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PENGGUNAAN DIALEK OSAKA DALAM KEHIDUPAN SEHARI-HARI –Studi Kasus Terhadap Mahasiswa Monbukagakushou Program Japanese Studies Tahun 2011– Hidayat, Syafril Rahmad
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Dialect is one of language variations. Japan is the one of many countries in the world that has many variations of dialects. One of them is Osaka’s dialect. The writer chose Monbukagakushou Japanese Studies Program’s participants as the respondents because dialect is one of the culture that one country’s had and this program were teaching them about Japanese language and culture. There are two problems to be solved for the study, namely: (1) What vocabularies are usually used by the Monbukagakushou Japanese Studies program participants; and (2) What grammars are known by Monbukagakushou Japanese Studies program’s participants. This study is using quantitative description. The data source is questionnaires that were answered by 23 Monbukagakushou Japanese Studies Program’s participants. The results will be collected, tabulated, classified, then analyzed. As the results, there are 16 vocabularies were usually used by the respondents. Among those vocabularies, [Akan] is the most commonly used by the respondents. In the other hand, among 28 grammars were written in the questionnaire, 9 of them were known well by respondents. Among 9 grammars, 4 of them were known very well by the respondents. They are, [V~hen], [V~hin], [V~temoee], and [V~tara akan]. These words are known by 21 respondents (91,30%).   Key words : Monbukagakushou Japanese Studies, Osaka dialect, Case Study
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Code mixing is the use of more than one language or code in a discourse although the pattern is not clearly understood. In the globalization era, Japan language has been influenced by the foreign culture. The example of this case is the code mixing of the texts of songs in Can’t Buy My Love Album. Problems in this research are (1) how is the form and type of code mixing in the text of Japan language songs in Can’t Buy My Love Album which are performed by Yui Yoshioka, and (2) how is the function of communication in the code mixing in the text of Japan language songs in Can’t Buy My Love Album which are performed by Yui Yoshioka. Research is qualitative descriptive. The objective of research is to obtain a descriptive view about code mixing in Japan song texts. Result of research indicates that there are four code mixings in the texts of Japan songs in Can’t Buy My Love Album. These four code mixings represent the form of code mixings which are the insertion of words, phrases, word replicates, and clauses. The type of song texts in Can’t Buy My Love Album is the external type of code mixing. There three functions of communication in Can’t Buy My Love Album, which are social communication, expressive communication and instrumental communication. The author suggests that other student shall carry out further research with the wider data source to obtain more variable results.   Keywords: Language, Language Variation, Code Shift, Code Mixing
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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A film is one of  literary works. American film has long been popular with recreating American history. Forrest Gump movie  is chosen to be analyzed in this thesis because it shows the reality and the western historical themes. To support the analysis of the main character, some theories of  the Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslows are utilized to get better understanding about the main character. Since the object of the study is a movie, the researcher also use the movie studies. The  formulated research problem  is on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs manifested  by the main character in  Forrest Gump the movie. The result of this study shows that the Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow is manifested by Forrest Gump, the main character in this movie. Little Forrest cannot walk properly without braces in his legs, but miraculously he can walk and even run. This kind of way  for being secure, from being bullied, brought him to reach all the impossible things that people think he cannot do. The satisfaction for being loved and belonging with his closest people taught him to face his own destiny. Being rich, famous and having a medal of honor, actually, he did not meant to do it. It is just all about caring, protecting and keeping the people around for being safe and having a comfortable live. Finally, he thought that maybe each people have their own destiny or just live floating around accidental-like on a breeze. At the last, Forrest has his destiny as a “godzilionaire”, a good friend, lovely husband, and a great man as a son and a father.  The other researchers need to do further studies and carry out other pieces of analysis reveal to the important and useful things in  Forrest Gump  the movie. The second possibility is the next researchers may keep using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs but they can have different object to analyze or they can use the same movie but different approach.Keywords: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization, Forrest Gump,   Forrest Gump The Movie.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This paper studies the Indonesian translation probability of a comic. The data source is a Japanese comic, detective Conan serial 66 by Aoyama Gosho. Thus, the result of the study was: There were 27 Japanese potencial verbs to be found in Detective Conan serial 66 by Aoyama Gosho. And the equivalent of bisa are 14 verb, dapat 1 verb, and 12 verbs untranslated.The percentages of probability are 0.51 for bisa, 0.03 for dapat, and 0.44 for untranslated verbs.   Key Word: Comic, Translation, Kanou Hyougen, Kanou Doushi, Probability.
