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The Changes of Dorian’s Personality to be Narcissistic Caused by His Environment Reflected in Oscar Wilde’s Novel The Picture of Dorian Gray OEMAYA, IRMA
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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God creates human with the biological aspect as the foundation that build someone from the body, personality, character, etc, and biological is not the only factor that build some one’s character. There are some key factors, which provoke particular changes in human character, and these aspects can be divided into two groups, internal and external. Everyone has different personality and character, and they also have bad side and good side inside them, which is the most strongest side will be seen clearly as they wants.The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel with uncommon theme or supernatural thing. Yet the real theme which is going to be analyzed deal with the change Dorian’s character a handsome young man from  innocent nature into an evily selfish person. Dorian Gray was a pure man until his meeting with Lord Henry brought him to realize that beauty is everything. The writer will use psychologycal approach to analyze possible cause of Dorian’s changes, and the psychological theory in this thesis is Narcissistic Personality Disorder.Later on Narcissistic Personality Disorder proves to be a complete and scientific theory to be used to analyze Dorian’s changes towards his attitudes. The thesis writer finds out that Dorian’s attitude after the change such as his selfishnessand show-off are actually caused by Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Keywords: Character, Attitude, Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Idiom, Novel, Beautiful Creatures This study aims at examining the classification and the meaning of idioms,also the function of idioms used in the dialogues of the main character in novelBeautiful Creatures. There are three problems of the study: (1) the classifications of idioms used in novel Beautiful Creatures, (2) the meaning of the dialogues containing idioms found in novel Beautiful Creatures, and (3) the function of idioms used in novel Beautiful Creatures. This study uses qualitative approach with content or document analysis because it focuses on analyzing the idioms used by the main character of BeautifulCreatures. This study applies the theory of Seidl and McMordie (1988) in term ofclassification and the meaning of idioms, and the theory of McCarthy and O’Dell(2010) for the functions of idiom.This study reveals nine types of idioms stated by the main character of Beautiful Creatures.  The writer found 31 (thirty one) keywords with idiomaticuses; 5 (five) idioms with nouns and adjectives; 5 (five)  idiomatic pairs; 2 (two)idioms with preposition; 7 (seven) phrasal verbs; 4 (four) verbal idiom; 2 (two)idioms for special subjects; 3 (three) idioms containing special keywords; and 8(eight) idioms as comparison. The meanings of idioms that had been found varies and they depend on the context. The functions of idiom that were found are: to emphasize a statement of certain condition; to comment on people; to comment on situation; to make and anecdote more interesting; and to catch the reader’s eye.The writer hopes the next writers can use the findings of the research as anadditional reference and expects that this research can make them understandmore about idioms in semantics. In addition, the writer also recommends that the next writers use different object and different theory to conduct the research on other problems and theory.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Psychoanalysis, anxiety, defense mechanisms, Greg Heffley, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. People who live in a society must interact with other people around them and experience many events in their life. Interaction and experience that people have in their daily life their life can shape their personality. In the process of personality development, people face many events in their life whether is good or bad. Usually, people will feel anxious when they face bad events. People whocannot handle their anxiety will try to defense themselves to reduce their anxietyby using defense mechanisms. The phenomena of defense mechanisms can beseen in Greg Heffley as the main character in film entitled Diary of a Wimpy Kid.This study aims to reveal how defense mechanisms employed by Greg Heffleybecause of the anxiety that he feels while he interacts with certain people around him.This study uses psychological approach to discover how defense mechanisms employed by Greg Heffley. Then, the theory that will be used is Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis theory discusses about human personality