meaning of primitive and modern is showed through the binary opposition in the analysis.
The Study On The Acquisition Order Of English Morphemes In The First Semester Students In English Education Study Program At Bandar Lampung University Yanuar Dwi Prastyo; Mirza Azhari
LINGUISTIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

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The aim of this research is to find out the order of morphemes acquisition in the first semester students at English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Bandar Lampung University. The subjects of this research are twenty-one students in the first semester at English study program at Bandar Lampung University. Their ages ranged from 17-35 years old. They studied English as a subject in their schools for more than 7 years. To obtain the research data, picture based story is used and the subjects of the research are asked to write a story based on the picture given. From their writings, the acquisition of five English morphemes is analyzed. The result shows that the order of morphemes acquisition on the subjects of the research are 1) Plural (90.4%), 2) Past regular (85.7%), 3) Progressive (83.8%), 4) Past irregular (82.7%) 5) Third person singular (50%).