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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Woman Movement, Feminism, Woman Struggle, Early NineteenthCentury, Young Victoria Women movement is a women’s action to break down the patriarchy system which evolves in society. Women in early nineteenth century are different with women in modern era like now. Women in modern era tend to be more independent while women in early nineteenth century tend to be passive. This study examines women movement in early nineteenth century. Based on culture in that era, women and men have difference of right. They have different right of voting right, to decide their life choice and to get formal education. Women are not allowed to join formal education. Therefore, this study will examine the different right of women that shows in Young Victoria movie.This study uses feminism theory to know the women movement breaking down the patriarchy system in society and struggle their right in order to get the same right to men. Materialist feminism by Lois Tyson is used as the main theory. It states that women are free to choose their life to get their right. This theory is the appropriate theory to analyze the struggle of women to choose their career and life among the society. In addition to it, cinematography theory by Blain Brown and Gianetti are also applied to support the analysis of the visual image.This study reveals the women movement in the early nineteenth century in England which is done by a woman named Victoria, a Queen of England and the longest reigning British sovereign to date. Victoria has successes to break the patriarchy system. A patriarchy system is a system where men are in authority over women in all aspects of society and the position of women is under than men. In this case Victoria tries to break the patriarchy system to be independent and prove that women can be equal with men, women are not always as delicate and emotional creature, and women also can be tough and logical creature. Victoria’s actions do men’s activities such as play archery, chess and horse riding are her brave movements to break down the patriarchy system because we know that, women aren’t allowed to do that things because women are demanded not to do danger and brain activity. Victoria successfully breaks the stereotype that explains women as delicate and emotional creature to be tough, logical and brave creature by doing that activity.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci : film, food and literary studies, mise-en-scene, sastra kuliner, soul food, udon Karya sastra merupakan cerminan dari suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk karya sastra adalah film. Skripsi ini membahas tentang gambaran udon sebagai soul food Jepang. Soul food merupakan sebuah istilah untuk menyebut makanan tradisional orang Afrika-Amerika yang muncul pada masa perbudakan di Amerika Serikat. Menurut digital daijisen dan daijirin daisanpan, soul food adalah masakan spesifik dan populer pada daerah tertentu; suatu makanan yang tidak bisa dilewatkan dalam pola makan sehari-hari oleh individual atau suatu wilayah tertentu. Penulis menggunakan film Udon karya sutradara Katsuyuki Motohiro sebagai sumber data. Film Udon menceritakan tentang Kosuke dan kawan-kawannya dalam sebuah petualangan di dunia kuliner Jepang, khususnya udon, serta antusias masyarakat Jepang lainnya terhadap kuliner Jepang yang disebut-sebut sebagai The Soul Food Of Japan tersebut. Penulis menggunakan kajian food and literary studies dan konsep soul food karena saling berkaitan, dan disusul dengan teori mise-en-scene untuk membantu menganalisis film tersebut. Selain itu, fakta tentang udon di Jepang juga diperlukan karena skripsi ini membahas tentang cerminan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan udon sebagai soul food Jepang.Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa udon layak disebut sebagai soul food Jepang karena udon merupakan masakan spesifik dan populer di Jepang, dan udon merupakan suatu makanan yang tidak bisa dilewatkan dalam pola makan sehari-hari masyarakat Jepang. Kemudian intisari dari soul food itu sendiri, yakni sebuah identitas dan prinsip hidup. Serta fakta bahwa masyarakat Jepang tidak hanya mengonsumsi udon sebagaimana layaknya makanan, melainkan udon jugadifungsikan ke dalam segi sosial, agama dan budaya.Pada penelitian selanjutnya terhadap film ini, penulis menyarankan untuk menganalisis perubahan sudut pandang Kosuke dengan psikologi sastra atau menggunakan konsep atau disiplin ilmu lainnya yang berkaitan dengan makananseperti nilai estetika terhadap makanan dalam budaya Jepang. Harapannya, penelitian ini dapat membantu para pembelajar bahasa Jepang dan peminat budaya untuk memahami budaya Jepang, khususnya makanan, serta untuk memperluas khazanah bacaan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : psychological, id, ego, super ego, defense mechanism, mise-en-sceneLiterature has a close relationship with