found by Sigmund Freud. Some parts of psychoanalysis theory is about anxiety that drives people to do defense mechanisms. In this study, some types of defense mechanisms employed by the main character to reduce his anxiety.In this film, Greg Heffley as the main character always shows his anxiety because he always gets problems with certain people around him, such as Rowley Jefferson, Patty Farrell, Rodrick Heffley, Manny Heffley, Quentin, Mrs. Irvine and Fregley. The problems with them appear when Greg Heffley tries to achieve his goal, that is to be voted in a class favorite. To reduce his anxiety, he tries to defense himself by using defense mechanisms. There are five defense mechanisms used by Greg Heffley such as denial, rationalization, displacement, sublimation and introjection. Then, the anxiety that occurred to him are realistic anxiety and moralistic anxiety.For the next researchers who want to analyze this film, they can use psychology theory from different theorist such as The Hierarchy of Human Needs by braham H. Maslow. They can also analyze this film by using the other theory if it is possible.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: language and gender differences, status updates, theme, expression word. This research focuses on analyzing the differences between male and female status updates on twitter. Twitter is one of the most popular social networking and also a one kind of tool for communicating to each other, besides we can get accurate information and it’s not only a friendship media. When people updated status, it has differences from one another. Every person has individual own style in writing a tweet. So, the writer takes problems as: (1) what themes of males and females status updates on twitter are. (2) What males and females vocabulary are used to express their feelings in status updates on twitter.This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The writer chooses 5 males and 5 females most active users from twitter. Then the writer takes minimum 5 status updates from each selected user. In this case the writer takes the data fromtwitter. The data is in Bahasa Indonesia. In the finding, the writer inserts intoseveral categories based on the sentences of the status updates.The result of this study shows, that the users both males and females,mostly share about social life, the second, they share about lifestyle, the third isabout their life’s trouble, and then the fourth, talk about sport. Besides, they talk about law especially about corruption, and the last is talking about news. And also some of the user uses the same vocabulary to express their feelings or to emphasize certain effects on them. Sometimes, the users add emoticons andautotexts which are basically used to make the conversation easier on the internet. There are some differences between males and females status updates on twitter, like choices of word, the use the words to express their feeling. Male users mostly use straight to the point sentence, where women used flowery or more expressive sentences. Male tend to be rougher, used swear or taboo words, but female have more reputable and prestigious and also less slangy. Sometimes, they quote a song’s lyric and a passage from a book to make a status updates on twitter.As the conclusion that, the status updates of males and females usersmostly have the same theme. They made a status updates about social life in their daily life, lifestyle, and also trouble of their life. And also some of the user used the same vocabulary to express their feeling or to emphasize certain effects on them.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Tindak tutur, Tindak tutur meminta maaf, Strategi meminta maaf Bahasa lisan yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mencakup hubungan langsung yang kemudian akan terjadi sebuah percakapan antar individu atau antar kelompok. Percakapan yang terjadi antar individu atau antar kelompoktersebut mengakibatkan adanya tindak tutur. Salah satu bentuk dari tindak tutur tersebut adalah meminta maaf, yang merupakan bagian dari jenis tindak tutur ilokusi. Tindak tutur meminta maaf terdapat pada seluruh komunitas bahasa, tidak terkecuali dengan masyarakat Jepang yang memang dikenal dalam bertindak tutur berusaha menghindari sikap yang kurang baik terhadap lawan tutur. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, diadakan penelitian yang berjudul “Strategi Penggunaan Tuturan Meminta Maaf dalam Bahasa Jepang Pada Film Kimi Ni Todoke Karya Naoto Kumazawa”. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah : (1) Apa sajakah strategi meminta maaf dalam bahasa Jepang pada film Kimi Ni Todoke karya Naoto Kumazawa, dan (2) Bagaimanakah penggunaan tuturan meminta maaf dalam bahasa Jepang pada film Kimi Ni Todoke karya Naoto Kumazawa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data yang diambil berasal dari film Kimi Ni Todoke karya  sutradara Naoto Kumazawa. Adapun cara menganalisisnya yaitu dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil dalam  penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada lima strategi meminta maaf yang digunakan pada film Kimi Ni Todoke, yaitu (1) Strategi meminta maaf secara eksplisit (EKS), (2) Strategi meminta maaf secara eksplisit dan memberipenjelasan (EKS-MPJ), (3) Strategi meminta maaf secara eksplisit dan mengakubertanggung jawab (EKS-MBJ), (4) Strategi meminta maaf secara eksplisit, menawarkan ganti rugi,dan berjanji tidak megulangi (EKS-MGR-BJ), dan (5)Strategi meminta maaf secara eksplisit, memberi penjelasan, dan menawarkanganti rugi (EKS-MPJ-MGR). Tuturan meminta maaf yang terdapat dalam film Kimi Ni Todoke ada lima tuturan, yaitu gomennasai, sumimasen, moushiwakearimasen, shitsurei shimashita, dan warui. Penggunaan tuturan meminta dalambahasa Jepang tersebut berbeda-beda tergantung pada situasi antara penutur dan lawan tutur.Penulis menyarankan kepada pembelajar, khususnya pembelajar bahasa Jepang maupun sastra Jepang untuk meneliti lebih lanjut mengenai tindak tuturmeminta maaf dan mungkin mengenai tindak tutur yang lainnya. Selain itu,meneliti lebih lanjut mengenai tuturan-tuturan meminta maaf dalam bahasaJepang selain yang dibahas oleh penulis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci :Sinonim, adjektiva, majime, shinken, honki Seperti halnya dengan bahasa Indonesia, di dalam bahasa Jepang juga terdapat sinonim. Sinonim adalah kata yang maknanya mendekati kata lain. Pada penelitian ini, penulis meneliti mengenai adjektiva majime, shinken dan honki, dimana ketiga adjektiva tersebut mempunyai makna yang sama yaitu serius. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah anime bakuman season 1 dan season 2, dimana masing-masing season berjumlah 25 episode. Pada penelitian ini data yang terkumpul berjumlah 57 data, yang terdiri dari majime 17 data, shinken 14 data dan honki 26 data. Dari data-data tersebut penulis melakukan analisis mengenai persamaan dan perbedaan dari ketiga.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan dan persamaan  adjektiva majime, shinken dan honki adalah sebagai berikut. 1. Majime mengarah pada serius untuk orang, pemikiran dan situasi. Selainbermakna serius, majime juga mempunyai makna lain yaitu rajin, jujur atautulus. 2. Shinken bermakna serius pada sutu hal dan perbuatan yang sedang dilakukan.3. Honki bermakna serius pada keyakinan, niat dan keinginan terhadap suatu hal atau perbuatan.4. Dari segi subjek,  majime digunakan untuk orang yang sudah akrab dan belum terlalu akrab, sementara shinken dan honki digunakan untuk orang yang sudahakrab.  5. Shinken dan honki dapat digunakan untuk objek perbuatan berupa pertarungan dan pertandingan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Cooperative Principle, Flouting of Maxims, Sarah Sechan Talk ShowThis study examines the flouting of maxims that happens in Sarah Sechan talk show in the episode of Fitri Tropica on Net TV. This study is conducted to answer the problems of the study namely what maxims that are flouted and to what extent the maxims are flouted by the host and the guest in Sarah Sechan talk show episode of Fitri Tropica on Net TV in terms of the classification of the flouted maxims, the implication of flouted of maxims and the purpose of the flouting of maxims.This study uses qualitative approach since the data is performed in the form ofword rather than numbers. The data is the utterances that contain flouted maxims and the data source is the transcription of the talk show which is the episode with the guest Fitri Tropica. The researcher collects the data by reading the transcription very carefully and then listing the utterances that contain flouted maxims. Thus, the researcher identifies the flouted maxims and analyzes them and finally draws a conclusion.The researcher found that all maxims are flouted in the show. There are 46utterances that contain flouting of maxims in the show. The most frequently flouted maxim is maxim of relation which is 15 utterances. The second most frequently flouted maxim is maxim of quality which is 12 utterances and third is maxim of quantity which is 8 utterances. The least frequently flouted maxim is maxim of manner which is 4 utterances. The researcher also found there are 7 utterances which contain overlap maxims. The flouting frequently happens because the speaker wants to avoid being explicit in answering the question related to personal life. Besides, the flouting is frequently used to create a joke in the sake of entertainment in the show.For the next researcher, it is recommended that they conduct the study offlouting of maxims using the other theory. The researcher also suggests the next researchers conduct a research on the flouting of maxims in other object for example; radio shows, comics, books, magazines or videos on the internet to broaden the understanding of flouting of maxims phenomenon.