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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
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Stomach Content Analysis of Mystacoleucus padangensis in Waters Naborsahan River and Toba Lake, Tobasa Regency, North Sumatra Province Wahyu Budiharti; Chaidir P Pulungan; Ridwan Manda Putra
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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Mystacoleucus padangensis is relatively small Cyprinids that commonly inhabit theToba Lake and surrounding waters. A study aims to understand the stomach contentand its relation with size, sex and level of maturity of gonads has been done onJanuary to April 2014. There were three stations, namely the Naborsahan River(Station I), river mouth of the Naborsahan River (Station II), and the Toba Lake(Stasiun III). There were 515 fishes captured, however only 52 fishes were used forstomach content analysis study as the other having almost empty stomach (stomachfullness index less than 50%. Parameters measured were Index of Preponderance(IP), type of food based on Total Length, sex, and maturity level. Results shown thatthe main food of this fish is Rotifera (IP 41.78%). Small fishes (less than 81 mm TL)tend consume Bacilliariophyceae (76.17%), medium sized (80 – 93 mm TL) fish tendto consume Cyanophyceae (39.87%), while the big fish (more than 139 mm TL)prefer to consume Rotifera 38.27-58.38%) and Xanthophyceae (52.51%). Based onsex, the male eat more Cyanophyceae (35.60%), while that of the female Rotifera(39.86%). Fish with relatively low maturity level (2nd and 3rd maturity levels) tend toeat Cyanophyceae (82.56%) and Bacilliariophyceae (76.29%) respectively, whilemature fish prefer Rotifers (81.58%). Based on data obtained, it can be concluded thatthe diet of M. padangensis was various, and it is related to body size, sex and gonadmaturity level.Keywords : Mystacoleucus padangensis, Stomach Content Analysis, PreponderanceIndex, Sumatera Utara
Distribusi dan Nisbah Kelamin Kerang Lokan (Polymesoda expansa) di Perairan Pantai Desa Sungai Bela Kecamatan Kuala Indragiri Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir ', Zefendra; ', Efriyeldi; ', Elizal
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2014. Eksploitasi kerang lokan (P.expansa) yang dilakukan nelayan selama ini tanpa memperhatikan ukuran yangditangkap mulai dari yang besar sampai yang relatif kecil. Tujuannya untukmengetahui distribusi dan nisbah kelamin kerang lokan. Metode survey digunakanpada 3 zona intertidal, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis sampel dilaboratorium.Kelimpahan kerang lokan tertinggi ditemukan pada zona upper sedangkankelimpahan yang terendah ditemukan pada zona lower. Nisbah kelamin pada zonalower seimbang, sementara zona middle dan upper sebaliknya, namun rata-ratanyaseimbang. Pola distribusi mengelompok pada zona upper dan merata pada zona lowerdan middle (Indeks morisita 1,052 dan 0,643) Analisis Chi – square memperlihatkansebaran yang tidak acak (χ2 hitung ˂ χ2 tabel).Kata kunci: Kerang Lokan (P. expansa), Distribusi, Nisbah Kelamin
Decrease In Organic Substances And H2S With Peat Water Treatment Continuous System For Media Life Goldfish (Cyprinus Carpio) Sunawiruddin Hadi; Budijono '; M. Hasbi
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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This study was conducted in April-May 2014 Tarai River Tarai Bangun Village Districts Tambang District Kampar in Riau Province. The purpose of this study were to reduce organic matter and H2S. The method was used in experimental to know a combined of tank unit and filtration. Results of organic matter during the observation reaches 93.47% effectivity and H2S with 96.8% effectivity. While the other parameters such as pH 7, temperature 28 0C, and DO 5 mg / l. in the control of organic matter and H2S quality standard that is still above organic substances and to H2S with an. Examination on fish survival rate in the processed water continuous peat at the end of the observation system has been able to support fish life test. Where to carp (Cyprinus carpio) survival achieve 100%. While examination to control all test fish death until the end of the observation.Keywords : organic matter, H2S, Water Peat, goldfish habitat
The Continuous Peat Water Treatment System To Lower Iron And Manganese as Live Media For Cyprinus carpio Rahmaddani Saputra; M. Hasbi; Budijono '