psychology. They have the same object, that is human being. In the development of literature, movie is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. Confessions of Shopaholic the movie tells about the struggle of a woman as the main character who suffers psychological problem when she is at the shop. She wants to buy many things that she want. She still loves shopping even though she was being chased by a debt collector.This research uses qualitative approach to analyze the object of the study. Freudian psychoanalysis theory used to solve the problem that is the psychological problem faced by Rebecca and how she copes with her psychological problem. Defense mechanism is the strategy developed by the ego to protect against anxiety. Defense mechanisms are expected to keep the mind against feeling and thoughts that are too hard for conscious mind to overcome. The writer also analyzes the mise-en-scene of each scene to help her understand more about the Rebecca’s personality. Mise-en-scene refers to all objects in a specific frame and character primarily refers to the composition of the frame.The research shows that Rebecca has psychological problem that is anxiety.She does a denial as a defense mechanism for relieving her id. However she is finally able to cope with her psychological problem by watching the tutorial from the author of “Control Your Urge to Shop” by Garret E. Barton, joining the shopaholic community, write “The Girl with Green scarf”, sell all her goods that she has bought by her credit card to pay her debts.Furthermore, the writer suggests the next researcher to analyze other aspects like defense mechanism that arise in Confessions of Shopaholic movie. It is because there are still many aspects that can be explored by using different theory approaches such as semiotics.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Depression, Jungian Dream, Personality, For One More Day. For One More Day by Mitch Albom portrays a psychological condition of human being. It is one of the novels that explores that issue, especially regarding dreaming in depressive condition and personality changes. These things can be identified through the character, named Charles Benetto, as the representation of human in the reality. Therefore, the objectives of this study are: (1) to explore the relation between Charles’ depression and his dream (2) to discover how Charles’ dream changes his personality.This study is carried out using qualitative approach since the psychological phenomenon of the main character is analyzed in descriptive ways. Jungian dream and personality theories are applied in analyzing the data that are found in the novel. Charles, the main character of the novel, has several symptoms as depressed person after facing several problems in his life that happen within his family. The causes and desires regarding his depression remain in his unconscious. Those affect his mind and later appear in his dream. He dreams about things that worry him and wishes that are unfulfilled. This dream gives a great influence on Charles’ personality in the future since in the dream he gets several life lessons through the conversation with his deceased mother and expectation that is finally met. In conclusion, there is a relation between Charles’ depression and his dream, and his dream affect the change of Charles’ personality in the future.Hopefully, the next researchers can analyze more about how Charles personality develops since childhood to adolescence and as a divorced child. Things about divorcement that is portrayed in the novel can also be explored more.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Cooperative Principles, Flouting Maxims, Intended Meanings, Wreck-it Ralph Animated Movie Paul Grice proposes a cooperative principle that consists of four maxims to make an effective and efficient communication in conversation. However, in the real life, people do not always obey this principle. This phenomenon is called flouting of maxim. The researcher conducts a research on flouting of maxims in “Wreck-it Ralph” animated movie where the main characters produce utterances flouting maxims. There are two problems to solve in this research: (1) what maxims are flouted by the main characters in the animated movie entitled Wreck-it Ralph? and (2) what are the intended meanings of the utterances being flouted by main characters in the animated movie entitled Wreck-it Ralph?This research used the qualitative approach because it was intended to describe the flouted maxims produced by the main characters in Wreck-it Ralph animated movie. The type of analysis in this research is document analysis. The data were the main characters’ utterances flouting maxims, and the data source was the script of Wreck-it Ralph movie.The results showed that there were four kinds of maxims flouted by the main characters totaling 28 utterances. The mostly flouted is maxim of manner. The next was the maxim of relation, maxim of quantity, and the fewest is maxim of quality. There are some intended meanings found in the utterances flouted by the main characters, such as to make conversation serious or funny, to avoid a conflict, to show good impression, to give proof, to make some surprise, to hide bad issue, and to show some regard.From this research, the researcher suggests that the next researchers analyze the flouting of maxim in different object because there are many interesting objects such as novel, comic, debate, talk show, or the other objects that more unique and interesting that can be found in this modern era.