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Analisis Kesalahan, Gairaigo. Pembelajaran huruf merupakan salah satu kendala yang dialami oleh siswaSMA dalam mempelajari bahasa Jepang, terutama huruf Katakana yang digunakan dalam penulisan Gairaigo (Kata serapan). Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui kesalahan yang terjadi, faktor-faktor yang menyebabkanterjadinya kesalahan, serta solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk menghindarikesalahan dalam penulisan gairaigo oleh siswa kelas bahasa di MAN RejosoJombang.Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini penggabungan 2 pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dengan melakukan pengumpulan data melalui tes danangket oleh 40 siswa. Analisis data yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data hasil tes dan mencocokkan dengan kunci jawaban, mengklasifikasi letak kesalahan danpenyebab kesalahan, membuat persentase, menganalisis dan menarik kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 5 kesalahan. Kesalahan tersebut yaitu konsonan rangkap/ganda sejumlah 30%, konsonan lain ditambah vokal u sejumlah 29%, konsonan panjang sejumlah 22%, konsonan t dan d berakhiran o sejumlah 12%, konsonan pendek sejumlah 7%. Selain itu, juga ditemukan 4penyebab kesalahan yaitu lingkungan, bahasa ibu, pendapat populer daninterferensi.Solusi yang dapat digunakan oleh siswa untuk mengurangi kesalahan dalam penulisan gairaigo diantaranya adalah giat menghafal dan berlatih menulis huruf Katakana dan kata serapan serta mempelajari perubahan kata ke dalambahasa Jepang.Penulis menyarankan peneliti selanjutnya melakukan penelitian mengenaigairaigo (kata serapan), dengan kesalahan penulisan melalui chokai (menyimak). Selain itu, instrumen penelitian melalui angket dapat diganti dengan wawancara agar memberikan jawaban yang detail.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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There are general words and terms which is used in military language in movie “Shooter”. In its subtitles or movie transcripts, many words and terms in general context are found on in certain scene, where the scene is taking place. To put it simply, a word in general context, when used by military force, it gives different meaning. As such, those English learners who do not know such language will encounter difficulty to learn them as some of them may have certain interest. Describing the militarized words and terms in precise interpretation is the main concern. Therefore, attempt carefully interpretation is require to describe militarized words and terms in order to avoid word confusion.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci : novel misteri, majutsu wa sasyaku, lingkaran motivasi.Novel misteri adalah salah satu novel yang menyuguhkan suatu cerita dengan ciri khas tertentu, yaitu adanya teka-teki yang harus dipecahkan dan pastinya membuat para pembaca merasa penasaran hingga akhir cerita. Umumnyajenis novel ini menceritakan tentang tokoh utama yang selalu menghadapi bahaya dan kriminalitas dari pelaku. Pemilihan novel yang dibahas ini berjudul Majutsu wa Sasayaku dan difokuskan  pada motif pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh tokoh utama. Untuk membahas pembunuhan tersebut diperlukannya sebuah teori yang dapat mengungkapkan motif yang dilakukan Shinjiro Harasawa. Pendekatan teori yang tepat untuk menggambarkan motif pembunuhan adalah lingkaran motivasi oleh psikologi personologi Henry Murray. Adapun rumusan masalahnya: Motif apa sajakah yang melatarbelakangi pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Shinjiro Harasawa dalam Novel Majutsu wa Sasayaku karya Miyuki Miyabe.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motif pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh Shinjiro Harasawa tersebut disebabkan karena kebutuhan prestasi dan kebutuhan afiliasi yang tidak dapat terpenuhi dan muncul kebutuhan baru yangbersifat buruk yaitu kebutuhan agresi serta kebutuhan dominasi yang kemudiankebutuhan ini dapat terpenuhi dan menyebabkan bertingkah laku buruk. Untukpenelitian selanjutnya, penulis menyarankan dapat menggunakan kajian dekontruksi dalam mengkaji tingkat kepentingan untuk membangun cerita tersebut. Hal ini, dapat dilihat dari karakter Kazuko Takagi yang sebagai penyebab kasus pembunuhan itu terjadi ataupun dengan menggunakan pendekatan yang sama yaitu Psikologi personologi dengan bahan kajian yang berbeda karena pendekatan yang digunakan ini hampir sama dengan Abraham Maslow Psikologi Humanistik dari aspek kebutuhan manusia.

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