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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This study was conducted in May 2014 in the of River Tarai, Tarai Bangunvillage, Kampar distric, Riau province. The purpose of this study was to reduce levelsof Fe and Mn with peat water treatment system that is continuous under appropriateregulation of government of number 82 year 2001, so that the processed water iscontinuously peat can be used as a medium of live Cyprinus carpio. Analysis ofwater samples conducted in laboratory peat Public Works Department Pekanbaru.The method used in this study is an experimental method to operate the packetprocessing tools peat water continuously. The research used filter media is zeolite,mangrove charcoal and coarse sand. The results of the peat water treatment systemsshowed a continuous decrease in the concentration levels of metals Fe is 0.0238 mg/L with an average 94.01% decrease effectiveness. The continuous peat watertreatment system also shows decrease in the concentration of Mn levels is 0.0034 mg/ L with an average decrease of 97.55% effectiveness. This value metal rate of Fe andMn after processed have as according to regulation of government of number 82 year2001. While testing the system using peat treated water continuously performedduring the 4 days can support rate of survival for Cyprinus carpio about 100%.Keywords : Peat water treatment, kontiniu, Iron, manganese, Cyprinus carpio
The Effect Of Hook Type (Type J, Kirby And Cyrcle) On Longline Catches (Mini Long Line) In The Teluk Pambang, Subdistrict Bantan, District Bengkalis, Province Of Riau Muhamad Farhan; Nofrizal '; Isnaniah '
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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This study was conducted on 28 June to 5 July 2013 in the village of Bay Pambang Bengkalis Riau Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hook type (Type J, Kirby and Crycle) on long line catches (mini long line). The method used in this study is the experimental method. The results are presented in tables and histograms were analyzed using one way ANOVA formula. Based on the research it can be concluded that the type of hook J, Kirby and Cyrcel get the value of the average value of 2.77; 4.57 and 3.75. Where hook Cyrcel Kirby and more effective than the hook type A (Standard), from One Way Anova test hypotheses (Analisysisi of Variance) is 0089 less than the value of α = 0.05 level (p-value <α) gives the rate of fishing is not significantly different.Keywords : Long Line, Hook, Catch
The vertical profile of chlorophyll-a in pinang dalam lake Buluh cina village siak hulu subdistrict kampar district Riau province Arum Fuji R Manurung; Madju Siagian; Clemens Sihotang
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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This research has been done in the Pinang Dalam Lake Buluh Cina Village SiakHulu Subdistrict Kampar District Riau Province. This research aims to understand thevertical profile of chlorophyll-a in this lake. The research used survey method. Thechlorophyll-a samples were collected from three station namely station I at inlet of lake ,station II in the midle of lake and station III the end of lake. There were three samplingsites in each station were in the surface, 1.5 Secchi depth and 2.5 Secchi depth. Samplingwas done three times, once a week. The result shown chlorophyll-a concentration insurface :17.26 μg/L -21.44 μg/L, 1.5 secchi depth 11.60 μg/L-14.43 μg/L and in 2.5 secchidepth 9.98 μg/L - 12.41 μg/L. A chlorophyll-a concentration in surface higher than in the1.5 secchi depth and 2.5 secchi depth. The chlorophyll-a concentration decrease with thedepth. Water quality result shown pH:5; DO: 2.60-5.88 mg/L; CO2: 6.79-13.31 mg/L;nitrate: 0.0134-0,093 mg/L; phosphate: 0.03-0.15 mg/L; phytoplankton abundance:3,420,423-4,293,075 cell/L; depth: 180.67-429 cm; transparency: 52.5-54.5 cm;temperature: 28oC-28.34oC. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded the consentrationof chlorophyll-a in Pinang Dalam Lake showed the trophic status was mesotrophic and allwater quality still support the life of aquatic organisms.Keywords : Chlorophyll-a, the vertical profile, Pinang Dalam Lake
The Vertical Profile Of Phosphate In Pinang Dalam Lake Buluh China Village Siak Hulu Sub District Kampar District Riau Province Artauli Sigalingging; Madju Siagian; Clemens Sihotang
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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This study has been done in Pinang Dalam Oxbow Lake from January-February 2014. This research aims to understand the vertical profile of phosphatein Pinang Dalam oxbow lake. The research used survey method. The sample’swere taken from three station, the first station were at inlet, the second stationwere at middle of lake and the third station were at the end of lake. The measuringquality water parameters were depth, transparency, temperature, pH, dissolvedoxygen (DO), carbon dioxide and nitrate. Sampling vertical based ontransparency, namely at surface, 11/2Secchi depth, 21/2Secchi depth, and in thebottom of lake. The result shown the concentration of phosphate at the surface:0.03-0.04 Mg/L; in the 11/2Secchi depth: 0.07-0.09 Mg/L; in the 21/2Secchi depth:0.12-0.15 Mg/L and the bottom of lake: 0.15-0.19 Mg/L. The vertical profile ofphosphate showed the concentration increased with the increment of depth. Thewater quality parameter analyzed were temperature: 28oC–28.34oC; transparancy52.5-54.34 cm; depth: 180.67–429 cm; pH: 5; dissolved oxygen (DO): 1.64-5.88Mg/L; carbon dioxide: 6.79–14.65 Mg/L; nitrate: 0.01-0.13 Mg/L, andphytoplankton abudance: 3523363.7-4293075.48 cel/l. The concentration ofphosphate in Pinang Dalam Lake showed the tropic status was mesotropic and allthe water quality still support the aquatic organisms life.Keywords : Phosphate, the vertical profile, Pinang Dalam Lake