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Bentuk Dominasi Bangsawan Fujiwara, Dominasi, Novel, Sosiologi Sastra Dominasi adalah suatu keadaan dimana pihak yang lebih kuat akan berpengaruh danmenonjol terhadap pihak yang lebih lemah, dan biasanya akan menimbulkan dampak yang negatif. Dominasi bisa terjadi di berbagai bidang seperti politik, hukum, ekonomi, budaya, agama, kesehatan, pendidikan, olahraga, dan lain-lain.Pada penulisan skripsi ini penulis membahas tentang dominasi yang dilakukan oleh klan bangsawan Fujiwara dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja yang dilakukan oleh klan bangsawan ini untuk mendominasi dan menguasai seluruh kehidupan di zaman Heian. Pada penyusunan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian sosiologi sastra,khususnya yang berkaitan dengan hubungan karya sastra dengan kehidupan masyarakat. Dalam skripsi ini sendiri, dominasi yang dilakukan oleh klan Fujiwara merupakan suatu gambaran kelompok masyarakat yang mendominasi sehingga menjadi suatu kelompok masyarakat yang kuat dan berkuasa di zaman Heian.Berdasarkan temuan dan analisa dari novel tersebut, menunjukkan bahwa kondisi zaman Heian yang kacau balau disebabkan karena klan Fujiwara yang berkuasa pada zaman Heian sangat mendominasi di seluruh segi kehidupan dan pemerintahan, khususnya dalam bidang politik, bidang ekonomi, dan juga bidang hukum.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Countertype, Belgians, Congolese, The Adventure Of Tintin, Congo.Comic is one of the literary works created as an entertainment that entertains people who read it. In addition, comic as entertainment can also be primarily used as a means to express the feelings, depict events or criticize events that had happened in a current time. In the comic entitled the Adventure of Tintin: Reporter for Le PetitVingtieme in the Congo there are some countertypes appear in the story inserted by the writer. In this research, the researcher presented two problems of the studies, the first is whatthe countertypes done by the Belgian are and second is how the social condition influences the story of the comic is. Those problems of study will be the object of this research.In this research, the researcher used sociological approach to know the socialcondition in the country as the setting of the comic. The researcher used theory ofstereotype from Nachbar and Lause in a book entitled Popular Culture: An Introductory Text (1992). This theory explains about how the image of a group is created.In findings, the researcher found that things or actions done by the Belgian in the comic is to show that they are kind people. Those are in contrast from the reality where in fact Belgium was the colonizers.The researcher suggests the next researcher to discuss the politic issue using theory of hegemony. It is will be discus about the portrayal of Tintin as representation of Belgian which always helps the Congolese in the comic. Those things are used to erase the bad experiences and used by Belgium to keeps the relation between Congo,because Congo has so many nature resources that will be taken by Belgium and willgives benefit for Belgium.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: drama, Monster Parent, monsuta pearento, orangtua, permintaan tidak masuk akal Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, fenomena merupakan hal-hal yang dapat disaksikan dengan panca indra dan dapat diterangkan serta dinilai secara ilmiah. Sebuah fenomena dapat memberikan pengaruh positif dan negatif terhadap lingkungannya. Salah satu dampak negatif tersebut adalah fenomena monsuta pearento. Monsuta pearento merupakan sebutan bagi orangtua yang mengajukan permintaan yang cenderung kurang masuk akal dan berlebihan terhadap pihak sekolah. Besarnya dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh fenomena ini bagi hubungan orangtua serta guru, hingga pada tahun 2008 fenomena ini diangkat menjadi sebuah drama berjudul Monster Parent. Penelitian terhadap drama ini memiliki rumusan masalah, yaitu: bagaimana fenomena monsuta pearento tercermin dalam drama Monster Parent karya sutradara Kobayashi Yoshinori. Sosiologi sastra dari Ian Watt digunakan untuk menganalisis drama ini, yaitu pendekatan sastra sebagai cerminan masyarakat. Selain itu, pembagian 5 tipemonsuta pearento menurut Ogi Naoki, yaitu Wagako Chusin Monsuta, Negurekuto Monsuta, No Moraru Monsuta, Gakkou Izon Monsuta, dan Kenrishuchou Monsuta juga digunakan untuk mengetahui cerminan monsuta pearento dalam drama ini.Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa fenomena monsuta pearento tercermin dalam drama Monster Parent. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan bentuk perilaku dari monsuta pearento, seperti mengubah jadwal kegiatan sekolah hanya berdasarkan permintaan yang tidak masuk akal. Serta contoh penyebab dari perilaku tersebut, seperti cita-cita dan ekspektasi tinggi dari orangtua terhadap anak. Contoh dari dampak perilaku ini juga ditemukan dalam drama ini, seperti renggangnya hubungan orangtua dengan pihak sekolah dan guru. Serta solusi yang ditemukan untuk menghadapi monsuta pearento adalah membina kerjasama yang baik antara orangtua serta guru demi mendukung perkembangan anak.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Word Formation Processes, Register, Airsoft, DELTA 3.1.7 AirsoftTeam Register is a variation of language used in a certain community which it makes the members of the community easier in communicating. Registers are sets of language items associated with discrete occupational or social group. Language is something that constantly develops and its developments are arranged through linguistic processes, thus the result of register in this study will also be analyzed by using word formation processes. In this case, the writer is interested in studying the registers used by DELTA 3.1.7 Airsoft Team community and using Wardhaugh’s theory to conduct this study, she also used Yule’s theory to analyze the word formation processes of register used. This study focuses on three problems; (1) What registers are used by DELTA 3.1.7 Airsoft Team community?  (2) What are the meanings of  registers used by DELTA 3.1.7 Airsoft Team community? (3) What word formation processes of the registers are used by DELTA 3.1.7 Airsoft Team community?.This study uses qualitative approach to describe the registers used by DELTA 3.1.7 Airsoft Team community to answer the problems of study. It was conducted with a goal to get the description and application of register used by DELTA 3.1.7 Airsoft Team community. Furthermore, the data of this study are transcription of direct interviews with all the members. This study found 28 registers used by DELTA 3.1.7 Airsoft Team community. The register was classified into four categories of word formation processes; 1 register of coinage, 6 register of borrowing, 1 compounding and 20 register of multiple processes. Register as variation of language is used in social groups to make their communication easier with each other in a group or working area.The writer hopes that next researchers do similar research on register withdifferent techniques and objects in order to give more contribution to the study of linguistics. The next researchers are supposed to use another theory to make theirresearch more different and unique. The writer hopes that this study will be a great model to conduct deeper analysis on Sociolinguistics.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Science Fiction, Characteristics, Study of Genre.Science fiction is a kind of literary works that is dealing with science and technology. Science fiction talks how science and the advance of technology can affect the world. Just like the other kind of literary works, science fiction surely has their own characteristics or identifying mark to distinguish each other. Some of science fiction characteristics are aliens, robots, space and time travel and so on.This study is conducted to identify the characteristics of science fiction characteristics in The Host novel and Ender’s Game novel by using structuralism approach, combination of David Seed’s book, Jones theory from James and Mendlesohn’s book, Hellekson theory from Bould et al’s book, and Botting theory from Seed’s book as the main reference for identifying the characteristics of science fiction. This study uses two novels, which are The Host novel and Ender’s Game novel as the object of the study. The objective of the study is to track the manifestation of science fiction characteristics in The Host novel from Stephenie Meyer and Ender’s Game novel from Orson Scott Card.There are five characteristics of science fiction that are found in The Host novel and Ender’s Game novel.  The five characteristics are aliens, technology, spaceship, space opera, apocalyptic and ecology aspect. There are similarities and differences manifestation in each science fiction characteristics. The manifestation of science fiction characteristics in these two novels are found through characters, plot and setting.The writer suggests the next researchers to digs up more about apocalyptic concept in these two novels by using structuralism approach. Considering that apocalyptic is an expression of visions in science fiction, and because The Host novel and Ender’s Game novel also shows about the apocalyptic aspect.

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