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Search results for , issue "Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan" : 7 Documents clear
PENGARUH KEKERINGAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN PERKEMBANGAN TANAMAN NYAMPLUNG (Callophylum inophyllum L.) DAN JOHAR (Cassia florida Vahl.) DARI PROVENAN YANG BERBEDA Nur Hidayati; Rina Laksmi Hendrati; Arie Triani; Sudjino Sudjino
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.942 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2017.11.2.99-111


Nyamplung (Callophylum inophyllum L.) and johar (Cassia florida Vahl.) are alternative plants that are resistant to drought. Global warming that occurred in the last few years caused extreme climate change, one of which is drought. The purpose of this research were to examine and determine the growth and development of plants and the response of morphology, physiology, and anatomy of these plants to drought condition, and adaptive species to drought. This research used drought stress treatment for 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, and 40 days, while control plants were watered every 2 days. Each treatment used 3 replications. Parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, proline levels, plant water content, total dry weight, root dry weight, stomata index, root anatomy, anatomy of stem, and leaf anatomy. Physiological data obtained were analyzed using T-test. The results showed that plants responded to drought stress by decreasing plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, root dry weight, total dry weight, water content of plants, transpiration rate, stomata lindex, root cortex thickness, leaf mesophyll thickness, leaf phloem thickness, other wise occurred increasing level of proline, root epidermis thickness, stem xylem diameter, stem cortical thickness and leaf xylem thickness. Johar plant was more adaptive plant to drought stress than nyamplung plant.
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (693.303 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2017.11.2.139-150


Suren (Toona sinensis) is a potential multipurpose species that is more cultivated at upland community forests, especially in Java and Sumatra islands. This research was aimed to assess the variation of fruit and seed morpho-physiological characters and to investigate the contribution of geoclimate and genetic factors on the fruit and seed morpho-physiological characters of suren. Seeds were collected from seven populations in West Sumatera, Jambi and West Java on March – May 2015. Morphological parameters measured were size and weight of fruits and seeds, while the physiological parameters measured were seed germination and storability. Analysis of variance revealed significant morpho-physiological differences among populations for all the morpho-physiological parameters studied. Cimalaka population provided the better seed quality compared to seed quality from the other populations, mainly for seed physiological parameters. Most of the parameters was not correlated with geo-climate factors, except for number of empty seed that negatively correlated with mean annual temperature and seed wing width negatively correlated with altitude. Genotypic variance and genotypic coefficient of variance for all fruit and seed parameters were found to be higher than corresponding environment variance and environment coefficient of variance, indicating that the genotype explained most of the variance for these parameters. In particular, high heritability values coupled with high genetic gain were found for germination capacity and germination speed. Principal component analysis of various parameters of fruit and seed revealed that most of the geographically distant populations are genetically close.
PENGARUH JENIS DAN KONSENTRASI ZAT PENGATUR TUMBUH PADA INDUKSI KALUS EMBRIOGENIK KLON CENDANA (Santalum album Linn.) Toni Herawan; Mohammad Na'iem; Sapto Indrioko; Ari Indrianto; Liliek Haryjanto; Titis Budi Widowati
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.498 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2017.11.2.151-158


Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) is a tree which has a high rate of natural sprouting ability. Eventhough the propagation by the conventional techniques (shoot and root cuttings) and by the tissue culture have been reported, the percentage of plants regeneration is still low. The propagation using somatic embryogenesis was reported as better result than using shoots multiplication technique or organogenesis. The objective of this research is to examine the effect of clones, type and concentration of plant growth regulator on the development embryogenic callus of sandalwood. The three tested clones are C1, C2, and C3. The plant growth regulators are 2.4-D, Dicamba, and Picloram with the three level of concentrations:1 mg/L, 3 mg/L, and 5 mg/L. The result of study showed that the clone of C3 performed best on embryogenic callus development. It was observed through morphological analysis that 58.12% of explants performed embryogenic callus with friable texture and white, yellowish in colours. However, there were not significant differences between the types of plant growth regulator, the level of concentrations and their interactions on embryogenic callus development of sandalwood
DEPRESI SILANG DALAM BIJI DAN SEMAI Melaleuca alternifolia Liliana Baskorowati
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.949 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2017.11.2.87-98


Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is known as an essential oil producer. This species is commercially important as a source of essential oil especially in Australia. To improve its oil quality, research on artificial pollination between plus trees were carried out. The information about self-incompatibility and inbreeding depression due to self-pollination should be ascertained to support the pollination success. This study was aimed at examining the self-incompatibility of tea tree by conducting controlled self-pollination and cross-pollination. Controlled cross and self-pollination were carried out at a seedling seed orchard of tea tree, using four mother trees as experimental samples. Natural self-pollination was undertaken by bagging nopened flowers, without emasculation and counting the number of capsule set. Open pollination was used as a control treatment, of which the number of unopened flowers and the number of capsule set were counted. Observations revealed that no capsule was found from controlled self pollination (with the index self-incompatibility = 0), even though natural self-pollination produced low number of capsules (with the index self-incompatibility = 0.24). Therefore, it can be assumed that high level of self-incompatibility was took place in tea tree. Inbreeding depression also existed in this species, revealed by the decreased number of capsul set, lower seed germination rate of self-pollinated seeds than cross pollinated seeds. The slower growth of self-pollinated seedlings than cross pollinated seedlings in the nursery also indicated that inbreeding depression occured.
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.345 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2017.11.2.113-122


High initial stand density is commonly practiced in forest plantations subjected to produce high quality logs through successive thinnings. In this study, genetically improved seed of Acacia mangium was verified in genetic gain trial using high initial stand density. The trial was established in Jonggol, West Java and laid out in randomized complete block design with high initial stand density of 2500 trees/ha or in spacing of 2 x 2 m. The improved seeds tested in the trial were collected from four seedling seed orchards (SSOs). As a control, unimproved seeds from seed production area (SPA) were also planted together in the trial. The assessment of stand volume productivity was periodically conducted at two, three and four years of age. The results of study showed that the improved seeds from the four SSOs out performed the unimproved one. However, the significant difference among the seed sources was initially found at the four years of age. The average stand volumes of improved seed were 58.56m3/ha, 94.87m3/ha and 163.8m3/ha for two, three, and four years of age, respectively. The superiority of improved seed over the unimproved one ranged from 23%-36% (two years), 6%-30% (three years) and 2%-22% (four years). The four SSOs showed different behaviours in response to high stand density. Improved seed from SSOs with higher selection intensity was likely to be more tolerant to high stand density.
UJI EFEKTIVITAS INSEKTISIDA TERHADAP HAMA Maruca testulalis PADA BIBIT MALAPARI (Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre) Benyamin Dendang; Endah Suhaendah
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.647 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2017.11.2.123-130


Maruca testulalis is one of pest on leaves of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre. leaf in nursery. The objective of this research was to compare the efficacy of insecticides on larvae population and degrees of damage intensity. The research used complete randomized design with five treatments and three replications. The treatments were control, azadirachtin 5 g/l, Bacillus thuringiensis 1 g/l, klorantraniliprol 1 g/l and monosultap 0.5 ml/l. The results showed that tested insecticides influence on the intensity of M. testulalis. Klorantraniliprol azadirachtin and monosultap insecticides were more effective to control the larvae of M. testulalis when compared to B. thuringiensis.
PENGARUH TEKNIK STERILISASI EXPLAN TERHADAP TINGKAT PEROLEHAN KULTUR JARINGAN AKSENIK RAMIN (Gonystylus bancanus) Asri Insiana Putri; Toni Herawan; Prastyono Prastyono; Liliek Haryjanto
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 11, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.826 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2017.11.2.131-138


Since 2005, ramin has been included in CITES Appendix II and according to IUCN red list, ramin is also regarded as vulnerable (VU A1cd). The Lack of information on explant sterilization techniques in ramin tissue culture is one reason why there has not been enough initiation to develop ramin micro propagation. Plant tissue culture contamination has economic impact due to its direct influence in losses during in vitro culture of plants. The aim of this study was to observe the influence of explants sterilisation technique on acquisition rate of ramin axenic tissue culture with the rate of contamination increase, acsenic culture acquisition and shoot elongation as parameters. Ramin seedlings as explants source were collected from Tumbang Nusa, Central Kalimantan. Fifty replicating explants of one nodule each in 3 techniques were used in this study based on in vitro incubation time: sterilization 1 (24 hours incubation), sterilization 2 (48 hours incubation) and sterilization 3 (72 hours incubation) with non metallic antimicrobial compounds namely detergent, ditiocarbamate with mankozeb active ingredient (compound A), a compound containing 5.25% NaOCl added sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen oxide (compound B), 70% alcohol (compound C) as explants surface sterilants. Murashige-Skoog was used as media for evaluation of sterilization technique and explants regeneration on one year incubation. The results of this study indicate that the lowest rate of contamination was found in sterilization 3 (28%) with the success number of axenic tissue culture at 46%. The average shoot elongation of the axenic culture was 5.91 cm after 12 months subcultured in every month.

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