Shellfish abundance relationship sipetang (pharella Acutidens) and other macrozoobenthos in mangrove Forest dumai riau university marine station Juandi, Bona; Tanjung, Afrizal; ', Efriyeldi
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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The experiment was conducted in December 2013 in the mangroves ofDumai Riau University Marine Station. The method used in this study is a surveymethod, to make observations and field sampling. This study aims to determinethe relationship of the abundance of shellfish sipetang (Pharella acutidens) withother macrozoobenthos abundance in mangrove forests Dumai Riau UniversityMarine Station. Sampling was carried out sipetang and other macrozoobenthos inplace - a place that is found sipetang, the plot (plot) measuring 1m x 1m2,amounting to 12 and sediment samples were taken at each station.Macrozoobenthos species were found in mangroves of Dumai RiauUniversity Marine Station is Telescopium telescopium, Chicoreus capucinus,Geloina coaxans, Pitar manillae, Parasesarma cf. pictum, Uca coarctata andArenicola marina. Results for the four stations sipetang abundance in mangroveforests ranged from 6.67 to 9.67 ind/m2 while other macrozoobenthos abundanceranged from 7.00 to 9.67 ind/m2. Macrozoobenthos abundance relationships andother sipetang positive and very strong where the higher the higher the abundanceof macrozoobenthos abundance of shells sipetang.Keywords: Pariaman, macrozoobenthos, Distribution
Utilization pumpkin ( (curcubita moschata durch) as a color enhancer for Nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) dry noodles Nelsi Fibentia; Dahlia &#039;; N Ira Sari
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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This research was intended to evaluate the effect of pumpkin on the color of Nile Tilapia noodles. Four types of dry noodles were prepared from a mixture of wheat flour (60,3%), soda ash (0,9%), salt (0,3%), water (22,3%), egg (9,5%), carboxy methyl cellulose (0,6%), Nile tilapia meat (6,0%); and the mixture was added with pumpkin paste at a level of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% counted from wheat flour weight. The noodles were evaluated for color, odor, texture, taste , moisture, protein, ash and total bacterial count. The result showed that the color, taste and odor value of the noodles improve until the addition of pumpkin up to 20%, but the texture was decreased. Moisture of dry noodles which added with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% yellow gourd was 9,61%, 8,24%, 7,85%, 6,29%respectively; protein was 28,98%, 27,46%, 23,94%, 20,28%respectively; ash was 1,48%, 1,55%, 1,62%, 1,72% respectively; bacterial count was 3,7x105 sel/g, 3x105 sel/g, 1,8x105 sel/g, 1,6x105 sel/g respectively.Keyword: Dry noodles, Pumpkin (Curcubita moschata durch), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
The Study Of Instant Catfish (Pangasius Hypophthalmus) Protein Consentrate Sago Noodles Fortified With Spinach (Amaranthus Sp) Flour Harsul Lisan; Dewita &#039;; Syahrul &#039;
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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This research was conducted at the laboratory of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau, on July to August 2013. The research was intended to evaluate the effect of spinach flour fortification on nutritional value of instant catfish protein consentrate sago noodles. Four types of instant sago noodles were made from a mixture of sago (52,63%), catfish protein consentrate (7,89%) and water (39,47%) and the mixture was fortified with spinach flour at a level of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% counted from sago flour weight. The result showed that instant sago noodles which fortified with 5% spinach flour was the most acceptable. Moisture of instant sago noodles fortified with 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% spinach flour was 11,43%, 9,55%, 9,27%, 7,35% respectively; fiber was 1,88%, 2,29%, 4,30%, 5,16% respectively; ash was 0,80%, 1,32%, 4,70%, 7,07% respectively; calsium was 68,82%, 118,96%, 206,52%, 289,90% respectively; vitamin A was <0,5 IU, <0,5 IU, <0,5 IU respectively and total bacterial count was 12,36 x 105 sel/g, 11,51 x 105 sel/g, 10,80 x 105 sel/g, 7,48 x 105 sel/g respectively.Keywords: Sago flour, spinach flour, catfish protein consentrate, instant sago noodles.

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