Code Switching and Code Mixing Found in the Novel Supernova: Ksatria, Puteri dan Bintang Jatuh by Dewi Lestari -, Meilisa
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Language is a tool of communication from one person to another. They use English as one of the international language to be able to communicate with people from other nations. As we know, western culture has been spread in Indonesia especially in language terms. As a consequence, most of the Indonesian people use the variety of languages. The variety of language in Indonesia includes code switching and code mixing. The phenomenon of switching and mixing languages can be found in many aspects, for example in films, poems, songs, and novels. From this reason, the writer takes Supernova: Ksatria, Puteri dan Bintang Jatuh by Dewi Lestari novel as the object of this study because there are many code switching and code mixing terms of English and Indonesia used in this novel. This study investigated the types of code switching and code mixing which occur in the dialogues spoken by the main characters and the reasons why the characters switch or mix their dialogues. The writer used theories proposed by Hoffmann (1991). This study used a descriptive qualitative method because it provided description data. In addition, the writer described the type of code switching and code mixing of each utterance in the novel. The results showed from 108 utterances, 75 for Intra-sentential, 26 for Intersentential, four for intra-lexical, and three for establishing continuity with the previous speaker. It is because there are many of English terms that are familiar to them so that they can use in their utterances easily. The results also showed from 108 utterances, 26 utterances include reason talking about particular topic and eight other reasons also appear in the data. In conclusion, the writer found four types and nine reasons about the use of code switching and code mixing. The writer suggests the students of English Department to analyze code mixing and code switching in a movie or script. Besides, the next researcher can study more about other speech analysis such as presupposition and address terms.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: analisis wacana, fungsi bahasa, buku Akbar Zainudin.   Bahasa digunakan oleh orang untuk memudahkan komunikasi baik melalui wacana lisan maupun wacana tertulis. Karena wacana merupakan penggunaan dalam bahasa, banyak bahasa atau ekspresi memiliki fungsi-fungsi bahasanya. Peneliti melakukan sebuah penelitian tentang fungsi bahasa didalam buku ’10 Jalan Sukses Menghidupkan Prinsip Man Jadda Wajada’. Ada dua pokok permasalahan yang dipecahkan dalam penelitian, yaitu: (1) fungsi bahasa apa saja yang digunakan didalam bukunya Akbar Zainudin? ; (2) fungsi bahasa apa yang paling mendominasi yang digunakan dalam bukunya Akbar Zainudin? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menganalisa bagaimana fungsi dari penggunaan bahasa dalam bukunya Akbar Zainudin. Di sini, pendekatan deduktif dalam analisis kata demi kata digunakan untuk pengorganisasian fakta-fakta (yang berupa kata, makna, gambar, simbol, ide, tema, atau pesan yang dikomunikasikan) dalam data untuk membuat suatu kesimpulan. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kutipan-kutipan dari keseluruhan bab dari buku. Penelitian ini menemukan 5 fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh Akbar Zainudin; fungsi directive, poetic, referential, metalinguistic, dan contextual. Fungsi bahasa yang paling mendominasi yang digunakan adalah fungsi referential dan contextual. Ada 2 fungsi yang tidak digunakan oleh Akbar Zainudin, yaitu fungsi emotive dan phatic. Wacana tertulis digunakan oleh penulis buku untuk membangun pemahaman pembaca melalui filosofi kehidupan didalam kutipannya.   Akhirnya, peneliti memberikan saran untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dan untuk mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Inggris. Saran untuk penelitian lebih lanjut, penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman penelitian lebih lanjut karena studi ini merupakan bukti dari fungsi bahasa yang digunakan sebagai motivasi melalui filosofi kehidupan. Kemudian, saran untuk mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Inggris, penelitian ini dapat menjadi salah satu dari kumpulan implikasi mengenai analisis wacana yang menggunakan fungsi bahasa sebagai alat untuk memotivasi pembaca. Dengan adanya studi ini, mahasiswa jurusan sastra Inggris dapat mencari sumber lain dalam menganalisis fungsi bahasa, sehingga mereka dapat menghindari kesamaan pada penelitian.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This paper studies the positive and negative politeness strategy proposed by the author. The study uses qualitative description used to explain the result.  The data source is aRich Man Poor Woman of Japanese drama. The result of the study was: There were 28 declarative sentences consisted of politeness strategies to be found inRich Man Poor Woman drama. These strategies consisted of positive strategies : (1) Notice, attend to H :his interests, wants, needs, goods. (2) Exaggerate: interests, symphaty with H. (3) Intensify interest to H. (4) Avoid agreement: Token agreement, pseudo- agreement, white lies, hedging opinions. (5) Presuppose/raise/assert common ground: gossip, small talk. (6) Joke. (7) Assert or presuppose S’s knowledge of and concern for H’s wants. (8) Offer, promise. (9) Be optimistic. (10) Include both S and H in the activity. (11) Give or ask for reasons. (12) Seek agreement:safe topics, repetition.These strategies consisted of negative strategies : (1) Be pessimistic. (2) Impersonalize S and H. (3) State the FTA as a general rule. (4) Nominalize. (5) Go on record as incurring a debt, or as not indebting H. Key Word: Declarative sentence, Politeness
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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The study, entitled the speech act in the drama Buzzer Beat Mika Omori's work is used to understand the function of speech acts and that is reflected in a drama. Speech act theory used in this study using the theory of Yule. This research uses descriptive qualitative method because the data collected is not a number, but a speech about the types and functions of speech acts in the drama Buzzer Beat Mika Omori analyzed works together - the same. The results in this study found the speech act locutions totaling 8 data, representative illocutionary speech acts numbered 6 Data, expressive illocutionary speech acts totaling 17 data 24 Data directive speech acts, illocutionary speech acts commissive totaling 13 data, the illocutionary speech act 2 data declarations and acts perlokusi said there are 10 data. Then also found 4 communication functions ie competitive, fun, cooperation and conflict. Key Word: Speech acts, pragmatics, Buzzer Beat
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Equality, rights and women position are what women desire. The position of women at their era made women who are called feminist initiate a movement to gain equal rights with men. The movie entitled Made in Dagenham revealed the struggles of the women who worked at Ford, a car factory in the town of Dagenham, against the stereotypes attached to women to get equal pay with men. This research uses a feminism approach that focuses on Marxist feminism. This study also uses the concept of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. The result of the study reveals women are treated unfairly in a society that has been established to prioritize men. The movie Made in Dagenham showed one example of injustice faced by the women of the working class. They obtain a lower salary than male workers. Rita O'Gardy, the main character in this movie leads the movement that aim to get equal pay for women and break the stereotype that women are unskilled labors.     Key words: Stereotype, women, men, equality, salary.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 5 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Women are created equal with men. That is why they need to be treated well in social life. Every people should not differentiate women and men because they have same rights. Their rights are rights which inherent in human nature and existence. Nevertheless domination of patriarchy still emerges in social life. Men still consider women as the weak creatures. Many men still underestimate everything done by women. They think that women cannot do the works which are usually done by men and women are forced to obey everything they said. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine how the depiction of social injustice toward women by LAPD in performing their authority in wrong way and how the struggle of a woman in her fight for her rights to get her missing son. And it is also to describe the message of Changeling the movie to the audience. Focus of this research study uses a feminist analysis of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a Radical Feminist figure, which discusses gender inequality presented in Changeling as research material. The writer uses gender inequality developed by Gilman. Gilman thinks that women and men have different sex principles and women are seen more weak than men by their culture. The results indicate a violation of women’s right by the policemen, that is Christine which is forced by police to admit a child who is not her son. And the police also put her in a psychopathic ward for refusing police orders. But the character of Christine in the film depicts a strong woman who will not give up though oppressed by men because she does it for his son.   Keywordws : Women's Struggle, Social Justice, Patriarchy System, Radical Feminist, Chngeling Movie.

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